[3.13]🏹 Poison Barrage-VF / Scourge Arrow / TR PF | Bottled Fortify | The Tankiest Ranger + High DPS
What's the approximate price of the endgame build?
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" The chest, quiver, curse-on-hit ring, and boot with tailwind and +1 endurance/faster poison. The chest with -mana cost is prolly the best investment one can made since it frees the enduring mana flask and gives protection (enduring composure). Bow can be made better. Aim for T1 attack speed on bow because it increases the base APS, which translates to huge overal APS increase. High APS is a must for our build since it helps you inflict poison rapidly with the init arrows and become more mobile. Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2851574 -- |
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"Wolfiie's got an answer for everything, I love it. This is a man who really knows his build. Ty for POB. Hoping SA doesn't get the "MTX nerf" :P |
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You're bringing some nasty gear to the table, man. I gotta up my game...
" Grats, how much did you pay for the Lion Pelt? " What was your crafting method for this chest? I can see my way to supporting this, as it's a pretty big DPS increase. And also, lol, it's decadent. So let's do it while we can. " Why would you socket a level 1 precision when you could just level it up to level 4? Also, you're very close to not needing Precision at all. You already have +547 accuracy on your Vermillion and +236 on your abyss jewel, and 20% from your unset ring. *And* you run Farsight. l1 precision gives +162 accuracy, Farsight wheel gives +32% accuracy. You should already be way overcapped. Are you trying to cap against evasive monsters? I feel like there is a gearing solution lurking somewhere in here which lets you dump Precision as well as Farsight. My only accuracy mods are +730 from bow, +197 from my abyss jewel, and 30% from my quiver. I don't run Farsight, and I'm hit capped against non-evasive monsters. Editado por útlima vez por elmasone#5446 en 17 ago. 2020 15:04:12
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" If the beefy Watcher Eye shown in the comment, i.e. the one with dual mods-Precision and Malevolence, is being used with Malevolence active, I guess running level 1 precision to gain the +15% attack speed can be a good way to go. A level 4 Precision in his current setup would leave him with ~50 unreserved mana, a very little legroom to maneuver considering Blast Rain would cost 45 mana. Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2851574 -- |
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" I figured if ever there was a time to do it, it would be now. Honestly I got lucky, guy listed it for 10ex and I jumped on it. He said he bought some enchanted fossils and just threw them at i86 Pelts, nearly rolled over the SA Ench til he saw there weren't any listed. I probably would have paid triple that price at this point honestly. " My thoughts exactly. I still have my older chest with a %Life craft that I may even end up using while mapping for 100, I'll see I guess. The only death I've had with the new chest was vs the insane t4 Seeds where I didn't have Fortify up, I haven't felt the drop in life at all really, and have a little more to get elsewhere still.
1. Woke Orb Endurance Charge + Frenzy Charge mods
2. Clean all other mods off the item. 3. Augment Attack for the -mana cost suffix 4. Augment Cold or Fire to put on a random PhysTakenAs mod to block. 5. Augment Influence for 1/8 chance to hit +1 Support. 5a. If you hit the phys tagged reflect mod, Remove Phys x2 and go back to step 5. 5b. If you hit any other influence mod that isn't +1 Support gems, Augment Phys, non-Phys to Phys, Remove Phys x3, go back to step 5. (If you remove Phys during these steps and are left with just the PhysTakenAs Mod, skip the next remove and go back to step 5. This saves 1x Remove and 1x Augment) 6. You hit +1 Support. Congrats. 7. Remove/Add Cold or Fire for your desired T1 PhysTakenAs mod. 8. Augment Life -> Remove/Add Life until T1 life. 9. Dig out your Randomise crafts and divine until done. I actually thought of this method while typing out the post and used a more expensive way to craft mine which changes step 5b with Remove Phys -> Suffixes Cannot Be Changed -> Remove Influence, but I also got lucky so I guess it evens out. Feel free to DM me in-game if it's not clear enough to anyone or they want a more detailed explanation of why it works. The only time this can go wrong is on the original Woke Orb, and even then it's potentially salvagable. " I could drop precision and stay hit-capped, but with a level4 Enlighten I have 107 mana unreserved, which is plenty to fit a lvl3 Precision to give extra accuracy versus Eva Mobs and still comfortably use BR/Dash, as well as go from 5% -> 6.2% Crit for Tailwind uptime. The only other thing I can think of doing with my mana reservation is to drop Flesh and Stone/AA & Precision and try to fit Skitterbots in with 2 Enlightens, though I feel like that's just being greedy. I do actually need Farsight to stay hit-capped with my Ornate Quiver; although if I was to swap to a Two-Point I could drop Farsight, stay hit-capped and have 3 points to play with. Perhaps I can re-route my Shadow tree and pick up an extra Jewel socket or Revenge of the Hunted if I was to do that. A victim of "it's Harvest, I may as well" I suppose. That could be the next step after finishing my first one I guess. I don't particularly need the extra socket unless I was to fit Enduring Cry / Urgent Orders into my helm. In the Fract Setup
I've not PoB'd this character once. Maybe I should at some point haha. |
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Thanks for the crafting method! Good spot that there are no physical suffixes, so non-phys works to remove the influence augs. It's still 8 influence augs in expectation though, so not too cheap :).
...There's no doubt in my mind that'd rather have three skill points than a single white socket from the Maloney's. My main point about the +3 levels unset is that +3 levels is only good on gems that are already level 18+. If they're 17 and under you can get exactly the effect just by leveling them up to where they would have been had you put them in the ring. So in this case, 1% more DPS seems definitely better than "I didn't have to click the + icon my Precision three times". It also may be worth looking at the other auras. Maybe one of them is even better there than Malevolence. (But, yeah, it's pretty hard to beat 7% max life as an implicit.) Finally, I have no idea how you play the game with PoB, but it's working for you :) |
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New Video: Harvest 7xT4 Primal Blisterfruits + 15xT3 + Oshabi in the Delirium mist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swpXcR_WKSE Map mods(random): + Delrium mist (found a mirror). + Monsters deal 121% extra phys damage as cold damage. + Player's chance to dodge is unlucky. + Nemesis mod. + Chilled Ground. + Increased quantity/quality/monster size, etc. The encounter was deadly. Being stationary against the T4 bosses for more than 2sec is recipe for death. In fact, I lost 3 portals to learn this at first hand with poison Toxic Rain. Therefore, I had to switch to Scourge Arrow for mobility, and this countermeasure (with a Taste of Hate to mitigate the large incoming cold damage) helped me complete the encounter with no further lost. In the end, I got 4x remove non-influence/add influence mods which is my prime target. Btw, I also mis-clicked the Oshabi tree (oops..) :P My poison Toxic Rain and Scourge share the same gears except the helms. Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2851574 -- |
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" Yeah it saves you on a 2ex bench craft and 8 remove influences in the long run so it should be roughly half the cost. Or you could just get lucky and slam it first time. I'm going to work on the quiver I think. 3 points is big, and I don't particularly need the gem slot. I do see your point about the unset but remember that Precision has a flat mana reservation cost that increases per level rather than a static % cost, so getting additional levels gives you the benefit without incurring the additional mana cost. (I couldn't run a lvl6 Precision as it stands) it's fairly minor still, but it's there. I usually would PoB much more but I've just been playing and crafting so much that I never really thought about putting it into PoB. I finally finished off my Despair ring today; I also decided to play around with my Small Clusters again to get more %Chaos Res. I regaled a Fettle alt and hit t1 +Life, so then spent ~25ex getting the resistance rolls. (both of them went 3x expected rate). I'm in the process of finishing its implicit and it'll be done. With this new cluster and a minor tree reshuffle to grab an extra jewel socket I'm now at 7.1k Life and 74% Chaos res. " The second I saw the Overflowing Chalice over a Basalt/Taste I knew you were going to get 1 shot the second one of them hit you. The Chalice is by far my least used flask as it's only useful on bosses, but most bosses are either dead before you run out of flasks entirely or they're phased in some way and you have a chance to regain them either through passive PF regen or adds. That being said, I did specifically aim for a 20% Reduced Flask Charges used mod on my belt to facilitate this, as otherwise Cinderswallow is a 1 use wonder. On another note, I've been looking at replacement Circles still, and was wondering whether swapping out the %Chaos damage mod for Buff Effect or -Reservation would be ever be worth it. I would assume that you would need the implicits to make up for the difference, (60% increased Chaos Damage vs 6% More Poison Damage) or to be able to do something significant (Skitterbots?) with the extra mana. |
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Check out my circle, it's the implicit you want, only seen three all league with damage and resist. Sold one to Wolfie.
IGN: Bonered
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