[3.10] Elementalist Storm Brand bomber-Heralds Just Got Better!!!
is anyone playing it in this league?how it feel in simulacrum?
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Thanks for the writeup. I'm enjoying it quite alot and wanted to ask if there's any luxury unique/items that may enhance it and take it to another level.
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" Oh yes. HH is on the top of the list (and relatively easy to get) to insane clear speed. Essence of horror crafted shaper Helmet with +crit chance to socket spells, innervate and good ES and good enchantment is another. If you are playing standard you have access to legacy Synthesized items like Onslaught boots, ES 900+ body armor lots of Mirror-tier stuff. |
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" I only played 2 similacrums. The last few waves are pretty tough especially if you have a boss on them. The golems tend to die and then you lose a ton of dps and survivability. I think if you reposition quickly and resummon them you should be able to manage the last waves as well (I got pretty hard mods and bosses in the last waves) but it's not very easy. However reaching wave 17/18 is not hard with some gear. As for the other content. It's viable for pretty much everything. The clear is great and so is the insane regen. Also 8k EHP is not hard to reach. The hunter conqueror can be a pain for the golems but is manageable. The others are a joke and so are the shaper/elder guardians etc. Sirus is maybe the only exception because the golems get nuked in that fight pretty fast and resummoning in the last phase is not pleasant to say the least. So if you plan to farm him I'd choose an other build. Maybe grabing grave intentions (anoint) would help with the chaos res and additional es. Editado por útlima vez por jakenumberx#6504 en 2 abr. 2020 7:56:11
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" Thanks for sharing your experience! That's exactly what I'd expect. Been thinking a lot about how to keep the golems alive. One way is to not use Shim at all and use rare wands with trigger socketed spells and put golems in there. That way they get automatically re-summoned in sequence. However w/o Shim it is not quite the same build as it is difficult to get good crit on the Heralds outside of Assassin. |
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Hi! I have some problems with my build, I was doing another storm brand build and I just decided to do yours because it seems it does more dmg than my previous build, the problem is, I'm not getting the dmg ouput, dps, or whatever dmg you are doing, I don't know if it is my gear or my passive points, or something I'm doing wrong.
Can someone help me out? thanks |
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" You definately need something other than tabula rasa, in endgame first of all. Your wand other than the shimmeron is really not good. You need something with crit multi and crit is good. like this: g Also your helm you need something like this: There isn't many on trade but try and find one. Also this one should be easy to find or something similar: At least those items will help a lot. I myself is using this build, but have modified it quite a lot. Since it is not counting for the cluster jewels I am experimenting a bit and have changed them quite a few times. Right now using 3 that I am not sure how to link here, but the notables are: Doryani's Lesson, Overshock, Storm Drinker, Grand design, Brand Loyalty, Agent of Destruction and Heraldry. Quite interesting, but i might change them even more later. Only one was expensive, which is the Large one with 2 sockets. Thanks for the initial writeup, I kind of like the playstyle and destroying most content. Right now actually not using shimmerons at all, but i might switch back to one again later, just not finding it nessessary and I like the better servival without one. I only died on hunter, recently, also doing the mine is quite fun. I use "Freedom of movement" on my Presence of Chayula after getting "Brand Loyalty", but I will try out that other one someone mentioned ealier for minion survival. I switched minnion life out with "meat shield", I think it is better for survival, and taken the golems with more health into that gem chain so they can taunt without dying too much. Like this: And then the boots are like this: Hope that helps someone, it feel quite nice. |
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" Wow man thanks a lot, I'll try to change those things. Do you mind if I PM you if i have some other doubts about the build? Really thanks a lot |
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No that is fine m8, go ahead.
First of all, try and use original posters advice on armor, get a 6 link Vaal Regalia, and try and craft one. The base should be as high ilvl as possible, mine is not so high, my bad. (get 84+) I first tried with essenses, worked okay but after delving some, I have made a few attempts, like this: Oh yea, after swithing away from shimmers, I also ditched powercharge on crit and got me a Awakenened added lightning damage, that I am trying to level. A bit expensive, but cheaper than the added cold cold one i could use in helm. Work in progress ;) |
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I already changed 1 of my medium jewels to one that has "self-fulfilling prophesy" and Empowered Envoy, gave me straight up almost 5% more crit chance for herald. So brand not as good, but heralds better.
Need more testing ;) Also getting another one to try, with "self-fulfilling prophesy" and "Dark messenger" might be even better. |
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