3.9| Stress-Free PoE - CURSING CI |SSF the Atlas w/ 1 Button & Any Gear|Dungeon Crawl PoE!
"Thanks Meutrich! That's very kind of you! I'm glad you're liking it and that it suits your playstyle! It's true though, no matter when you take CI, it has its pros and cons. To answer your question, this build is great at groups, but low on single target damage. So it's tough to upgrade Incursion rooms with this build because we normally run out of time. Keep us posted on how your progress goes! https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" That is, what i noticed in Act 7, when i did the Alva quest. Happy, that is common understanding and not a lack of personal ability. Currently lvl 69, 4.2 K ES, about 36K DoT and did my first yellow T2 Allyways with twin boss. Still on 4-link, off course. It is fun, spamming chaos on gear. Actually resulting in nice outcomes, if rng is with you. Bleeding is a pain. So i‘m hoping for some „corrupted blood can not be inflicted on you“ ... |
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"Sweet. I'm glad you're enjoying it! Ya, Burning and Bleeding are tough. I use Flasks for those. But they can definitely take you by surprise. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Still very fond of this build. Mapping is so much fun. Bosses take a bit of time. But as a permanent league player I'm not in a hurry :)
That's my MyLadyDarbanville so far (standard, SSF). There's two things I'm thinking about: First - changing the skill tree. A bit more offensive, less defensive. Going all the way to Fingers of Frost in the upper right corner. However, I'd have to sacrifice some energy shield-points. According to Path of Build that would make me drop from ~ 10.500 energy shield to 9.800 (depending on the amulet anointment). Doesn't sound like a big deal, but I'm not sure about it. Second - There are several interesting anoinments for the amulet (in alphabetical order):
Arcane Guarding
Oils: Clear / Teal / Black 60% increased Energy Shield from Equipped Shield 20% increased Spell Damage if you've Blocked Recently 15% increased Spell Damage while holding a Shield +6% Chance to Block Spell Damage while holding a Shield Divine Judgement Oils: Sepia / Teal/ Black 18% increased Elemental Damage Damage Penetrates 5% Elemental Resistances +6% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier 10% increased Effect of non-Damaging Ailments on Enemies Entropy Oils: Sepia / Amber / Crimson 27% increased Damage over Time 5% increased Skill Effect Duration Fingers of Frost Oils: Golden / Violet / Crimson Enemies Become Chilled as they Unfreeze 10% chance to Freeze Enemies which are Chilled 12% increased Cold Damage 10% increased Effect of Chill +10% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier Frost Walker Oils: Opalescent / Verdant / Violet 25% increased Cold Damage +15% to Cold Resistance 5% increased Cast Speed with Cold Skills Holy Dominion Oils: Azure / Azure / Crimson 12% increased Elemental Damage +12% to all Elemental Resistances 5% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite 12% increased Physical Damage Snowforged Oils: Sepia / Azure / Black 25% increased Fire Damage 25% increased Cold Damage 30% increased Critical Strike Chance +10% to Fire and Cold Resistances Storm Weaver Oils: Sepia / Crimson / Black 25% increased Cold Damage 25% increased Lightning Damage 20% increased Mana Regeneration Rate 10% increased Effect of non-Damaging Ailments on Enemies) Am I missing somehting important? Right now I'm using Entropy. Pretty budget solution. Fingers of Frost and Frostwalker are too expensive. Arcane Guarding looks neat, offensive and defensive combined. Regarding Divine Judgement and Holy Dominon: Does "elemental damage" affect our hit and our over time cold damage? If that is the case, both of them seem to be quite good, too. What are you guys using (if anything at all)? Overwhelmed by Path of Exile? You might want to have a look at Wrecker_of_Days' beginner-friendly guides. One-click-wonders that do not require any specific items to conquer the campaign and the Atlas: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2606288/page/1
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"That's some great gear Caligula_Exile! I'd love to have some of those! Great job! Your weapon is an old-school favourite of mine for sure. It fits well with the build. I think Fingers of Frost is a good path for damage. Good call. You'll be fine 9.8k ES, in my opinion. Your anointment choices are tough to pick between. If you're looking for damage, Entropy and Fingers of Frost are optimal with the Cold DOT Multiplier. The tough part is that path to Entropy does less damage than the one to Fingers, but Entropy is so close it's hard to use an anointment on it. I can't tell you what I'd choose. You've given good options. Yes, Elemental Damage nodes & mods impact both our Hit and our DOT. Thanks again for your encouragement and kindness. You're fantastic as always. I'm considering putting the 3 curses as auras, next league. It'd get rid of Discipline and Malevolence but survivability would dramatically increase with the auras always on. Here's the Pastebin if anyone wants to compare and give feedback: https://pastebin.com/f4LyhL67. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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I think Tranquility is the best anointment damage-wise, but it is kinda expensive since you need 1 Azure Oil and 2 Golden Oils. It gives 5% increased max ES and ALL increases and reductions to Maximum Energy Shield also apply to spell damage at 30% of their value, which is a huge damage boost imo.
Editado por útlima vez por Steezbutter#6297 en 27 feb. 2020 19:46:17
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"Dang Steezbutter! That sounds awesome! That's sweet. I want that ;). https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" Thank you very much! The triple-curse-aura sounds interesting. I'd miss vaal discilpine, though, sometimes it saved me for its instant start of energy shield recharge. I can't wait to see the new version of your guide :) " That's definitely the best of all... I didn#t even know it existed. Let#s hope for a generous Cassia :D Overwhelmed by Path of Exile? You might want to have a look at Wrecker_of_Days' beginner-friendly guides. One-click-wonders that do not require any specific items to conquer the campaign and the Atlas: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2606288/page/1
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"I also have been considering having one of the curses on CwDT and Curse on Hit and keeping Discipline. Just thoughts. :) https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Thanks Wrecker for your guides & thank you to everybody for your great input. This was my 2nd full league, started about 1/2 way through in Legion. My primary char uses your slow-mo zombies build, got up to lvl 93, and only got up to lvl 83 with this build but very much enjoyed it as a alternative to the minion build.
Wanted to say thank you for all your hard work/sharing & wanted to link the chest piece I got over the weekend for 1Exalt. Raised my ES from 4kish to around 7.3k. Wished I had shopped for it prior to the end of the season, but next time right? :) (This season was the first season I traded for anything on either of my chars, so was nice to get over that hurdle of trying trading) -Thaldar |
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