[3.9] A new Beginner take on Self-Cast Freezing Pulse Elementalist
Introduction :
![]() Hello everyone ! I hope all of you exiles are doing great. My name is Yohishio and i've been part of the PoE community since 2.2 so in January 2016. I'm impressed how far and fast PoE developped over the years and i feel very proud. Today i'm trying to propose a beginner friendly take to a Freezing Pulse elementalist. :) Hope you'll like it. It's designed for beginners but of course profesionnals can also help for some points or even do the build :P Why doing a build now ?
I saw that many players joined PoE these last leagues and i wanted to cheer them up to stay with us here :). It makes my heart melt when i see that PoE has a fast increasing playerbase and the kindness (most of the time) is the key of our community.
Why Freezing Pulse ?
Well that's easy, everybody knows Enki's arc elementalist i assume. Well i'm inspired from that indeed. But i feel like arc lacks survivability and in 3.9 monsters have more life and those kind of stuffs. So i decided to take a try on freezing pulse which is my favorite cold skill (Ice Nova you'll be next one day :/ ) So yeah, the sound of shattering and freezing everything on the way is just incredible.
Informations / Things to know :
Major Keystones
A major keystone is a large circle passive in the tree that grants one unique thing that will change the way you'll play your build.
For instance, we play around 3 Major Keystones : Elemental Overload : It grants 40% More elemental damage if we have crit in the past 4sec but remove critical strike multiplier which amplify our damage if we went crit all the way. Mind over Matter : It's a keystone that "grants" reduction damage towards us. It says : "30% of damage is taken from Mana before life". It means we will take 70% damage from our life pool, and the 30% will be from our mana pool. It's a way to mitigate the incoming damage we get. The last one is Eldritch Battery : This one is tricky for new players but instead of placing Energy shield for our life pool, it goes to the mana pool. It's like protecting the mana and we will spent energy shield before the mana itself. How Eldritch Battery and Mind over Matter interacts ? Well, since we go with Energy shield. The incoming damage we will get will be taken from energy shield (Eldritch Battery) before mana (Mind over Matter) and then finally our life pool. It's a even better way to mitigate more damage. It makes us almost protected from damage ^^' What is Energy Shield ?
It's the intelligence based armor. It means all intelligence related items will have a base value of energy shield. Energy shield is giving us a shield absorbing incoming damage (Exception of chaos damage) before the damage arrive at our life pool.
What is Path of Building ?
Path of Building is a downloadable application in your PC that will grants you the latest version of the skill tree of Path of Exile, it's where most of the seniors of the game are crafting builds and thinking about new ways to break the games :) You can download it here : https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding/releases
What i'm aiming for in the tree and the build itself
Basically, i'm trying to see if a crit ver of the elementalist would be useful or going for Elemental Overload all the way and grab freeze chance and spell dmg while wielding shield ect...
Also if beginners could afford a Cold staff, we will need staff crit nodes and also to go crit at all. But i guess the easiest way for our new exiles is to go for Elemental Overload. I'm planning for survivability to get Mind over Matter and Eldritch Battery. That means with the leech from the ascendancy (Which is enough) and with the 0,2% cold dmg leeched as energy shield. It will grant us practically everytime our energy shield back. And the mana pool will be intact with our high mana regen. Actuality : I'm actually around level 20. I'll post the poeplanner link (A Path of Exile tree online) for the tree for each act so it will be more easy for people to follow for each act :). Also i'm going to put my leveling gems for each act and how they have been upgraded. Adding also which gems to take in certain acts. Gear
Even if the build is beginner friendly designed, there is only one unique that is recommended for the build as extra at the end game :
It's the wand Tulfall. It gives Spell damage, cast speed. 50% chance to grant power charge after killing a frozen enemy. Flat cold damage per power charge and a nice % increased cold damage per frenzy charge. After reaching the maximum power charges (3) Tulfall will bring them as Frenzy Charges (3) who will give us those sweet % increased cold damage and cast speed since Frenzy charges grant 4%more cast speed per frenzy. For the gear, there is also the need of two First Snow Jewels. You can mostly have them for 1 alchemy at poe.trade. Those are used to have increased damage after killing a shattered enemy. And grant us two more projectiles for the spell if there is 40 intelligence unallocated minimum around the jewel node ! Another "recommended" unique would be Kaom's roots. It makes us immune to stun, gives a reasonable amount of flat life. But we can't evade enemy attakcs in counterpart. And the boots doesn't have any sockets. Passive Tree (Path of Building)
Here is the pastebin link to copy paste into Path of Building : https://pastebin.com/CWZxs4Wn
it contains the Final lvl 95 tree (116 Pts / 123) and the Leveling Trees per 20 pts. Enjoy ! As said in PoB, kill all the bandits for +2 Passive Skill points :) Gems links (Subject to change)
The color means which socketed color you'll need to socket them. Also gems are written in order of importance.
Main link : Freezing Pulse--Spell Echo--Arcane Surge (Level 11)--Ice Bite--Controlled Destruction (5th link)--Cold Penetration (6th link) Auras : Herald of Ice--Curse on Hit--Frostbite Clarity Movement skills : Shield charge--Faster Attacks--Fortify Flame Dash Stand Alone socket : Frost Bomb Leveling Section :
Leveling Passive Trees (Poeplanner.com) :
Act 1 : www.poeurl.com/cJdN
Act 2 : www.poeurl.com/cJdO Act 3 : www.poeurl.com/cJen Act 4 : www.poeurl.com/cJgD Act 5 : Act 6 : Act 7 : Act 8 : Act 9 : Act 10 : Gems during leveling : Act 1 :
(Don't level Arcane Surge beyond lvl 11!)
Where to get the gems : Freezing pulse is a reward for killing Hillock just after entering Lioneye's Watch Arcane Surge is gained when you open the first large chest on the twillight strand as a witch. Also if you forgot about this, you can buy it from Nessa in Lioneye's Watch for 1 scroll of wisdom, or get one from her quest in the Tidal Island. Volley is obtainable to Nessa after completing her side quest in the Tidal Island called Mercy Mission Clarity is given when you kill Brutus in act 1 in the Upper Prison as reward. Flame Dash is obtainable from Nessa after you completed The Caged Brute quest. Act 2 :
Same as act 1.
In addition we have Herald of Ice and Frost Bomb (Which i forgot to take in act 1 !) Where to get the gems : Frost Bomb : Reward from the quest Breaking Some Eggs in Act 1. Herald of Ice : Reward from the completion of Intruders in Black in Act 2. Faster Casting : Reward from completing the quest Sharp and Cruel in Act 2. Controlled Destruction : Buyable from Yeena after completing Sharp and Cruel quest in Act 2. Act 3 :
Now you should be at the point where you have a 4Link item to have a 4L with Freezing pulse as follow :
Where to get the gems : Ice Bite : Buyable to Clarissa in Act 3 Town after you complete the side quest Fixture of Fate. Cold Penetration : Reward from a Fixture of Fate in Act 3 Library. Frostbite : Reward from Lost in Love quest. Act 4 :
Freezing Pulse links stays the same but we got new gems to levelup up in our items or in weapons slots 2.
Don't use Flame Golem or/and Lightning golem, we are using only Ice Golem during the few tens levels. Also don't link Spell echo with any of the golems it will cast them twice. Where to get the gems : Curse on hit : Buyable to Petarus and Vanja after completing The King of Fury / King of Desire. Summon Ice Golem, Flame Golem, Lightning Golem : Reward from the quest Breaking the Seal in Act 4. Also the other two golems are buyable to Petarus and Vanja after you complete this quest. Spell Echo : Reward from the quest King of Desire / King of Fury in Act 4. Increaed Area of Effect : Buyable to Petarus and Vanja after completing the quest King of Desire / King of Fury in Act 4. Well there it is. Hope my english isn't bad haha and hope you'll enjoy my take on a self-cast elementalist freezing pulse ! Editado por útlima vez por Yohishio5#1545 en 23 ene. 2020 9:35:02 Reflotado por última vez en 16 may. 2020 3:00:51
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Edit of January 22rd of 2020 20:23 UTC+1 :
-Added leveling passive trees per act section for the ease of following step by step my build.
-Added Gems during leveling section for a better understanding of which gems to get and where to have them :). -Restructured the sections, created Informations section to put the others sections like : "What is energy shield", "Major Keystones", ect. Edit of January 22rd of 2020 22:35 UTC+1 :
-Added Leveling section who regroup both Leveling trees (Poeplanner) and Gems link during leveling !
-Restructured the guide once more. -Added Act 2 Leveling Tree. -Added Gems links during leveling for Act 2. Edit of January 23rd of 2020 01:01 UTC+1 :
-Added Leveling tree for Act 3 as well as gem links during leveling for Act 3 !
Edit of January 23rd of 2020 16:35 UTC+1. :
-Added Act 4 leveling tree and gems during act 4 !
Hope you'll enjoy my build ! Editado por útlima vez por Yohishio5#1545 en 23 ene. 2020 9:36:45
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I will try this build now. It appears to have good defenses.
Here is my Freezing pulse build, in case you want to critique. https://pastebin.com/57VNFt9i This build, its very easy to kill T16 Metamorphs if you dance around. Map bosses are harder. Editado por útlima vez por Akshay#5418 en 3 feb. 2020 7:26:11
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" I looked at it. It's pretty much a good way to fool around freezing pulse. You decided to go for a full offensive one with offensive-oriented Elementalist. Also going crit but why Elemental Equilibrium ? Correct me if i'm wrong but i didn't see if you deal lightning or fire damage with attacks or so. (Maybe Flame dash) but it isn't really necessary to take EE then. Also yeah pretty much a good way to do it ! But not budget-friendly. Sorry for the late reply i'm getting more and more lazy about my build playing another one. Maybe i'll come up with a good idea of build. Who knows. |
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I am using a timeless jewel in the socket next to Elemental Equilibrium, its converted to more damage per power charge, Militant faith Dominus or another jewel which makes it double the block chance with shield, Lethal pride Kilova.
I removed a Void battery and used a shield, it works, more defense. But its extremely hard to kill Awakener level 8 bosses with Extra Life. Metamorphs with Extra life take forever. So my question is what are you going to do for Single Target DPS. Am using a vaal blade vortex, need to convert it to cold, does using a a helm with hypothermia support explicit work? What do you think. |
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" Ah i see i didn't really thought about those timeless jewel. Well for single target i don't know that much. Freezing pulse is more oriented in a aoe clear way. Less in a single target direction. But if i needed to have another skill it will be bladefall or blade vortex with hrimsorrow for 50% to cold but then there is missing 50% more to have 100% converted in elemental damage. Hypothermia is a way to do it yeah but i'm not sure that if you crit that much, enemies will be chilled. I don't really know for sure. |
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Thanks for the build! I have been looking for a freezing pulse self cast build for a little while. One thing though, the Path of Building link doesn't work, when clicked it says the page no longer exists.
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" Strange for me it works perfectly fine. Sometimes we copy paste the "air" near the pastebin so maybe you took a bit of that if it makes sense. But i checked this just now and it's working i got all of the trees. :) |
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hello hi
thank you for the build. i am trying out this build and before i go any further do you see this build been an end game viable build? have you tested it out in end game scenarios ? Thank you |
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I think this was a meme build..
I spent a bit( quite).. but the damage is still lacking.. AOE as well as single target there is no method of sustaining freeze on enemy thereby generating frenzy charges( based on the equipped wand) Also. No pantheon suggested. i recommend lunaris and Upgraded Shakari for immunity to poison Really hate Maven as a boss and its mechanics! pls give us something cool like Elder/Shaper Editado por útlima vez por thegreatestviz#0200 en 8 mar. 2020 9:36:17
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