[3.8] WIP Toxic Rain Pathfinder League Starter, 297% MS 5.9k life All Content + Great mapper/delver
"Yes, it was patched in 3.8 (Blight) so it includes poison too. Doesn't affect this build at all. Also the -mana cost crafts were changed to -mana to non-channeling skills, which again doesn't affect this build, you just have to find a different name of affix. And 1 more change I reckon they merged chaos dot and cold dot watcher's eyes into "damage over time while affected by malevolence" without cold / chaos split. Editado por útlima vez por Viktranka#3883 en 26 sept. 2019 20:51:53
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" Alrigh thanks. Another question. Does the crafting order matter after crafting the Can have multiple crafter modifiers? |
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" Yes i mean to non channeling ofcourse. And no I didnt say it was a neccesity, but its a huge qol bonus. There might very well be other ways to craft the bow, this is just one way for 100% success IGN BroTSD
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" After multimod you can do as you please:) IGN BroTSD
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I see a lot posts on crafting a bow over the last couple of pages. I just wanted to mention that you can buy a bow already crafted for the same price it would cost you to craft it. There are +1/+2 6L crafted bows going through my filter at 5ex and there Viscous/+1 6L crafted bows going through at 8ex to 9ex.
If you're crafting you're own for fun then enjoy. But if you're trying to save currency by doing it yourself you may want to setup a filter and save yourself time. Editado por útlima vez por kan333#1064 en 27 sept. 2019 8:46:01
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Could you do this build with Vicious Proj, then roll can not have attack modifires then do the suffix to prefix caft?
Also im also wondering if you can do this, is it worth going Bow Skills fire an additional Arrow? |
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"Check Krullis' post on the previous page and my comments to it. He explained quite well how to craft the bow I just added the other option (beastcraft), both are viable. "Imo, nope. It's worth for skills like Caustic Arrow. For Toxic Rain you benefit much more from double attack speed suffixes crafted, and much less from an extra arrow. Basically same thing as I said about quivers with extra arrow - there are more useful mods. Increasing your area of effect or attack speed will provide more damage than extra projectiles. It already shoots multiple projectiles by itself and you get 2 extra from dying sun, which as pathfinder you should have constantly up contrary to trickster version. Also as far as I know extra projectiles increase the spread of the ability but do not increase overlaps of each "pod", while increasing area of effect will help multiple pods affect an area (and mobs in it), and increasing attack speed will help having more pods at once on top of each other (they do stack). |
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" So if i do go with the Vic Proj option on the bow which would be my 7th link, i don't think he said what 7th link he used but I guess i could check in PoB which gives more damage overall. From my understanding its still pretty much the same when crafting the bow, have Vic Proj by itself and craft Cannon Roll Attack mods then beast craft to get +1? |
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I'm also wondering if it is worthing going increased damage with ailments (on quiver: delve suffix) im not sure if that effects the chaos damage over time
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"Nope. Toxic rain by itself is not an ailment. Ailments are for poison / ignite builds. It needs to say "chaos damage", "damage over time" or "projectile damage", anything that says "ailment" or "poison" will not buff your damage with toxic rain. "When you have vicious projectile bow the links would be Toxic Rain - Empower - Void Manipulation - Swift Affliction - Mirage Archer - Efficacy or Damage on Full Life (the latter one depends on your confidence with keeping your life perfectly full, works better for tricksters as they usually have good chunk of energy shield). Do not use concentrated effect, it sucks (toxic rain scales with aoe size so reducing it is counter productive). Also do not use added chaos damage (doesn't scale the pods) or decay (it doesn't stack with multiple applications, while the playstyle of toxic rain relies on stacking it with itself to deal damage). Also don't use withering touch since it's only 25% chance to apply while wither totem has better reliability on stacking withered on important targets. I think that about lists all the "deceptive" gem supports that generally aren't good despite sometimes looking so. |
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