[3.10] Winter Orb Occultist 1m DPS. Highest DPS without HH or Herald of Braindead!
You were already talking about that timeless jewel, i bought it now and placed it but it does not only change Minion Instabillity to Inner Conviction it also turns Whispers of Doom to Powerful Faith what means i get another minimum Powercharge when i have 150 Devotion (i have not :O) and leads to me only being able to have 2 Curses instead of 3... how did u run the 3 Curse Setup in your Build? Am i doing something wrong? Can i change that in the talent tree somehow? :O
Thanks in advance |
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You need a timeless jewel with the same name of leader but different number, so it doesn't overwrite whispers of doom (that part is random).
For example if it says: "Carved to glorify 2429 new faithful converted by High Templar Dominus" you will need different number (buy different copy of the jewel and resell old one, or spam divine orbs - but this can reroll the name so less reliable). |
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" Ah okay, but that number is just a random thingy? Its not like 9000 are "Stronger" than 2000? :P Couldnt find anything on that in the WIKI. Edit: Okay the one with 3667 followers instead of 9000something does leave the curse untouched and changes minion Instabillity as it should be. Thanks =) Editado por útlima vez por Kaeseklumpn#1975 en 8 may. 2020 13:13:51
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" The number actually stands for the effect you gain, it's kinda random to be honest. There is a threshold you have to get to gain a specific effect. Editado por útlima vez por Nightmare130#5675 en 9 may. 2020 3:41:54
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I checked your build in path of building. Your amulette is very nice upgraded :-P. Would be nice to have in some additional infos why you made it like this. However I figured it out now. Then I noticed you are stacking "wave of conviction" and "Frost bomb" for DPS calculation. "So that means that frostbomb and wave of conviction don't stack either? Because according to POB they do, I guess the program isn't reliable in those things anymore is it?" "No, Exposure from Frost Bomb and Wave of Conviction does not stack. Only one source of Exposure does the deed." Another thing what is not working. You have unchecked "you are always on full energy shield" AND "Are you leeching energy shield" in the calc section. Both is not working. Otherwise you take benefit of both effects from "energy leeching support" gem which gives you +74.1 % DPS in your build. But the support gem can give you only one of the damage boost. You can make the build much cheaper without taking watchers eye and taking any of these jewels: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Delirium/7ZX9RMgt5 For 30c you are "only" missing 2.7 % DPS and you do not need precision gem. Please proceed with your build and updates also for next league :-) Editado por útlima vez por Wp_blitzi#6053 en 11 may. 2020 18:55:01
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" Thanks about the info, you are right about the function of the ES leech gem and that's my fault. Oh yeah I just noticed they changed frostbomb to an exposure type, thought it was still the old one which reduced the resistance of enemies LUL. Well I know that the Watcher's Eye is not making a huge difference, but it's still better in the end. I used a regular jewell until I had this one. Also I don't see any reason why we should not use precision, it still gives us crit and crit is nice, moreover we will not be able to squeeze in any other aura. So afterall we still get 800k+ shaper dps and that's not including any good boots or godlike rolled gear at all. I am sure there are some improvements left but since I got my 40 challenges I am kinda done with this league for now. Might update it in the future :P Editado por útlima vez por Nightmare130#5675 en 13 may. 2020 8:50:52
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Thank you for enlighting me with that Timeless jewel I was not aware of :). Regarding the shaper DPS I believe these number are wrong in the sense that POB does not support the shocking effect correctly as it just applies a +50%. To fix that you could probably select an extra ailment that is not shock to take into consideration that the shock applied would more be around 5% than 50%. Also I see that you are using Conc effect for which I have read so many diverging thing that Im not sure what to think... Im still in the process of trying to identify a good way to test its worthiness on bosses Editado por útlima vez por icykof#0335 en 13 may. 2020 12:48:05
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" According to the new Shaper HP which is around 74.000.000 we truly don't shock him "effectively" but even then you can uncheck it cause it results in almost no dmg at all anyways. Conc Effect is a huge dps boost due the fact WO does projectile dmg and leaves an aoe field on the impact which also does dmg. Basically all aoe fields you create with conc effect hit the enemy. Another option would be to get Awakaned Added Cold Damage but well, there we go up with the price again. Editado por útlima vez por Nightmare130#5675 en 14 may. 2020 7:01:48
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Yes agreed on the shocking effect but it was checked in POB so I just wanted to mention that.
That said the shock would still apply about 5% though as the ailment threshold for these bosses are not their full HP - apparently according to some sources on reddit ~25M. Regarding Conc effect Im not sure if all AOE created by the reduced projectile AOE actually hit the target. I will have to check that. Editado por útlima vez por icykof#0335 en 14 may. 2020 21:23:04
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