💰 [3.22 ready] Clickachu's Tornado Shot MF Build - +Video Guide - 100% Phys Conversion [Standard]
Since this is the only active MF windripper guide around, I'll be commenting here. I like to play league, and when I'm done with it I generally like to min-max my MF windripper character in Standard till next league. I've been doing it for quite a while now, so I have a bit of experience with the build. I like to bring new stuff from league to standard to test, last time I brought awakened gems like chain and GMP, now I'm bringing these bad boys Our builds are very different, I know you are doing the meme quant thing, but for efficiency and going for end game content, I'm not using the quant armour, sadima's or even goldwyrm, so sacrificing some quant (we still get 20% quant from rares) we can stack some life, resists and get some damage. Everyone know at this point that the main source of damage from the build comes from abyss jewels. Too bad they are legacy now and the good ones are really expensive, but the point of this Unique cluster jewel Voices is to stack even more jewels. I'm really excited to test a pair of voices like the linked one in standard. I created a MF windripper in league to farm burials since you can sustain them again, and the amount of monster density delirium add to a map is crazy, and managed to get a few Doctors, I was surprised I could even run T14-16 maps with my build IN LEAGUE because the damage was there, the problem with Delirium, mostly in really crowded areas, is that the monsters are bigger threat dead than alive (read about on death effects if you don't know what I'm talking about), we were kind of safe freezing things before, so a squishy archer like ourselves WILL die quite often when facing harder delirium content. Not sure what will happen to delirium, I would like it core game mechanic, even though it is quite dangerous. Also, I was still using tornado shot (mostly because I have the helm with legacy enchant), probably will do some testing with ice shot now, still think barrage of even galvanic arrow better than ice shot + barrage support that you are using, I could beat conqueror and Sirus with that last time I played standard but will test more when I get stuff from this league. |
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" Hi! Thanks for your comment. I also like to play leagues and throw currency into my MF on standard, leagues are very rewarding, but my MF after lot of time and efford just started to be more rewarding and enjoyable so I skipped Delirium, also because my PC can't handle new mechanics, like Blight maps - they're so great, but the game is growing fast and my hardware can't handle it no more. I even did Ice Shot archer with intention to make MF there maybe, but ended up playing on standard. I agree with you, I should sacrifice a bit of IIQ and make endgame magic finder, currently I'm trying to farm few mirrors to do so (almost 300 ex in stack right now). I'm not doing Delirium content, mainly because i have only 8 GB ram, and until I buy a new PC I'm kind of forced to troll on low tier maps, on which triple beyond mod works well for me. Sadly, fps drops are huge, so I don't even try to do higher or Delirium maps, because it's too frustrating to die because of lags, and losing portals mean less possible loot to be picked. I hope I'll get new Pc so the game will be more smooth and be able to change my farming strategy. Currently I even use diferent loot filter for map clear and different to pick items, and it still throws me out to login screen sometimes, becasue there's so much stuff lying around. I also played tornado shot for about 1 year, but Ice Shot is really better and TS was nerfed a bit, so I would play Ice Shot even with the TS legacy enchant. I know, that TS is a cool skill, but Ice Shot is even more cool ;P, but it's personal preference. I was sure I'm gonna mirror a TS helmet and play TS forever, but when I tried Ice Shot I just fell in love with it like with Headhunter :) By the way, all the scaling is pretty much the same, so I think you could just swap TS gem for Ice Shot and do some testing, you don't need to change anything else I think. I think that secondary projectiles of TS freeze less monsters for WR bonus. Similar with Ice shot + barrage support vs barrage skill - barrage deals more dmg, agree, I did some testing, but it fires more smaller dmg projectiles, whereas Ice Shot deals less bigger dmg projectiles which helps with WR bonus and also chills and freezes bosses more effective, which mean I can facetank them easier, becasue they attack slower and deal less dmg. Barrage skill or maybe Galvanic arrow would be better for me if I had insta leech Vinktar, but I don't have it yet... Cluster jewels, like the one you've linked can for sure breath a new life into MF builds, I just don't even look at them yet, because i don't wanna start spending exalts :) I wanna gather as much currency as possible first and then do the big shopping - some legacy items are more important than cluster jewels, I hope they won't nerf cluster jewels that fast as they did with abyssal jewels - i was left with so many ilvl 84 searching eye bases that I haven't crafted, it just happened too fast. I think I'll just end up mirroring some rare jewels if I can afford one day, but there's no rush with it, because most likely they're gonna get some quality or enchant modifiers possible to be applied, it's jst a matter of time imo. By the way, is your build revealed to the public anywhere, or can you give your pastebin maybe? If no, that's ok. I like to check some other MF builds to get inspiration (almost not doing it tho, because too lazy for it). For example using Vaal Haste, which I took from Mai Cedere's build guide was a good idea, more movement speed and damage is really cool. youtube.com/clickachu
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" Yea, I mean, the jewel like the one I linked is crazy expensive in league, generally things migrate to standard even more expensive, that's the reason I wanted to bring a few directly from the league. A build based on stacking flat ele damage from abyss jewels will surely find Voices very useful. You can find my MF character(Arrowgance_)tree and equipments in my profile, everything is public, you'll see I'm not super rich and it's outdated for 3.10, after Metamorph I barely played in standard, but as I said, I was doing really fine with TS in red maps and bosses. Probably will work again on the build when Delirium ends and my items migrate to standard, so I can test cluster jewels. Most likely will change to iceshot. My build is based on Demi's which uses Raider instead of Deadeye, at the time I did many tests and changed ascendancy quite a few times, I felt I was doing better and faster with Raider, he did not update the guide so I did my own thing. My abyss jewels give a lot of flat lightning damage, that's why I'm using Wrath instead of hatred and stacking a lot of lightning penetration (it's really a lot, that why I think my DPS is nice), I wanted more cold damage instead but my jewels are like this and it's hard to buy new ones, as you well know, so I just adapted with the stuff I have, will work on this in the future. That's the reason too I think galvanic arrow + barrage support works so well for me. The problem with Raider I would say is that you MUST get all frenzy nodes in the tree, so you'll have less points to spend on other stuff. Preliminary tests on POB seems I can still have most of the stuff I had with all frenzies and like 3 more jewel sockets which is a lot, but maybe its more optimal for deadeye, soooo... lets see haha. |
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One more thing to add, testing in POB using the cluster jewels I would have more than 80% crit chance WITHOUT power charges or flask effect or anything, thanks to the high %crit from legacy windripper, so any jewel inscresing that like hatred watcher's eye that ppl like to use or even diamond flask seems pretty much unnecessary, which opens up for new flasks ideas, would still use Bottled Faith though because it is so good. Being Raider means you don't need freeze or shock flasks, so no downside using Vinktar's, also could potentialy use Goldwyrms (no need to craft freeze immune boots).
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Good evening Clickachu! Will we have a build update as soon as the jewel clusters get cheaper in Standard after this damn temporary league?
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" How much have you payed fot this Voices jewel? I've heared about unique jewel worth about mirror at the start of the league, now I can see it's below 2.5 ex, so not that expensive. EDIT: Ok, just found out, that there are 2 versions of it. I played Raider ascendancy for some tiem and it was fun, I loved it, especially ailments immunities, that you've mentioned, but for MF I think Deadeye works better for me. I've tried one of Demi's Ranger builds, the "hi block chance" one with Rearguard quiver and Rumi's concosion flask,but it didn't worked good for me, maybe I just haven't invested enough into it. Two youtube channels, that I like to check for meta builds are "Engineering Eternity" and "Path of Exile builds". Many people told me, that Wraith lightning damage based build would be better, maybe I'll switch to that in future, but for now cold damage build feels like it freezes more monsters and gives more WR IIQ bonus because of that. Also awakened added cold damage gem adds +1 to level of Ice Shot gem. So maybe same synergy is possible with Galvanic arrow+GMP+awakened added cold damage as a main skill for mapping, hm... I'm a bit tired of TS and not gonna go back to it I guess. My critical strike chance in hideout is 57%, so the Watcher's eye jewel is still good for me and i try to get a lot of crit chance, but I agree, that at some point, when it's capped, there's no need to have more of it. Without Watcher's jewel crit chance in hideout is 48%, so it's about 2% IIQ bonus from windripper, not too much, but always something, of course at full charges and with flasks up it should be capped even without the jewel I guess. Yah shock immune with Vinktar is mandatory, but I would rather sacrifice 1 flask slot to get chosck immune instead changig the whole ascendancy, Deadeye is just too good for me, but agree, that Raider is also good. I loved the invisibility phasing effect so now I have phasing while affected by haste, and I use vaal haste all the time so It feels a bit like a raider :) Btw you could have more HP on lot of item slots, don't you have survi issues? I'm not to viable even tho I try to get as much life as I can - for example I wouldn;t use any jewel without t1 life mod. youtube.com/clickachu Editado por útlima vez por Clickachu#7726 en 30 abr. 2020 4:50:28
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" Hi! I'll make a big update after the Delirium ends, so there's still some time until then... Currently I wanna farm as much currency as possible on standard, because I feel, that they're gonna remove Zana Beyond mod next patch, which is the only one, that I'm using right now. I just Hope, they're gonna give us some time, and don't nerf cluster jewels just at the end of this league, so I can get them cheap, still haven't decided whioch and how many points I should drop to use clusters, but for sure it will be worth it. Btw is this Vape league that bad? I've heared, that it's pretty good and quite rewarding. youtube.com/clickachu
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" Thanks for kind words! I'm gonna do the next version for sure, the build starts beeing more and more rewarding in terms of enjoyability, but I'm at the point, where min-maxing starts beeing very expensive and I think I should mirror first item(s) soon, for example ring(s) to bring it to the next level. By ridiculous nerfs you mean strong legacy items, that exist on standard, yes? I don't understand this hate for standard league, it's so nice, that there are items possible to get only for restricted time period - it kind of reflects real life and is very cool. But some of the nerfs and changes are going too fast, like they do OP items with intention to nerf them very fast, and before tha actual nerf patch everyone gets crazy, maybe it should be announced a bit earlier, so players have lot of time to manage everything. For example the stronger version Voltaxic Rift was nerfed afted 2 days :D I hae lot of cards for this bow but who would know that it will be nerfed just in 2 days... crazy. I think cluster jewels may also be nerfed fast, I hope I will manage to get them, like Voices jewel - I hope they're not gonna nerf it at 3.11... youtube.com/clickachu Editado por útlima vez por Clickachu#7726 en 30 abr. 2020 6:53:47
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" At the time around 150 exa but its around 190~195 exa right now. There are actually 4 versions, they all work the same way granting 3 jewel slots, what changes is the amount of wasted "grant nothing" small passives to actually get to all 3 jewel sockets (1,3,5 or 7), and this one I bought isn't even the best one, the one that uses only 1 point cost around 2.5 mirrors at the moment, which is crazy. Ppl are using them because of the herald stacking meme builds that GGG already said will be nerfed, but its a rare unique useful for many builds that should be even more rare when its content merge in standard, I'm not sure the price will go down, anyway I already saved mines. My league objective was accomplished. About the +1 cold from awakened added cold to ice shot, yea, you are right, I'll do all tests later on when I put my hands on the stuff I'm bringing from league, most likely will abandon TS. About the crit chance = I have 72%+ crit in hideout in temporary league my WR character there, and the base crit is less than 7% from the bow. I use the hatred crit% watcher's eye there, but my point was the power of cluster jewels grant me that that's not even needed when your WR has close to 10% base crit. Ofc I'll test this further when leagues merge, but most likely will drop the diamond flask. About survivability issues and HP = when I got 5~5,5k HP I just stopped caring, if you check the Raider ascendancy closer you will see it grants you lots of evasion, more MS and dodge, so I think is very balanced in terms of damage and defense, much different of Deadeye which is basically a damage dealing ascendancy with little to no defense mechanisms. I felt much squishier with deadeye and the damage did not justify the change for me. I just don't feel the need of more at the time with Raider, but ofc more HP is always welcome, with more jewels from Voices maybe I can get past 6k, and also upgrades in equipment (I told you im not rich and there much room for improvement) maybe even push it a little further. I just wanted the league to end so I could test all this. |
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