[3.14 viable]fire crit AoF Elemental Hit Ranger (All class)
Here's a gimped version at 94 instead.
Dropped Maloney's for Drillneck (cheap) Losing chill and frenzy generation (unticked frozen and ticked chilled to simulate minimal shock) Removed %life roll from helmet and lowered flat roll to 85 Lowered boots life roll to 80 Completley removed Watcher's eye Disabled the elemental weakness corruption on gloves Still 6800 life and just under 2 million shaper dps without relying on vaal haste or getting hit by enemies to cover them in ash. I feel 17% crit is plenty for elemental overload but you could even drop the sulphur flask for a diamond flask and still be at 1.9 million shaper dps. |
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May be i don't have your gear or i use a lv89 Scion (Jugg + PF) to test. It seem really quite hard to actually stack ignite freeze and shock at the same time, even i used Tempest Blinding and socketing clear skill on it. (not the actual one as i can't link the second Tempest Blinding in my unique tab)
It looks like dealing no damage at all at vaaled T16. May be my own play style really rely on flask up, crit multi, Forstferno and Chin Sol. Also, if heavily rely on Yoke, then you have to roll map more often for skipping something likes "monster avoid aliments" I switch back to my PF and use 5L current roll Chin Sol and current roll Forstferno , and have no problem at all in the same map. This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong? quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first" This is the end of forum signature Editado por útlima vez por neohongkong#0222 en 5 jul. 2019 13:44:54
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I don't believe we are capable of actually freezing enemies, only chilling. Elemental hit does 10% more damage against chilled enemies. If they were frozen, it would do 20% more damage.
I'm not sure how you're going about it, but I apply chill via ice shot socketed in Maloney's Mechanism. With avatar of fire we can't deal cold damage to chill anything, but ice shot leaves chilled ground under enemies it hits regardless of the damage it does. It lasts 1.5 seconds and has a cooldown of 1 second. Much more reliable for chilling bosses than trash mobs that usually die instantly anyways. The gimped setup I posted only ignites and shocks. It can be hard to see what ailments are affecting mobs with cinderswallow's green fire active. Even more so if you use pyre like me and mobs explode on death. Harbinger of Storms will obviously be a lot less reliable at chilling with how randomly Harbingers use their abilities. I don't know what your chance to shock is, mine is 92% and our shocks should be full effect against regular mobs. Ailment avoidance is annoying, but my dps is high enough that it really doen't make much of a difference. Yoke or not, any build using comubstion support is gonna see a dps drop from that mod. Only thing that makes that mod annoying for me is when there are porcupines in the map. Which is why I prefer Elemenatl Hit with pyre. Outside of high ailment avoidance maps, porcupines and those ice explosion crickets in the mine pose very little threat. |
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Well i am so embarrassed to miss the Soul Raker node in the skill tree and probably in the pob / official site skill tree in this guide. Will fix ASAP.
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" Well, i really don't know what problem that i can't replicate your build. This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?
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tldr at bottom...
After reading your post again, there could be a few reasons your test setup performed below expectations. This is all assuming you had avatar of fire, 2 combat focus, and yoke of suffering on during your testing. The gimped build I posted loses ~600k dps with a current Chin Sol and 200k with legacy 100% damage Chin Sol. Chin Sol or a crafted bow with more global mods will be better for Frostferno users because they boost the damage of their helmet socketed Elemental Hit as well as their bow socketed one. My bow (metallic,corroded,serrated,prismatic) wouldn't benefit an Elemental Hit gem socketed outside the bow very much. I just swap gmp with slower projectiles for single target. Even path of building's basic +3 thicket bow with 9% attack speed out damages the current Chin Sol on the gimp build I posted and doesn't have the range penalty. Having your Elemental hit socketed in Tempest Binding (I assume that's what you mean by 'clear skill') means you were using a different gem setup than I was. Innervate and Ice Bite are close to useless for elemental hit and avatar of fire. You may as well have been using a 4l elemental hit with this setup. Also Deadeye's Far Shot makes a surprising difference in long range damage with Point Blank. If you change the projectile distance in the config tab of the gimped build I posted to 80, for example. You'll see Far Shot accounts for 23% of that dps if you hover your pointer over the Far Shot node. Your defensive choice of scion (jugg+path) wouldn't have that. That combinded with Chin Sol's requirement of being close range to enemies means you're losing a lot of dps against trash mobs if they aren't close to you. If an enemy isn't close range, Chin Sol isn't doing much for Elemental Hit. A fossil crafted helmet (pristine + scorched) or even Devoto's Devotion would be better than Tempest Binding. tldr: Chin Sol, your differnt gem setup of Elemental hit socketed in Tempest binding, and your defensive ascendancy choices are likely the culprits for the sub par performance you experienced while mapping. You couldn't replicate it because your setup was way too different. |
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" Too long.....I have all Combat Focusm Yoke , AOF in tree, a shit roll +3 bow, but test it on Scion. But you know your gear also have -9 fire res as well as other roll in your +3 bow. Sometimes people can't replicate other build is most usually due to those rare are too powerful, so that other people hardly follow by others , unless bought the same or similar gear This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?
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EH with Deadeye that go crit, is so easy to have 2M dps, but pretty much burst dps whatever they use vaal skill or not, due to unable to sustain flask charge. And then your whole build is around Yoke and Taming aliment and non-crit (rely on EO), which there is none flask charge skill node on tree and spent a lots on traveling to obtain AoF, which may be even more burst damage than normal Deadeye build. As i said, i personally preferred Pathfinder for sustaining dps and the discount version in Scion may affect my test.
Also, i don't use Blood Rage as you can't stop Blood Rage from killing you. Bow build sometimes you need to manually dodge attack which life leech also stopped soon after, and then the degen from Blood Rage kicked in. It made the boss battle a very messy management of flask and self imposed degen. In boss fight such as Shaper and Uber Elder that you can't just one shot everything, it is a nightmare. On the good side, 4-link aura setup of Precision, Grace/Haste/Anger, "Fresh and Stone" and Enlighten may be a good setup. Lv 4 Enlighten should work perfectly but expensive . May be lv3 Enlighten may have mana multiplier that enough for keeping a sustainable mana pool for using skill and recovery from mana leech too, but i haven't test it . I sold my last lv 3 Enlighten . This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong? quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first" This is the end of forum signature Editado por útlima vez por neohongkong#0222 en 9 jul. 2019 2:39:34
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I use blood rage because I don't take vaal pact. No negative life regen. It's just a free attack speed boost.
Primal Spirit is a flask charge node. And even without it, I have no idea what content you're doing that you can't sustain flask charges. Trash mobs die instantly, bosees die in a few seconds, shaper is damaged to next stage threshold in few seconds. Only content I'd have problems keeping flask charges is uber elder. And pathfinders can struggle there too. What content are you doing that you're having so much trouble keeping flasks up? |
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Path of Building link's are not working, also Deadeye Ascendancies are not included in tree link.
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