[3.11] LL Vortex Occultist (endgame/deep delve optimized)
Thank you for ur reply Sir !
I changed a little tree as you wrote and after deleting Ash and Deflection, lose some dex requiment for gloves and im not sure about my defence now. My res is not capped too. Need to think what change to get this dex and try with jewels, but not sure from where take some points. Also how u check my shaper DPS? Still dont know how people doing it. Need to figure out what to change to get faster recharge and how to up my ES recharge per second. thanks I try in pob shaper DPS, not sure i do this correct but show me 840+k. Editado por útlima vez por CashD#5876 en 13 abr. 2020 12:04:28
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" https://pastebin.com/NfzbUSsX here is your POB I've set up(it was prior to the changes you've made). If you want to get more defences in my opinion best option would be to stop using the prism guardian shield and instead use 300+ ES rare shield with gain ES %on block(of course you would lose hatred then). If you want to use cluster jewels probably give up some right part of the skill tree. And with all changes you might end up missing some resists or attributes like you've said but then of course there are plenty of options to fix it (like recrafting some resists on gear or getting 2-point jewels on the tree wherever you can and fill your resists/attributes with them). Editado por útlima vez por Grozaa#1443 en 13 abr. 2020 12:04:43
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Hey i'm using this build in hardcore and it's pretty nice. Just a few questions.
I annointed deflection on the ammy and am now thinking this may be a mistake. My block chance is: 64 for attacks 75 for projectile attacks (not actually sure how it's this high) 36 for spells it goes higher if i use tempest shield too, and then higher again if i use Rumi's concoction. Questions: 1) is Rumi's concoction only there to double the spell block? it seems to do nothing if im already close to cap on the other block chances. 2) is deflection complete overkill considering im already near the max block? Lovin the build |
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" I'd say tranquility is a much better annointment whenever you can afford it. Deflection is not bad, however with rumi you should be overcapped on attack block anyways (default max block is 75%). So yes indeed rumi's main purpose is to add a bunch of flat spell block to be doubled with glancing blows. But on top of that rumi is simply also a granite flask so it serves as a bunch of flat armour which otherwise this build doesn't have to help a bit with physical mitigation. Simply for the most part deflection's added flat block chance isn't really needed. It does have this 'defences from equipped shield' part which does grant you some extra ES especially if your shield is good, but overall there are many better options to annoint (and tranquility is unbeatable given that this build already has a lot of energy shield increases on the tree). |
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Hi Grozaa and thx a lot for this build.
Im on Semi-SSF private league and im really enjoying to play this build. Ive made some mods, cuz i simply cant find/craft some items and all endbosses are already dead. My question - how is this working with Elemental equilibrium? First hit comes from socketed spell and then from Vortex/Cold Snap? If yes, then why we are using frost bomb? Atm im stuck with a weapon - need to get somewhere +1 to cold skills, but my crafting mats are already gone :) Thats why im asking about EE - maybe there is another way to push DPS. |
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" Before I will explain the mechanics behind the EE setup itself please note that the order in which you put the gems in "trigger socketed spells when you use a skill" 1h actually matters. The order of triggers is from top left and then following the links (so 2nd is top right, 3rd is 2nd row on the right etc.) . So the recommended order is storm brand - frost bomb - orb of storms. Now the question how it works. So the trigger setup has a 4second cooldown. Now imagine you enter a map and use your first vortex. The enemy gets hit by the vortex (and now because of EE enemy has +25 cold res, -50 light and fire res). But because of the trigger, immediately after the vortex usage the storm brand is triggered (and hits enemies, multiple times, with lightning damage, making them have +25 light res and importantly -50cold (and fire, but it doesn't matter)). So for the next few seconds, when the enemies sit inside the vortex, because the most important part of vortex is actually DOT (which doesn't hit), all the time they have reduced cold res. It is worth mentioning that indeed frost bomb is in a sense counter-productive. So if frost bomb is your second trigger and after 4 seconds you use another skill, it will apply cold hit making enemies more resistant to cold damage. But first of all, frost bomb is still very good with the cold exposure and stopping enemies from regening. Secondly, if you get a little bit experienced and get a good feeling with it, you can basically ensure that while the frost bomb trigger a) storm brand is still activated and counteracts frost bomb hit b) soon after you trigger third skill, orb of storms. In general, the synergy lies within the fact that while frost bomb (and vortex and cold snap for that matter) basically hit once, both storm brand and orb of storms are lightning-based skills that are cast once but then automatically hit enemies multiple times. I hope my writeup explains the interaction in detail and isn't totally intimidating :) Editado por útlima vez por Grozaa#1443 en 14 abr. 2020 8:58:57
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On the topic of the socketed spells:
What do you think about bladeblast to apply un-nerve to enemies? I was playing around with a storm brand + frost bomb + blade blast setup. I've found that EO is still triggered but its sometmies hard to keep up on bosses |
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" It's an ok idea but I don't think it's worth it. Blade blast is a physical spell so it doesn't proc the EE. And without combining it with skills like EK or BV it isn't very efficient in terms of hits and area coverage. But if you like the idea as some sort of flavour then why not, it's just probably not the best way to go. |
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Hi Grozaa,
Are you able to look at my profile and see what I need to upgrade next? I feel like my damage is okay but not that great compared to must profiles out there with a lot more energy shield. Thanks for your help! https://pastebin.com/b21bUgGa Editado por útlima vez por Orfen_POE#2300 en 15 abr. 2020 0:45:28
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Hey. just checkin back in. Upgraded a lil. still tryin to craft gloves. and also my fuckin tard ass just noticed they move minus cold res to redeemer base after all those fossils. but good news i finally hit my shavs. 1 ideal and 1 meh maybe try and trade someone later. lol. Also again any more opinions on upgrading is appreciated. Probably do rings after this patch, have about 10-13 ex saved up. Thanks again for ur build idea man its pretty solid!
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