[3.11] YABB (Yet Another Bow Build) +5/+6 Ice Shot Chaingunner Delve 600+ Updated for 3.11

Pagranduks escribió:
Few Q:
1) Since I'm playing on PS4 and I don't want to swap weapons, what should I use: scourge or barrage?
2) I have Opus, Demise, Lioneys jewel and elder ring+gloomfang. What should I upgrade next? Chest? I'm using Tabula rn.

Scourge 9/10 times does more damage. and yeah Hyrri's Ire armour will double your damage. The more flat ele you have the better scourge is, the more arrows you have the better barrage is. Simple as that :D
I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon
Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D
SynixProcessing escribió:

With 6L Damage on Full Life and Flasks in Hideout

Fully Buffed in Map with Flasks and Charges


***YABB - Build Guide, Act 1 to Shaper in 4hrs with tips.***


3.8 Changes
Ice Shot has been buffed, making this build even more insane, and much easier as a league starter. As at Level 20 Ice Shot now adds the equivalent of half a Hyrri's Ire in flat cold. (Being about 10% increase on my current gear)

3.7 Changes
So Lioneye's Fall has become even more important with a few nodes being rearranged so we can now get 10% blind on hit, allowing us to either stack more flat damage on jewels or more defences.

Otherwise not much has changed, the claw nodes give us even more crit chance and multi now.
Gem Links have also been changed to not have IIQ in them, instead replaced with Damage on full life, this also makes Green Nightmare/Dream a bit more important for the good ol frenzy generation.


So first things first, the mandatory items for the build

Death's Opus - The build is centered around this bow, for it's clear and crit multi and two arrow potential. Easiest way in my opinion is to buy a 121-125% Increased Phys Death's Harp and use Bowstring's Music Prophecy to upgrade at level 44.

I've had a lot of questions about single target and there are three options with pros and cons

1. Barrage / Ice Shot setup
Ice Shot's clear is bonkers good so that'll remain the same throughout

Barrage, this is the easiest one to get started with but has the most min-maxing, Barrage is multiplied by amount of arrows, meaning getting additional arrow from Quiver and +1 enchant is 20% more damage than without, but it is the easiest to set up if you have the bow and enough crit. (Be warned, because it's lots of little hits, the Freeze and Shock potential is much lower)

2. Scourge Arrow / Ice Shot / Ice Shot Culling Strike Weapon Swap
This setup makes use of Weapon Swap with Chin Sol and a Hyrri's corrupted with flat ele damage on it, using Scourge Arrows stupidly OP multiplier and Chin Sol for the 100% more damage when nearby we get a nice 20 million plus DPS hit for bossing.

Having Ice Shot with Culling Strike and Cold Penetration in the bow on weapon swap helps with the end of boss fights, if in standard add in IIQ too.

Main Downside: Amulet swapping to Yoke of Suffering

3. Ice Shot / Ice Shot
This one has Ice shot for Clear and Single Target

Not much change but has about 3x damage of the clear version with the setup
Ice Shot - Ele Damage - Added Cold - Damage on Full Life - Hypothermia - Cold Pen

This setups only downside is having quarter the maximum DPS of Scourge Arrow, but has the advantage of no weapon swap or gear swap.


Cheaper Items;
The only things mandatory is Opus and Demise, if you only have Hyrri's Bite then Taming isn't needed and focus on freeze only. This build is adaptive it's a phys to cold with added flat ele on top build, the complexity only comes from Life Gained For Each Enemy Hit By Your Attacks being higher than Gloomfangs loss. If you do not have that, use anything else.

Can I League Start with this?
Yes, I have done for many leagues, especially with how cheap some of the items get (most are never considered meta even if they're way stronger than a lot of meta stuff

How do I generate Frenzy charges?
Green Dream / Green Nightmare is the final way to generate, but before that you can use Ice Bite support in your Ice Shot instead of Added Cold, just be sure to take Frenzy Charges earlier on to get the most from the support gem. As Level 21 Ice Bite does more damage than Level 21 Added Cold when you have 7 Charges and is about on par when you have 6. So them Glove Corruptions can be handy, (and is the only one better than the projectile damage implicit)

What defences does this build have?
Near max Evasion
10-20% Blind Chance
50/40 Dodge, with 75/75 Dodge when using Vaal Grace
4.2-5K HP
Fully upgraded pantheon means Immune to Poison, can't be hit by chain proj and 10% chance to avoid projectiles

What's the maximum damage potential?
At most I've got my scourge arrow setup to about 30million DPS, with a mirror bow it becomes about 42million

Ice Shot you can get to about 4million on clear, 9million on single target.

Why Deadeye?
Ricochet Node gives 10% more damage per remaining chain, this means with fully specced gear you get a 50% more multiplier on your damage which is bonkers.

Where's the leech from?
Lioneye's Fall Gem causes Claw nodes to become Bow nodes when placed in the jewel socket above Acrobatics. Nuff sed

Do I need a 1.8% Crit Watchers Eye?
No, but it will make the build feel a lot nicer, if you do not have one, take King of the Hill earlier. You wanna have 60-70% base crit without Watchers eye, 85-95% with.

Why not Voidfletcher?
So Voidfletcher only adds Flat cold and ES (which is Halved from having Acrobatics, so it's defensive gain is also weak, as we're clearing entire screens the enemies are dead before the void shot's have a chance to go off. For bosses it's true that they can pack a punch with Barrage but, and a big but, you lose out on a tonne of ele damage from The Taming and it's Shock as well (due to having little to no lightning damage) this does not offset the amount of damage Void Shot gives, especially not compared to a stacked Scourge Arrow shot which can peak over 35million DPS.


This is a very simple explanation of how chaining works and can get you insane clears. The difference between +2 and +3 is more noticeable than +3 to +4 but will leave one standing now and then.

The one at +1 Chain will do the 2nd most damage due to Ricochet having 10% more damage per remaining chain
The one at +3 Chain will do the most damage due to Gloomfangs upto 20% non-chaos damage gained as extra-chaos per time chained.

Making +2 the average best but you can situationally setup for some insane damage

Updated PoB 04/09/2019 For 3.8, No real changes to tree.

Example Gearing (Standard, will add league when I finally have time to play, been at work too much recently)

Alternative Gear and Weapon Swap:





***** Screenshots from the video for those who don't fancy watching *****


***YABB - Build Guide, Act 1 to Shaper in 4hrs with tips.***


***OLD 3.7 Videos***

3.7 Tree Test: (Standard)

3.7 Ice Shot Only Test: (Standard)

3.7 Ice Shot / Frost Bomb Test: (Standard)

3.7 Ice Shot / Scourge Arrow Uber Elder and UE Guardians (Not Deathless)

(Down from 5 to 3 deaths)

Sleep Deprived Ice Shot Only, No HH No Scourge Shaper

This is what happens when you put GMP in place of Added Cold, all the clears:

1 Minute Shaped Dunes:

At this point getting the +1 chain Hyrri's a boss killing belt (essence crafted Stygian makes the most sense for the 5% pen and abyssal slot), the last jewel socket on the tree and the next Hatred Watcher's Eye the damage becomes ridiculous but that is major min-maxing

With the tree changes, this is why Green Nightmare is so good:

Pro's & Cons -

+ Can do all content (so far, I've usually died due to not knowing the mechanics)
+ 70% Evasion (or capped with one extra defensive flask)
+ 54/40 Dodge (More with Vectors or Quartz Flask) (capped with Vaal Grace)
+ 6 Arrows firing with 5 Chain or 7 Arrows with 4 chain = Major Clear
+ Can use Vaal Breach to make Bossing charges easier
+ Nice 20-30 mill Shaper Deeps (PoB cant do Mirage Archer)

- Uses Gloomfang so needs Elder Ring or Thief's Torment to not an hero
- Ranger so squishy when actually hit
- Requires hit and run and piano flasks
- Is a 100% crit build so really needs 1.8% Hatred Watchers Eye to feel great (alternative is Diamond Flask of the Order and Rat's Nest

Will eventually hit Godhood

[spoiler=My Other Builds / Videos]
Cospri Discharger Speed Levelling Pt. 1
Cospri Discharger Speed Levelling Pt. 2[/spoiler]

what major and minor god?
Build is great !!!

Build guide could use A LOT of work. Asking someone to watch a 4hr video to get the answers is not the way to do it.

I hope you get around it one day so the guide is just as good as the build.
Editado por útlima vez por LUXEdeJUNK#4309 en 8 oct. 2019 15:19:08
Lunaris and Shakari
I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon
Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D
LUXEdeJUNK escribió:
Build is great !!!

Build guide could use A LOT of work. Asking someone to watch a 4hr video to get the answers is not the way to do it.

I hope you get around it one day so the guide is just as good as the build.

Nearly everything is covered in the first 45 seconds (or the slides I put in the guide) the rest of the video is just tree I took upto level 78 and shaper.

If there's anything you'd like to see added lemme know and I'll add it in at the weekend
I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon
Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D
When crafting a bow for this build, what would be the best affixes to go for?

And nice build btw :)

thanks for the guide! i used some of the ideas here to improve my voidfletcher iceshot deadeye. improved my clearspeed by about 100%

Gamml0r escribió:
When crafting a bow for this build, what would be the best affixes to go for?

And nice build btw :)

The perfect bow would be

Implicit: 50% increased Critical Strike Chance
Socketed Gems Chain +1 Times
179% increased Physical Damage
Adds 43 to 78 Physical Damage
12% increased Attack Speed
38% increased Critical Strike Chance
Adds 3 to 5 Cold Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 10 Dexterity
20% chance to deal Double Damage
I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon
Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D
Hey there, I really wanna try this build but with some mf gear in t16s. Want to do bosses and blights still.

If I changed out the Taming ring for ventors, boots for goldwrym, belt for bisco leash, gloves for sadima, and bow for windripper, do you think that would work? Or does that completely kill how this build functions? I know mf gear gimps you’re dps and life but worried it won’t even function with those changes.

Let me know :)
Hey! Do you think
would be better than
since it has annoint and hatred corrupt?
Editado por útlima vez por Revv02#6442 en 14 oct. 2019 11:49:30

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