[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

you guys are pissing me off, im no where near your gear and cant get crap for drops. Can someone look at my setup and tell me what to upgrade next i have 2 exalts so far and thats it.

i gave up arcane will for cold to the core, foresight is already specced into, i appreciate your response though.

I believe my tree is good actually, i was just wondering what the most important piece im wearing would be best to upgrade first. I was thinking amulet with increased damage per intelligence
Editado por útlima vez por Twelvepack#2958 en 28 mar. 2020 3:29:20
Hey guys, now that league has settled in somewhat, I wanted to share my experience, if it helps anyone. I league started Hierophant Self Cast Ice Nova, but my god that build was unsuited for Delirium mechanics (as they were at launch). On day 3, I made this build again because I knew this is the only one in a league start environment with no currency that can go all the way.

I have cleared all content (except uber elder, farming the frags) including t16 double beyond 100% Delirium map with max juice (gilded bestiary, elder, breach scarabs, abyss sextant, hunted traitors etc etc). I recorded a video of (part) clear. The total clear took like 30 minutes+ .

Here's a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cJaK_xHwbE

My POB: https://pastebin.com/KG8fUf9Y

My Gear:

I have completed 35 challenges with it so far (day 15), earned around 100 ex with it and am enjoying myself thoroughly. This is probably the most versatile, tanky and dps'y build I know about in the game and just so satisfying to play.

I bought the gloves for 2 ex, boots for 1 ex, belt for 70c. Rings were around 30c each. All the other gear I crafted myself. I'm working on crafting a better helmet, chest piece and amulet.

Would enjoy getting some feedback on how I can improve the build! There are also quite a few of us Whispering Ice players in Global Channel 159, if you want to drop by and say hello!
Editado por útlima vez por faraazahmed#1816 en 28 mar. 2020 5:16:28
When is the time to switch from an astramentis to a rare shaper amulet?

And how do i go about aquiring one? Crafting? if so, how? Or just trying to buy it.

(my astramentis has a inc int corruption if that's relevant)
lilianmarius escribió:
Ha ha ha, just managed to craft this shitty jewel (exalted +2 to All attributes):

Empyrean Spark
Large Cluster Jewel
Unique ID: 6a680f040b9dacb227d83f5c4e6d657586d22d85223c79c84ca7959338e159cb
Item Level: 62
Implicits: 2
{crafted}Adds 8 Passive Skills
{crafted}Added Small Passive Skills grant: 12% increased Cold Damage
Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +2 to All Attributes
1 Added Passive Skill is Blanketed Snow
1 Added Passive Skill is Cold to the Core
1 Added Passive Skill is a Jewel Socket

And gained about 10% more Shaper average hit by replacing a Fertile Mind in a border socket near CI.

Shaper Average hit went up from 103K to 115K with loosing only 19 Intelligence and around 90 ES in the process!

Now i can say that i have interact with the new league mechanic related to these shitty jewels!

well bought without +att or int but +1 jewel socket.
so 39.7k icestorm

in pob jumped from 108k to 128k )

Editado por útlima vez por archwerewolf#0781 en 28 mar. 2020 13:31:48
hey im playing ur Build right now and im using the POB linked in the Guide, but i just checked your character and you seem to have a different skill tree then the pob ( i know about the starting area respec but there are also other examples) , also you use inspiration support in your main setup??
Do you maybe have a updated POB-Link?
Thanks in advance
victomat escribió:
hey im playing ur Build right now and im using the POB linked in the Guide, but i just checked your character and you seem to have a different skill tree then the pob ( i know about the starting area respec but there are also other examples) , also you use inspiration support in your main setup??
Do you maybe have a updated POB-Link?
Thanks in advance

I'm constantly experimenting in this league. Right now I'm checking out cluster jewels. It may or may not work out better than the proven main setup. Don't pay attention to my char unless you know what you are doing :)

The most recent 'working for sure' 3.10 PoB is the one in the Simulacrum video:
It does have a couple of clusters too, but they are optional.

Inspiration is a new support that works just as well as Cold Penetration (or maybe even slightly better). The main advantage of it is red color, much easier to get the staff colored for it. I'm going to add it to the updated guide soon.
Crafting question for the experts: how do you make an item with TWO influences? There is a crafted amulet on the market for some insane price that has Shaper AND Crusader icons on it and both of their mods: %attr AND %int.

How do you make that?
Kelvynn escribió:
Crafting question for the experts: how do you make an item with TWO influences? There is a crafted amulet on the market for some insane price that has Shaper AND Crusader icons on it and both of their mods: %attr AND %int.

How do you make that?

Awakener orbs, They can merge two influenced items, and in doing so they keep one influenced mod from each, and reroll the rest of the item.

So that amulet was created by alt spamming a shaper amulet so it had %int on it, then alt spamming a crusader amulet so it had %att on it. Then using an awakener orb on the sacrifical base, then clicking on the base you want to double influence. The result will be an amulet with %att, %int, and some other random stuff.
Kelvynn escribió:
Crafting question for the experts: how do you make an item with TWO influences? There is a crafted amulet on the market for some insane price that has Shaper AND Crusader icons on it and both of their mods: %attr AND %int.

How do you make that?

aw orb from Sirus. use it on 1 item with shaper inf for example.
(that gona puf) - > click on crusader amulet and 1 inf pref-suf gona be on new amulet with shaper/crus inf.
But first - you get only gurantee influence 1 pref/suf from first item and influence 1 pref/suf from second.
Second - except that 1+1, other stats totally random.
So you can't make like helm-body, craft ideal and slam shaper suffix % attr or crus % int
Editado por útlima vez por archwerewolf#0781 en 28 mar. 2020 13:39:28
Breken escribió:
Kelvynn escribió:
Crafting question for the experts: how do you make an item with TWO influences? There is a crafted amulet on the market for some insane price that has Shaper AND Crusader icons on it and both of their mods: %attr AND %int.

How do you make that?

Awakener orbs, They can merge two influenced items, and in doing so they keep one influenced mod from each, and reroll the rest of the item.

So that amulet was created by alt spamming a shaper amulet so it had %int on it, then alt spamming a crusader amulet so it had %att on it. Then using an awakener orb on the sacrifical base, then clicking on the base you want to double influence. The result will be an amulet with %att, %int, and some other random stuff.

A small correction to your post:

Shaper base with ONLY shaped mod - % increased attributes, Crusader base with ONLY crusader mod - % increased intelligence, used Awakaner Orb to merge both influenced mods into new dual influence amulet and probably hit damage % 15 int at the merge or later with meta craft or exalt spam.
Editado por útlima vez por lilianmarius#0775 en 28 mar. 2020 14:58:09

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