[3.13] 🔥Oro’s Flicker Strike Raider🔥 | Top tier mapper/currency farmer | 10M+ DPS | All Content
Thanks for taking the time to reply!
I will definitely start crafting. I've got a bunch of rings, amulets, and jewels on deck to start spamming with harvest. I wish I could get some Vermilion rings to drop, but I'm not sure T10 is high enough for that base. After trying to force the colors on my Oro's using bench crafting, harvest came through while I was making more maps and I ended up with this. I started to level up the 20 quality gems gems I've got so far, so I'm on track with that. I think I'll sink the chaos into Inspired Learning later today considering I can't make a mistake there. I don't know how much cheaper it will go or how long it will stay this cheap. I've never used it in a build before so I don't know what the prices are usually like. Average price is usually 2.15ex per league from what I can see on https://poe-antiquary.xyz/Delirium/Jewel Thanks again. I appreciate you taking the time to give the input. Back to maps! Stay sane, exiles! Success update: Got Inspired Learning for 80c Success update #2: Found an Inspired Learning shortly after buying, got 80c back :) Then got lucky and rolled this first try (scour, trans, regal): Editado por útlima vez por Teejay137#0999 en 24 jun. 2020 15:41:47
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Thank u for this build, my first build i ever played whas flicker strike and that whas some whare before beasteary, back then i got insta popt alot around lvl 80 atm im almost lvl 67 for starting to use the build, the problem for me is the gems if i look in to the build u posted or on path building link, al ur gems ar lvl 20. is thare a chance that u can tell me what gem i need to lvl to what point, the only gem u talk about to dont get over lvl 5 is the prision one Life insurance: CWDT + Immortal Call+Increased Duration i whant to know this part how high do i lvl the gems and are thare other gems that i need to stop lvl at some point? thanks alot and cant wait to start flicker again. |
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Helo there.
First of all, thanks for the awesome guide, i apreciate this. Im not good at poe and at poe craft at all, may be there is someone who have time to check my character and give me some advice what to do next? Im stacked on t11-12 maps, dying from bosses etc. I dont have any exalted drops this league, so its goes a bit hard. Thanks! |
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@Curatho - If you look in the PoB links all the gems go to 21/23 for the most part, even Immortal call and CWDT. Only Precision can stay at a low level - I keep mine at level 11 because my gear lacks accuracy and I have mana to spare.
I am no expert at CWDT + Immortal Call setups, but I think we max ours out because we want to be able to absorb the most amount of damage before the invulnerability goes off, giving us the most reaction time possible to heal to full before taking another hit. Since we are relying on high evasion to keep us alive, immortal call is only intended to save us from strikes that would otherwise outright kill us. Any lower on the gem level would be meaningless as it won't get a chance to go off a second time before we are dead. @Admal - At first glace of your character you are missing the totem setup. This is a huge single target DPS increase for bossing. You won't be able to kill bosses in higher tier red maps without the setup. A few things I did to push into higher red tier maps: - Rolled a large and medium cluster jewel. Fuel the Fight and Feed the Fury allow us to remove the points from the life/mana leech wheel while giving us a nice damage boost. - Setup 5L totems in my Oro's. I bought a new 800EDPS Oro's for 1c and then a Jewelers Touch for 10c to instant 5L it. Then used Harvest to get the correct colors. 11c for a considerable ST DPS increase, incredible value. - Started to quality as many gems as I could using the level 20 gem + GPC recipe then leveled in my secondary weapon set. Started with Flicker Strike, Multistrike support, Close Combat, Dash, Second Wind and then moved on to the rest. - Bought rings with Non-Channelling Skills have -# to Total Mana Cost. This is a must with level 20 Flicker Strike to ensure smooth mapping and that you won't run out of mana on bosses. - Optimized my passive tree. I gave up the 4 points into Tribal Fury early. I have enough damage from Melee Splash that spending these points is unnecessary and is more so quality of life for the build. While it is extremely nice to have Strike Skills target 1 additional nearby Enemy this doesn't help us kill bosses. You can get this effect back when you can afford hunter influenced Spiked Gloves. I refunded these 4 points and spent them to get into my medium cluster for Cemator. It is near impossible to find a Medium Cluster right now with Master of Fire + Cremator, but Cremator is necessary to remove corpses so we don't die to corpse explosion effects and cast on death abilities. - I do not use Vaal Pact. I swapped Vaal Pact into Call to Arms giving instant War Cries. Coupled with Enduring Cry in the defensive setup it gets the bonus of Increased Duration Support. Enduring Cry WILL NOT trigger from CWDT because it is no longer a spell. It is now it's own class of "War Cry". Just put this on your left mouse click and it will act as your move only click while casting Enduring Cry every time it is up, giving you an endurance charge. With this we can choose a different anointment on our neck. Edit: We are in similar positions on progress. I have been unlucky on drops as well this season. The next focus points for my progression are as follows. - Hunter Influneced Spiked Gloves (ilvl 81) for Strikes target 1 additional nearby enemy (80c for a base) --- I was able to snipe a pair for 11c - 6L Elder Influenced Astral Plate - I will look for a base and try to roll decent stats using Harvest. (2-4ex) - Roll a proper Medium Cluster Jewel with Master of Fire in addition to Cremator. (base jewel should cost 10-25c) - Find an affordable anointment to increase ST DPS. - Double Corrupt Flicker Strike and Multistrike Support. Awakened Multistrike is 30ex or more. - Get 1850 Vaal Orbs, 1500 Fusings so I can 6 Socket + Link + Color my corrupted Oro's with level 10 Fort support as it's implicit. - Buy Awakened Melee Splash Support (25c) + Elemental Damage (1-2ex) Editado por útlima vez por Teejay137#0999 en 25 jun. 2020 18:39:35
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Oh yeah, you will want to avoid rippy map mods such as...
- +#% Monster Elemental Resistance - Monsters are HexProof (Makes them immune to Flammability) - #% Less Effect of Curses - High amounts of #% increased monster life - High amounts of #% increased monster damage (easy to get 1 shot) - Player chance to dodge is unlucky I've had good success rolling my maps using the Cold/Light/Fire modifier crafts from harvest. This puts mods that are mostly irrelevant to us on the maps. The attack, defense, and chaos modifier crafts will almost always craft a rippy map for us as it will give one of the above mods. Editado por útlima vez por Teejay137#0999 en 25 jun. 2020 11:37:04
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Thanks for helping Teejay!
I took a couple hours to fully update guide & POBs to the new 3.11 options: • All versions of the build now feature the extremely strong Enduring Cry + Call to Arms keystone for endurance charges generation, freeing up our annoint slot • Recommended annoints are now Essence Sap on starter gear to solve all mana issues for a few c, and later on Frenetic for 10% more DPS. • I replaced Master of Fire (which was made super rare on 3.11) by Cooked Alive on the medium cluster jewel. This node is equivalent in terms of DPS but should show up at a much more reasonable price. • Tailwind boots are now super easy to craft thanks to Harvest (just do any harvest craft which gives a critical mod on i75+ Hunter's boots, and voila, guaranteed Tailwind). The luxury version now features such boots for a casual extra million shaper DPS. • As a consequence, the luxury version of the POB got a good +15% more DPS. Depending of your preferences, it is entirely possible to reinvest this extra DPS in more life nodes to boost your HP pool above 6500. Good luck crafting, exiles! Editado por útlima vez por Heinarc#1915 en 25 jun. 2020 13:15:47
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Been playing for a few leagues and tried flicker a couple of times but always ended up swapping because I couldn't get it to work smoothly. However this time I'm following your guide cause Oro's looked really interesting and ranger is just my favourite side of the tree and I'm loving it! I got to deep red maps for the first time and really quickly at that. I loved the overviews for DPS/Defences, and the cheap/5ex/manyEX setups made progressing and finding out what I could get next fun and enjoyable. I'm still a noob but thought I could at least write something nice to you!
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What flaks do we need ?
What the best combination ? |
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As with most builds flasks are situational - you'll have to get what you can based on what you roll. The only two that need to be exact are: We need the instant heal (Seething) to make up for the chunks of life we lose when hits make it through our evasion - and we need the bleed immunity of course to remove bleeds (staunching). We use Wise Oak for the added Fire Penetration. Just remember your fire resistance needs to be the highest of all your resistances for this to work. These three can be switched around a bit. You just need to make sure you get "of Warding" so we can remove curses and "of Heat" so we can't get frozen. Normally I like Chemist flasks best, but perfect rolls are perfect rolls so I kept the Ample Basalt and will roll a Chemist one separately later on. I'm using this as my diamond flask because I happened to get a perfect Adrenaline roll. We don't really need the speed, but you can never have enough: |
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Wow! The thread is getting some good activity, nice content. Personally I wasn't able to play that much, hopefully I can get on maps soon. I'll be reading you all.
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