[3.8] ShakCentral's Tornado Shot For Dummies
Those rings are pretty sweet. Don't forget though that using one of them can cause rippling issues throughout the rest of the build. Rings are usually a huge chunk of your resists, and you'll likely lose the benefit of the added damage when you have to retool some other DPS gear to make up the resists. I have a hard time believing that they're anywhere near The Taming in terms of overall build usefullness. Cold DoT For Everyone: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2661120
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" That's sweet! You're just about maxed on IIQ for temp leagues, and yo ucan't ask for much more than that. I'm impressed that your resists are capped. Some people hit a level they're comfortable with and just shed resists for more speed, not caring if they die and using CWDT+Portal. Nice job capping Cold DoT For Everyone: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2661120
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First of all, thank you for all the effort you put through your guide, you worked hard and it shows. It is even entertaining to read. I have a couple questions though, namely: - Why don't you take Point Blank? - Could you explain more in depth why do you take fork/chain and not like hypothermia or a last dps gem? Asking because my dps seems low. - Do you think Grace is really worth it? On your PoB for full gear it only gives you 11% MS from QotF and 5% more evade chance. - I've played a couple bow builds before but never without a single target skill, how do you deal with bosses? I'm level 73 following your guide and it feels like bosses take an eternity even in T1-T3 or so, why does no one (even on poe ninja) seem to get a barrage or something in their second 6 link? - Why do you recommend the Tempest? My PoB seems to like Lioneye's Glare better and it's very cheap as you stated in 4.1 - My damage feels quite low, even in AoE, what can I do to make it far better? I've wandered on my PoB the next big thing seems to be the Lioneye's Fall jewel when I get enough currency, but what else? My gear doesn't seem that bad in my eyes (might be completly wrong lol). Character is Merren in Blight SC. Thanks again and sorry if I sound harsh that's not the intent; I really like your guide, it's a very good one, and I want to get better. Cheers. Edit : I'm getting interrested in buying a Windripper, is the only way to freeze ennemies herald of ice? I'm lost Editado por útlima vez por SuddenOcade#3607 en 11 oct. 2019 13:01:06
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" Not OP, gonna stab at some of these. Point Blank is great at all gear levels, picking it up is preference. Worst case for it is speed farming on lower end or MF gear. If you are going to do hard content (bosses), it's probably worth picking up IMO. " Hypothermia gives up a lot of clear for damage, but if you really need/want that damage go for it. " It's the best option for speed clear. If you need more damage, Hatred or Wrath could be better. " I ran 5L Barrage (in Thunderfist) for bosses for a long time. TS with more levels and better gear is strong enough at single target to no longer need it. " I used Chin Sol for a long time. Tempest is straight up broken IF you stack as much flat lightning damage as you can. Which brings me to... " You have ZERO flat damage abyss jewels as far as I can tell. It may not be super intuitive, but that is HUGE for our damage. Add in 3-4 cold/lightning damage to bows/attacks searching eyes and you will see a massive difference! In your post you've identified a lot of ways you can approach your damage problem, Point Blank + Hypothermia + damage aura + Barrage + Windripper. I wouldn't discourage any of them, but I'd definitely encourage trying out the jewels (and getting more character / gem levels) " Big cold damage hits can freeze. So cold damage on Windripper (+jewels+Herald of Ice) can freeze. Critical hits help a lot. Cheers! |
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Wow thanks for all the answers so fastly, definitely helps!
I'm gonna work towards that, first the Lioneye's Jewel, then more jewel slots and abyssal jewels. Will need to level up a bit obviously. Thank you wholeheartedly, brightens my day to have you guys' help! Time to zoom zoom. |
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Thank you for the input! I agree with basically all of this and it's very close to what I would have said. Thanks again! Cold DoT For Everyone: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2661120
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Any tips for surviving? I get 1 shot a LOT and I would like to know If I can do anything about it
I really want to try and push atlas with this character instead of returning back to summoner. My profile is public and character name is: NyxGottaGoFastNyx Editado por útlima vez por ftw2255#0503 en 12 oct. 2019 19:37:07
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Not sure if I missed it in the guide, but what do you anoint a Solstice Vigil with based on your 2 inspired learning passive tree?
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" The two things you can do to prevent deaths are to lean more heavily on defense or lean extra heavily into damage. Only 1 of your jewels has life on it, and that's a good place to start for survivability. If one-shots are a problem, a life flask isn't doing much for you, and I'd consider swapping it out for a defensive flask. You're right next to quite a few life nodes on the tree, and you could either respec into a few of them, or just map at a slightly lower level for a few levels and allocate some more life. " There are a few good options. If Blight becomes a mechanic that stays around I'll add an anointing section. Whispers of Doom is one of the best options for the additional curse. Skittering Runes could be an option as well. Throatseeker is a great option for crit. Freedom of Movement is good for move speed and phasing and defense. Heart of Thunder is niche but pretty cool. Cold DoT For Everyone: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2661120
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" I would love to go the DPS route for both tackling higher tier maps and bosses. Right now bosses are kinda hard at T12+ any tips to kind of be able to kill them? |
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