💰 [3.22 ready] Clickachu's Tornado Shot MF Build - +Video Guide - 100% Phys Conversion [Standard]

Clickachu escribió:

Build guide video: https://youtu.be/ogcv_6nqrzY

PoB pastebin: https://pastebin.com/07bGABvA

IIQ: 194-256 IIR: 49-158


Hi, and welcome in 3.10 almost maximum possible IIQ Ice Shot magic find build.

Keep in mind, that this is a standard league build made with legacy items, but it's still possible to do a similar build on the temporary leagues, just with lower item quantity values.

Since it's a standard league, it can utilise items from 3.9 patch Metamorph league (like catalysts), that have just merged with standard league few days ago, and it actually cannot use any items from 3.10 Delirium league, like cluster tree jewels which will merge with standard after the league ends, so it's always one league behind.

As you can see, compared with my older build video, I've switched from Tornado Shot skill, which I was using in 3.9 and now I'm using Ice Shot only. It really feels much better and stronger, also I have a feeling, that I'm getting more windripper freeze bonus, becasue I suspect, that the secondary tornado shot projectiles may not have been meeting the cold damage amount theshhold to freeze some of the rare or unique monsters with bigger life pool, but this is just my theory.

If you still want to use Tornado Shot, you can just swap the Ice Shot gem with Tornado shot, becasue whole build scales pretty much the same, so it's totally convertible and it takes just a moment to do so, but Ice Shot feels so much better, that I don't expect going back to tornado shot ever again...

Current version is not low tier maps only anymore, like the previuos one, now it feels stronger, and t14+ maps are possible to do, I'm still struggling with some stronger bosses, but compared to older version I really feel, that I've made a big progrees, but of course there's still a lot to do to make it better.

GEMS skills setup and GEAR:



Main 6 link skill for map clearing is:
Ice Shot, connected to:
Greater multiple projectiles (I dont have the awakener version yet, but I'm working on it),
Awakened Elemental Damage with Weapons [lvl 6 (20% quality)],
Awakened Added Cold Damage [lvl 5 (20% quality)], - Note, that the awakener version of this gem at lvl 5 gives +1 to active cold skill gems, which is the Ice Shot gem in this case, so it's a really good synergy and one of the reasons I've stopped using tornado shot.
next gem is Increased Item Quantity (21/23)
last gem is Hypothermia (20/20), which works really well for me, because Ice Shot skill is always chilling enemies, so I'm getting the massive "more damage" bonus from it.
Just in case you didn't know, "more damage" mod scales way better, than the "increased damage" mods.

I've also tested other gems instead of Hypothermia, and the ones, that I think are quite good are:
Mirage Archer, for fast map clearing and Damage on full life gem, which adds 59% more damage on full life, but for me Hypothermia is the best one, mainly becasue of the freeze chance for magic find bonus.

I'm using this setup on my Greed's Embrace chest, which is the only body armour, that gives 15% quantity and also 50% item rarity.


Secondary 6-link is for single target monsters and bosses and this is basically almost the same gem setup, as the 1st 6link, but the only difference is Barrage Support gem instead of Greater Multiple projectiles.
By the way, don't do this mistake and don't buy lvl 21 version of it becasue theres no difference between 20 and 21, until you get +1 to this gem somehow, so it's lvl 22, which would result in -1% less damage.
-1% may not seem like too much, but at min-maxed character this 1% scales really good and makes a big difference.

Hypothermia gem is perfect here, becasue it increases the chill effect, which really helps to slow down and tank bosses.

These gems are socketed on my Bow, which is a legacy Windripper, but don't worry if you don't have the legacy version, it's not tha big difference, and you wouldn't start dropping exalts and mirrors just by getting the legacy one.



Quiver is Rigwald's Quills, it's realy great mainly becasue of the fork bonus, which is OP for mapping and it has point blank implicit mod, which lets me free the point blank skill passive from the skill tree and it elsewhere. I'm also not that sure if +1 projectile would be that good for me, as every additional projectile slows down attakc while using barrage support for single target, and for me single target is more important, than map clear speed.

Power charge source combo (HELMET):

For power charges generation source i'm using the old good Herald of Ice + Curse on hit + Assasin's mark combo, of course linked to another IIQ gem, so i don't lose any IIQ bonus from enemies shattered with this herald.
Keep in mind, that there's Awakened version of curse on Hit Gem, but I still don't have it.

These gems are socketed in the helmet, which is a rare Lion Pelt with 20% quant and a lot of life, which is very important in this kind of builds, so you don't die all the time, since magic find builds usually use some weak items, at least mine do, because quantity is my priority, not the damage or clear speed, but they're of course also very important.


My other auras are Hatred and precision, connected with Enlighten lvl 4 for less mana reserved, so I can lvl up the precision aura to lvl 13 without any mana problems.

My movement skill is Blink Arrow.

Perfect Blink arrow combo would be connected with faster attacks, faster projectiles, that also speeds up the teleportarion, the new second wind support and the iiq gem. Currently I'm not using any of them, becasue I don't have any free sockets, but if you prefer faster movemnt skill you can drop enlighten and precision gems and use 2 of the ones I've mentioned, it's a personal preference here. I'm doing good with just Blink arrow and no support gems and it works fine, even when I'm hunting the Vaal Winds corrupting tempest, but of course they would be very helpful.

These gems are on the legacy unique Sadima's touch gloves with maximum 24% quantity possible on this item slot. Good option is to mirror a 20% IIQ rare gloves, which are much stronger, but then you lose 4% quant. I don't have a mirror to get the rare gloves and I think I prefer the unique ones, becasue this build is intended to acheive as much IIQ as it's possible, without any compromises.

The enchant is "of Fury" which is, from what I know the best one for bow builds, but maybe some other ones are good too.


My defensive skill is currently Steel skin lvl 18, triggered by Cast when damage taken lvl 14.
You can change these gems' lvls, but keep in mind, that the lvl requirements of them must match, so the skill trigger is possible, if you mismatch them, the steel skin will just not trigger at all.

My offensive damage buff is Vaal Haste, and I really recommend to use it, because it's really strong. Note, that I'm not using normal Haste aura which would reserve mana, and I'm only using the temporary Vaal version, when I catch enough Vaal Souls to do so and it really helps with bosses and also with faster mapping, as it buffs not only attack speed, but also movement speed.

Thanks to Mai Cedere Magic find build guide, which aade me use this great buff. By the way he also runs the most popular mirror shop with best IIQ items in the game, so if you need them, you know where to go :)

Both of these defensive and offensive skills are connected to increased duration support gem, so they're lasting longer.

They're in the legacy unique Goldwyrm Boots, which gives 30% IIQ and it's the maximum possible value on this slot. It's the same situation, like with gloves, you can get rare ones with 20% quant, and you get more life, movement speed and damage, but it would also sacrifice 10% IIQ. I prefer pushing it into extreme IIQ and I doubt if I would use the rare ones even if I could afford them.

Becasue of the fact, that they grant only 10% movement speed, the enchant is also the 10% movement speed to mitigate thi s problem a bit.


The amulet is a rare 20% iiq one with tier 1 life mod and constitutin anoint to increase life even more.
The am et with some luck can be converted into spinefuse talisman in the Syndycate at Jorgin in Research, which would grant additional 10% IIQ on the implicit, resulting with 30% iiq on this slot.
This 10% iiq here is the only 10% that I'm actually missing to have the maximum possible quantity value in the game. The only other sources of IIQ right now are incresed effect of flasks with Pathfinder ascendancy, but this is only temporary buff, when the IIQ flask is active, and the other theoretical source is on the rings, with 5% iiq vaal implicit, but it would require a 20% iiq lvl 84 ring base, but from what I know they just don't exist in the game, or they're just on some inactive accounts, so right now thy're most likely impossible to get.

Talkng of rings, my rings rare items with maximum 20% iiq for this slot and tier 1 life mods.
In future I'd like to mirror some good 20% iiq rings, but there are so many other things to do.


Belt is a Headhunter becasue it's the most enjoyable and crazy item in this game and gives so much fun, that I just can't stop using it since I started. People Love it or hate it. I'm in the first group, and that's why it's the only item slot, that I sacrificed IIQ for better fun and build power.
Now it is possible to upgrade belts as well as amulets and rings with catalyst's, that increases quality, which buffs the specific item mods. I don't have them yet, they're still quite expensive, but the ones I will go for are Fertile catalysts to increase the life pool.

Max possible IIQ on the belt slot would be a string of servitude with 15% iiq and no other stats.

Another option is a Legacy 12% IIQ perandus blazon, and if you somehow manage to get the ilvl 84 legacy version and be lucky enough to hit 5% iiq corruption implicit you would have 17% but I'm not sure if this kind of belt even exists and you would really need a lot of luck to get it.

Perfect option for me would be a HH with 5% iiq implcit, and this is my goal.


Becasue of the greeed's embrace -20% movement speed and poor 10% movement speed on the boots I try to get some more of it wherever it's possible, so I'm using Cinderswallow urn with a movement speed veiled mod, and the flask itself grants onslaught, that has additional 20% movement speed, it's not visible on the flask itself, but you can see it on the tooltip.

Another flask is the quicksilver one, also for movement speed and it has bleed immunity suffix I will swap it for the one with Freeze immunity mod as soon as I'll get "corrutped blood cannot be inflicted" implicit on one of my skill tree jewels, I'm still working on it but no luck yet. This jewel implict is a must have for every PoE build.

3rd flask is a Divination Distillate for iiq and iir bonus. Never increase quality of this flask, becasue you cannot make it back, and it will decrease efectiveness of flask effect duration - it would just last shorter, as it would regenerate more life and mana in the same amount of time, and when it's fully regenereted, the flask effect would end faster.
Some players say, that this flask can only work good with some special setups, but I don't want to sacrifice too much to get more of it's effect, and even when it lasts only from time to time, it's still very rewarding in my opinion.

This flask also grants +6% to maximum resistances, but currently my overcapped resistances are not as high to benefit from all of this 6%.
If you want to solve this problem, use The Wise Oak flask, as it would overcap resistances to get this bonus and with the cold resistance being the highest it would also give additional 20% cold penetration.

For now, I'm not using The Wise Oak in favour of the legacy Atziri's Promise, which adds a lot of chaos dmg and grants 2% chaos dmg leeched as lif e, which greatly helps with survivability and boss tanking. I really like The Wise Oak flask too, I was using it in 3.9 version, and maybe I will start using it again in future.

Last flask is Bottled faith, it gives a lot of damage and creates very large AoE consecrated ground, that also greatly helps to survive in hard situations.

This is just my personal flasks setup preferecne, and I think it's really a free choice here, depending on what do you like and which gameplay style do you prefer. Personally I like the piano-style drunken master flask spamming all the time, so I really care about them to be good.

I may be making a mistake here, but I'm not using Dying Sun flask for +2 projectiles, becasue actually, like I've mentioned before with the quiver, the barrage support gem gets 5% less attack speed per projectile. So it would be good for my mapping with Ice Shot skill supported by Greater Multiple Projectiles, but not that good for bossing while supported by Barrage support.


My strongest skill tree jewel is Watcher's eye with +% to critical strike chance while affected by hatred which is really good, especially for windripper.

Other jewels are legacy searching eye ones with as much life, damage and resistacnes as I could get, and some classic, square rare jewels, also with life, damage and resistantes.
I try to double corrupt the non-legacy classic jewels, so i don't rip any of the legacy searching eye ones, but so far i wasn't lucky to get the corruption blood immunity mod, that I've mentioned before.


On the skill tree I try to get as much life as I can.
Other important things, like I've mentioned before is movement speed, so I have Fleetfoot, Quickstep and Fangs of the Viper allocated and they all together grant additional 22% of it.

Dropping Point Blank on the tree, which i have on the quiver implicit now lets me get another 5% increased flasks effect, So I'm having both of these points now, which results in 10% incerased flask effect.
This is really great, becasue it buffs all effetcts of the flasks, so the Divination distillate 25% iiq is now actually 27%.

Another importnant notable is Fangs of frost, that grants 8% cold penetration, 30% increased cold damage and 10% increased effect of chill, that helps with slowing down bosses, same as the Hypothermia gem.


My ascendancy is Deadeye, and I took:

Ricochet for +1 chain,
Endless munitions for +1 projectile,
Gathering winds for increased movement and attack speed from Tailwind
and Far Shot, which mitigates the Point blank penalty with long range attacks.


My major Pantheon god is Soul of Lunaris, mainly for physical damage reduction, which is a weak point of this build, and the minor god is soul of Shakari for poison immunity.


Bandits quest status is help Alira for additional +15% to all elemental resistances and a nice 20% crit strike multiplier.

IIQ and IIR values:

My mapping Ice shot setup with 21/23 IIQ gem has 194% flat quant and 49% rarity, and with Windripper bonuses and Divination distillate flask effect additional temporary 27+25% quant and 59+50% rarity, which gives total numbers of 246% quantity and 158 rarity.

Values on a single target ice shot setup are almost the same, as the IIQ gem is just 21/20, and they're 245% iiq and 158 rarity, so theres only 1% iiq difference.


My mapping skill GMP setup tooltip shows 38,319 damage, and with all flasks active it shows 54,619
On the single target barrage support setup it shows 92,254 damage and flasks active it's 131,201.

Keep in mind, that for Hypothermia more damage agains chilled enemies it's not shown on the tooltip, and it's a really big damage boost.
In-game tooltips are not always accurate and sometimes they just don't show all the stats, so I recommend you to rather check your build in Path of Building programme, than in the game.


My resistances are: 75/76/75 and with all flasks up, they're 76/82/75 so as you can see and as I mentioned before I'm not taking full benefits from +6% to all resistances from Divination Distillate.

Physical damage reduction is only 3%, which is a weak side of this build,
chance to dodge attacks is 30%,
chance to evade attacks is 29% and with all Tailwind active, which require just to use any skill is 43%

Life pool is 6068, but keep in mind, that I haven't applied fertile catalysts on the jewellery yet, and they would increase it a bit.

Sadly, when I try to do some very juicy 8 modded, fully sextanted and quad ivory watchstones and quad scarab maps, the loot is so big, that my PC just cannot handle it, and frames are dropping so much, that it's almost unplayable, so I just need a better PC to fully use the potential of this build, becasue this what you see now happens. I really hope to upgrade my computer soon to reveal the full potential of this character.

So this is basically it, here are some clips from various maps and bosses, to show how this build perfoms on the higher maps. I'm gonna do the next version of it for sure, becasue it's my most favourite build, that I have and I'm investing all my currency, that I earn into it, so stayed tuned!
Thanks for watching, and see you in the next video, Exiles!

would there be anything to change if you went TS
SimplyNextGen escribió:

would there be anything to change if you went TS

Not too much I guess, scaling is pretty much the same.

Maybe I would play with gem setup - here Ice shot (as cold gem) gets +1 from awakened added cold damage, and Hypothermia adds some damage against chilled enemies, so it benefits from Ice Shot, which always chills.

So maybe I would replace Hypothermia for "Insporation" or "Damage on full life" gem, or maybe for Mirage Archer in GMP setup for faster map clearing.

Awakened chain support is also OP, but it's quite expensive.

Awakened cold dmg also should be replaced maybe with one of support gems, that I've mentioned.

And with dropping added cold damage, amybe drop "Fangs of frost" node on the skill tree.

But since you don't need critical strike to chill eenemies, just a good amount of cold damage (which awakened added cold actually provides), I think the answer for your question is: No. You don't need to change anything, just swap the TS gem with Ice Shot, and you're good to go. Of course for mapping skill, because TS is not single target skill, so I would keep Ice Shot or use another skill, like barrage for single target.

Of course there are some better TS gem setups, but mine is focused on getting a lot of Windripper freeze bonuse for more IIQ, since it's a magic find build.
hey man checking in, kept this character like an old truck in the garage that I work on every now and again.

ive done quite a bit. leveled to 93 so I have quite a bit of the main points.
got a watcher's eye with hatred base cold damage and -non channeling with clarity. that allowed me to drop the mana leech slot.
looking for good gems to replace some of my starter ones nexts.
picked up some awakened gems off sirus
leveled up all gems
changed my amulet from biscos to a respectable 20% quant. (can I talisman this)
still need enchants and to quality some things except my distillation ofc.
went phase run cause I like it.

its public can you look it over. still working on ur list but im good for ongoing tips. def need lvl 21 gems here and there
SimplyNextGen escribió:

would there be anything to change if you went TS

Not my guide, but the answer is yes, you should invest a little in projectile speed if you go TS, if you want to cover offscreen like before the nerf. Also, IMO, just go TS if you got a good helm with the +2 secondary projectiles legacy enchant. No reason not to go iceshot otherwise I would say. Rest of the tree shouldn't change much. I'm using TS atm but working my way to change to Iceshot, TS feels better for endgame clear I'd say (with the equipment I have at least) but I can't freeze as often.

A few notables to consider: Longshot, Flash freeze, Ballistic Mastery, Master Fletcher. You don't need to take every single one listed.

Also, keep in mind that Deadeye ascendancy grants you 30% projectile speed and the quiver you use may also affect that, Rigwald's lower it by 20% and Voidfletcher increase by 30%.
poyozzo escribió:

Not my guide, but the answer is yes, you should invest a little in projectile speed if you go TS, if you want to cover offscreen like before the nerf. Also, IMO, just go TS if you got a good helm with the +2 secondary projectiles legacy enchant. No reason not to go iceshot otherwise I would say. Rest of the tree shouldn't change much. I'm using TS atm but working my way to change to Iceshot, TS feels better for endgame clear I'd say (with the equipment I have at least) but I can't freeze as often.

A few notables to consider: Longshot, Flash freeze, Ballistic Mastery, Master Fletcher. You don't need to take every single one listed.

Also, keep in mind that Deadeye ascendancy grants you 30% projectile speed and the quiver you use may also affect that, Rigwald's lower it by 20% and Voidfletcher increase by 30%.

Thx for replying, because I don't use TS anymore, so It's hard for me to give much help with it. I think, that maybe TS is best for endgame, semi-MF and "normal" builds, and Ice Shot is best for full MF, but it's only my guess, so I agree, that Ice Shot is the best :)

It's also true with projectile speed - it affects TS secondary projectile travel lenghth, as well, as the Ice shot cone AoE, so it's more important nowadays, and I think that's why Rigwald's quills quiver is cheaper now - there are better options and I should replace my Rigwalds too.
CoughieBlack escribió:
hey man checking in, kept this character like an old truck in the garage that I work on every now and again.

ive done quite a bit. leveled to 93 so I have quite a bit of the main points.
got a watcher's eye with hatred base cold damage and -non channeling with clarity. that allowed me to drop the mana leech slot.
looking for good gems to replace some of my starter ones nexts.
picked up some awakened gems off sirus
leveled up all gems
changed my amulet from biscos to a respectable 20% quant. (can I talisman this)
still need enchants and to quality some things except my distillation ofc.
went phase run cause I like it.

its public can you look it over. still working on ur list but im good for ongoing tips. def need lvl 21 gems here and there


Sorry for late reply, I was busy and I'll try to give some tips about what I would do:

In general - you should focus on HP mods, as much, as you are on IIQ mods. The more, the better. Somethiems dying too often = losing portals = loosing loot, so it;s good to invest into it.

I would grab life and mana leech point on the bottom of the skill tree, so you wouldn't need "mana gain on hit" on your jewels, and replace them with jewels, that have life mod on it, for better survivability.

Same with rings, amulet, helmet - I would find HP+IIQ bases, whcih should be around 30 ex or maybe even less and try to craft them.

Quiver with double corruption is GG imo, expecially point blank. I'm not sure, if you benefit a lot from ele dmg gain from phys, since it;s elemental dmg stacking, not phys scaling build, but it's always something.

I think we talked about your build already and I can see some progress from what I remember.
Gl with improving your build and with the drops man!

EDIT: Oh! And definitely divine orb your bottled faith and compare your damage. +% to crit chance is really, really important stat.
Editado por útlima vez por Clickachu#7726 en 2 jun. 2020 15:22:47
ah didn't see the bad rolls on the bottle faith okay I got that. Thanks ill try to change some things, ill check back in a few weeks. RN I use it to farm frag pieces for divines (ironic) but it can run a decent t14 if im a little conservative. the goal is to run t14 smooth smooth!
Is it more important to have item quant support on the ice shot clearing setup or in the herald of ice setup, not sure if I'm killing more through the explosions or ice shot projectiles.
Tatsuya escribió:
Is it more important to have item quant support on the ice shot clearing setup or in the herald of ice setup, not sure if I'm killing more through the explosions or ice shot projectiles.

Definitely on Ice Shot. Lot of the loot drops from unique and rare monsters, and they don't die from shatters too often.

Shatters are rather to apply assassin's mark, which generates power charges, than to kill mobs. It would be a thing, if the shatters had culling strike from gem support, or for example from cluster jewel "Wish for Death" mod ("You have culling strike against cursed enemies"), but it still wouldn't be more important, than Ice Shot.

Regardless of the fact if the shatters have culling strike, or not, they will still kill some monsters, especially, when killing big packs, so it's good to have iiq on both skills, but the Ice Shot is more important for sure.
Hey Clickachu! As you predicted, we lost Beyond in 3.11. At least we got Nemesis xD
Editado por útlima vez por Neto#6152 en 17 jun. 2020 8:20:35

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