3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

supervi1 escribió:
Hello, anyone who doesn't play standard and didn't spend fucking 100 ex on this build can give me some feedback? Like, if you spend 5 to 15 ex in this build, how is it going for you? Willing to try but don't want to waste currency since i can't play PoE all day.

I played this as league starter build and is the only build i've played and it's great. For a while I only had 5l chest with 5l queen's escape and could push high maps pretty easy. With a little luck and currency things got easier and easier as my items improved. Don't know why people keep saying you need 100ex. Pretty sure there is a starter build guide.

This build was my league start and only character im playing this league, meaning I started with 0 ex to build this character to where it is now - it doesnt take 100s of ex to clear content, its good for making money and re-investing that money back to become even more OP.[/quote]

Gz, there are many starters with "this build", but you should understand what starter means. You cant start with this build, as you need the items the build needs to become "this build", you simply played a summoner.[/quote]

You can start with this build. Dumb to say not. You follow the tree and get the items as you find/buy them. There is a starter build and an end game build and a speed variant. Those who started with this started/worked towards the starter build and evolved from there. You can easily push high tier maps with very little investment.
emppwnes escribió:
Mubbsy escribió:
emppwnes escribió:
How do I get the minions attack and cast speed recipe?? ^^

Lucky unveils from 2 handed melee and ranged weapons.

Ohh, auch xD well, any tips for farming unvailed 2h melee and ranged weps?

So run a bunch of Jun missions and if you get options for the characters to drop an additional veiled item, always select that. Same with Metamorphs, select the options that drop veiled weapons.

Alternately buy unveiled items from other players and take them to Jun.

Lastly, tell the Syndicate to jam RNG where the sun don't shine and ask a friendly Summoner colleague to craft the affix for you :)
LemonkaFC escribió:
Kukabay escribió:
Kukabay escribió:

First I did setup 2 speed mapping, but I died too much. Then I returned to setup 1 and now I have 10k hp/energy. (ı have 13 zombie/3 spectre/1 carrion golem) + 1186 STR.

I've spent about 30-35 exalted on all things.

I will have some questions. I would appreciate if you answer.

1) Efficient Training What does corrupted blood in Crimson Jewel do? Is it absolutely necessary? I can still die.

2) I'm at level 79, and I'm entering the t12-14 maps to increase the level. Is there a specific map that you recommend to increase the level quickly?

3) When I use 4 aura, my mana ends. 1 aura is idle, I can't use it. Is this normal? and which do you think I should not use? ( I use flesh and stone, pride, discipline, dread banner) and my mana falls to 35. I can't use Vulnerability.

4) Is there something I need to do or a detail I've missed?

I don't know how to put my stuff in here.
These are my things. You can look from here https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Kukabay/characters

Can you help me? :(

why you dont use skeletons?

pob for you https://pastebin.com/GES5BMqk
+Brawn Crimson Jewels
- 6l auras
+6l skeletons
1).Deathmark or Feeding Frenzy
2). Maim dps for Zombie and Skeletons bcz its debuff
- Golem
+ SKitterbots
-Dread Banner and Impale
+War Banner and Minion Damage
+Vaal Molten Shell

you need 1 more ring with 1 slot gem for your convocation
its what you can change for more dps and not so much currency for you.

I did the things shown, I have no idea. :D I'm just starting the game.
You have almost 3x times more damage than I do. wow D:
I think I'il do what you say. Thank you. Can I just look at your profile, right? I don't really understand the POE Building program. :d
Editado por útlima vez por Kukabay#6575 en 17 ene. 2020 13:54:10
Kukabay escribió:

I did the things shown, I have no idea. :D I'm just starting the game.
You have almost 3x times more damage than I do. wow D:
I think I'il do what you say. Thank you. Can I just look at your profile, right? I don't really understand the POE Building program. :d

my profile rly expensive to copy paste
if you will have more currency just pm me on discord Hosty
#5201 if you need. i can say what you can go in next step
and you can check profile here too http://poe-profile.info/profile/LemonkaFC?
Что бы получить быстрее ответ на Ваш вопрос, пишите в Discord https://discord.gg/rXA56XPUmd
Editado por útlima vez por LemonkaFC#2185 en 17 ene. 2020 14:04:22
FeRR1S escribió:

Gz, there are many starters with "this build", but you should understand what starter means. You cant start with this build, as you need the items the build needs to become "this build", you simply played a summoner.

Uhh.... what? Not sure if serious. Budget variants are still the same build as you arent changing the skill tree, game play, archetype, skills or core mechanics of the build.

Editado por útlima vez por Durahal#6037 en 17 ene. 2020 14:09:51
Builds still going really well, just had 1 quick question for you exp'd necromancers.

Im using the automated offering/desecrate via cyclone/channeling support, how is it best used.

What I mean is, in boss fights with hella adds like metamorph wave phases or delve boss fights, do I just hold down cyclone and spin to win the whole time, or is it just situational, if so when.

Its my 1st time using offerings, just did the final labyrinth today for the last ascendancy points for mistress of sacrifice, thank you =).
Is it cheaper to buy or craft the heavy elder belt with strength and % increased attributes?

This was my league starter. I had no problems getting what I needed. Crafted the weapon myself.

Just killed Sirius a5 for 1st time with 3 deaths. All deaths was not paying attention to where I was going.
Editado por útlima vez por GoobDBZ#1414 en 17 ene. 2020 14:35:20
Hey all...I just had a Hungry Loop drop for me and was wondering if anyone’s been using one.

I had a crazy idea that maybe I can put my skellies in there. Any thoughts??
sephrinx escribió:
What am I doing wrong with this build?

My damage feels like shit and my clear is even worse. My minions seem so fucking stupid and slow it's unbearable. I try using Feeding Frenzy on my zombies to make them smarter but they still always lag behind me instead of being smart. I've began swapping out Feeding Frenzy in my Skellies for the additional speed, it helps a bit but still feels super sluggish and slow.

Here is my PoB - https://pastebin.com/yKJBq0kz

Gear is here

What Spectres are you using? So, take that shitty Leap Slam jewel out of your helmet and replace it with Blood Magic. Now your spectres can spam their skill endlessly so if you're using your Carnage Chieftains your minions will always have Frenzy charges up which will give them 15% more damage and attack speed. That's probably going to significantly improve your minion damage and clear speed issues.

If you want to run Auras and Skeletons then put your Skellies in a 4 link and use your Enlighten in the 6 link where it will benefit more auras.

You seem to have a hard-on for strength stacking and getting a million Zombies. It's really not necessary and is costing you in the long run. You should be replacing the chest and gloves with the recommended items: Shaper's Touch for gloves and either Geofri's Sanctuary or Victario's if you want to be an Aura Whore. You'll get the necessary resistances through rings, belt and Mistress of Sacrifice. Speaking of which, respec Commander of Darkness and go get Mistress of Sacrifice because it's the entire reason we run the Cyclone part of the build.

If your minions are still lagging, consider using a Haste Aura instead of something else.

Ditch the Amulet for Astramentis, or a good Strength one. Your mana reservation issues are not worth using Impresence as you're gaining almost nothing else from it. Respec Spiritual Command and Sacrifice wheels, we don't use them in 3.9. Go take the Soverignty cluster to help your mana reservation issues and I would highly recommend getting the Grave Intentions cluster in 3.9. The Chaos resist for your minions alone will massively improve your QoL. You should also consider getting some chaos resist on your rings and belt if possible for your own survival.

What are you doing with that Hybrid Flask? Get rid of that immediately and get something useful like an Amethyst, Quartz or Basalt flask.

You can do better with your Jewels too. You've got three Efficient Training, you really don't need Brawn as well. Get some rare Jewels with affixes like Minion Leech, Minions deal increase damage if you've used a minion skill recently (which with Cyclone is always happening thanks to Spirit Offering),
Minion Resists, Minion increased attack and cast speed if your minions have killed recently. If you want some minion damage affixes make sure you get Physical damage for them because that also gets them extra Chaos damage from Spirit Offering.

Sacrifice an Aura for a Carrion Golem, even better if you can link him with Maim. Carrion Golem and this build is a wonderful synergy as your Golem will get 80% more damage, and your Zombies and/or Skellies will get 27-41 additional Phys damage which is HUGE. This little dude will massively improve your damage and clear speed.

That's probably enough to get you started, even if you only choose some of the above recommendations.

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