💰 [3.22 ready] Clickachu's Tornado Shot MF Build - +Video Guide - 100% Phys Conversion [Standard]
Can you update your PoB link with your changes? I'm trying this build out because, after not logging into Standard since Incursion, I discovered I'm incredibly rich from hoarding IIQ gems. :)
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" Hi! I'm working on a new MF guide video, and I will update the PoB link soon. The new version of this character is done, you can check it on my profile, it's public (Clickachu_MF character), only the gems for single target skill (in the Bow) are different, because I'm lvling some gems there currently. I'll post the PoB here soon. youtube.com/clickachu Editado por útlima vez por Clickachu#7726 en 17 ene. 2021 8:09:58
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Wich Heist Skill Gems are better than original for this build?
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" I will post them in my new video guide today or tommorow. For my build better than original ones are: - Anomalous Cast When Damage Taken - Anomalous Hatred - Divergent Precision - Divergent Hypothermia youtube.com/clickachu
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It took a lot of work, and finally the 3.13 MF build video guide is live!
link: https://youtu.be/kng2l_TWKh0 ![]() The text build guide in the 1st post of this thread was updated, I will link all the items there tommorow. youtube.com/clickachu
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" If u have legacy +2 TS proj enchant would Tornado Shot be viable again in standard? [Removed by Support]
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" Yeah with this legacy enchant it would be definitely OP! I'm not an expert, but it should be viable even if the enchant was only +1. I think Tornado Shot is still very good, and now in 3.13 it was buffed. I just use Ice Shot because i got a bit bored with TS, played it a lot. youtube.com/clickachu Editado por útlima vez por Clickachu#7726 en 30 ene. 2021 18:35:50
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I have updated the item links in the guide in the first post of the forum.
The current guide is always in the 1st post of this thread. The new version of guide is also available here:
This is 3.13 version, new quality gems introduced in 3.12 were added. Build guide video: https://youtu.be/kng2l_TWKh0 ![]() PoB pastebin: https://pastebin.com/nNqh9yPR IIQ: 203-254 IIR: 48-152 DETAILED GUIDE Hi and welcome in 3.13 almost max possible IIQ STANDARD league Ice Shot magic find build. I have finally bought a new PC, so I can now do 100% delirious maps without lagging. They're a bit harder than normal maps, so i'f currenctly farming low tier ones, the build still needs some more damage to be able to do t14+ delirious maps solo. For those, who follow my build guide, here are the main changes, compared to the previous version: - It uses 3 large cluster jewels now, so the skill tree has changed a lot. - It uses some of the alternate quality gems introduced in 3.12 patch - Movement skill was changed to dash from blink arrow - power charges generation source was changed from herald of ice + curse on hit "Stormrider" passive on one of the cluster jewels, because curse on hit has cahnged its name for hextouch and it cannot apply assassins mark anymore. Here are the iiq and iir values: IIQ VALUES: My current item quantity percentage values are 203 flat and 51 temporary from windripper and Divination Distillate bonuses, which gives a total number of 254. Max possible values are 219 flat + 52 temporary, which is 271 in total, so I miss 17%. I had a lucky amulet syndycate craft, which gave me 29% IIq talisman, so now technically I can have 1% off the maximum possible IIQ in the game. I only dont have one of the two 5% increased effect of flasks passive, which would give additional 1% of IIQ from flask effect, and I can allocate it anytime. I don't use the 15% IIQ String of Servitude belt, which is which is the max for belt slot, and I have it, but I prefer headhunter. This is a gear, that I currently use: GEAR: [BOW] Bow is a legacy Windripper. If you wanna farm higher tier delirious maps you should consider replacing it with a good rare bow instead. [QUIVER] Quiver is a perfectly rolled Rigwal d's Quills with point blank corrupted implicit mod, it's good mainly because of the fork bonus. Point blank corrupted implicit mod lets me free 1 skill tree point from point blank notable. In future I plan to replace it for a good rare quiver. [HELMET] Helmet is a rare Lion Pelt with 20% quant and a lot of life, which is very important in this kind of builds, so you don't die all the time, since its hard to make a tanky magic find build. [ARMOUR] Armour is the Greed's Embrace chest, which is the only body armour, that gives 15% quantity and it also gives 50% item rarity. I have 50% increased damage corrupted implicit mod on it, which is better, than +1 to all gem levels, because it affects both mapping and single target skills, as well as all the other skills, that I use. [GLOVES] Gloves are the legacy unique Sadima's touch gloves with maximum 24% quantity possible on this item slot. Good option is to mirror a 20% IIQ rare gloves, which are much stronger, but then you lose 4% quant. Best enchant is "of Fury". It's very good for bow builds, but right now I use a pair without any enchant, because projectiles from enchant attacks cannot be supported by IIQ gem, so I would lose a tiny amount of iiq, so curerntly I prefer a bit less damage in favour of a bit more effective iiq. [BOOTS] Boots are the legacy unique Goldwyrm Boots, which give 30% IIQ and it's the max possible value on this slot. It's the same situation, as with gloves, you can get rare ones with 20% quant, and you get more life, movement speed and damage, but it would also sacrifice 10% of IIQ. Becauue of the fact, that they grant only 10% movement speed, the enchant is also the 10% movement speed to be a bit faster. [AMULET] I have finally crafted a spinefuse talisman with IIQ corruption implicit mod, and now I have a 29% IIQ on this slot, which is only 1% off the maximum on this slot. This 1% here is actually the only 1% that I miss, to be able to acheive max possible quantity in the game, from the items, that I have. I would only have to replace my headhutner with the String of Servitude 15% iiq belt. The anoint is constitution, for more life, and the catalyst choice here, as well as for all the other jewellery is the fertile ones, also for more life. [RINGS] Rings rare ones with maximum 20% iiq for this slot and tier 1 life mods. In future I'd like to mirror some good 20% iiq rings. [BELT] Belt is a Headhunter becasue it's the most enjoyable and crazy item in this game and it gives a lot fun. This is the only item slot, that I've sacrificed IIQ for better fun and build power. Perfect option for me would be a HH with 5% iiq implcit. [FLASKS:] Becasue of the greeed's embrace -20% movement speed and poor 10% movement speed on the boots I try to get some more of it wherever it's possible, so I'm using Cinderswallow urn with a movement speed veiled mod, and the flask itself grants onslaught, that has additional 20% movement speed, which is not visible on the flask itself, but you can see it on the tooltip. 2nd flask is the quicksilver one, also for movement speed and it has bleed immunity suffix. 3rd flask is a Divination Distillate for iiq and iir bonus. Never increase quality of this flask, becasue you cannot make it back, and it will decrease efectiveness of flask effect duration - it would just last shorter, as it would regenerate more life and mana in the same amount of time, and when it's fully regenereted, the flask effect would end faster. Some players say, that this flask can only work good with some special setups, but I don't want to sacrifice too much to get more of it's effect, and even when it lasts only from time to time, it's still very rewarding in my opinion. This flask also grants +6% to maximum resistances, which temporarily makes them 81/81/81 4th flask is legacy versi of The Wise Oak for 20% cold damage penetration, because my uncapped cold resistance is the highest one, and 10% less lightning damage taken, because my lowest uncapped resistance is the lightning one. Last flask is the Bottled faith, it gives a lot of damage and creates a very large AoE consecrated ground, that also greatly helps to survive in hard situations. If you're using Bottled faith, remember to divine orb the +% to critical strike chance mod, which is avery strong mod. [CLUSTER AND NON-CLUSTER SKILL TREE JEWELS] I use 3 large and 4 medium cluster jewels and 9 non-cluster jewels.. This gives a total number of of 16 jewels. Let's have a look at the clusters.. 1st cluster: Here's first large cluster jewel, it has allocated Prismatic Heart for increased resistances and elemental damage and Vengeful Commander for increased effect of Hatred. It's connected to crit strike chance medium cluster jewel, which has Precise Commander and Pressure Points allocated. Here are non-cluster jewels in this cluster. 2nd cluster: Second large cluster jewel has vengeful commander allocated and blanketed snow for permanent 10% cold penetration, because ice shot hits always chills enemies. It's connected to crit strike chance medium cluster jewel, which has Precise Commander allocated. Another medium cluster jewel here is also the crit striek chance one with Quick gateway allocated. Since this build has liot of added damage, attack speed in this mod scales really good, 5% movement speed if dealt a crit recently is also nice. There are also 2 non-cluster jewels here. 3rd cluster: Third large cluster jewel has Prismatic heart and snowstorm allocated. It's connected to medium increased effect of non-damaging ailments medium cluster jewel, which has allocated Blast freeze - notable, that spreads inflicted freezes to other enemies, and a very important another notable: Snowstorm, which is a new power charges source in this build after the herald of ice+curse on hit combo nerf, that cannot apply assassin's mark anymore. You can change other notables in clusters setup, but you absolutely should have Stormrider. Here are 2 non-cluster jewels in this clsuter, and here are 3 remaining non-cluster jewels in the skill tree. [SKILL TREE:] Let's have a look at the skill tree. On the skill tree I try to get as much life as I can. Other important thing, like I've mentioned before is movement speed, so I have Fleetfoot, Quickstep and Quick Gateway allocated. Another importnant notable is Fangs of frost, that grants 8% cold penetration, 30% increased cold damage and 10% increased effect of chill, that helps with slowing down bosses, same as the Hypothermia gem. [ASCENDANCY] My ascendancy is Deadeye. There was a Deadeye ascendancy tree change at 3.13, and here's the new tree setup: It has: Gathering Winds for permanent Tailwind, that gives increased action speed, which technically is increased attack and movement speed Ricochet for +1 chain, which after the new cha nges can now also chain when colliding with terrain. Endless munitions for +2 projectiles and Far Shot, that mitigates the Point blank penalty with long range attacks and now also makes that barrage attacks have no spread, which is a great change. [PANTHEON:] My Pantheon remains unchanged, it's Soul of Lunaris, as a major god, mainly for physical damage reduction, which is a weak point of this build, and soul of Shakari as a minor god for poison mitigation. [BANDITS QUEST:] Bandits quest status is help Alira for additional +15% to all elemental resistances and a nice 20% crit strike multiplier. SKILLS AND AURAS GEMS SETUP: Here are my skills and auras setups: There wasnt too many changes compared to the previous version, only the herald of ice combo was changed, and some of the normal quality gems were replaced with the alternate quality or awakened ones. [MAPPING ICE SHOT] Main 6 link skill for map clearing is: Ice Shot, connected to: Awakened greater multiple projectiles Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks Awakened Added Cold Damage - Note, that the awakened version of this gem at lvl 5 gives +1 to active cold skill gems, which is the Ice Shot gem in this case, so it's a really good synergy. next gem is Increased Item Quantity (21/23) last gem is Divergent Hypothermia (20/20) The divergent version lowers enemies cold resistance by 0.2% per 1% of quality. This gem works very well with Ice Shot, because this skill always chills enemies, so I'm getting the permanent massive "more damage" bonus from it, and, "more damage" mod is really good, because it scales way better, than the "increased damage" mod. [SINGLE TARGET ICE SHOT] Secondary 6-link is for single target monsters and bosses and it's basically almost the same gem setup, as the 1st 6link, but the only difference is Barrage Support gem instead of Awakened Greater Multiple projectiles. Note, that this is a barrage support gem, not the barrage skill gem, which is a whole different thing and I don't use it. Hypothermia gem works great here, becasue of it's increased effect of chill, which really helps with slowing down and overleeching bosses. Same as in mapping gem setup It's Divergent alternate quality version for enemies lowered cold resistance. [herald] There's a change here, now curse on hit has changed it's name for hextouch, and it can no longer apply marks, which in this build was assassin's mark. Because of that I've replaced assassin's mark with elemental weakness hex curse, and the new power charges source is now Stormrider on one of the cluster jewels. Even though the fact, that I have the awakened version of hextouch, which lets me apply additional curse, I dont have 2 curses there, because I don;t wanna drop IIQ gem for quantity bonus from herald shatters. [OTHER AURAS] My other auras are anomalous Hatred and divergent precision, connected with Enlighten lvl 4 for less mana reserved, so I can lvl up the precision aura to lvl 13 without any mana problems. The anomalous version of hatred gives 10% increased chill and freeze duration, and divergent quality version of precision gives 2% increased damage. [MOVEMENT SKILL] Movement skill was changed from blink arrow to dash, and it doesnt have any support gems because of no free sockets. It feels better than blink arrow and it has lower cooldown recovery time, so it can be used more often now. [DEFENSIVE SKILL] My defensive skill is Steel skin lvl 17, triggered by anomalous Cast when damage taken lvl 13. The anomalous version of cast when damage taken gives 20% increased skill effect duration. It's also supported by increased duration gem. You can change these gems' lvls, but keep in mind, that the lvl requirements of them must match, so the skill trigger is possible. If you mismatch them, the steel skin won't trigger at all. [OFFENSIVE SKILL] My offensive damage buff is Vaal Haste, and I really recommend using it, because it increases both damage and movement speed. Note, that I don't use normal Haste aura which would reserve mana, and I'm only using the temporary Vaal version, when I catch enough Vaal Souls to activate it. It really helps with bosses and also with faster mapping. Both of these defensive and offensive skills are connected to the same increased duration support gem. [DAMAGE TOOLTIPS] My mapping skill GMP setup tooltip shows 135,736 damage, and with all flasks active it shows 161,484 On the single target barrage support setup it shows 48661 damage and flasks active it's 58159 Keep in mind, that Hypothermia support gem does not cause any damage increase on the tooltip, and more damage against chilled enemies is a really big damage boost. In-game tooltips are not always accurate and sometimes they just don't show all the stats, so I recommend you to rather check your build in Path of Building programme, than the in-game tooltips. critical strike chance is 77.63% and with power charges it's 91.31% [DEFENCE TOOLTIPS:] My resistances are: 75/75/75 and with all flasks up, they're 81/81/81. Physical damage reduction is only 3% chance to evade attacks is 20% chance to dodge attacks is 30% Life pool is 5100 with fertile catalysts applied on all of the jewellery - amulet, rings and belt. If you don;t feel too strong with this build, just swap some of the iiq items for normal items until you can iprove it with some better tree jewels or other gear, because otherwise you can struggle and map clearing can be too slow and too painful. Check out some highliths from good drops made with this character in the build guide video. Path of building pastebin and forum thread with written version of this guide is in the video description. That's all for this version, see you in the next guide! The OLD version (not the current one) was archived here:
This is 3.11 version, but there were NO changes at all after the 3.12 patch. My plan is to do some bigger changes in the next version. Build guide video: https://youtu.be/KBPTzdH9p1c ![]() Optional, low tiers version with changed skill tree: https://youtu.be/ZBBqZnP4yyM ![]() PoB pastebin: https://pastebin.com/4wAK2K74 IIQ: 194-245 IIR: 48-152 DETAILED GUIDE Hi and welcome in 3.11 almost max possible IIQ STANDARD league Ice Shot magic find build. In this video I will also give some tips on how to adapt this build to Harvest league, and which of the iiq items are possbile to get there, and which are not, but I don't plan to make a Harvest league magic finder and I'll focus on standard league version. This version contains cluster jewels changes, they were possible to get at 3.10 on standard, but prices were very high, so I've made these changes just when the leagues merged now. T14+ maps are possible to do with this build, but some higher rolled maps and some bosses are still problematic, so currently I use this build to farm low tier maps until I upgrade it to be better. It' much stronger now with cluster jewels introduced to the game, and it feels like builds can be customized more now, which is great. Some parts of this build ermains unchanged since 3.10, so some of the informations will be repeated. Here are the iiq and iir values: IIQ VALUES: My current item quantity percentage values are 194 flat and 51 temporary from windripper and Divination Distillate bonuses, which gives a total number of 245. Max possible values from the game are 219 flat + 52 temporary, which is 271 in total, so I miss 26%. I dont have one of the two 5% increased effect of flasks passive, which would give additional 1% of IIQ from flask effect, I don't use the 15% IIQ String of Servitude belt, which is which is the max for belt slot, and I don't have 10% iiq from the syndycate talisman implicit. So this is my gear, that I currently use: GEAR:
BOW: Bow is a legacy Windripper, but don't worry if you don't have a legacy version, it's not that big difference, and you wouldn't start dropping exalts and mirrors by getting the legacy one. QUIVER: Quiver is a perfectly rolled Rigwal d's Quills with point blank corrupted implicit mod, it's good mainly because of the fork bonus. Point blank corrupted implicit mod lets me free the point blank skill passive from the skill tree and allocate this point elsewhere. In future I wanna get a good rare quiver, Rigwalds isn't the best in slot option for sure and it's downside is no hp at all. HELMET: Helmet is a rare Lion Pelt with 20% quant and a lot of life, which is very important in this kind of builds, so you don't die all the time, since the defences in magic find builds are very often not too good. ARMOUR: Armour is the Greed's Embrace chest, which is the only body armour, that gives 15% quantity and also 50% item rarity, mine has 15% quant and 48% rarity. I have 50% increased damage corrupted implicit mod on it, which is better, than +1 to all gem levels, because it affects both mapping and single target skills, as well as all the other skills, that I use. GLOVES: Gloves are the legacy unique Sadima's touch gloves with maximum 24% quantity possible on this item slot. Good option is to mirror a 20% IIQ rare gloves, which are much stronger, but then you lose 4% quant. I don't have a mirror to get the rare gloves and I think I prefer the unique ones, becasue this build is intended to acheive as much IIQ as i t's possible, without any compromises. The enchant is "of Fury". It's very good for bow builds, but right now I use a pair without any enchant, because projectiles from enchant attacks cannot be supported by IIQ gem, so I would lose a tiny amount of iiq, so it's a bit less damage in favour of a bit more effective iiq. BOOTS Boots are the legacy unique Goldwyrm Boots, which gives 30% IIQ and it's the maximum possible value on this slot. It's the same situation, as with gloves, you can get rare ones with 20% quant, and you get more life, movement speed and damage, but it would also sacrifice 10% of IIQ. Becasue of the fact, that they grant only 10% movement speed, the enchant is also the 10% movement speed to be a bit faster. AMULET The amulet is a rare 20% iiq one with tier 1 life mod and constitutin anoint to increase life pool even more. Amulets, can be converted into spinefuse talisman in the Syndycate at Jorgin in Research, which, with some luck would grant additional 10% IIQ on the implicit, resulting with 30% iiq on this slot. This 10% iiq here is the only 10% that I actually miss to be able to acheive the maximum possible quantity value in the game. The only other sources of IIQ right now are incresed effect of flasks with Pathfinder ascendancy, but it's only a temporary buff, when the IIQ flask is active, and the other theoretical source is on the rings, with 5% iiq vaal implicit, but it would require a 20% iiq lvl 84 ring base, but from what I know they just don't exist in the game, or they're just on some inactive accounts, so right now they're most likely impossible to get. It has fertile catalysts applied for increased life. RINGS My rings rare ones with maximum 20% iiq for this slot and tier 1 life mods. In future I'd like to mirror some good 20% iiq rings. They also have fertile catalysts applied for more life. BELT Belt is a Headhunter becasue it's the most enjoyable and crazy item in this game and it gives so much fun, that I just can't stop using it since I've started. People Love it or hate it. I'm in the first group, and that's why it's the only item slot, that I've sacrificed IIQ for better fun and build power. Catalysts choice is also the fertile ones. Max possible IIQ on the belt slot would be a string of servitude with 15% iiq and no other stats. Another option is a Legacy 12% IIQ perandus blazon, and if you somehow manage to get the ilvl 84 legacy version and be lucky enough to hit 5% iiq corruption implicit you would have 17% but I'm not sure if this kind of belt even exists and you would really need a lot of luck to get it. Perfect option for me would be a HH with 5% iiq implcit, and it's my goal for this slot. FLASKS: Flasks remained unchanged since the previous version. Becasue of the greeed's embrace -20% movement speed and poor 10% movement speed on the boots I try to get some more of it wherever it's possible, so I'm using Cinderswallow urn with a movement speed veiled mod, and the flask itself grants onslaught, that has additional 20% movement speed, it's not visible on the flask itself, but you can see it on the tooltip. Another flask is the quicksilver one, also for movement speed and it has bleed immunity suffix. I will swap it for the one with Freeze immunity mod as soon as I'll get "corrutped blood cannot be inflicted to you" implicit on one of my skill tree jewels, I'm still working on it but no luck yet. This jewel implict is a must have for every PoE build. 3rd flask is a Divination Distillate for iiq and iir bonus. Never increase quality of this flask, becasue you cannot make it back, and it will decrease efectiveness of flask effect duration - it would just last shorter, as it would regenerate more life and mana in the same amount of time, and when it's fully regenereted, the flask effect would end faster. Some players say, that this flask can only work good with some special setups, but I don't want to sacrifice too much to get more of it's effect, and even when it lasts only from time to time, it's still very rewarding in my opinion. This flask also grants +6% to maximum resistances, but currently my overcapped resistances are not as high to benefit from all of this 6%. If you want to solve this problem, use The Wise Oak flask, as it would overcap resistances to get this bonus and with the cold resistance being the highest it would also grant additional 20% cold penetration if you have the legacy version. For now, I'm not using The Wise Oak in favour of the legacy Atziri's Promise, which adds a lot of chaos dmg and grants 2% chaos dmg leeched as life, which greatly helps with survivability and boss tanking really like The Wise Oak flask too, I was using it in 3.9 version, and maybe I will start using it again in future. Last flask is the Bottled faith, it gives a lot of damage and creates a very large AoE consecrated ground, that also greatly helps to survive in hard situations. If you're using Bottled faith, remember to divine orb the +% to critical strike cahnce mod, which is very strong. This is just my personal flasks setup preferecne, and I think it's really a free choice here, depending on what do you like and which gameplay style do you prefer. I may be making a mistake here, but I'm not using Dying Sun flask for +2 projectiles, becasue the barrage support gem gets 5% less attack speed per projectile, so it would be good for my mapping with Ice Shot skill supported by Greater Multiple Projectiles, but not that good for bossing while supported by Barrage support. CLUSTER AND NON-CLUSTER SKILL TREE JEWELS The main 3.11 update of this build was the cluster jewels introduction. I use 2 large cluster jewels and 1 medium cluster jewel and no small cluster jewels. This setup also lets me use 2 more non-cluster tree jewels, than before. So in total use 3 cluster jewels and 8 non cluster ones, so it's 11 jewels in total. My first cluster jewel is a large one with elemental damage node, and it's located at the right side of the tree. It has allocated vengeful commander for 30% increased effect of hatred, Prismatic Heart with +10% to all elemental resistances also with increased elemental damage and doryani's lesson with some life leech and additional increased elemental damage too. This jewel has 2 jewel sockets, in one of them there's a Searching eye jewel socketed, and in the 2nd one there's a medium cluster jewel with critical strike chance node. It has allocated Precise commander with increased crit strike chance and increased crit multi and Pressure points for increased crit strike chance and 5% chance to deal double damage with critical strikes. It has 1 jewel socket with searching eye jewel socketed. 3rd cluster jewel is a large one with cold damage node. It's located on the bottom right side of the tree. It has allocated Vengefull commander same as the other large cluster jewel and blanketed snow for 10% cold penetration. The Disorienting Display notable isn't allocated. In the 2 jewel sockets there are 2 non-cluster jewels socketed. SKILL TREE: On the skill tree I try to get as much life as I can. Other important thing, like I've mentioned before is movement speed, so I have Fleetfoot, Quickstep and Fangs of the Viper allocated and they all together grant additional 22% of it. Dropping Point Blank on the tree, which i have on the quiver corruption implicit mod lets me get another point to use on the tree. I have allocated 1 of the 2 5% increased effect of flasks points, so my Divination Distillate 25% iiq is now 26%. Another importnant notable is Fangs of frost, that grants 8% cold penetration, 30% increased cold damage and 10% increased effect of chill, that helps with slowing down bosses, same as the Hypothermia gem. I've dropped the Primeval Force Notable Node with 5% elemental penetration, because now I have 10% cold penetration form Blanketed Snow cluster jewel mod. So currently I have 18% cold penetration from the skill tree. ASCENDANCY My ascendancy is Deadeye, and it remains unchanged since the 3.10 version: It has: Ricochet for +1 chain, Endless munitions for +1 projectile, Gathering winds for increased movement and attack speed from Tailwind and Far Shot, which mitigates the Point blank penalty with long range attacks. PANTHEON: My major Pantheon also remains unchanged, it's Soul of Lunaris, as a major god, mainly for physical damage reduction, which is a weak point of this build, and soul of Shakari as a minor god for poison immunity. BANDITS QUEST: Bandits quest status is help Alira for additional +15% to all elemental resistances and a nice 20% crit strike multiplier. SKILLS AND AURAS GEMS SETUP:
Here are my skills and auras setups: My gems setup hasn't changed since the previous 3.10 version of this build, I've only upgraded some of them. MAPPING ICE SHOT: Main 6 link skill for map clearing is: Ice Shot, connected to: Greater multiple projectiles (I still don't have the awakener version), Awakened Elemental Damage with Weapons [lvl 6 (20% quality)], Awakened Added Cold Damage - Note, that the awakener version of this gem at lvl 5 gives +1 to active cold skill gems, which is the Ice Shot gem in this case, so it's a really good synergy. next gem is Increased Item Quantity (21/23) last gem is Hypothermia (20/20), which works really well for me, because Ice Shot skill always chills enemies, so I'm getting the massive "more damage" bonus from it. Just in case you didn't know, "more damage" mod scales way better, than the "increased damage" mod. I've also tested other gems instead of Hypothermia, and the ones, that I think are quite good are: Mirage Archer, for fast map clearing and Damage on full life gem, which adds 59% more damage on full life, but for me Hypothermia works best one, mainly becasue of the freeze chance for magic find bonus and increased effect of chill to slow down enemies. SINGLE TARGET ICE SHOT: Secondary 6-link is for single target monsters and bosses and it's basically almost the same gem setup, as the 1st 6link, but the only difference is Barrage Support gem instead of Greater Multiple projectiles. Note, that this is barrage support gem, not the barrage skill gem, which is a whole different thing and I'm not using it. By the way, don't do this mistake and don't buy lvl 21 version of barrage support gem, becasue theres no difference between 20 and 21, until you get +1 to this gem somehow, so it's lvl 22, which would result in -1% less damage. -1% may not seem like too much, but at min-maxed character this 1% scales really good and makes a big difference. Hypothermia gem is perfect here, becasue of it's increased effect of chill, which really helps with slowing down and overleeching bosses. POWER CHARGES SOURCE: For power charges generation source I use the old good Herald of Ice + Curse on hit + Assasin's mark combo, of course linked to another IIQ gem, so i don't lose any IIQ bonus from enemies shattered with this herald. Keep in mind, that there's Awakened version of curse on Hit Gem, but I still don't have it. OTHER AURAS: My other auras are Hatred and precision, connected with Enlighten lvl 4 for less mana reserved, so I can lvl up the precision aura to lvl 13 without any mana problems. MOVEMENT SKILL: My movement skill is Blink Arrow. Perfect Blink arrow combo would be connected with faster attacks, faster projectiles, that also speeds up the teleportarion, the second wind support gem and with the iiq gem. Currently I don't use any of them, becasue I don't have any free sockets, but if you prefer faster movemnt skill you can drop enlighten and precision gems and use 2 of the ones, that I've mentioned, it's a personal preference here. I'm doing good with just Blink arrow and it works fine, even when I'm hunting Vaal Winds corrupting tempest, but of course they would be very helpful. DEFENSIVE SKILL: My defensive skill is currently Steel skin lvl 18, triggered by Cast when damage taken lvl 14. You can change these gems' lvls, but keep in mind, that the lvl requirements of them must match, so the skill trigger is possible. If you mismatch them, the steel skin won't trigger at all. OFFENSIVE SKILL: My offensive damage buff is Vaal Haste, and I really recommend using it, because it's very strong. It increases damage and movement speed. Note, that I don't use normal Haste aura which would reserve mana, and I'm only using the temporary Vaal version, when I catch enough Vaal Souls to activate it and it really helps with bosses and also with faster mapping, as it buffs not only attack speed, but also movement speed. Both of these defensive and offensive skills are connected to increased duration support gem, so they're lasting longer. DAMAGE TOOLTIPS: My mapping skill GMP setup tooltip shows 113.514 damage, and with all flasks active it shows 156.844 On the single target barrage support setup it shows 43.951 damage and flasks active it's 60.632 Keep in mind, that for Hypothermia more damage against chilled enemies it's not shown on the tooltip, and it's a really big damage boost. In-game tooltips are not always accurate and sometimes they just don't show all the stats, so I recommend you to rather check your build in Path of Building programme, than in the game. I've also compared damage before and after 3.11 skill tree nerf, and the damage tooltips dropped by about 4% after 3.11 the current character setup. DEFENCE TOOLTIPS: My resistances are: 75/75/75 and with all flasks up, they're 75/81/75 so as you can see and as I've mentioned before I'm not taking full benefits from +6% to all resistances from Divination Distillate, because they're not overcapped enough. Physical damage reduction is only 3% chance to dodge attacks is 30%, chance to evade attacks is 24% and with all Tailwind active, which requires just to use any skill it's 38% Life pool is 6274 with fertile catalysts applied on all of the jewellery - amulet, rings and the belt. HOW TO APPLY THIS BUILD TO HARVEST LEAGUE? I'm not gonna make a Harvest league version of this build, I'm gonna stay on standard, but I'll try to give a few tips on how to adapt it to temporary leagues. I'm pretty sure, that there are better and faster Magic find current meta builds for temporary leagues, I just wanna help with adapting my version, maybe at least it will inspire someone: BOW: Bow is of cou e a Windripper. QUIVER: Quiver should be Riqwald's quills or a good Rare one. HELMET: Helmet with 20% iiq is impossible to get, so I would suggest Devoto's Devotion or the Rat's nest or a good rare helmet, or just whatever works for you. They both increase movement speed, which is very needed in this character. ARMOUR: Body armour should remain the same, good thing is, that it doesn't have a legacy version. GLOVES: Gloves Should be non-legacy sadima's touch gloves, that can now have 10% iiq. BOOTS: Boots should be a non-legacy unique Goldwyrm Boots, which gives 20% IIQ AMULET: 20% iiq mod on the amulet is legacy, so the best option would be a bisco's collar, or a Syndycate converted talisman with 10% iiq corrupted implicit mod. You can also get 10% iiq on lvl85 explicit mod shaper influenced amulets. RINGS: Best option for rings would be the Ventor's Gamble ones with 10% iiq. BELT: best Belt would be of course a headhunter. The one with 5% iiq corruption implicit would be perfect, but it's really expensive, especially on the league. FLASKS: Flasks should remain the same, as on standard league version, in non-legacy versions of course. jewels and cluster jewels would be the same as on standard, of course abyssal jewels would be the non legacy versions, so maybe replacing them with classic square jewels with 7% hp would be a good idea. If you don;t feel too strong with the standard or with the temporary league version of this build, just swap some of the iiq items for normal items until you can iprove it with some better tree jewels or other gear, because at last, this game should be fun, and not the struggle. I'm gonna show some highliths from good drops made with this character. Path of building pastebin and forum thread with written version of this guide is in the video description. That's all for this version, thanks for watching and see you in the next video! youtube.com/clickachu
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Just bought this flask for 3 mirrors.
Now I need some mirrored items so I can go farm higher tier maps instead of low tier ones. youtube.com/clickachu
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Hey, what map tiers are you farming with this build?
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