[3.16 UPDATED] - Bergerbrush's Impale Cyclone Champion - League Starter & Beginner Friendly!

salluks escribió:
my pob is not showing 40% impale from skill in the details. is anybody else having the same issue?

I usually check Impale Chance ingame by checking your Character Sheet and clicking the Cyclone Skill and scrolling down to the bottom to see ur Impale Chance on Cyclone :)
DyslexicEvo escribió:
other than gloves an boots im not sure what to update i can do t16 but once i get Awakener lv8 i dont think i will have enough damage

You should be fine with this gear as long as you do the mechanics. But Sirus 8 is a bit overtuned atm. I think I saw Bex say on Reddit that they will fix him soon.
ConanCcM escribió:
Sometimes it seems like i dont hit an enemy at all. I dont think it is cause of the build absolutly not but more on the game side. Kinda enemy git stuck at a non hit zone. Because of that i have no life leech and sometimes much worse no mana leech. My totem hits that enemy well.
It is easy to see on an single target but i feel like having the issue in mobs too.

Do you guys experienced anything like that too? Just wondering if that is part of manaproblem people asking Berger so many times?

If you see your mana completely deplete then the character will start to Stutter unless you have Mana Leech or No cost Cyclone. Is that whats happening?
karmakill escribió:
I really want to say i trully love this build, however im having abit of a problem clearing blightened maps, does anyone have any sugestion on a quick skill gem swap or two for clearing those maps? (maybe lacerate with something)...i kinda enjoyed them last league and would like to keep doing them

Yeah, I don't really think Cyclone is that good for Blight Maps. We are kinda stuck to like DPS 1 lane at a time which gets overhelming I guess.
TreezyMonster escribió:
best cluster jewel setup?

Check Expert Guide for BIS Combinations :)
itsJunn escribió:
what level should i stop for cast when damage taken gem ?

Molten Shell 11, Cast when Damage taken 2^^
POB is showing that I get a big boost in DPS from a rare claw with Chance to Impale (despite having 2x Deep Cuts already). Is this accurate or should I stick to a more standard DPS claw?
Bergerbrush escribió:
Prisse escribió:
36 challenges done and Headhunter acquired. Mostly farming delirium content. Extremely smooth :)

Wait you did all that with this build?!

Yupp! All challenges done solo. HH bought with a 30ex loan from a friend. Think the character is pretty much done and i've achieved my goal for the league :) back to dota I go I guess!

ConanCcM escribió:
Darkkaos escribió:
ConanCcM escribió:
Sometimes it seems like i dont hit an enemy at all. I dont think it is cause of the build absolutly not but more on the game side. Kinda enemy git stuck at a non hit zone. Because of that i have no life leech and sometimes much worse no mana leech. My totem hits that enemy well.
It is easy to see on an single target but i feel like having the issue in mobs too.

Do you guys experienced anything like that too? Just wondering if that is part of manaproblem people asking Berger so many times?

ConanCcM escribió:
Darkkaos escribió:

Just to be sure: O> UI> Networking Mode: it MUST be using LOCKSTEP. If not, the gameplay with cyclone is terrible and i'd call it impossible to be honest.

Big thanks! That was a very good advice. The games feedback ie leech and damage feel much more fluently and smoother.


If you see your mana completely deplete then the character will start to Stutter unless you have Mana Leech or No cost Cyclone. Is that whats happening?

Yes exactly. I sufferd that stuttering in (small) groups too. Even on single target like map bosses i cyclone straight in his face but the boss got no damage. But the problem was not a mana problem. I skilled three manaleech points because of that but it did not help at all!
I changed my networking mode from predictive to lockstep and so far this never happend again.
Editado por útlima vez por ConanCcM#3076 en 26 mar. 2020 12:44:11
Hey again,
well..i was trying to craft this DAMN claw, spend tons of currency got nothing,
then i say f. this and craft something like that, please dont say i waste my currency for that i dont feel better DPS from this claw now.
does ele pen working on phys dmg..? Im not sure.
Editado por útlima vez por CashD#5876 en 26 mar. 2020 14:15:50

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