[3.13]🏹 Poison Barrage-VF / Scourge Arrow / TR PF | Bottled Fortify | The Tankiest Ranger + High DPS
I love the Hardened Scars/Forboding hybrid flask setup idea. I get that it enables fortify for the full flask duration, but does it also enable the flask's life regen for the full duration? For example, if you activate the flask while you are at full life, and then 1 second later you take damage, will the flask start refilling your life?
Great guide - thanks! |
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" Unfortunately, life regen will stop at full life with Forboding. If you want overleech, you can use an Enduring hybrid flask at the expense of 30% reduction of both duration and amount recovered. To put it into perspective, the base Forboding hallowed hybrid (20% quality) flask recovers around ~3500 life / 5sec, while base Enduring hallowed hybrid (20% quality) recovers only ~1000 life / 3.5sec. Both of them consume 20 / 40 charges per sip (without flask mods). With the flask buffs in my build, the Forboding recovers ~12,000 life / 6sec, while Enduring one recovers 4,935 life / 4sec. You can try with both and see which one suits your style. I think Enduring one may be useful in a more chaotic engagement where you can refill your flask more quickly, while Forboding flask is used for the rest of the cases. Cheers. Edit: stock enduring (20% quality) recovers ~1000 life / 3.5sec, not ~1400 . Edit2: enduring (20% qual) again. PoB says ~1000 life / 3.5s, in-game shows ~1400 life / 3.5s. Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2851574 -- Editado por útlima vez por WolfieNa#3904 en 19 may. 2020 13:11:30
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" Nice find, exile. Can you share the number of the Jewel as well? I think it is useful if you can divine for life with chance to inflict withered on hit. If you don't like Blast Rain, you may want to replace Blast Rain+Inc Duration Support by Barrage+Chain Support for mapping and Barrage+Inc Duration Support for bosses. It works very well in my testing. A cheap 20c Chain Support (21/0) should be enough. With additional +25% chance to inflict withered on hit that you discovered, Barrage can max-cap the withered stacks at double rate, hence providing more steady damage boost. If you want to use Malevolence, you either need to use: Aul's Uprising (Malevolence reserves no mana) + Watcher Eye (+chaos dot multiplier or faster damage by inflicted poison, etc.) and solve the resist capping problem. Otherwise, you have to sacrifice some defensive aura such as Flesh and Stone, which I would not recommend. Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2851574 -- |
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" Thanks for the suggestion. I will make some leveling guide over the weekend if it's not too late. Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2851574 -- Editado por útlima vez por WolfieNa#3904 en 19 may. 2020 11:26:01
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- Meme build's PoB + video: Grasping Vine + Barrage tanks the Shaper laser beam. - Boss fight footage: vs. 2x Malachai in a 100% Delirious fully-juiced map. Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2851574 -- |
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" Sounds good, I'll level my Ranger when you have it ready to give it a test. :) livejamie
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" Sounds like a plan. :) Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2851574 -- |
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Build Update: Gone really high end here and getting great results. Was able to kill a5 Sirus was previously 0 for 2. Corrupted Blood ammy is my hero here and Simulacrum, I'm able to fully clear all 20 levels of Simulacrum and have done a few and building confidence into farming them. I've never fought Shaper but I'm gonna try soon, feel like any deaths will be my lack of knowledge more than the build.
https://pastebin.com/17RZdFXh So lvl 93 pushing 17 million / 10 million Sirus, 6500 health 1330 net Health regen. I got a few lucky crafts. Followed your helmet guide and got a sick roll on that minus the 8% vs 10% . I also got a huge luck when I exalt slammed Tailwind onto some pretty good boots. With those savings I was able to get Bottled Faith. Also crafted a ton of regen on to amulet. So what's left, like to get a better quiver but mine is good for the life if I ever hit a mirror drop I'll hit you up to mirror yours since I've crafted at least 5-6 doing Awakener trick without anything close, lucky they basically sell cheap enough to recoup most of the cost. I'm also looking for an improved armor, so looking forward to that craft guide but other than that I feel pretty done on the build. I'd like to find a way to get 19 more int onto alternative sources and I could free up a tree node also spending a tree node on accuracy due to low roll on quiver. IGN: Bonered Editado por útlima vez por Ghostboner#7467 en 22 may. 2020 10:44:17
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" Congratulations! Enjoy the league. Ps: your boots are insane. :) Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2851574 -- |
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Thanks yeah funny story about the boots, I bought them with Speed, Life, Poison so they were PPS so my dumbass wanted to craft double resist but then realized I couldn't so my goal was simply to get any resist possible with 2 open suffix and I hit Tailwind I couldn't believe it.
So I read online for crafting armor Warlord base with 85 lvl. Spam Pristine / Serrated over and pray to hit a good life roll? I tried like 40 times rolled the -15 like 8 times but never anything over 59 life. Any other tricks or is that pretty much it? IGN: Bonered
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