[3.8] Raider Fire Frenzy/Voidshot: An all-content bow build tailored for Raider---UE DONE!
Hello and welcome to this unique Frenzy bow build that features
a. > 4-5 M sustained Shaper DPS; burst DPS can be ~ 10 M . b. > 5.5k life c. > 120% movement speed (w/o flask) and fast map clear d. One main skill, no gem swap. If that looks attractive to you, welcome to my Raider Fire Frenzy/Voidshot build. I am still pushing it to end game as of now, but I have done many T16 maps and killed Shaper, red elder and Uber Elder with ease. ![]() Game play videos
This is the Slayer version. Mine has the same playstyle, just a lot faster T16 Double Beyond Minotaur https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sma64YnA8Xo (Credits to Diabloyd) Change log
11/01/19: Uber elder and other end game contents tested. No issue at all. 10/30/19: Build guide posted Intro (Please read this first)
What is wrong with Raider? In a nutshell, Raidar is stuck between a ranged and a melee character. It can do either, but not the best most of the time. For most-used bow skills (tornado shot, ice shot, scourge arrow, etc), the other two ranger ascendance are just plain better. For melee builds, you got Duelist and Marauder to compete with. Also tbh, the right side of the skill tree is just not as efficient as the left for melee builds. As such, raider ended up becoming a niche ascendancy. What makes Raider Unique? a. It moves fast. b. Can generate Frenzy charges. Why Frenzy? It scales heavily with Frenzy charges. + 1 max frenzy charges ended up being 20 % more damage with Frenzy in this build. Also I like the green projectiles . Why Voidshot? Too big of a DPS burst to pass up. It synergizes with Raider and Frenzy quite well. Insane attack speed with Frenzy (5 hits/s) means we can dump all of the void charges in one second and BOOM BOOM. Core Build Mechanics? 1. We convert some of the physical damage to cold along with some added cold damage, then convert everything to fire with Xoph's blood + Pyre. This way we can use both Hatred and Anger aura for to boost our damage, especially with a good Watcher's eye jewel. Also fire penetration is one of the easiest to get outside of your six-linked main skill, and we ended up with around 65-90 fire penetration against bosses. A huge boost in damage. 2. With 8 frenzy charges, our Frenzy has 40% MORE damage and 40% MORE attack speed. This leads to an overall 270% damage multiplier with Frenzy, higher than Heavy strike! 3. With Dying Sun up, we get 5 projectiles that can pierce twice. That combined with voidshot gives some pretty satisfying clear. Although the clear isn't as clean as ice shot/tornado shot with chaining, we make it up by firing and moving very fast. Also this means we don't need two 6 links so we get to run --- 4. You guessed it, Kaom's heart. That's how we get over 5.5k life with raider, with 4 uniques that don't have any life on them. Contents I have done with this build
All guardians Uber Elder (died once) Aul Delve Boss (only took 2 tries) Uber Atziri Delve 300+ T13 Blighted map Pro's & Con's
+ Budget Friendly for a bow build (1 six-link, no gem swap; 8-9 ex to get started, ~15 ex to min-max) + Scale well into the end game + Fast and satisfying clear + 4-5 M Shaper DPS with Frenzy, up to 10 M burst DPS with voidshot + 5.5-6k life, rarely get one-shoted + 50% evade chance + 50% attack dodge, 30% spell dodge. - Not the cheapest, and not a good league starter. - Weak to spell/chaos damage - No ele-reflect map - Requires an active play style, but is this a con? Gearing
My current Gear
Core Uniques
Bow: Note: Need the +2 projectiles to not run Greater/Lesser multiple projectile gem. I have also tried Arborix, but Iron grip really makes us squishy. Quiver: Note: We actually need the additional pierce from it, so no crazy expensive +1 projectile corruption needed. Armour: Note: The +500 life makes it an obvious choice. Corruption mod isn't important. Boots: Note: +1 max Frenzy charge is a 20% more damage boost. However, a rare boots is also fine as it provides more life/resist/stats, if needed. Damage isn't an issue in this build. Amulet: Note: Avatar of Fire is key to this build. Won't be the same w/o it. All of the other stats are useful for us. Pyre: Note: Convert most of the rest cold damage to fire. Required to make this build work. Rare Helmet
Note: Get evasion based helmet with the Frenzy enchant. I got mine for 40c. Then craft it with Pristine fossil + Scorched fossil. If have an open prefix, craft "projectile pierce an additional target" or some accuracy. The other rare ring, gloves and belt
Stats priority: Life > Accuracy > Resists > Intelligence/Strength > Accuracy. Resists and Int/Strength requirements shouldn't be that bad to cover, since we get some help from our skill tree. Accuracy, however, is much needed on these rares. We would need about 400-500 accuracy rating from these rares, so watch out for it. Gem Setup
Main skill Frenzy: 4-link aura If can't afford level 4 Enlighten, get level 3, and replace precision with blood rage. 4-link boss damage boost: Cast the brand for boss fights. Part of the reason why we use fire damage. Ultility/movement: Here is just personal choice. Steel skin with higher level CWDT is fine as well. Movement skill wise I prefer dash over blink arrow. Passive Tree and leveling tips
Level 90: https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAIBAABeBS0FtQbnCC4IiQzyDY0S8RR1Ff0WvxcmGY4ajRvII_YknSaVKgstTS5TL3IwcTB8MfoylDY9N9Q51DpCPP5B0EMxR35KfUt4TP9Nkk4qUUdVS1oaWyZbr11oXfJeRWHiYlpirGVNa5BsjG9XcFJ07XXLdvd4GXj5eoR67311ft1_An8rf_uBrId2idOMNo19jX6NgY25jb-VBZhTmvGbjZ2qoJ-jiqQFpMKly6l5tMW5Ar02vea-p8EzwaDC7MMzyqnNmM_d0K3Tb9N-1CPZxtrB3ajkaupi7T_tg-4O73rxivLm_MX9bv66_94=?accountName=wodeljn&characterName=KungPaoFirePig Leveled with ice shot later on frenzy, not as a league starter so it was very smooth. Ascendancy
Rapid Assault -> Avatar of the Chase -> Way of the Poacher -> Avatar of the Slaughter Bandits, Pantheons, Anointment
Bandits: Kill all or save Alira Pantheons: Soul of Lunaris, Soul of Shakari (Can use other minor gods as well.) Anointment: I took Lava Lash as it is good DPS boost. Play style
You run and fire arrows as you go, pretty much one-shotting everything. I like to get somewhat up close to put Point Blank to work, but you don't have to.
Bossing: Cast your Armagadon brand onto them. Find the right opportunity and dump all of your void shot close up into their faces is the best way to burst them down. POB
Still leveling (level 90) https://pastebin.com/QEMVekpm Concluding remarks
This is my 3rd build guide so far. I just realize it is a bit similar to "Diabloyd's Frenzy Void Slayer", but I'd say with the Raider ascendency and the use of Xoph's blood it is quite different. I can't post videos since my laptop isn't up for it. If have questions I will answer to the best I can. I enjoy building around off-meta, unpopular uniques items and/or skills Check out my other builds: Elementalist Storm Brand-Autobomber: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2666929 Occultist "Triple D"- DancingDuo/Doedre' skin https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2659375 Thank you! Editado por útlima vez por wodeljn#1837 en 7 nov. 2019 22:26:48 Reflotado por última vez en 12 mar. 2020 0:46:40
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Looks interesting on a first glance. Eagerly awaiting a video before i decide to play it :D
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Ok, decided to play this. It's actually very smooth and on my level 71 Raider without uber lab done i can still do T11-t12 Maps, haven't tried higher yet.
Rather fast and smooth gameplay. Thanks for the guide. Current gear:
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" Glad to hear! I'd recommend craft "projectile pierce one additional target" on your helmet, or spend 3 points in the skill tree. I find one pierce wasn't enough for densely packed maps/delve. |
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" Didn't think of that, i will definately change my helmet and give it a try. I actually respecced my frost blades 94 Raider for this and it's so amazing. |
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" I really like how fast this build is. It feels like playing a queen of forest MF build, but on T16 maps. |
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" Oh yeah its nice and speedy, feels really smooth. I was looking for a new speed mapper so it was great timing that you came out with this :D |
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Update: Uber elder and other end game contents tested. No issue at all.
Editado por útlima vez por wodeljn#1837 en 1 nov. 2019 23:28:43
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Hey I've been playing this the last weeks, and I really enjoy it. But I am having problems to kill bosses, I feel that my dps is pretty low against them, so I end getting hit and dying.
I can run t16 without problems, got all watchstones, killed Sirus once, but I die a looot, I take several minutes to kill big stuff This is my current build:
Could you tell me what can I improve? I can throw ~20ex into it if needed. Thanks! |
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Sorry for double posting.
Today I bought: And also changed ascendancy to Avatar of the Veil instead of Chase. I move a little slower, but the increment in damage and survavility was pretty big, I am glad I spent several ex in the jewel and gems. |
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