The God of all Necromancers, Over 30M Shaper DPS, 19.000 HP+ES
Hello fellow Exiles!
Please let me introduce myself, i am System, i came to the game short after Beta. Now i am 10.000 hours into the game and i feel ready for a guide. This is my guide for one of the strongest and tankiest necromancer in game. You will have over 30M Shaper Dps and an insane hp and es pool of 19.000 points. This is not an glascanon necromancer build, god nows there are a lot of them out there. The char is very tanky and can tank big hits, no more 1 shots. This build is an min/max version, so it is not cheap. I will show you how to max out your necromancer in standard and temporary league. I like my guides very clean and with a fine structure, so here is the Index: 1. Pros and Cons 2. What is the Strategy behind the Build? 3. Items 4. Gems 5. Path of Building / Assendancy 6. Pantheons and the Chaos Damage Hoax 7. Bandits 8. Anointments 9. Spectres 10. Animate Guardian 11. Videos 1. Pros and Cons of the Build
Build works in Delirium Leage and Standard League. No more 1 Shots! Not even the syndicate encounters in tier 16 maps can 1 shot you, and that feels so good. You can do every Content with that build. Enough DPS to clear most Bosses in a few seconds. Over 5500 Life, Over 13.500 Es Shield, Life reg of over 300 hp/sec, Es-Recharge of over 6500 es/sec, Es-Recharge starts in 1,3 sec or faster if you want to. You can choose if you want to play with zombies or skeletons as main damage source. No Timeless Jewels needed. You can handle nearly every map mod. Cons
It is not a cheap build. You should dodge maps with the mod "Monster reflect #% of physical damage", this will kill your zombies and skeletons very fast. 2. The Strategy
The strategy of the build is very simple. We stack strength to boost our minions with the baron helmet, also we boost our life and es with strength stacking. Maybe you ask yourself now: How helps strength stacking with es? Normaly it doesn´t, but we will use items which make it possible. Spoiler! We will not use Geofris Sanctuary! Big differences to other necromancer builds: In standard we will have an insane Hp+Es Pool of 19.000 points, you can go easily above 20.000 points. We will have life regeneration, so Chaos overtime is not such an problem for us. We gonna use an unstoppable 6000 Es Recharge, which starts in 1,3 sec, to stay at full Energy Shield all the time. Enemies will be cursed with 2 curses, but we will not cast 1 of the curses by ourselfs. You can decide if you would rather take zombies or skeletons as your main Dps source. In temporary leagues we will have over 16.000 Hp+Es and over 30M Shaper Dps. 3. Items
There is only 1 real Option. The baron helmet. Important! Get an legacy one for the standard league build. In my opinion the entchantment for Dread Banner is the strongest Option. With the right settings on the skilltree the minions will get an 46% Chance to Impale, which is a huge DPS Boost. Other good entchantments are: Flesh Offering grants 12% increased Attack Speed Zombies get 40% increased Damage Zombies get 12% increased Attack Speed Pride has reduced Mana reserved Discipline has reduced Mana reserved Important Information: This works also in temporary leagues! Weapon
For the standard league we gonna use, one of the most powerfull Weapon for this build: It makes your Zombies or Skeletons to an 8 Link Gem. More info in the Gem section! For Delirium league we take an item with the mods: Corrupted implicit: Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Fortify Prefix: +1 to Level of Socketed Gems Suffix: +55 to strength Prefix: Minions Deal 104% increased damage Suffix: {crafted} Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers Prefix: {crafted} +2 to level of socketed support gems Suffix: {crafted} minions have 28% increased attack speed This Weapon makes your Zombies or Skeletons to an 7 link gem. The Coruppted Mod is not needed, even without the Mod, we have enough DPS for every content in the Game. Chest
No it is not Geofri´s Sanctuary Chest! And this is for a good reason. We don´t want Zealot´s Oath, cause we wanna keep life regeneration. I crafted back in the days one of the best hybrid chests ever for the standard league. This chest will give you 1500 more ES then an perfect legacy Geofris and 100 more strength and we keep our 300 life reg/sec. For the temporary league we can do something similiar, with the elder or warlord influenced vaal regalia: Suffix: 12% increased Strength Prefix: +100 to maximum Energy Shield Prefix: 110% increased Energy Shield Suffix: {crafted} Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers Suffix: {crafted} 6% increased Attributes Prefix: {crafted} Gain (9-10)% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield For more Informations see the Pob for the temporary league. How to craft the chest in Delirium League:
Important Information: The prices of fossils and items can change by time, the written prices are correct for today (30.04.2020)! We want an rare Item with the Mods: 1 Prefix: +100 to maximum Energy Shield 1 Preifx: 110% increased Energy Shield 1 Suffix: (9-12%) increased Strength on that item we gonna craft: Suffix: {crafted} Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers Suffix: {crafted} 6% increased Attributes Prefix: {crafted} Gain (9-10)% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield Maybe you ask yourself: What shall i use? Elder or Warlord Chest??? The Elder Chest is the better option, because there are less mods in the elder Mod range, so the chances are higher that you hit the desired mods. I will show you 3 possibilities to get that rare Item: Option 1: Orb of Annulment You can already buy some similiar good rare items, you can try to annul the undesired Mods of those items. If the item has 2 desired prefixes, 1 open prefix, 1 desired suffix and 1 undesired suffix you can craft on the item "prefixes cannot be changed" so your orb of annulment slam has an 1/3 chance to kill the undesired mod. This is a easy but a risky Method to get the the 3 desired Affixes / Mods. When you got those 3 Mods, you craft as suffix "can have up to 3 crafted modifiers", as prefix "gain 10% of maximum life as extra maximum energy shield" and as last suffix you craft "6% increased attributes". Cost in Total is really hard to say, if the annulment slam fails the item becomes worthless. There are similiar items on the market for 5-10 Exalteds, if you annul the right mods of the items, you surely safed a lot of money here, cause the craft-methods are not cheap either. Option 2: Beast Crafting We choose an Vaal Regalia with Lvl 86 and elder or warlords influence, so we can get the best Es-Shield Mods. We choose the elder or warlords influence for the suffix mod (9-12%) increased strength. First step: We want an blue item with 1 desired prefix and the suffix (9-12%) increased strength. To get that we use an orb of alteration till we hit 1 of the desired Mods, got an second bad mod? you only can use orb of annulment, if you hit the bad mod you can use an orb of augmentation. You keep on doing this till you hit 1 desired prefix and the suffix (9-12%) increased strength. Cost for blue Base arround 800 chaos, maybe you get super lucky and you can do it in less. Second step: Use Imprint on blue Base When we have our blue base done we start with the beast crafting. For that we need the craicic chimeral beast, cost 135 chaos in Delirum to date. First you use the imprint receipe on the blue Base. Your base is now safed (imprinted). You will need arround 40-50 tries to hit an desired prefix Mod, cost to date arround 35-40 Exalteds. When you got those 3 Mods, you craft as suffix "can have up to 3 crafted modifiers", as prefix "gain 10% of maximum life as extra maximum energy shield" and as last suffix you craft "6% increased attributes". Estimated cost in total arround 40-50 ex. Option 3: Fossil Crafting We choose an Vaal Regalia with Lvl 86 and elder or warlord influence, so we can get the best Es-Shield Mods. Fossil Crafting is an strong option to craft this item, we try to eliminate useless mods, and keep an eye on the cost efficiency. Good Options: The Aberrant fossil (cost per fossil to date = 0,5 Chaos), for 3 Tier 1 mods you will need arround 450 Aberrant Fossils and 450 Primitive Resonators. I know that sounds a lot but the fossil+resos only costs around 1200 Chaos, so 7 Exalteds. If you are not going for 3 Tier 1 Mods you will need way less fossils, for 2 Tier 2 Prefixes and 1 Tier 1 Suffix you will need with Aberrant+Fossils like 700 chaos, arround 4 ex. The Aetheric fossil (cost per fossil to date = 1 Chaos), for 3 Tier 1 mods you will need arround 446 Aberrant Fossils and 446 Primitive Resonators, costs around 1338 Chaos, 7,7 Exalted. The Dense fossil (cost per fossil to date = 2 Chaos), for 3 Tier 1 mods you will need arround 327 Aberrant Fossils and 327 Primitive Resonators, costs around 1308 Chaos, so 7,5 Exalteds. If you hit those 3 Mods + some unwanted mods you only can pray to RNG Jesus and slam an orb of annulment. When you got those 3 Mods, you craft as suffix "can have up to 3 crafted modifiers", as prefix "gain 10% of maximum life as extra maximum energy shield" and as last suffix you craft "6% increased attributes". Estimated cost in total arround 13-18 ex. Amulet
Watch out for: Implicit: Strength -Strength -#% increased attribiutes -#% increased strength -Life mod -Es mods Important Information: This works also in temporary leagues! Rings
Nothing to special here, just look out for: -Strength -Life -3 resistance mods -Important mod!! #% faster start of energy Shield! -Es Shield mods The Rings are our way to cap the Resistances and make the energy shield start faster. My Es-Shield starts in 1,32 seconds and i feel very safe with it. Important Information: This works also in temporary leagues! Boots
Watch out for Two-Toned Boots with mods like: -Strength -#% increased strength -Life -35% movementspeed -maybe 1 good resistance Best entchanments are: 2% life reg if hit recently 10% movementspeed if not hit recently Important Information: This works also in temporary leagues! Belt
Watch out for the mods: Implicit Mod: Strength or Abyss Socket -Strength -#% increased attributes -Life -ES Mods Important Information: This works also in temporary leagues! Gloves
There is only 1 real perfect Option: The legacy shapers touch gives us a ton of ES! The new version of the shapers touch in temporary league gives us less ES, but it is still a lot ES. Best entchantments: # of Reflection (Great for not getting hit, so the es shield can recharge) # of Light (cool for the life reg, but not realy needed) Important Information: This works also in temporary leagues! Flasks
Important! As long as you take damage, your es recharge will not start. It is important, that we stop damage over time like, bleed, burning, etc. so our es recharge can start really fast. I would recommend: Important Information: This works also in temporary leagues! Jewels
Important!!! You need 1 jewel with the corrupted mod "corrupted blood cannot be inflicted on you". Corrupted Blood is damage over time and hinders the start of your energy shield and the corrupted blood from the endboss sirus is just to insane. For a lot of strength you need: Two Efficient Training. Those two jewels in the right spot give us around 400 strength alone. For more info see Pob. For 2000 more energy shield and 1700 more energy shield recharge per sec you need 1 watchers eye with the mods: Gain #% of maximum mana as extra energy shield while affected by clarity #% increased energy shield recovery rate while affected by discipline You also can take (This is our choice for temporary leagues): Gain #% of maximum mana as extra energy shield while affected by clarity #% faster start of energy shield while affected by discipline Then your energy shield starts in 1 second. In standard league i´m cool with the 1,3 seconds for the start of the energy shield recharge so i went with the increased energy shield recovery rate. I would recommend 1 Violent Dead for faster zombie slam attacks. (We don´t need that in temporary leagues, we switch for an rare jewel, more information in Pob!) Also an great jewel is emperors mastery prismatic jewel (We don´t need that in temporary leagues, we switch for an rare jewel, more information in Pob!) You will need 1 jewel for resi fix, try to get also on that jewel the mods #% increased maximum life and #% increased maximum energy shield. 4. Gems
Weapon and Chest Always keep in mind, that in standard league the weapon adds the fortify and maim support to the 6 socketed gems. In temporary leagues the weapon adds the fortify support to the 6 socketd gems. This is an huge buff. Important! You don´t need the awakened gems, you can clear all content with the normal gems. The Setup for the most DPS:
Zombies in Weapon: Zombies - awakened physical melee - awakened minion damage - awakened multistrike - Empower - deathmark or Zombies - awakened physical melee - awakened minion damage - awakened multistrike - Empower - awakened brutality or Zombies - awakened physical melee - awakened minion damage - awakened multistrike - Empower - Impale Take 1 you like, they are all OP. I go with brutality, for the most average damage per Hit. For Mapping you can switch awakened minion damage with minion speed as 6th gem for mapping, you can still do all the content with that setup. I know that because i forget most of the times to switch the gems before the big fights like Uberelder/Sirus. :D Skeletons in Chest: Vaal summon skeletons - awakened physical melee - awakened brutality - awakened multistrike - Empower - awakened minion damage Maybe you think now: Can i switch Skeletons with Zombies? Sure you can! It is an different playstyle but it surely works. Maybe use meatshield on the zombies, so you can get an nice defence out of it. Important Information: This works also in temporary leagues! The Setup for excelent Farming (also enough Dps for every Content):
Zombies in Weapon: Zombies - awakened physical melee - awakened minion damage - awakened multistrike - Empower - Minion Speed or Zombies - awakened physical melee - awakened brutality - awakened multistrike - Empower - Minion Speed The Minionspeed just feels so smooth with the gem, try it out, i really like it for mapping. Skeletons in Chest: Vaal summon skeletons - awakened physical melee - awakened minion damage - awakened multistrike - Empower - Feeding Frency or Vaal summon skeletons - awakened physical melee - brutality - awakened multistrike - Empower - Feeding Frency The feeding frency buff triggerd by the skeletons give the zombies extra movementspeed and attack speed. Maybe you think now: Can i switch Skeletons with Zombies? Sure you can! It is an different playstyle but it surely works. Maybe use meatshield on the zombies, so you can get an nice defence out of it. Important Information: This works also in temporary leagues! Helmet
Best option in my opinion: Animate Guardian - Spectre - Minion Life - Blood Magic With that Setup, socket in the helmet, your Animate Guradian and Spectres will like never die. The Blood Magic is important, the Spectres need mana for there Spells and Buffs, with blood magic they cast the buffs all the time. Important Information: This works also in temporary leagues! Boots / Gloves
That Setup is not related to 1 of those items, so you can decide where to put them: Pride - Dread Banner - Awakened Generosity - Phase Run Clarity - Discipline - Flesh Offering - Descecrate Important Information: This works also in temporary leagues! 5. Path of Building Fork and Ascendancy
Here ist the Pob you all have waited for the standard League! ---------->>>>> <<<<<------------ Important Information! You need to use the Path of Building by Fork!!! Sadly the old Path of Building is not correct anymore. Important Information! The Buffs from your animate guardian (Nearby Enemies take 9% increased Physical Damage and Nearby Allies have +50% to Critical Strike Multiplier) are not getting displayed in Pob, so i put the mods on the baron helmet for the correct Dps display. Here ist the Pob you all have waited for the temporary League! ---------->>>>> <<<<<------------ We still have over 9500 ES, over 6500 life and we have over 30M Shaper DPS! Assendancy Necromancer: We go for the best DPS Boost! 1. Mindless Aggression (Minion Damage and Movement Speed) 2. Unnatural Strength (Gives us 1 more Spectre and Zombie) 3. Plague Bringer (10% more Damage and 10% Less damage taken) 4. Corpse Pact (chill and shock (20% shock effect) enemies) 6. Pantheons and the Chaos Damage Hoax
Big God Soul of Arakaali Good against chaos damage over time and effect of shock. The es-recharge after dot damage gets an boost from 6500es to 8000es in standard league. Minior God Soul of Shakari Good Against Chaos Damage Immun to Poison Those gods + a really nice life regeneration safes us from chaos dot. Never died to chaos damage since i did that setup. The real danger comes from high physical damage but for that we have our flasks. Don´t waste your skillpoints for chaos resistance!!! This is 1 of the biggest mistakes i see really often. The most meta builds don´t care about chaos resistance, so why should we? There are just a few ememies with chaos damage, you can easily dodge them by summoning your skeletons in front of you. There is just 1 Rogue Exile with high chaos damage but even to this one i never died, because my minions are to fast for him. The mops from Al-Hezmin are so slow you can easly dodge or summon skeletons infront of you. Al-Hezmin dies in 2-3 seconds so he can´t really do anything. Important Information: This works also in temporary leagues! 7. Bandits
Just kill them all. Skillpoints are life and love. 8. Anointments
Amulet: In my opinion is the best options: Death Attunment +1 Spectre +1 Zombie +1 Skeleton The Notable is important but the way to the notable is to long and unrewarding. Rings: Your Empowering Towers have 25% increased effect. It is cheap and so good for all towers. Or you can take All towers in range of your empowering towers have 50% chance to deal double damage Just good for Damage Towers. Important Information: This works also in temporary leagues! 9. Spectre
There are a lot of really great spectres. There are spectres which... Do Curses (We need them) Do Buffs (We need them) Do Spells (We want them because they are cool) Do Attack (we don´t need them) Spectres for Curses:
Enfeeble - Diabolist / Reanimator, The lunaris temple lvl 1 / The upper prison Vulnerability- Merveil´s Retainer in maps with sea witches Temporal Chains - Merveil´s Choosen in The Ship Graveyard Cave Conductivity - Sin Lord in The chambers of Sin lvl 2 and lvl 3 Elemental weakness - Deviler in The crypt lvl 2 Flammability - Ash Prophet in the crematorium Frostbite - Death bishop inin the catacomb projectile weakness - Necromancer in the crypt lvl 1 Warlords Mark - Oak's Devoted and Oak's Fist in The Wetlands I go with the Reanimator Spectre for enfeeble, he also summons 3 zombies which are great bulletfoods. He will cast enfeeble all the time, that makes mapping very safe. Now you maybe ask yourself: Why you don´t take vulnerability, it is such an DPS Boost?? True true, but we don´t need even more dps on map mops. For the big bosses i found another way to inflict vulnerabiliy as second curse on the enemie. More info in the section animate guardian! Important Information: This works also in temporary leagues! Spectres for Buffs:
You need those 2 Spectres for this Build: Host Chieftain: Grants your Minions up to 3 Power Charges Carnage Chieftain: Grants your Minions up to 3 Frenzy Charges The Power charges grant to minions 200% increased Critical Strike Chance per Power Charge and the frenzy charges grant 15% increased Attack Speed per Frenzy Charge, 15% increased Cast Speed per Frenzy Charge, 4% more Damage per Frenzy Charge, 5% increased Movement Speed per Frenzy Charge Power charges. So your minions get 600% increased critical strike chance and 45% increased attack speed, 45% increased cast speed, 12% more damage and 15% increased movementspeed. You see those 2 spectres are insanely important, now you still can choose 1 more Spectres for your Build. Important Information: This works also in temporary leagues! Spectres which do spells:
The undying Evangelist, this spectre does as spell an proximity shield. If your char stays in the shield, he can´t be harmed by projectiles. I really love it. Important Information: This works also in temporary leagues! 10. Animate Guardian
This guy is 1 of the coolest minions. He can be a little buff bot or an curse bot or both! The best Setup in my opinion is: Helmet:
We use the helmet to make an little debuff on the enemies. We take an helmet with (Nearby Enemies have -9% to physical damage reduction). Another great option is the unique "Mask of the tribunal" This will grant: Nearby Allies have (4-6)% increased Defences per 100 Strength you have Nearby Allies have +(6-8)% to Critical Strike Multiplier per 100 Dexterity Nearby Allies have (2-4)% increased Cast Speed per 100 Intelligence you have Thanks to the Baron helmet, your animate guardian has half of your strength. With over 900 strength this grants 54% increased Defences (Defences refers to armour, evasion rating, and energy shield.) to nearby allies. This grants in total 1000 more es shield and 6% less physical damage taken but only if you are near to the animate guardian. With this setup you will have over 20.000 hp+es. So here you have the choice you can choose more DPS or more Defence. It is up to you. : ) Important Information: This works also in temporary leagues! Weapon:
The weapon Kingmaker is King in that slot. Enough said. It grants: Nearby Allies have 30% increased Item Rarity Nearby Allies have Culling Strike Nearby Allies have +50% to Critical Strike Multiplier Nearby Allies have Fortify Important Information: This works also in temporary leagues! Chest:
In my opinion there are 2 really good options. If you want that your animate guardian never dies use: Grutkuhl´s Pelt, that 5% life regeneration per sec is insane. If you want an huge buff for you and your minions you take: Garb of the Ephemeral Buff: Nearby Allies' Action Speed cannot be modified to below base value Debuff on enemies: Nearby Enemies cannot deal Critical Strikes It is an really great option, but the survability of your guardian is not as strong then with Grutkuhl´s pelt. Important Information: This works also in temporary leagues! Boots:
Victarios Flight, gives 10% increased Movement Speed Buff. Important Information: This works also in temporary leagues! Gloves:
This 1 is really important!!! I really thought a long time about it, if it is possible to get an extra curse on bosses. It is possible with the gloves: Vixen's Entrapment This item allows the animate guardian to have 2 curses at a time. Your char has a curse limit of 1, but every miniontype has its own limit which can be increased. Now you just need an pair of Vixen's Entrapment with the corupted implicit mod curse enemies with lvl # vulnerability on hit. Important!!! Your spectres still have an curse limit of 1, that means if the spectre curses the boss again, the second curse will expire. But if the animate guardian hits again, there will be 2 curses activ. That means, you always have enfeeble on the boss but also from time to time also vulnerability. It works very well. :) Important Information: This works also in temporary leagues! Buffs and Debufs from animate guardian:
So you see your animate guardian is very important, it can grant to you and your minions: Nearby Enemies have -9% to physical damage reduction Second Curse on Bosses, for example Vulnerability on hit! Nearby Allies' Action Speed cannot be modified to below base value Nearby Enemies cannot deal Critical Strikes Nearby Allies have 30% increased Item Rarity Nearby Allies have Culling Strike Nearby Allies have +50% to Critical Strike Multiplier Nearby Allies have Fortify 10% increased movement speed for you and nearby Allies Important Information: This works also in temporary leagues! 11. Videos
Here are some Videos for the Build, i will do more, i just learned how to edit videos, the video quality is kinda horrible i will do them again in a week, but i think for now they are ok. Important information: Normally i would use Vaal Summon Skeletons, so the fights would be even faster over, but for a showcase vid there is to much going on with all the minions. Shaper Shaper is like a walk in the park. Tanking shaper slam? easy! Phoenix Tanking Phoenix firebomb attack? No problem. Chimera Minotaur Hydra Allright, i hope i could help you with my guide, please write all your questions and suggestions for improvements into the comments. I am a busy working man, so when i play poe, i want to map and chill. I come every 1-2 Day back to this thread and answer your questions. Hf and gl Exiles! Editado por útlima vez por System_101#6685 en 30 abr. 2020 11:23:42 Reflotado por última vez en 30 abr. 2020 11:11:21
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I really enjoy studying straight forward guides like this; You can absorb lots of useful information without spending so much time finding what you are after. Great job man, Thank you <3
A Lich lives in Virtual hills...
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Man this thing is long time dead now you can get 10000 ehp it is standard only with legacy items
there we can get 70000 es and 500 mil dps so what is the point? Editado por útlima vez por real_name_hidden69#7257 en 12 abr. 2020 11:01:05
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" Hello Mate! Thank you very much, nice to hear that you found useful informations in that guide. If you have any questions, let me know! Kind Regards System |
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" Hi ZwAWtheSleepingOne! you are right in standard there are many great ways to make OP Builds. But i could not find any guide where dps and defence where balanced as in this guide. I saw a lot of guides with 500M Shaper Dps and around 5000 life, the chance to get 1 shoted during mapping is very high. Also i tried to gather some usefull informations abour Spectres and Animate Guardian into that guide, so also temporary league players can learn something. I appreciate your time for reading my guide and your constructive criticism. I wish you a great eastern mate. Kind Regards System |
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Hi Mates!
I got a lot PMs with the request to do vids for the build. I will update this guide step for step and i am planning to do Vids very soon. Till then stay healthy mates! Kind Regards System |
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Hi Mates,
i got asked a lot, if i could do an version of this build for Delirium League. The answer is Yes. I added to the guide informations if the statements are still valid for Delirium League. Also i did an Pob just for the Delirium League for you guys. I hope you like it! Kind Regards System |
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Hi Mates,
i added Videos to the Guide. Sorry for the low Quality, i just learned how to edit videos, i will fix that in future. There are some Bossfights i still need to film. I will do new vids when i find the time. Now i have massiv respect for all the poe youtube streamers, film editing is so time consuming. I hope you like it. Kind Regards System |
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Hi Mates,
i added Pros and Cons to the Index. More Videos for the Build are in the making. Stay healthy mates! Kind Regards System |
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Hey System!
First, thanks for your time to write a guide for us. Keep the good work! Will try your build, already tested somes "very known" guides out there and they couldn't keep me playing it. Lets see yours ;D Cya |
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