[3.11] YABB (Yet Another Bow Build) +5/+6 Ice Shot Chaingunner Delve 600+ Updated for 3.11
" Its on my profile, also its the same as in the build guide (point blank version) |
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" And you have all of the jewels? Edit: Looks like you're missing some of the most important, build-making mechanics unless your tree is wrong. Get lioneye's and the claw nodes, get other jewels when you can. As mentioned this is where the majority of the build damage comes from... Green nightmare is huge defensive boost. If you're having trouble bossing and no trouble clearing why is your clear 6L and your ST 4L? I don't see frost bomb in your setup. Obviously the chest piece is going to be huge for defensiveness and damage... Have you tried not using SA and 6-linking a different ST skill? Play around with that as your current setup is not really surprisingly going to be ineffective. He said you need massive flat ele to run it ( like almost all of the gear) and it scales like crazy 5 to 6linked. Seems like there's plenty you can do for very little or free to help and the rest is just grinding the full gear to be able to do all the end-game content. Editado por útlima vez por AbrownMN#5595 en 20 dic. 2019 13:25:41
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Hey! My friend is running this build alongside me, playing an aurabot, and I was wondering where the chains come from? +2 from chain gem, +1 from Ascendancy, +1 from Hyrri's quiver corruption and gloomfang, but what else is there to get +6? :)
Also, the upgrade to Green Dream / Nightmare is likely for endgame use, right? We can afford Dream but not Nightmare atm. Editado por útlima vez por Hassemannen#0709 en 20 dic. 2019 13:25:05
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" " This type of answer is precisely what I was looking for, but I must say your tone sounds a little bit accusing! You are right about all these things, I simply prioritized Bow and quiver with the currency I had, jewels are coming up next but I didn't realize they would have such a tremendous impact! And Scourge Arrow is not used at all right now, I am simply leveling the desired gem setup for when I get the extra 6L. As for 6L my single target setup, you are certainly right, it's much smarter. To be honest I think I've just been lazy with configuring my character and his gear! I will immediately adjust everything you mentioned and I will report back here. Thanks a lot for the input but again my friend I can't help but feel as though you're almost reprimandnig me! I come here as a student seeking guidance, you did however provide me with that, so I am thankful. Much obliged, my friend! :) Oh and what is the use of Frost Bomb? Editado por útlima vez por Abogami#6800 en 20 dic. 2019 13:31:52
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How are you guys dealing with Drox ? The second time i tried to fight him ( 2 watch stones ) i just don't have enough dps to kill the minions AND the flag spam and i end up running and shooting ...but the flags are too much.
The rest of the bosses are easy even on 3 watch stones, but this guy is a deadeye's nightmare..... |
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wrong post.
Editado por útlima vez por Evrogue#5037 en 20 dic. 2019 14:17:49
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" Awakened Chain Support gem is +3 So gem +3, ricochet +4, gloomfang +5, quiver +6, this equals to a 60% more multiplier on Scourge arrow as it pierces so all chains remaining and 120% non chaos as extra chaos on ice shot at max chain so when clearing targeting packs over rares becomes prioritt And yeah dream is fine, you gain 4% dodge from nightmare so it's a late late game upgrade I make odd builds and sometimes write guides. My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D Editado por útlima vez por SynixProcessing#1351 en 20 dic. 2019 14:23:09
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Guys i have problem with mana with this build when i fought against conqueror there is no dps out put becauuse i couldn't use Ice Shot. How to deal with it? Thanks
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After it was pointed out that I stupidly forgot the elder LGOH ring and I fixed that things feel a lot better (also helps to have 6l'd my bow so I could move IceShot to it and swap in Hyrri's Ire).
Feels really smooth on clear up through difficult t16s. Some really tough t15\16 bosses\metamorphs can still cause deaths. 4 Watchstone elderslayers aren't too difficult (I die to mechanics sometimes still and the Hunter guy can be touchy since my chaos res is negative). I'm sitting on about 4.3k hp and it definitely feels low, but its doable. I have tried Sirus twice and haven't even been able to hit him a single time. The degens just wreck me entering the arena with this low life \ chaos res. I'm not really sure what to do there. Due to the visual clutter in that fight I think I'd be struggling with about any build there right now and I still need some practice, but it kinda feels bad. I've just been swapping chain for barrage support for single target. I don't think its ideal, but atleast getting multiple arrows on target helps for LGOH sustain. If I had a second 6link I'd think I'd get a 50%+ DPS increase from just using barrage. I'm thinking I'll go green nightmare next for some defensive help. The Taming shows something like a 20% damage increase in PoB which would be nice, but giving up another 100ish life is just hard to stomach. I also think I'll end up swapping out gloomfang for pandemonius. I don't really need the extra damage on clear and there are too many bosses (well elderslayers\sirus) with no \ few adds where I'm not sure the extra damage is really too efficient as we're mostly not chaining yet. A note for delving, with a ton of chaining going on I ended up killing myself to darkness a bunch lol. I started to swapping slower proj from chain to not anhero. Your mileage may vary, maybe with more light radius chain would still be superior, but I think it was changed to not let you get LGOH on the enemies in the dark (invul) so be aware. Over all I'm having a lot of fun with this build! I do think I died about 700 times getting to t14 maps though so be patient Some t13+ single target tips that have helped me (and may or may not help anyone else) 0) if you're on a tabula just save up the money for a 6l corrupted rare body armor with life. There are so many uniques on the build anyway that you can't really afford to run a tabula with no health\res 1) I swap chain for barrage support (absent a 2nd six link to run an actual barrage set up). You could swap to barrage from ice shot, but the utility of the aoe cone for freeze is real nice for metamorph adds. Barrage support helps with LGOH. Your average damage per hit is down though, so you may run into some issues applying elemental effects (though I think with the lower threshold this didn't hurt too bad). 2) Prioritize Lionseye's Fall jewel. I thought it was going to be a luxury, but it added like 25% DPS and way better leech for me. There is a reason why everyone asks if you have it when you ask about DPS issues 3) This is probably obvious but get a 6L death opus before a 6L Hyrri's. It's way cheaper and hyrri's is another large damage boost (about 25% for me) 4) Point blank just seems to work best for this league. Metamorphs are too hard to read at distance for me and they can close distance within a fraction of a second. A lot of the elderslayers seem to miss with attacks if you're right in front of them. Just makes more sense to be close. 5) LGOH is huge with all the chains going on and helps a ton for metamorphs imo. Little less helpful for bosses with no adds, but it still supplements leech nicely. 6) remember your frost bomb. If you dont have assassins mark on a ring or oskarm, link curse on hit to frostbomb and do double duty there. Frost bomb is super important cause it lowers the enemy resists, and also slows life regen (key for metamorphs) 7) unless money is no issue I'd get Hyrri's Demise before Hyrri's ire. It doesn't add as much damage (about half the effective damage for me), but it does add utility (LGOH) and lets you keep high hp\resist body piece. 8) Im not sure exactly how DoFL works mechanically, but there are a lot of degen aura metamorphs. Icebite may just work better for you. DoFL with a bunch of LGOH overall seems to work real well, but there are some bosses\metamorphs that I think just nullify it. Current gear for a frame of reference: Lionseye's Fall not pictured above but key! Editado por útlima vez por seandigs#7075 en 20 dic. 2019 14:58:59
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" looks like your profile is private, but what mana leech node did you take? I haven't run into mana issues since very early in my gearing. |
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