silverdash escribió:
Zombie level 26, max res, max quality, still gets deleted sometimes in T16 maps. Nothing I can do. I even took some extra HP nodes. Even after todays nerf to Delerium they still get wiped out in certain T16 maps, super annoying and time wasting to resummon all again.
(I can't afford max empower and I failed all lvl21 corruptions).

Meatshield is no option because it changes their AI to defensive.
Indomitable Army and such won't work because they often die to heavy DOT's. Like Baran + sextant + Delerium = rip zombies.
I already used cluser jewels to give them more hp and even more lifeleech, doesn't work.

Sure the nerf allows me to survive in t14, most T15 and quite some T16, but sometimes they just get all deleted.

Also, I die myself still quite alot due to visibility problems of exploding mines and such. They nerfed the damage but at 5-6khp, you still insta die and because of minions we see even less ground effects.

I'm seriously considering speccing into another build because I just can't do Deleriumj-endgame content reliable w/o min-maxing like hell.

Same problem. In T14+ zobmies are dying. In A7 Verantia Guard her tornado skill killed my all zombies and almost kill AG ( AG is 21/20 gem) with 3 ex gear.

Current gear:

Editado por útlima vez por abdemon#1932 en 19 mar. 2020 6:09:18
Same problem. In T14+ zobmies are dying. In A7 Verantia Guard her tornado skill killed my all zombies and almost kill AG ( AG is 21/20 gem) with 3 ex gear.

You are missing your Empower in your Zombie Setup. It matters a lot. I just have sometimes problems to keep my zombies up in T16 but with quite badass Dmg mods rolled on like extra dmg as elemental with -max resistances... they are getting low in the mist but with a bit micro with convocation i kinda keep them alive.
Jarena escribió:
Same problem. In T14+ zobmies are dying. In A7 Verantia Guard her tornado skill killed my all zombies and almost kill AG ( AG is 21/20 gem) with 3 ex gear.

You are missing your Empower in your Zombie Setup. It matters a lot. I just have sometimes problems to keep my zombies up in T16 but with quite badass Dmg mods rolled on like extra dmg as elemental with -max resistances... they are getting low in the mist but with a bit micro with convocation i kinda keep them alive.

Empower are leveling atm, but i not think that this will solve the survival problem permanently
Jarena escribió:
I just have sometimes problems to keep my zombies up in T16 but with quite badass Dmg mods rolled on like extra dmg as elemental with -max resistances... they are getting low in the mist but with a bit micro with convocation i kinda keep them alive.

I'm just not skilled enough to micro that. Also, I don't like running away during delerium and then using convocation and then waiting for them to heal and life flasks are just not strong enough to heal the absurd amounts of HP that minions have. Over time minion hp scaled up, mob dmg scaled up, but flasks still heals only a few thousand hitpoints.

With +1 from 21gem and another extra +1 from max level empower they could (I estimate) probably survive 95% up to T15 + delerium. But T16 with full mods and everything... Mmm.... And for that amount of investment that we have to make..
Editado por útlima vez por silverdash#0964 en 19 mar. 2020 8:10:03
I had the same poroblem until now. After this changes zombies stoped dying, and i'm dying maybe half as offten as before.

abdemon escribió:
silverdash escribió:
Zombie level 26, max res, max quality, still gets deleted sometimes in T16 maps. Nothing I can do. I even took some extra HP nodes. Even after todays nerf to Delerium they still get wiped out in certain T16 maps, super annoying and time wasting to resummon all again.
(I can't afford max empower and I failed all lvl21 corruptions).

Meatshield is no option because it changes their AI to defensive.
Indomitable Army and such won't work because they often die to heavy DOT's. Like Baran + sextant + Delerium = rip zombies.
I already used cluser jewels to give them more hp and even more lifeleech, doesn't work.

Sure the nerf allows me to survive in t14, most T15 and quite some T16, but sometimes they just get all deleted.

Also, I die myself still quite alot due to visibility problems of exploding mines and such. They nerfed the damage but at 5-6khp, you still insta die and because of minions we see even less ground effects.

I'm seriously considering speccing into another build because I just can't do Deleriumj-endgame content reliable w/o min-maxing like hell.

Same problem. In T14+ zobmies are dying. In A7 Verantia Guard her tornado skill killed my all zombies and almost kill AG ( AG is 21/20 gem) with 3 ex gear.

Current gear:

Try changing brutality to empower, even on level 2 epower is better. In my case brutality is giving ~200k dps per zombie, when empower 2 gives 150k per zombie and boost there life form 27k to 39k. I think it's worth it.
Kotylion escribió:
abdemon escribió:
silverdash escribió:
Zombie level 26, max res, max quality, still gets deleted sometimes in T16 maps. Nothing I can do. I even took some extra HP nodes. Even after todays nerf to Delerium they still get wiped out in certain T16 maps, super annoying and time wasting to resummon all again.
(I can't afford max empower and I failed all lvl21 corruptions).

Meatshield is no option because it changes their AI to defensive.
Indomitable Army and such won't work because they often die to heavy DOT's. Like Baran + sextant + Delerium = rip zombies.
I already used cluser jewels to give them more hp and even more lifeleech, doesn't work.

Sure the nerf allows me to survive in t14, most T15 and quite some T16, but sometimes they just get all deleted.

Also, I die myself still quite alot due to visibility problems of exploding mines and such. They nerfed the damage but at 5-6khp, you still insta die and because of minions we see even less ground effects.

I'm seriously considering speccing into another build because I just can't do Deleriumj-endgame content reliable w/o min-maxing like hell.

Same problem. In T14+ zobmies are dying. In A7 Verantia Guard her tornado skill killed my all zombies and almost kill AG ( AG is 21/20 gem) with 3 ex gear.

Current gear:

Kotylion escribió:

Try changing brutality to empower, even on level 2 epower is better. In my case brutality is giving ~200k dps per zombie, when empower 2 gives 150k per zombie and boost there life form 27k to 39k. I think it's worth it.

Already done it. But i still afraid for AG :-)
silverdash escribió:
Zombie level 26, max res, max quality, still gets deleted sometimes in T16 maps. Nothing I can do. I even took some extra HP nodes. Even after todays nerf to Delerium they still get wiped out in certain T16 maps, super annoying and time wasting to resummon all again.
(I can't afford max empower and I failed all lvl21 corruptions).

Meatshield is no option because it changes their AI to defensive.
Indomitable Army and such won't work because they often die to heavy DOT's. Like Baran + sextant + Delerium = rip zombies.
I already used cluser jewels to give them more hp and even more lifeleech, doesn't work.

Sure the nerf allows me to survive in t14, most T15 and quite some T16, but sometimes they just get all deleted.

Also, I die myself still quite alot due to visibility problems of exploding mines and such. They nerfed the damage but at 5-6khp, you still insta die and because of minions we see even less ground effects.

I'm seriously considering speccing into another build because I just can't do Deleriumj-endgame content reliable w/o min-maxing like hell.

Have you considered going back to cyclone and using meat shield? I don’t think you realize how good it is for the zombies AI. All you need to do is factor in some more movespeed and LGOH (for your own survivability). Since you are cycloning things, you’re technically doing that hidden minion-targetting mechanic (aka. “master attack enemy? we go there now.”) except it’s turned up to 11 because defensive makes them go ham on whatever is NEAR you. And Meat Shield gives them fat survivability as you already know. I haven’t the luxury to run the build again in Delirium because I’m not rich, but I have done the build in previous leagues.

EDIT: Have you considered anointing Decay Ward over your current one? I can’t speak for its efficacy as I haven’t taken that node in ages, but I’d imagine on top of Bone Offering, it would provide some substantial tankiness (although, I don’t know how the recovery part works; aka is there a limit on recoveries per second? can they only recover once per proc? etc.).
yea, what about it
Editado por útlima vez por Voidurai#1307 en 19 mar. 2020 8:56:20
Also, how the fuck do you guys have such good gear already? ;-;
yea, what about it
Try changing brutality to empower, even on level 2 epower is better. In my case brutality is giving ~200k dps per zombie, when empower 2 gives 150k per zombie and boost there life form 27k to 39k. I think it's worth it.

Because of the Staff with + 3 Suport-Gem Level even a LvL 1 Empower would be better than Brutality. It REALLY makes the difference for the Zombies to die or not.

Another thing is using Holy Relic, since it Provides the Zombies with permanent Life Regeneration.
Finally I use a medium Cluster Jewl with Feasting Fiends (2% Lifeleech for Minions) instead for the medium aura node.

Since i swapped my Weapon to the crafted one today my Zombies arent even losing life on a t16 map in delirium.

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