[3.10] Raider - HoA 1300 deep delver(sc). 800+ in hc (3.10)
After many tries i finished crafting this, i dont think i will go for abyss on helm. I am close to finish this char, i only need amulet with fortify (i can switch between amulets) and corruption for chest (already hit one corruption temple and got white sockets, farming for second one). I only need more free time (not too much time to play when i work 9-10h/day) but weekend is coming:))). 4 endurances are needed after 800+ i think but you will need to choose between reduce phys damage amulet and fortify. You can't have both since +1 min endurances and multimod are both suffixes:). Only way to get one GG amulet is to get fortify and reduced phys, get aisling in research rank 3, hit for x2 veiled and get +1 minimum endurance + reduce channeling cost:), but this is one BIG DREAM. What do you think about Aul's Grace reserve no mana and grace dodge+1 purity of ice watcher eye? Editado por útlima vez por nazgul29#3034 en 19 sept. 2019 17:18:13
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ATM planning this build. Got some gear pieces. My goal is 1500 delve and want to stick to it and not dying much. I dont care about mapping.
Currenly got LoH rings and phys reduction amu(will try to hit fort later on). Helm with +2 proj, still work in progress to get + fort effect. Got 2 shilds (cold/less crits). Armour Calamity. Have LoH claw agaist blinded enemies. In general, mechanic is understanable, but the gear swap thingy not rly. Yes, you landed a pob which is gr8, but still need some possible details and fact about gearing. 1. Which claw I should stick to on high delves? I want to push rly hard and deep and dont want to rly find out on my own and w8st currencies. 1.1 LoH against blinded vs Minions dmg claw(feels like hard to craft the t1 one. LoH claw wont let us to craft trigger socketed gem and gameplay could be deadly and clunky recasting Spirit offering ? 2. What special about 1300-1500 and what should I look onto while pushing - I mean the way we live in there without rip-fests. 3. Bossing. Claw switching? 4. 50% less chance to poison/blind Nodes > Doable? 5. Generaly delve cap for this build with 6. No headhunter place, righto? 7. Hows cities clearing and looting? I know that "just do build and delve, and u will see all the things you need to solve with high delves", but this is not the way we do. I want to make it clear and find out weaknesses of the build. Before I hard invest, cuz every gear piece kinda hard to get xD. Editado por útlima vez por iwonderwice#7372 en 20 sept. 2019 3:12:09
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Aul's grace amulet is what I used last league for my push to 1500. It is not worth it this league in my opinion given you cap out your evasion with the numerical changes to raider but its still a solid option if you want to mess around with it. Just keep in mind you'd need to find some leech somewhere and not reserve 100% of your mana so that you can sustain your cyclone because the amu wont have -3 channel skills this league.
@iwondertwice I don't expect everyone that tries the build to be able to push to 1500 because its a test of learning the specific nodes and how the defenses work against the incoming damage because poe does a bad job at doing that for you. It is however, important to experience the nodes first hand and get a good feeling of it for yourself instead of following anyone's word for it to the letter. When you get to about 1300 depth, you'll start wanting the lgoh claw for some nodes because the degens mobs drop do a lot of damage but until then the damage claw is better. As far as bosses are concerned, vaal bass is a hard skip, lich is just outplaying his mechanics which isnt too hard with some practice, and Aul is a lot of gear swapping depending on mods. Aul with no mods you can almost face tank but an aul with area+speed requires very specific setups/movement. 50% less chance to poison/blind nodes are fine. Bosses with that mod effectively halve your damage so expect a longer encounter to an already long fight. I ended up going to 1500 last league but I knew i could push some more if i wanted to. It's really more about the player at those depths and not the build. This is true for the jugg nebuloch build as well. This league I think it will be far easier to push to those depths given the buffs to raider and freeing up the amulet slot for more mitigation. I added a section for some specific node tips if you want to check it out that i remember off the top of my head. I'll continue to add to it as I remember what was specifically hard and why. I also plan to make a full write up on AUL and some vids for generic tips. This build is the best i've seen for taking out aul that isn't just phasing it but you need to know what you are doing. |
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" Very nice gear. Can't wait to see you pass OP on delve ladder :) Editado por útlima vez por Moksu#6517 en 21 sept. 2019 1:34:09
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" Indeed if you are refering to Ahuatotli, the Blind I had quite a hard time with him at depth 400 with only 2 damage mods and addiional proj... I can't really tell why it goes wrong but basically I got OS by .. everything xD I am also wondering how damage scaling goes. I mean I am only at about 500 but I already see some issues coming sooner or later. I sit at around 900k shaper dps on my pob with a similar setup as you (you had about 800 I think). I don't really know the scaling curve or mob HP though in deeper delves. Editado por útlima vez por AAZgurf#6871 en 22 sept. 2019 7:35:33
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Movement is key. don't try to stand still, always circle around a mob to make it less likely they are adding to entropy. A lot of your deaths are likely to taking a hit+spell hit at the same time or so.
Poachers mark is the new curse im running with and it puts you just above a million dps because it gives frenzy charges to your crawler for non bosses. I saw datmodz using abyssal cry too, it seems really strong given that most people aren't running bubonics. Focus on being tanky and things will die eventually, its not glamorous but its a solid approach. Also dynamite fully buffed does really good damage to bosses and mobs. |
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How far in delve can the starter gear take me too?
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Do you think a CI variant would work too?
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Starter gear took me to about 650 depth this league but if you learn the mechanics for each node, you can push a bit more i think. You'll make enough money to get upgrades by the time yo ueven get there though.
CI variant of this specific build? Not sure how it would work. Sounds like a fun project :). My initial thought is what would this give you over mana guardian. If you can answer that with something reasonable then you have a good direction to follow. |
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as we have so much life gain on hit, cant we use cwdt+ball lightning+GMP+life gain on hit support? I remember when i was playing on molten jugg, it was giving me huge amount of sustain!
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