[3.8] WIP Toxic Rain Pathfinder League Starter, 297% MS 5.9k life All Content + Great mapper/delver
pathfinder build and no Druidic Rite? What is this madness
I don't know how you people got enough mana regen :(
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" -mana cost master craft on jewelry and clarity to balance atk speed/mana regen. My build ran on 41 total available mana. I could shoot non stop without exhausting my pool. I think TR costed 13 or 14 mana total. |
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So, I've play this build since league start and have finalized my gear. I've enjoyed it and I think it works quite well. Usually I like to make some general comments on the builds I play in regards to what works best for me. So here's my list.
- Exceptional Performance cluster should be taken but is not on the build tree. On a Empower/Efficacy gem setup it is worth 20% more damage and on a Swift/Efficacy gem setup it is worth 25% more damage. A perfectly rolled 3 damage prop jewel is only worth 8% more. This 3 point cluster is worth more damage than anything else on the tree point for point. - Far Sight cluster is worth about 10% more damage where as a perfect rolled double damage jewel is worth about 6% more damage and 150hp at end game. This is just mentioned for reference. - Blood Drinker is taken on the build tree. It costs 3 points to get to and gives 14% life and life leech. However, life leech with Toxic Rain is terrible. Revenge of the Haunted costs 3 points and in exchange for life leech you get 2% life, 2% evade change and 2% movement speed. I feel like this is the obvious choice. It also allows you to move your jewel slot and get 8% increased damage. - The build stats that you should look for Chaos Multi on the jewels but that isn't ideal. A 12% DOT jewel is worth the same amount of DPS as a 4% chaos multi jewel. However, a 8% attack speed jewel is worth 3% More damage than both of those. For Toxic Rain you want jewels with Attack Speed with Bows and then another damage prop. Also the jewels you listed have damage with two handed weapons and damage with bows on them. Neither of those modifiers affect the DOT from Toxic Rain. But since you have them listed it makes them look like they are a desirable stats...but they add a bunch of cost with 0 DPS increase. - I'm surprised you have a freeze flask instead of a curse flask on your gear list. You have curses on you all the time vs a very low chance of being frozen. Just a general comment. - Efficacy is worth more DPS than Swift Affliction. But you prioritize Swift Affliction over it in your build. Also, a lvl 3 Empower is only worth 3% more damage than a Swift/Efficacy setup and costs 2-3 more mana per attack. Someone trying to decide should spend the currency on better jewels than buying a lvl 3 Empower. Finally, they dropped the cost of the -8 to -9 mana craft. It use to be 1ex and now it's only 4c. If you give up a jewel slot for a Clarity Watcher's Eye, this build can run 0 mana cost on Toxic Rain. You need -36 for a Swift/Efficacy setup and -37 total for an Empower/Swift setup. That's easy to do now and it's cheap. This means you can run 4 aura's now - Malevolence, Flesh and Stone, Clarity and Aspect of the Spider. If you run a lvl 3 Enlighten then you can still have enough mana to cast your wither totem. Clarity only needs to be lvl 1 to proc Watcher's Eye. Editado por útlima vez por kan333#1064 en 17 sept. 2019 12:13:27
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I took this build to 92 and used it to run endgame. I didn't prioritize evasion as much as i should have and i found the build really good for some content and really poor for others.
For guardians it is great, i died once to hydra in about 40 guardian maps. Shaper, it is pretty good, I had the odd death here and there in about 5 runs Uber elder ran four times, I never ripped a run, but I didn't deathless a run either. I am used to running on characters with more damage mitigation and the ground dots were a pain to deal with. the dps is fine foe this fight but my biggest complaint was getting one shot by elders ice shard/spear attack. It is my opinion that a characters should be able to tank this attack and i found this frustrating. Uber Atziri ran once, it was so easy I didn't bother doing it again as she didn't really have time to fight back. I also ran a lvl 83 temple atziri with the same result. lvl 83 temple and boss, easy, best character i have played for this boss and area. lvl 83 zone master mind. This was the only boss i could not do with this build, I tried the fight three times and each time I had to swap to a different character to complete the fight. The build dosent have enough damage mitigation for me to complete this fight. I dodnt try ant 5 way fights, I did occasionally get 1shot by lvl 83 legion rares though I also delved at about depth 400 and fought two kurgals and one of the blood/vaal boss the bosses were easy but i would get oneshot on occasion when a hit made it through the evade and dodge. I tried different body amour to the original build. I wasn't mapping with the character so i didn't use QOTF, I tried Kaoms but ended up using Hyris Ire for more dodge. I also used a quartz flask instead of a jade flask once swapping to hyris. By the time I had reached 92 and tried the endgame content I realized i wasn't happy with the build. Most of your damage mitigation is avoidance and when you do get hit you can get wiped out. I made the decision to switch classes to Champion and use Daressos defiance although all of the rest of the gear and most of the tree is the same. It still has about the same damage but it has the advantage of fortify and for delve and bosses with adds it has endurance charges as well. The character is almost 90 and I am in the process of taking it through endgame. So far it seems to die less to oneshots. I will report back on how it goes |
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"That's why basically Trickster is the most popular choice for this build, you get stun immunity, extra energy shield, extra regen, damage reduction from ghost shrouds and extra spell dodge. Champion is a fine choice too, just less damage for more defense. Playing evasion / dodge character for me meant 9 out of 10 times nothing happens, but that 1 unlucky time I just insta died. I played toxic rain in legion and I died to legion monoliths basically every 2-3 maps. I respecced iron reflexes and got to 50k armor with flask up (and as a pf flask is basically always up), made extensive use of buffed molten shell and went often a whole level without a death. Tbh I started dying from stuff that I never noticed on evasion character (like ignite) because the initial hit would just delete my character before any dot could be applied. So yeah in the end I dropped the movespeed node in pathfinder for the ailment immunity one, just to be on the safe side. How I see it the only reason to run evasion based character is you're movement speed aficionado and can't live without QOTF. Since I never really was into speed farming, I feel it's enough movespeed with just the quicksilver flask, especially with the high uptime of it pf offers. But yeah the fact you can get perma fortify as a bow character is a big boon of playing Champion. |
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" Trickster was the other class i considered, the advantage to champion was I could use the same gear and tree. If i was to swap to trickster i would have been swapping into more ES i think. I have nearly died to ignites on the champion though so i agree about that |
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What skill should i use in a "Maloney's Mechanism Ornate Quiver" ?
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"curse on hit + despair and either frenzy for frenzy charges or w/e skill you prefer for better spreading of the curse if you don't like the fact frenzy is single target (well 3 targets with dying sun up). Second copy of toxic rain, rain of arrows, split arrow etc. could do the job if you wanna spread the curse to more targets. Most people use frenzy because they only care about the curse for boss fights. So frenzy + curse on hit + despair |
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A Bow with 1 to Sockets and vicious Projektil + Multicraft the best Dps weapon for this Build ?
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" Best in slot for toxic rain is an elder bow with +1 to socketed gems Socketed skill support by vicious project Multi mod +2 socketed support gems Chaos damage over time multiplier Attack speed |
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