[3.8 Updated] Diabloyd's Icy Cat Flicker Raider / 5M+ Shaper DPS / Sword & Shield / Fast & Boom
Hi, if you're interested, check out my other builds!
[3.7] Diabloyd's Avatar of Voidforge Jugg Cyclone / 7K+ HP / 3~4M+ Shaper DPS https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2544743 [3.7] Diabloyd's Avatar of Voidforge Berserk Cyclone / 6~8K HP / 5~8M+ Shaper DPS / 2 Variations https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2558447 [3.7] Diabloyd's Frenzy Void Slayer / 3~4M Shaper Dps / 8 Endurance Charges / Very versatile https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2586812 3.8 Blight league update notes
As far as I can tell, nothing essential has changed in this build (including the passive tree), you can play it just fine as in 3.7.
Due to its fast clearing feature, it can still be a decent build in Blight. There are some additional tips for Blight though: 1, There's a new card called "Remembrance", you can use it to get a corrupted Precursor's Emblem. This is just another way to get the rings. 2, Avatar of the Veil is now worth taking if you have access to onslaught. Not only because it has a new free element exposure, it can also give you some additional defensive power against spell and elements. From my experience in Blight, the most deadly mobs from the Tower Defense are the fire mobs, and they shoot spell projectiles. 3, The node Phase Acobatics is now worth taking. Same reason to take Avatar of the Veil (see above). 4, For the new anointed passives on the amulet, here are some nodes I'd recommend. Barbarism: +1% max fire res, same reason as above. Silent Steps: A decent defensive buff if you have access to Blind (blind on hit, Flesh and stone, etc.). And most importantly, it's very cheap. Aspect of Stone: straight up 20% physical damage reduction (only if you don't get one shotted). ... And any other % max life node. Yes you can see the pattern here, we take only defensive nodes unless you really want some more damage. 5, Tasalio's Sign can be a budget choice if you don't have Precursor's yet, but it would be even trickier to get enough life. Updated a new video, check it out! I accidentally dropped a Farrul's Fur, so I've decided to make a build around this, and here we are, playing Flicker Strike :) According to Raider's ascendancy splash art, a Raider SHOULD use sword & shield. ![]() GIF showcase(videos are below).
![]() ![]() ![]() The basic concept of this build, is to use Farrul's Fur + Paradoxica to make a fast and fun build, scaling with mostly cold flat damage from Precursor's Emblem. Dealing decent damage for both map clearing and single target. 20M DPS HACK
![]() https://youtu.be/JwKZykX59GM It's simple, use Melee Splash Support (the one we use to clear map), and just use Frost Wall + Spell Cascade, cast it on the BOSS. The Splash damage will bounce between the walls and overlap with a huge amount of damage, not sure if it's a bug or not, so I won't add this to the guide. With my current Legion character (level 93), I have: - 5M+ burst dps to shaper/guardians/elder - 6K life - At least 150% movement speed modifier while mapping (up to 200%). - 48% attack dodge, 8% spell dodge.(you can choose to get Phase Acrobatics) - 18% block. - 30% chance to evade. Pros: - Effective freeze/chill to cc any mobs and bosses (under T16). - Decent burst damage, fast and satisfying clearing. - Running fast, and does not rely on travel skill like Leap Slam. - Nothing crazy expensive in this build. - Not squishy at all if you play properly. - A good chance to showcase your herald MTX (the BOOMS) Cons: - Gears are tricky to get (this doesn't mean it's very expensive, just might take some time to get em) - Cannot run "ele reflect","Phys reflect" & "Cannot Leech" map mods. - Although there's nothing "crazy expensive", it's certainly not a budget build. - Don't try this in Delve (just the nature of Flicker Strike). - HC impossible. Videos:
Here's a new Hydra video with a slightly faster version (allocated Disciple of the Slaughter cluster, 18% more movement speed), and using the Frostwall Hack as well(insta-kill Hydra) Also with "Arrow Dance" to deal with Legion Archers: https://youtu.be/xDZQ6wP-Ia0 Minotaur: https://youtu.be/bWvEBJFvPb4 Shaper (and how to farm Starforge): https://youtu.be/6sI4Vsey-Ig T16 Vaal Temple (with more life mod):https://youtu.be/WuZ8-K5VlsA Defensives:
1, Damage avoidance. Attack dodge 48%, spell dodge 8% (or 58% attack dodge & 38% spell dodge if you get Phase Acrobatics). 18% block, 30% evasion chance.
2, Effective freeze/chill for cc. Freeze any bosses under T16. 3, Max level Steelskin. You can choose to CWDT it, or cast it manually. 4, Fast enough to not get hit from the first place xD. Offensive Mechanics:
1, We stack frenzy charges. You can get up to 11 frenzy charges but that's not necessary, 9 is more than enough.
2, Frenzy charges can increase the Flicker Strike's damage itself, and can also scale very well with Paradoxica + Precursor's Emblem 3, We stack some Cold reduction/penetration. (Helm 9%, frost bomb 25%, wise oak 15%) 4, We use Raider's ascendancy te get infinite frenzy charges and almost max charges all the time to get the maximum benefit from the flat cold damage of Precursor's Emblem. Gears and Items I'm using, with explanations:
1, Rare Helmet Estimated cost: no idea Get a lvl 84 helm with the enchant "9% flicker strike damage per frenzy charge", it's not expensive at all, I bought it with 80 chaos. Then craft it with Frigid Fossil to get the "-9% cold res" on the helm. You can also use Pristine Fossil to get more life on it (like mine) 2, Unique Body Armour Estimated cost: 10 Ex (excluding 6L cost) Note: you don't really need this to get this build work, but there are ofc some downsides. What does this chest do exactly?
- Free Power Charges (obviously)
- Although we can have our frenzy charges up all the time with the Raider itself, you'll still have to "warm-up" when you have no charges at all, it would be kinda sketchy when facing bosses with phases. - When you have no frenzy charges, your boots will provide literally 0 movement speed, but can have 45% movement speed with 9 frenzy charges up. Farrul's Fur can make this 45% movement speed permanent. - Avatar of Slaughter works similar to the boots (Darkray), it provides 18% movement speed while you have 9 frenzy charges. - Disciple of the Slaughter cluster also provides 18% movement speed (optional) 3, Unique Weapon Estimated cost: 3 Ex We need Elemental Damage Penetration and Critical Strike Chance. Attack speed is theoretically ok, but we can run out of mana if the attack speed is too fast. 4, Unique Gloves (corrupted) Estimated cost: ??? ex Oskarm itself is a decent one, some life, damage, and most importantly the Assassin's Mark. Get "+1 Maximum frenzy charge" on this one. Alternative Note:
The price of an Oskarm with +1 Frenzy has risen to an unreasonable level ....currently almost 10ex. Just WTH happened... I bought it with like 1.5 ex.
There's an alternative though, for defensive option, which is the new Asenath's Gentle Touch. It gives you free Temporal Chains, blind, and some explosions. It also has some decent stats on it. You can try and get a +1 frenzy on this one if you aren't planing to min-max your dps (or just buy one). 5, Unique Boots Estimated cost: 1 chaos Max Frenzy charge, movement speed, dodge....You can't find a better one. 6, Unique Rings Estimated cost: ??? For starters, if you don't know how to get these rings, check this wiki page and you'll get the idea :https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Precursor%27s_Emblem Basically, you buy the compenent rings and sell em to the vendor to get the Precursor's Emblem. The recommended component rings would be "2 Sapphire + 1 Ruby", or "2 Sapphire + 1 Topaz". (just avoid the expensive ones, one "set" of components should be around 35 chaos) The mods you'll need are: 1, Flat cold damage per frenzy charge, this is the go to mod you'll need, and it's easy to get. 2, Cold damage as extra chaos damage per frenzy charge, or 5% damage per frenzy/endurance charge. These are ok too, but with less priority. 3, Maximum frenzy charges. This one is ok. You can keep it if you accidentally got one, but do not aim for this cause it's a really rare mod. Note: if you can't manage to cap your resistances, you can use 1 Precursor's emblem instead of 2. 7, Rare Belt Estimated cost: ??? Something like this, Stygian Vise is recommended. We do not need "global physical damage" on the belt, I'm using this only because I crafted it by accident and why not? 8, Rare Amulet Estimated cost: ??? Get as much life and damage you can on the amulet. Crit Multiplier is the best, elemental damage with attacks would be the second-best. And most importantly, make sure you have an empty suffix to put "Aspect of Cat" on it. 8, Rare Shield Estimated cost: ??? Use Angelic Kite Shield or Archon Kite Shield for the implicit "12% all ele res", and with this str/int base, you can roll "elemental damage" on it. How to craft it and what stats do we need?
We need as much life/res you can and elemental damage on it. There are many options you can choose to craft your shield, here are some examples:
- "All max res +1%" with a level 85 Shaped base. - "7-9% increased max life" with a level 84 Eldered Base. - More life with Pristine Fossil. - "Additional Phys Reduction" with Jagged Fossil. - More elemental related mods (res, ele damage) with Prismatic Fossil. - Essence of Greed crafting for more life (I crafted mine with a Shrieking Essence of Greed) 10, Unique Jewel 1 Estimated cost: 1~2 Ex The best Hatred mods for damage are "added cold damage" and "cold penetration with Hatred". Or you can use "Crit Multiplier with Precision", but that would be more expensive. 11, Unique Jewel 2 Estimated cost: at least 25 chaos Tbh I do not have any idea how to explain properly about these kinds of Legion Jewels. Brutal Restraint (Maraketh legion) can also be good with this build, depends heavily on what extra mods you'll get from them. Mine is Lethal Pride with 10210 under Kiloava. By allocating this in the socket next to Golem's Blood, it gives me: - 30% crit multi. - 30% crit chance. - 4% max life. - 20% armour. Note: "5% chance to deal double damage" from Lethal Pride has literally no effect. Paradoxica already has 100% chance to deal double damage, and chances that exceed 100% have no effect. 12, Rare jewels Estimated cost: 30-60 chaos These are the ones I'm using. In general, get as much crit multiplier you can (flat cold damage if possible), and resitances/stats if needed. If your accuracy is not capped at 100%, get some accuracy on your abbyss jewel. 13, Flasks Estimated Cost: Wise Oak: 25-35 chaos Others: ??? Here's an overall view of my gears:
Gems & Passives:
6L: Flicker Strike - Ice Bite - Close Combat - Fortify - Multistrike - Melee Splash / Elemental damage with attacks - Multistrike is a must, or you'll run out of mana real quick. - Melee Splash for any encounter in general, use Elemantal Damage with Attacks only for end-game bosses like Shaper/Uber Elder. 4L: Hatred - Herald of Ice - Precision - Enlighten Note:
- You might have mana issue early on if the level of Precision is too high, use a level 1 Precision to start and swap to a higher one once you have enough mana.
- You'll only need a level 3 Enlighten. 1~4L: Summon Ice Golem - Minion Life - Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance - Cast When Damage Taken Note:
This setup is totally up to you, I'm using this setup only because I'm lazy af and I want the Ice Golem to survive a bit longer.
It can provide us the accuracy we need. 1~4L: Frost Bomb - Vortex/Cold Snap - Bonechill - Cast When Damage Taken Note:
You can choose any form of casting them to your preference. Here are some examples:
- For end-game bosses, I'd like to cast frost bomb myself, so I use the instant cast Vortex to apply the Bonechill bonus, this way I can have controlled burst damage. - For general mapping, I'd like to have them all CWDTed because I don't need that much controllable damage at all. 3L: -Cast when Damage Taken - Steelskin - Increased Duration. Note:
If you prefer using Steelskin manually, feel free to get rid of the Cast when Damage Taken. I myself is using all of these gems with max level, it feels like I'm using a Sterak's Gage (an item from League of Legends).
Other skills: - Dash. - Vaal Ancestral Call for burst damage. - Blood Rage. Bandits & Pantheons:
I recommend Alira, give you some damage and most importantly the resistances.
Soul of the Brine King + Garukhan for most content. Solaris for some bosses. Others are very flexible. Passives:
This is the passive tree I'm using myself (Help Alira):
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.7.0/AAAABAIBAFb6fXVbrxR1FE0B50QNdKAXJvxL1FIb-hiR3IyNvy_MN9T9bjWSBiD-j2KsYuxsjCSdAdxYr3j5AF7fb3fjTipDMe96Z6B-3U3PJd-9NkHQ4e_-ui1NTeNaGuOfNuiBrD7PTZIGou4OGY68n9i9torZv3TtI_Z310z_yPDTfi9y2sFrkAzyR34FLdNvveYwfP4KYlqdqoTZGzftP3qEqXkuU4TvhmDBgpuN5Grtg4d2jbmPYLXykw-ly4jtfytvO6QZjX2pbr6nwBoX3BLxCC54DdQjOuHQrfoYBbXuerTFwzOmV--PlwjC7MjM8kVRR0p9ZU0= There are some passives that you can customize yourself, for instance: 1, Get Phase Acrobatics. 2, Get Dazzling Strikes cluster if you want Blind. 3, Heartseeker can be better than Winter Spirit in some situation. Use PoB to simulate. Other notes: 1, Druidic Rite & Primal Spirit are very important. 2, Don't allocate Brutal Blade, you'll have too much attack speed. 3, Soul and Steel cluster is god like. 4, Change the pathing of the cluster Command of the Element if you have enough resistances. 5, Allocate Vitality Void when you're leveling up. Ascendancies:
The only one you need to make this build work is Avatar of the Slaughter + Way of the Poacher.
Others are optional. Notes: 1, Avatar of the Chase is the default option. 2, Get Avatar of the Veil if you want elemental ailment immunity for a safer experience. I'm using Avatar of the Slaughter and the Chase. [Trivia] -Path of Building (my current character, 17-July-2019)
Note: The damage buff from Multistrike and Close Combat is not recognized by PoB. The damage shown in the PoB is incorrect. -Reddit post linked to this guide: Editado por útlima vez por diabloyd#2167 en 21 sept. 2019 12:57:21 Reflotado por última vez en 10 oct. 2019 8:46:32
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Great to see you make a cold Flicker Strike build!
Bump |
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Looks worth the investment. Might be time to finally front some of my ex, keen to exceed the speed of light
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Been researching a lot lately and this is the build I am going to give a shot. The rings are a pain in the ass to buy. Will give you an update once I gathered all the items and into testing how well this build does.
Edit: Tried to "craft" em myself instead of buying overpriced and managed to pull this in first attempt, how rare is the +1? What do they even go for in terms of price? Check my profile, seem to be having problems uploading anything lately... Editado por útlima vez por hardujuu#2579 en 18 jul. 2019 10:21:50
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btw, a +1 frenzy sword like this is not legacy. +2 support gems gives +2 to ice bite, which is pretty huge. So, for non-legacy builds, 12 frenzies is possible. not saying its 100% better than paradoxica, but it is an option Editado por útlima vez por Hollyphantom#4741 en 18 jul. 2019 10:45:18
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" Well I've "crafted" them like 20 times and none of them has "+1 max.frenzy". Let's say, I don't think there even exists an accurate price out there, ppl do less Delving these days and even less would "craft" Precursor's Emblem for sale. Most of the ppl would just "craft" the rings for themselves (like me). You can check Trade site though, they're insanely expensive. Yours is ok, it also has some extra dodge. If you're not using Paradoxica, this might be close to "flat cold damage per frenzy". Otherwise, the damage can be a bit low. With 9 frenzy charges, you get roughly 100 flat cold damage from one ring that has "added cold damage per frenzy", and that's 200 flat cold damage from both rings. Then we're using Paradoxica right? this means that we gain 400 flat cold damage just from the rings, which is a huge amount of flat damage. A ring with "+1 max frenzy" alone is not that good. The best you can get is a ring with "flat cold damage per frenzy" AND "+1 max.frenzy". |
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" How would you proceed then? I'm still very early into getting the items put together and what not as you probably have seen. Have no clue if I should get a Paradox sword or what not? I'm poor right now, got some foils I can probably sell for around 8 ex. if I am lucky and that's it. I need proper damage. |
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" Hope you don't mind if I say it directly: except for your Farrul's, your belt, your shield, and the Darkray, you aint got anything right to make this build work. Most of our damage comes from: "8-13 flat cold damage per frenzy charge" + Paradoxica, it's our main source of damage. Along with this combination, an Oskarm with "+1 max frenzy" provides lots of damage too. A Watcher's Eye with "Flat cold damage while Hatred" can also help. There are lots of other details that you're missing but for now, I think you should follow the guide first (or farm-up some currency). Peace! |
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Haha mate, I prefer to get the information raw and directly :). But like I said, I am far away from still getting the right items and what not (Working 10 hours a day, being a dad and husband) gives me limited time behind the PC and lately I been enjoying just reading and researching all kinda PoE related stuff. Been playing for a few years but learning something new constantly. Just this build guide I learned about those rings you combine and get a single ring in return and did not even know about a ring that can give you a +1 frenzy.
I gotta farm up currency I think so I can get those juicy items so this build can melt stuff. Would you sell that Precursor's with +1 Frenzy and try get those that you speak about in the build? What would you price it, if it was you? Appreciate the replies man! Have a great weekend. |
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" I really have no idea about this, it's clearly overpriced currently and I doubt they'll have any of them sold. The cheapest one on Trade is like 20 Ex listed 20 days ago (with only +1 frenzy). And the second one, which has "max frenzy" & "cold damage per frenzy" together, is listed for 59 ex. others are like 70 ex or 1-2 mirrors. If I were you, I'd just list for 15 ex for a while and see if there's any buyer, if none, lower it to 10 ex. |
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