[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL
Is there any way that I can get you to show this passive tree on regular pathofexile.com? PoB app on the phone is what I'm stuck with for the time being. It breaks the passive tree so I could use PoEMate if I had that link to use. Loving it so far, though
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" don't use whirling blades it will get you killed more often than not, you can pretty much face tank him most of the fight. when you hear die,die,die just whirl to the side or sidestep and continue dps. watchout for meteor so it doesn't drop on you, that will kill you. court of stars (he summons clones in a circle just run in circles when he makes the maze just follow the sparks, those mark exits corridor I just dash past him and continue dps storm placement - watch a video (grimro, cutedog have good ones) I fuck up storms sometimes as well but essentially just get out when he casts it and then go slowly to him, he will agro and storm will get pushed out by the arena most important, especially phase 1 is to stay in the ring. now go kill the basterd |
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" ranged www.poeurl.com/cHTl Be aware that Venom Gyre requires to take Piercing Shots notable before you get anointment! Otherwise it will feel bad. melee www.poeurl.com/cHTm |
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" A couple of things to keep in mind. 1. Flask management on bosses is slightly different than during mapping, even more so on a fight with no adds like Sirus. Since we are Pathfinders, a lot of our power comes from the flasks. That means you can't just piano key them everytime you get near Sirus. Try and find times when you'll get atleast 3-4 seconds of time to wail on him before you pop everything. Also the biggest damage increase from our flasks comes from the Master Toxicist ascendancy node line "Poisons you inflict during ANY Flask Effect have 40% chance to deal 100% more Damage." So if you can get any long lasting utility flask you can easily get up to 10 or so seconds per use of uptime. 2. Related to the first point, flasks give us our super defense. Try and save your Witchfire Brew and Jade flask for points when you know you are going to take big damage. I got boned and fought him on the stairs for the final phase, but with the two flasks and molten shell, I tanked the meteor like it was nothing. Also, his storms are degens, I believe, meaning (Vaal) Molten Shell won't help protect against them. 3. Try not to use Whirling Blades very much. Navigating the storms with it is very hard since it doesn't really allow for precise movement. You are better off just running since you don't need to go super quickly. I mostly just used it to dodge thru him to get away from his laser beams and out of the corridor quickly and to keep up Fortify. 4. Don't be afraid to swap some of the gems links for the fight. You can link a blind support with HoAg to keep Sirus blinded almost the entire fight. It will help cut down on some of his damage. Also, if you are really struggling in the last phase of the fight, link a culling strike to your whirling blades, once he hits 10% life, dash thru him once and he should pop. 5. This has nothing to do with the build, but Sirus doesn't have the greatest visual ques in the world. However, the audio ques he gives are quite amazing. So if you like to play with game sounds down and your own music blasting, I would recommend changing that. Personally, I turn the game music off and have the sound effects and dialogue volume about equal, and just a little bit of the ambient sounds. 6. If you are struggling with mechanics of the fight, I highly recommend watching Grimro's videos: Everything You Need To Know About Sirus Awakener Of Worlds (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNrVc1bx-Bw ) and Exact Sirus Storm Location's For 100% Success (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7PsBmEFQzE). Hopefully this helps and feel free to ask if you have any other questions. Good luck! |
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This is what makes the build so much better, great community! :) Editado por útlima vez por TorsteinTheFallen#1295 en 6 ene. 2020 17:08:45
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" Yes Whirlingblades has killed me about half of my deaths lol. Are you using something else to fortify or just swapping for a different movement skill? |
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"start with Viper Strike - Lesser Poison Support"
So far 2 gems. "add Ancestral Call at lvl 4" So far 3 gems. "add Melee Physical Damage Support & Deadly Ailments Support at level 18" So far 5 gems. (Or, should I remove Ancestral Call, at least for bosses?) "swap Viper Strike for Pestilent Strike at level 28 (if you want Pestilent)" (No change in number.) "add Added Chaos Damage Support at level 31" So far 6 gems. "swap Multistrike Support with Lesser poison support [and] add Vile Toxins Support at level 38" So far... 7 gems? (There are no 7 sockets even in Tabula Rasa.) Or, what gem (and when) should I remove? "use Melee Phys damage instead of Ancestral call for bosses" (Perhaps one of these gems shold be removed - but clarify it please.) |
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" To clear things out, ofc you can't use 7 gems. You will use lesser poison support until you can wear Mortem Morsu claws, because of low chance to poison on hit. 4L Viper Strike - Lesser Poison supp - Deadly Ailments - Melee Phys/Ancestral call 5L Viper Strike - Added chaos - Deadly Ailments - Melee Phys/Ancestral call - Multi Strike (with Mortem Morsu claws) 6L Viper Strike - Added Chaos - Deadly Ailments - Melee Phys/Ancestral call - Multi Strike - Vile Toxins You can't go much wrong... Ill rework the leveling section... |
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" For Sirius you can swap Melee Phys with Fortify to have it on hit. Little less damage but safer. |
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what if we can't afford those "non-channeling skill reduce mana" enchants. is there an alternative itemization?
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