[3.11] YABB (Yet Another Bow Build) +5/+6 Ice Shot Chaingunner Delve 600+ Updated for 3.11
I’m switching over from baron zombie and going to be running this build with a HH.
I’m curious about 2 things though 1) is hrimsirrow superior to null and void? 2) is the existing skill tree in page 1 valid? Or should I look to copy someone else’s? Thanks! |
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" I personally prefer Null and Void for the reason that it gives me rampage. I also run HH + 2x IL and Null and Void for the rampage. Both aren't that expensive so you can try both and choose the one you feel good with |
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I saw your post on page 120, for your 6L barrage, why do you use Cold pen over Dmg on full life? Is irrefutably better? |
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" I use it for 2 reasons 1) I prefer consistent damage over temporary damage For example, you getting hit by the boss or there is some form of effect on the ground which makes you lose HP. You will then not make 100% full use of the gems and effectively losing a bit DPS here and there. Y 2) Using cold penetration makes you do more cold damage to bosses, which in return results in a higher chance of freezing the boss. I suggest trying both out and see if you notice any difference, it mostly comes down to personal preference. Editado por útlima vez por Kikkah#1793 en 31 ene. 2020 16:49:36
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Thanks a lot! I really like the 2nd reason! |
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Is a non-legacy Reach of the Council better than an Opus?
A RoTC has more damage but Opus also applies the +2 arrows to the gems in your body armor while RoTC does not so your single target barrage loses 2 arrows. Opus shows more Average Hit damage but RoTC shows more DPS. Editado por útlima vez por silverdash#0964 en 1 feb. 2020 6:39:19
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Hey I have a question
in T16 Maps bosses and metamorph are very hard to kill with certian mods what can i upgrade in my gear that is not +1 barrage on helm (i want to go triple curse but still i dont have the damage i expected) Editado por útlima vez por keojeN#6031 en 1 feb. 2020 7:42:19
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*edited* Nevermind, wrong option on POB
Editado por útlima vez por junaum#4262 en 1 feb. 2020 16:51:47
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Thoughts halfway into the league:
So after observing a bunch of sources from basically everywhere (poe.ninja, people in game who've reached 100 40/40, forums) I think I've settled on a build I am very comfortable with. Naturally doing uber elder and Awakening 8 Sirus is still really scary to the point where I still feel like making a necromancer solely to guarantee a safe kill on them. Plenty powerful even without Headhunter buffs, which is what I was concerned with. Since deaths can occur at any time, I felt I didn't subscribe to the idea of weakly trodding back to a map half completed that I just died in. The compromise was basically getting Headhunter and Solstice vigil in place of my stygian and Pandemonius and leaving it at that. I still have some temp chains gear lying around so maybe... I will try the full on self cursing at some stage. But I feel there is a great freedom to being able to choose whichever maps you like on a whim instead of nitpicking beyond/nemesis so you can get buffs etc. Apart from procrastinating my lab enchants on boots/gloves, my next big upgrade is probably +1 gems to Hyrri's ire but I'm still interested to see where I can improve or change up my gameplay through gear, so please let me know of any suggestions. I saw Null and Void being used which seemed pretty cool, I could swap a taming in to balance my resists. Any ideas on how smooth elusive or aspect of the cat is to compliment my current setup? - |
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" Awakened Cold Pen is a bit bonkers tbh I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D |
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