[3.7][SSF] PewPew82's Bleed stacking Lacerate Gladiator
" I saw this was answered but just to make sure, you cant use berserk until you have your 6th link in chest - Rage. :) |
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" Dps is 100% not an issue . I am clearing t15s with ease now. The occasional hiccup that would be fixed with just more health and leech/shaper rings etc. Grace instead of haste is definitely gonna be needed for HC. You could always drop totems in this build and use kaoms purely for health. Or you could go a armor stacking route and molten shell which would make you virtually invincible. I think with 2ex a slot you would be very very safe, as i only die once in a blue moon and my gear as you have seen is ssf gear that has very average stats. When it comes to the tree there are a few things you can change for hardcore. mainly picking up a bit more life and getting the sword nodes that give you block chance etc near the damage ones I have already picked up . |
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i robbed one lad, and got almost max rolled Daresso's Defiance only for 7ex. So, i thought to do armor stacking variant, but i'm not sure how it will work with this armor. i will constantly be on 0 end charges and with onslagught, but will lose 10% phys damage reduction from Outmatch and Outlast? also is Graceful Assault's "30% increased evasion rating during Onslaught" increase armor if i pick Iron Reflexes? or best case will be just do hybrid with a little bit of both? I'm not fan of havying no stun-immunity so initially i thought to get Kaom's Roots and stack get Iron Reflexes ( because of Unwavering Stance ), but if chest armor don't work nicely with Iron Reflexes, i'll try to find another source of stun-immunity.
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" I personally prefer hybrid and that chest is perfect for it tbh. I've never tried "30% increased evasion rating during Onslaught" with iron reflexes but from the wiki With Iron Reflexes: % Increased Evasion Rating mods are applied to base Evasion only. So yes it would increase your armor, best thing to do is take the node and test it quickly. Best bet would be to go hybrid (thats what I am atm), Kaoms roots has also been a thought of mine. All you would lose is the totem setup. You dont have to get Iron reflexes to use kaoms. Hybrid/kaoms can work. P.s thats a steal of a chest piece. Nice one! |
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" But you can't go Kaom's root with hybrid setup, because of keystone from them "Unwavering Stance: Cannot be stunned, Cannot Evade enemy Attacks" so, all that evasion rating won't work if you have this keystone or kaom's root. and Iron Reflexes makeing some use of it. But yea, more i think about it, less like this idea. Will try to find another way to not being stunned. UPD: ok, i completed acts, picked Iron Reflexes on level 65, to test out, how it will work with chest armor, and it working pretty good so far, End charge on kill and Leap Slam with end charge on stun generates enough charges to have 15s Onslagut and full end charges. and it also made me think, what you think about 2H variant? by my calculations, with 2h sword i will have less attack damage, but much higher bleed dps with combined dps. Currently i have 124k dps + 108k bleed (232,4k total) with 2 Ichimonji (260 and 243 dps ), but if i change them to Kondo's Pride (439 dps), and respec 1h nodes to similar 2h, i will have 109k dps + 164,8k bleed ( 274k total), so about 15-20% increase. And if i get lucky to lay hands on Starforge it also give access to Shock with even more damage. Also difference is about 3 attacks per second ( without Berserk ) almost 7aps against only 4, but it's still pretty fast. with 2h you stack Crimson Dance a litte slower, but each stack deal much more damage. What's your end-endgame goal weapon? ( i know you are SSF BTW ) do you aim for fossil crafed swords with chance to bleed damage deal 100% more damage? that could be neat. Editado por útlima vez por OrKToS#1543 en 19 jun. 2019 5:10:02
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" hc glad without block path probably wont be a good idea. |
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" I completely forgot about unwavering. I answer these when im at work (lol) Yeah crafted phys attack speed bleed swords is the way to go for me and what im aiming for. 2H can work if you can get the attack speed high enough to still stack all your bleeds.(which is higly possible) Glad iron reflexes is workin out. Ill have to give it a go at some point as ive found some kaoms roots. |
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" Ok, i tested 2h, but currently it's very bad. when i have 10 challengers stacks, some rage and onslagut on, attack speed very good, but at the start of each map it's very very slow. maybe later, when/if i get faster 2h sword, and there's few attack speed nodes as well, it will be better, but dw feels better to start. |
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" Thats kind of what i expected but yeah, at least you tried! |
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hi, i'am following your build and everything seems good soo far (almost lvl88 atm) i was wondering what should be my next real upgrade(weapons, armor, acessories?) iam not that good at the game, if you could help me i would be really greatful =D
my items atm: |
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