[3.13]🏹 Poison Barrage-VF / Scourge Arrow / TR PF | Bottled Fortify | The Tankiest Ranger + High DPS

Bow crafting process:
+ T1 flat chaos damage
+ Poison chance to deal double damage (Elder)
+ +40% chaos dot multi (bench)

+ T1 attack speed
+ +2 arrows
+ +35% dot multi
+ T1 poisons deal damage 25% faster (Hunter)
+ Culling strike (Elder)
+ T1 hybrid attack speed (Elder)
+ +1 arrow (Elder)
+ T1 hybrid poison damage/chance

OK so crafting process for any bow you want:

We always want thicket bow coz it has highest base attack speed 1.50 That's our base. (Prefering elder thicket bow for 60% chance to get double dps with poison)
28% hillock weapon quality : (price around 100c-1 ex)
Quality into attack speed : havest craft (price around 50)
6 link- 1500 fusing or 1,5- 2 ex via harvest crat
Only do above when you have all 6 mods u desire.

Which mods we can guaranted with empty bow 0 mods or after we awakaner slam:
*this mods are not hard to hit, only question is when we hit them?

1.T1 flat chaos dps: via harvest aug chaos (30-50 c cost per 1 try or spam corroded, metalic , abberant(only if u stick with elder bow base*))
2.+40% chaos dot multi: via bench craft syndicate (4 c per craft)
3.Poison have 60% chance to deal double damage : via (we need Elder base , we can just buy base with that mod // spam corroded, metalic , abberant // chaos
spam, awakaner slam elder base + base u desire) [price hard to say depend on option]

So those are the 3 desire prefixes and we can always guaranted them


1. T1 Attack speed : via harvest aug speed (1,5-2,5 ex per try)
2. T1 hybrid attack speed 12 % speed and 20 % speed when u kill enemy: (elder base) via aug speed (1,5-2,5 ex per try)
This 2 are always guaranted and it only time and currency gated.

So total we have 4 mods we can always hit. Question is what 2 mods that are suffixes we want, by choice.

Option 1 - Culling strike (warlord) or 25 % faster dps with poison (hunter)
The most easy way to get this is as fallowing:
get Elder bow with 60% chance to get double dps with poison
get Warlord bow with culling strike or hunter bow with 25% faster poison dps

Awakner slam both, so you have Culling/faster poison + dobule dps with poison

Pray for best resoult and then finish bow with prefixes ect.

Option 2 +1 arrow aka Skills fire an additional Projectile

Same as in option 1 but we have warlord base with skills fire additional projectile

At this point we are at '5 Mods' total with 1 suffix left

Now for the t1 hybrid / poison chance or dot multi 35%

We can do bench craft cannot roll attack modifiers(1ex) (suffix), get all prefixes blocked, and do ex slam the mod we want. It IS A GAMBLE!

With ex slam aftter attack mods are blocked we can hit:

#% chance to gain Phasing for # seconds on Kill (pray for annulment orb)
increased Stun Duration on Enemies(pray for annulment orb)
reduced Attribute Requirements (pray for annulment orb)
Mana gained on Kill(pray for annulment orb)
Dex (pray for annulment)

increased Projectile Speed (removeable via harvest)
Damage over Time Multiplier (we want that)
% increased Damage with Poison (we want that)
#% chance to Poison on Hit
to Global Critical Strike Multiplier (removeable via harvest)
of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage (If we have hunter base but its removeable with harvest via - chaos)
Skills fire an additional Projectile (warlord mod if we went for culling strike)
Culling strike (warlord mod if for we went Skills fire an additional Projectile )
Life gained on Kill (removeable via harvest remove life)

All kind of resistances Fire lighting cold chaos ( removeable by harvest)

So it's up to you what mods do you go for.

Also my current bow after Alva double corrupt slam

I awakaner slam Culling (Warlod base) into poison double dps (Elder base), Removed other mods, Blocked cannot roll attack + prefixes, ex slammed poison chance and poison dps, finished with chaos dot, aug chaos, aug speed. Then Quality 28% -> quality into attack speed -> alva double corrupt gamble with 6 white sockets outcome.

If you don't go for double influenced bow. You can spam Abberant corroded and metalic fossil and pray to hit 60% chance for poison double dps and dot mutli or culling strike or poison chance to hit + poison dps. Rest mods you can guaranted.
Editado por útlima vez por jurek69#0744 en 31 jul. 2020 14:00:13

Do we have a ring crafting guide somewhere in here? I searched around a bit but couldn't find one and my head hurts at the possibilities lol

I want to make it with accuracy, life, res, and hunter prefix life gain on hit, like wolfie's but idc if I get chaos res tbh.
Editado por útlima vez por warrofua#3869 en 31 jul. 2020 17:10:25
Hi, I don't post much on here, but magi and I are friends and have been playing the same build all league, discussing it together in disc and pushing it as hard it can go.

Here are some ideas for gear:

- Frenzy charge corruption on your Fenumus is pretty cheap and quite good if you have the frenzy chest piece to generate charges or are doing content where Blood Rage solve frenzy charges. Despair on ring is far cheaper than despair on the gloves and negligible difference in damage. The GG Fenumus is a double corrupt with frenzy and attack speed.

- Dying sun is very good. IMO it is the best 5th flask. It solves so many problems at once for us - projectiles, AOE, and resistances. We get to use every part of this flask. Wiki says that the AOE doesn't buff prolif range, but I'm 100% certain that it does buff prolif range and it feels fantastic. Try it on one map and you'll be a believer. Flask effect buffs # projectiles and you end up getting three arrows from it, too. Finally, the fire resistance actually helps take some itemization pressure off if you're willing to rely on it for your fire resistance cap (I am).

- My helmet is perfect except that it should be dual influenced with Hunter to get nearby enemies have -9% chaos resistance instead of fire resistance. That's one of the largest remaining DPS upgrades I can make which doesn't sacrifice defense. I have an enchanted sinner tricorne now, so I will looking to make a GG helmet with that base. I haven't figured out how I'm going to make up the lost resistances, but it's possible that if I get resistance mods on every cluster jewel it would be enough.

- My boots should have been one of the two evasion two-tones, this is what I had at the time, but I somewhat regret it. Not enough to recraft, though.

- This Vermillion ring needs to hit T1 lightning res before I can wear it, but Vermillions are the way to go IF you are willing to rely on Dying Sun to help complete your resistance caps.

Since someone asked, this ring is pretty easy to craft. IMO the best way is to buy an ilvl84+ Hunter Vermillion, scour and alt for despair, and build the thing from scratch after that. The tags make it easy to harvest craft. There is only one trick, which is that you should craft life leech while slamming life to guarantee the two life rolls you want. While working on T1 life gained on hit, if you hit a bad life-gained roll, you can clean it with remove attack without affecting your flat life roll.

- LOOK AT MY GG QUIVER AHH IT'S SO GOOD. There is no real trick to getting this quiver except being insanely lucky. Bow arrow has 250 weight. Other attack prefixes have 18000 weight. Other influence prefixes have ~5000. It's effing hard to hit. That plus AOE together is just the GG quiver IMO.

If you want to try for this beauty, start from a hunter-warlord base quiver and alteration for dot suffix of liquefaction. Then, regal and build from scratch. Attack crafting and influence crafting are both viable paths to hitting bow attacks. I tried both and eventually succeeded using influence crafting. The AOE was almost accidental, but it's definitely my preferred third prefix.

- After thinking about it for a long time, I think that T1 accuracy suffix on the bow is probably as good as the 25% faster poison hunter mod would have been. It allows you to solve your accuracy problem with a ghastly and the quiver implicit, without any skill points or Precision. That frees your belt enchant to be 6% wither, which is a big damage increase, and it allows you to run arctic armor instead of precision (with an enlighten instead of a useless stone golem). Arctic armor is an excellent additional layer that plays well with scourge arrow. If I could chose to hack in any bow, my three suffixes would be T1 asp, T1 dot multi, and either T1 accuracy or T1 faster poison. Still not sure which.

Once I can put on the Vermillion I will be clear above 8k life. If I optimize my CJs I can probably finish up around 8.2k life. Very very beefy lady.

Editado por útlima vez por elmasone#5446 en 31 jul. 2020 19:19:54
elmasone escribió:

Since someone asked, this ring is pretty easy to craft. IMO the best way is to buy an ilvl84+ Hunter Vermillion, scour and alt for despair, and build the thing from scratch after that. The tags make it easy to harvest craft. There is only one trick, which is that you should craft life leech while slamming life to guarantee the two life rolls you want. While working on T1 life gained on hit, if you hit a bad life-gained roll, you can clean it with remove attack without affecting your flat life roll.

thanks m8, got a plan for this evening now!

We are well on the way now! :)

I got to spamming some fossils to get the T1 poison duration (chaos res too luckily), then did remove non-chaos and add chaos harvest to remove DEX and add despair on hit. Gotta fix up the rest but I'm excited. A little more detail below:

1. Buy hunter vermillion
2. Spam corroded or aberrant until T1 poison duration mod
3. if you have some shit mods (attributes, mana, etc.) that can't be harvest annulled, use remove non-chaos and add chaos harvest to add chaos res or despair on hit, pray not to hit your poison mod. (<There may be better ways to do this to remove dead mods?)
4. Do it again if you want to get the "other" (last possible) chaos mod (this will be the last suffix, so think wisely)
5. Fix up the rest (this will vary a lot from one person to another) - I'll annul defense mod to remove ES, maybe beef up the life roll a bit, then follow the trick from elmasone to temporarily craft phys attack leech and then augment life to get hunter life gain on hit deterministically.

Editado por útlima vez por warrofua#3869 en 31 jul. 2020 23:01:40
The poison duration suffix is an interesting idea for the ring. I just don't know where the heck I'd get the resistances if I used it. I already am strapped for resistances to switch to the -chaos helmet...
Look like we have pretty solid crafting advice posted recently from the community. Thanks elmasone, jurek69, and all.

I realized I haven't posted the crafting guide for the ring and belt. So here they are.

Crafting Ring:

- Base: Vermillion (+7% max life) or two-stone ring (hybrid resist)
- Preferred mods: 1)accuracy + 2)flat chaos + 3)Curse on hit + 4)Life gain on hits + 5)Life + 6)resist of your choice.
- Mod justification:
  • We want to stack as much flat chaos damage as possible because they are carried directly into the base poison damage.
  • Life gain on hit because we fire many arrows (both initial an thorn arrows) that likely hit every target in the area with Dying Sun. Hence, mod 4 provides the immediate life gain we need while Cinderswallow grants life after mobs killed, and there's life leech as well. Note that one initial arrow and one thorn arrow can hit and gain life on the same target because they are emitted at different timestamps. So if there is a pack with 50 mobs that get hit by either of our initial arrows, then hit by either of our thorn arrows, we gonna gain 50 x 20(life on hit) = 1000 life first by init arrows, and another 1000 life that comes right after by thorn arrows hitting the mobs. In addition, the faster you shoot, the more life you gain.
  • These life gain mechanics are solid method working in tandem with our high life regen.
  • Furthermore, catalyst +20% attack will affect all mods except 5) and 6).
  • Accuracy is for capping hit rate, and crafting it on ring allows us to use +20% attack catalyst to have even higher rating. With this method, we can have a total of around 750 flat accuracy rating from ring and abyss jewel (on belt). Combined with the +30% accuracy rating from the Two-point quiver, we can cap hit rate without using Precision, and hence free some reserved mana for Arctic Armour, which is one of our focus defense mechanic.

- Crafting procedure:
  • Step 0: Buy an ilvl84 Hunter base ring. Two-tone will be much cheaper than Vermilion. But if you have the currency, go for the latter.
  • Step 1: Alt-spam until you get T1 flat accuracy.
  • Step 2: Regal and see what mods you have. Remove unwanted mod or reroll (step1) if regal into unremovably useless mods.
  • Step 3: Block your prefixes.
  • Step 4: Augment chaos to get either chaos resist or Despair on hit.
  • Step 5: If you want just the curse on hit, add/remove chaos until you get one.
  • Step 6: Augment a resist of your choice. I'd recommend spreading out resist such that it is 100% chance to roll the resist you want. On the ring above, I've rolled chaos resists (chaos mod) with despair on hit (chaos mod). It'd have been easier if I had rolled cold resist (non-chaos mod) in adition to despair on hit (chaos mod). Then roll chaos resist on my boots instead of cold resist.
  • Step 7: Clear one slot of your prefix.
  • Step 8: One of the straightforward ways to get both mod 4 (life gain on hit) and mod 5 (life) is to spam augment life, add/remove life until you get both of them. If you hit phys leech as life, don't remove attack because it would remove T1 flat accuracy. Instead, remove physical.

Crafting Stygian Belt:

(To be added later)
Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
Editado por útlima vez por WolfieNa#3904 en 1 ago. 2020 1:30:42
I'm having trouble surviving T16 delirious maps. Any suggestions with my build? I'm really lost. What could I do to improve my survivability? https://pastebin.com/x4sDybjp
Editado por útlima vez por holdthemoan#2559 en 2 ago. 2020 10:32:36
I have 309 dex. According to PoB, with a perfectly divined and qualitied attack ring (576 acc),a perfectly divined ghastly (215 acc), and a 30% two-point quiver, I am at 98% chance to hit.

Also according to PoB, I would need exactly 131 more flat accuracy to raise that hit rate to 100%. That's enough more that I can't just pick it up by getting some dex on my cluster jewels.

Do you know why we're different on this, Wolfie? How much dex do you have?

I'm having trouble surviving T16 delirious maps. Any suggestions with my build? I'm really lost. What could I do to improve my survivability? https://pastebin.com/x4sDybjp

You're getting there, but 6000 life is going to be tight. Having played it both ways, I can tell you that it feels a lot better at 8000. Here are some ways to improve survive. Some are easier, some harder:

Life gained on hit hunter ring, very strong recovery boost because of blast rain (mirage archer hits gain us life for some reason)
Vermillion instead of two-stone ring
Profane Chemistry - insane point for us which improves your survive with every stat line
4 points in scion life wheel
T1 life on your hat
T1 hybrid life on your hat
Life quality and life divine your belt
Fortify effect amulet
Two point jewel socket for another rare jewel

Editado por útlima vez por elmasone#5446 en 2 ago. 2020 11:26:53
hey elmasone,

I'm currently using 2 large clusters. My dex has been reduced a bit, currently standing at 277, 100% hit chance. Previously, with 1 large cluster, it was 333 dex, 100% hit chance.

I've just pulled your profile in PoB. The only non-trivial difference between us is that you choose not to take the Farsight wheel while I've specced to it.
Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
elmasone escribió:

I'm having trouble surviving T16 delirious maps. Any suggestions with my build? I'm really lost. What could I do to improve my survivability? https://pastebin.com/x4sDybjp

You're getting there, but 6000 life is going to be tight. Having played it both ways, I can tell you that it feels a lot better at 8000. Here are some ways to improve survive. Some are easier, some harder:

Life gained on hit hunter ring, very strong recovery boost because of blast rain (mirage archer hits gain us life for some reason)
Vermillion instead of two-stone ring
Profane Chemistry - insane point for us which improves your survive with every stat line
4 points in scion life wheel
T1 life on your hat
T1 hybrid life on your hat
Life quality and life divine your belt
Fortify effect amulet
Two point jewel socket for another rare jewel

elmasone has given some solid advice already. Just want to add some comments.

You are lacking some life just because you are currently level 91. To tackle T16 100% delirious map, you need more life and more APS (preferably 9.5-10 APS so that you can quickly maneuver around more efficiently). Also, one or two of your Viridian jewels in your PoB doesn't have +7% max life on them. Try to incorporate as many Viridian jewel that has +8% AS for bow, +7% max life, and +4% chaos dot multi as you can. Btw, since your AS is less than 10, you want to take the AS node on your Swift Venoms wheel instead of DoT multi. You will get there soon.
Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:

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