[3.13]🏹 Poison Barrage-VF / Scourge Arrow / TR PF | Bottled Fortify | The Tankiest Ranger + High DPS
" https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2851574/page/31#p23299611 That is me posting SSF (and suuuper shitty gear) day 4 of league, shitty video included :) Build does fine early with no investment but I could see it falling off in yellow-early red maps for sure until you farm more and get gear. I switched out of SSF at around level 90ish and it was so much better with a coralito's! Editado por útlima vez por warrofua#3869 en 6 ago. 2020 20:21:32
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" No VODS or POB but the build feels essentially the same league start day 2/3/4. Sure, every piece Wolfie shows adds up to better DPS and tankiness, but nothing is really needed at all. If you want to try next league, highly recommend getting The Embalmer early. Outside of Voltaxic, which I never tried, i pushed hard for Darkscorn early. But no reason you cant just use a 4L bow with poison/chaos damage/attack speed. They're available, and you really only need a 4l to start. Just keep in mind you dont NEED withering touch on blast rain. Early on I did blast rain, mirage archer, curse on hit, despair, and applied wither with withering step. Drillneck will take you far, its bonus on pierced enemies helps us a ton. And while perma-fortify is awesome, its not needed until buffed high awakening maps. Obviously buy Coralitos ASAP. its always cheap. EDIT: I should add that if I do it again at league start, which is likely, I would go for the rare bow i mentioned instead of spending a lot on a Darkscorn. UNLESS i get my chaos res up high first, at which point, I think the Darkscorn's conversion of phys to chaos helps a lot. And to answer your question more directly, its a smooth progression. I never felt like i hit a wall. Editado por útlima vez por Perce79#6597 en 6 ago. 2020 22:46:31
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Been slowly progressing through Harvest and really enjoying it, reached a8 sirus today and wondering how to progress gearwise from here on, got about 9ex I can spend. Any help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
https://pastebin.com/HfYa2pyq |
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" Just take a glance at your PoB. I would suggest that you craft your rare quiver instead of Drillneck. +1 arrow and chaos dot multi/dot multi are things to look for. Next item in line would be new boots with tailwind. Tailwind will help you tremendously.. Best is boots with +1 endurance and Tailwind. That's it for now. Hope somebody else would chime in with more detailed suggestion. Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2851574 -- |
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" Your cluster jewels could have better passives. Unspeakable gifts on the LCJ massive clear boost in harder content. Student of decay would be better as Brewed for Potency on your medium, and that's a cheap jewel. You want to drop the overflowing chalice and run something like a quartz flask instead (best option is Cinderswallow with stun avoid craft. With our flask effect and tree passives we become stun immune from that flask). Getting Brewed for Potency and Arcane Chemistry should help you do that. Your gems need levels. Darkscorn is ok but definitely suboptimal in harvest league. You want a bow like this: Bows like this are actually very easy to fossilcraft. I fossilcrafted that one in about 30-60 shots of Corroded - Shuddering - Metallic. Here's what you do. On an ilvl 83-86 elder thicket bow (the only 86 mod that matters is 2 proj, so it's slightly easier to hit a good bow with an 83), use perfect fossils to hit 24% qual, then you fossil craft Corroded + Shuddering + Metallic until you hit aspd + 60% poison double. If your other mods are reasonable at all - there are many good options, like accuracy, projectiles, aoe, etc, then you clean it up with harvestcrafts and aug chaos for guaranteed T1 flat chaos. Craft the chaos dot multi and you're done, you have a bow giving you 28% more dps than darkscorn. (I pasted my bow into your POB just out of curiosity). Craft of Exile says it should happen in six shots of fossils: https://www.craftofexile.com/?b=20&m=fossil&f=|4|10|15|&i=|3|&ob=both&v=d&a=e&l=a&lg=3&bp=y&as=1&req={%22611%22:{%22l%22:83,%22g%22:2},%221753%22:{%22l%22:30,%22g%22:2},%222005%22:{%22l%22:75,%22g%22:2}}&bld={}&ggt=|&ccp={}&fr=3 I would go for T1 flat life and LGOH (life gained on hit) on my hunter ring. But I wouldn't craft on a Ruby, I'd go straight to Vermillion. Life is life. Accuracy on your searching eye jewel is probably one of the cheapest places to get some flat accuracy. #1 cheapest thing you can do for more DPS is to get the attack speed enchant on your boots, it's massive and it takes less than an hour if you buy gifts to the goddess. If you go for dual-influenced boots, make sure you start with endurance charge + poison faster, because it's easy to harvestcraft tailwind. You can make massive gains with a new helmet. You don't need the dual-influenced GG helmet like this, just go for sader and skip the -9: Don't necessarily need a perfect base either, but evasion is what you're looking for. Editado por útlima vez por elmasone#5446 en 9 ago. 2020 0:31:52
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I have crafted a few more items, and now that I have a dot multi bow, I feel like I've pushed this build as far as I realistically can. https://pastebin.com/kWy7vya7
The items I'm most proud of: I am currently sitting at 13.8m sirus DPS with thorn arrows + another 5.5m from the main hit. That number is unfocused and doesn't count any other unrealistic configuration in PoB. I could also increase my sheet DPS by switching the 4% attack/cast speed jewels to 5%poison/8% poison duration, (and may eventually do so because I don't have 100% poison chance without Coralito's and I don't run Coralitos in regular maps.) BTW, by swapping infused channeling for awakened swift affliction and making no other changes, Toxic Rain does 15m DPS, so it's definitely viable. In reality it's not possible to get the max theoretical Scourge Arrow DPS, because you have to perfectly release at the exact right time, and humans can't do it. Toxic Rain probably as much effective DPS as Scourge Arrow, but it has a 1.14s delay before the pods explode, which is rough. I also like the way that Scourge Arrow can shoot things offscreen, which TR doesn't do as much. The biggest difference in my build and Wolfie's is the auls for Malevolence. Beyond that, I chose to go for a tankier version, mainly via more life, my version has 8,210 at level 98 and would top out at 8,368 if I took it all the way to 100. Like wolfie's, my guy is immune to everything (stun, bleed, poison, curse, all ele ailments), and has ~the same evade and dodge. Additionally, we both run Arctic Armor, Flesh and Stone, and Spider. I found a probably better version of the build (https://pastebin.com/ybdLDZYx) that drops my three unique items: Fenumus Weave, Aul's, and Circle of Nostalgia, and goes 100% rare items. That version gets me to 14.3m + 5.7m. It would also increase my life to 8,378@98. Probably most significantly, it would also get another 24 life gained on hit, for a total of 48 LGOH. This version has three rare prefixes open for crafting -mana cost, which means that it would be easy to substitute poison TR, for taking better advantage of the LGOH (and a headhunter if you have one of those; I don't). Some of the items int that POB would be nightmares to craft, though. |
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Very solid setup, emalsone. The small life jewels you have are nut.
I wonder if you consider this setup (PoB link). You'd lose a bit of life (still pretty witty tanky @ 7.7k raw life, level 98) but gain ~25% more SA damage (16.5mil + 6.6mil), a bit MS, and faster poison (from swift venom wheel). " Have you tried Less Duration Support (LDS)? With LDS, your pod's lifetime/delay would be around 0.5sec. It reduces DPS in paper, but may eventually gain higher damage in practice if we consider the battle dynamic and target mobility, i.e. no target would stand still waiting for the pods to explode and we may not be able to shoot TR in an extended period of time without dodging the attacks. " 48 LGOH is great for both poison-focused TR and SA. LDR gem would be a great facilitator since it makes pod explode faster, hence inducing more explosion hit given a fixed duration of time. Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2851574 -- |
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Thanks for taking a look. Those SCJs are sick. They solve the resistance problem that comes from making every affix on your rare gear into an insane influence mod :). Also, those SCJs don't give up much life at all, and if I could get T1 life on them I would go up to 8.6k life (more than with fettles!). But hitting that roll is insanely hard, on SCJs, each tier of roll has less weight than the ones before it, and on life SCJs you have to compete with all the life notables. It could be done easily on something like an evasion SCJ, but it loses 15% max life which is tough to swallow.
I hadn't really looked at dropping Revenge of the Hunted for Swift Venoms, and while that is a nice DPS increase (I'm calculating 19% more), I'm biased in favor of life right now. In T17 fractured maps with my proliferation going things just die very quickly already, even bosses fall in seconds. However, I sometimes do drop very low (though I rarely die). I think I would feel the loss of that 500 life quite a bit, it would turn many close calls into deaths. Honestly the upgrade I most want to have right now is those T1 life / 35% SCJs that would bring me up to 8.6k. I am getting close to the dream facetank setup. |
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im trying to convert to this build, and i wanna get use of my headhunter. The problem im having is that i cant fix the resistance issues. How would u guys go with a headhunter? what would u change? |
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" Take a look at my gear. My belt only has 1 resist on it. I'd probably just drop faster poison on my boots and make up the resist there. |
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