[3.9] Herald of Agony (Melee!) Necro--Get in Monsters' Faces Safely (5M Shaper DPS/8.4kLife+Fortify)
Alrighty, reporting back some early findings. Short version, this build is amazing. This league I've already done skellies (my starter), slave driver spectres, self-inflict CWDT volatile dead, and spiders. This build has blown them all away in both clearability (survival + clear speed combo) and fun (VD might be just a bit more fun) but this is definitely "Active" vs the others and is much faster.
I completed the respec and got some decent gear (if I had known res on jewels was so cheap, I would have started there as I'm way overcapped. Once I 6L (I'm poor, too many builds), I'll regear again at that time and get some more health). What are your thoughts on the best anoint for this build? Gear for example in case anyone interested. Probably cost me 1-2ex or less for all gear including the gems (bought a 21/0 HoA). Clearing t15 with near pure faceroll. Editado por útlima vez por Aevaris#1012 en 22 sept. 2019 16:02:58
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" Yeah, I'm amazed at how I've never seen a Herald of Agony guide use Chain support before. The dps is so high that it just seems like a no-brainer to me for clearspeed. Glad to hear you're enjoying it! I do mention annointment in the gear section, I just go for Golem's Blood. Haven't saved for it yet. It's the most expensive part of the whole build kind of?? The 2 extra crawler projectiles I actually only purchased this morning (it was available for 70c!), and I was very much facerolling red maps before getting it. " Hahah, you have NO idea how happy this comment made me :) This is my first build guide ever and I worked really hard on putting the actual build together, so I'm glad my guide was able to be useful in sharing my faceroll! The total value of all of my gear so far, by the way, was only around 5ex. The 6L was obviously the most expensive (3ex), the belt was actually next because I found a lot of stats in one (1ex), the enchanted helmet was next (70c), the gloves were after that (35c)... the two weapons, even with the corruptions, were a combined total of 25c for me (though the market varies a lot depending on how many cold iron points have been corrupted recently--you have to be online maybe 5 hours a day to find people selling at such good prices, but this is kind of the only build in the world that wants that corruption on that weapon). Oh, but I found the coral temple life ring myself. That one might be expensive. Anyway, as I said above, the annoint I go for is Golem's Blood. I should be able to afford it soon. Editado por útlima vez por codetaku#0468 en 22 sept. 2019 18:11:10
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also have this but the Talisman makes me have 9 zombies instead of 8 so next to get is 6L and uberlab done(need to get those damn trials) also trying to get my hands ona Tombfist with enfeeble corruption for that extra defense layer Editado por útlima vez por nothingtoxic#2095 en 22 sept. 2019 18:31:17
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Hello there.
I found your thread by accident and was confused first because it loocked so familiar :) Thank you for giving me credit i apreciate that. Just one thing, can u leave a link to my Guide here since you are using my Tilsets ? I apreciate it and have a good day Sir. |
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" Done, I added some explanation at the top too. As you can see by reading the build, it's completely different from yours; our similarities are fundamentally intrinsic to any herald of agony necro in 3.8 (namely, the use of cold iron point and the choice of ascendancy points). If anything, your build is more suited to use Mistress of Sacrifice somewhere than mine is, since you actually have the time to cast offerings manually between charging worb, whereas I try to be cycloning all the time. Editado por útlima vez por codetaku#0468 en 23 sept. 2019 9:02:34
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If you had to choose:
-Devoto's with no relevant lab enchant -decent rare helm with +2 projectiles enchant Editado por útlima vez por phirefor#0344 en 23 sept. 2019 22:07:17
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Devoto is for the dex requirement as you don't take that much dex from the passive tree(the agony crawler does need a lot of dex),and speed. I would not call it necessary or something,but it's nice to have.
It makes mapping a lot smoother, you can pretty much just cyclone,hit a speed flask and off you go. If you have more currency to sink into a helmet,then in my opinion you can skip devoto,in last league when everyone was cycloning, it was expensive as hell,this league it's pretty cheap. Editado por útlima vez por Nosferat#4431 en 24 sept. 2019 3:49:56
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" Yes, exactly. In addition to the huge 20% movespeed and 16% attack speed, the dex saves you two +30 dex passive points. It's simply the best helm for mapping, and I was using it long before I had the enchant. The +2 projectiles are a very slight mapping clearspeed increase. Less than the helm itself, since the helm increases the speed of getting from Pack A to Pack B. With that said, if you're stuck on a 4-link for some reason (no chain), the helm enchant may very well be the biggest clearspeed increase you can find. But that's a pretty edge case imo. 5-links are cheap, and you definitely want Chain before Vicious Projectiles. Editado por útlima vez por codetaku#0468 en 24 sept. 2019 4:56:28
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Hie.. Im finally hit level 90 and 7k hp.. I can truly say this is one of the most fun build i ever played..plus more enjoyable then my previous league cyclone phys ahfak build.. right now aiming for a 31 HoA gem and CoE Tombfist with a right socket color.. been sniping the Tombfist for a few days now without luck getting the right color socket..
I guess the priority upgrade for now will be HoA 21 > 6 link > tombfist CoE > more Life right? |
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" I cry a little every time I see a new positive reception to the build :') Anyway, yeah, you've got the priority right imo. HoA 21 is slightly less of a dps increase than your 6L will be (31% vs up to 44% depending on the level of vicious projectiles), but it's also way cheaper than the 6L. I know it'll "feel bad" to give up 23q on the herald of agony gem, but honestly, I'd go straight for it before saving for the 21/20 or 21/23 herald of agony. The minion movement speed on my amulet is something I only crafted because of the lack of quality on my gem; once I get a 21/20 gem I plan to drop it because the crawler isn't painfully slow or anything. The 21/0 gem is just WAY cheaper than 21/20 (last I checked anyway). You can always resell the 21/0 gem when you can afford 21/20. If you're intent on going straight for 21/20 instead, then the 6th link might actually be a higher priority. On the topic of Tombfist, you know that you can color a corrupted one yourself, right? As long as you have vaal orbs, you can just select the "1 blue socket" option and it'll take an average of 2.5 attempts to color it. It's 4 chromatics and 4 vaal orbs per attempt. If you were trying to get something noticeably more costly (like 3 blue sockets) then the corrupted coloring costs could be a deal-breaker, but with something like this where you only want 1 off color socket and an even split between the other two colors, it's pretty much a best-case scenario for corrupted coloring. I actually got mine in only 1 attempt, for a measly 4 vaal orbs! Editado por útlima vez por codetaku#0468 en 24 sept. 2019 8:20:32
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