Ryce escribió:
My rating for this build in 3.9:
Clear speed: 4/5
Boss/metamorph fights: 2/5
Gear used: 6 Link Death's Opus, 6 Link Hyrri's, Headhunter, Dying Sun.
Boss fights pretty much took forever unless the map mods were complete garbage or I had some lucky HH buffs. Problem with the build is that it's not optimize for 3.9 and metamorph fights. With only 3.5k HP, it's either kill stuff instantly or play a game of RNG and not get hit and die in one hit. But this is pretty much garbage when you vs Metamorph, because they spam so much AoE and spells, your chances of dying every encounters with them in end game maps is pretty high.
Is this a budget friendly build at start of new leagues? Probably no if you expecting to go to red maps with just 6link bow and armor. You are going to have optimize every pieces of gear you can if you want to melt bosses.
pretty much agree with all that, may I ask what your experience was with doing t17+ maps with fully juiced beyond sextants etc? And do you think self cursing was required with HH
gawddawg escribió:
pretty much agree with all that, may I ask what your experience was with doing t17+ maps with fully juiced beyond sextants etc? And do you think self cursing was required with HH
Pretty much zoom zoom with juiced beyond sextant but have problems on bosses and metamorphs if you have no buffs.
I would try to avoid doing maps where bosses have phases, since you HH buffs will wear out. Selecting metamorph pieces, you also have to be quick about it. Self cursing is not required but it helps alot for zoom zoom.
Publicado porRyce#5217en 22 ene. 2020 19:18:45
Kikkah escribió:
Quietess escribió:
Mapping with this is great, but the moment I get to any boss at all, it's a nightmare. A mixture of really bad single target and being squishy as hell has made me just skip all metamorphs and all bosses. Think someone can check out my profile and give any advice?
I can only talk from experience and what feels good for me. I do see a couple of things you can change up and try out.
1. I see you have a headhunter, this should give you enough juice to kill bosses and matamorphs with ease, but your play style might interfere with that. How strict is your loot filter? When you run a HH and want to keep as much juice possible till the end of the map, you require a pretty strict filter.
As a little extra you can invest in 2 Inspired Learnings to give you even more juice. This isn't necessary btw, it just makes the HH experience feel even smoother.
2. I see you use a CWDT setup, just wondering how much times that really saved your life? I think you mostly freeze/shatter the mobs rather fast (especially with HH juice). Try swapping those out for a Vaal Grace and Vaal Haste. Save those for the metamorph fight and it should go a lot smoother (That is currently what I run).
3. When you change up the CWDT setup anyway, you can try a Ballista Totem Support with Ensnarring Arrow, it gives 20% more projectile damage on enemies (Only spawn the totems at bosses and metamorphs).
4. You can try to swap out your increased critical strikes for a Mirage Archer on your Ice Shot and take a precision level 3 aura to get at least half of the crit back. It will make you lose some Critical Strike Chance, I don't feel that I struggle while only having half your crit chance though.
I personally prefer offence over defense as a Ranger in most cases. The reason being if you get hit in a Tier 16 by a boss you will most likely die anyway. A CWDT setup isn't going to save you in that case, especially if a fight takes a little longer then expected as it has a 3 second cooldown after the skill is done.
Thanks for all the advice, I also checked your profile and ended up switching over some gear. My bossing is definitely improved but not perfect. My friend made me aware that apparently I'm supposed to be able to freeze the bosses, but I almost never freeze them. Am I missing something? I've got the crit watcher's eye, still running the increased critical strikes jewel, picked up a level 3 precision, etc. But I'm still not seeing bosses ever freeze.
gawddawg escribió:
Ryce escribió:
My rating for this build in 3.9:
Clear speed: 4/5
Boss/metamorph fights: 2/5
Gear used: 6 Link Death's Opus, 6 Link Hyrri's, Headhunter, Dying Sun.
Boss fights pretty much took forever unless the map mods were complete garbage or I had some lucky HH buffs. Problem with the build is that it's not optimize for 3.9 and metamorph fights. With only 3.5k HP, it's either kill stuff instantly or play a game of RNG and not get hit and die in one hit. But this is pretty much garbage when you vs Metamorph, because they spam so much AoE and spells, your chances of dying every encounters with them in end game maps is pretty high.
Is this a budget friendly build at start of new leagues? Probably no if you expecting to go to red maps with just 6link bow and armor. You are going to have optimize every pieces of gear you can if you want to melt bosses.
pretty much agree with all that, may I ask what your experience was with doing t17+ maps with fully juiced beyond sextants etc? And do you think self cursing was required with HH
Self curse (if playing solo) is either insane or dogshit, there's a lot of flaws going self curse with such a squishy build.
1. You can't use a curse flask, so doing ele weakness or vulnerability map is oof
2. You are wearing kaom's roots so you lose all your evasion and sacrifice 50%+ chance to evade attack, 35%ms and tailwind, also gem sockets.
3. You need to use shackles for gloves, basically sacrifice more dps and life and 3 gem sockets.
4. You are using solstice, so loses more dps/defense compared to pandemonius
5. You need to reroll hexproof/monster avoid elemental ailment map or buy awakened curse on hit or self cast temp chains on to mobs once every 15 seconds ish to maintain temp chain curse on yourself.
6. since you are using all of those you are not going to have enough resist to use fractal thought, so you need to find a rare helmet with 30% temp chain curse effect and craft a helmet with needed resist ( which is another huge dps loss)
7. Doing beyond can't sustain currency, also dangerous on top of how squishy you already are. IF you do stack up some buff you can clear the whole map really quick, but like Ryce said, you would want to avoid bosses with multiple phases.
I've played a self curse setup for 2 weeks now and I'm not a big fan of it. Switching to regular setup is much more stable for me where HH and IL buffs are just there to help you instead of being the main focus of the build. I'm even considering dropping HH and ILs for a rare stygian with 120%+ elemental damage, multiple crit multi jewels and use pandemonius with elusive boots instead for more defense and boss dmg.
Also I should mention someone suggested ensnaring arrow with balista totem, it's really good especially linked with multiple totem support. A lot of the time these totems aggro metamorphs/map bosses that you are able to dps them down quickly without getting hit for a few seconds, you can even try having decoy totem linked with them and drop all of them down.
Editado por útlima vez por mickeymicky#5907 en 23 ene. 2020 5:42:35
Hey guys, I was looking to get some help with my current setup, what do I need to do to boost my damage? I know I should level up and qual gems but on POB it says I only have 180k scourge at 5 stacks. HELP!
Ryce escribió:
Pretty much zoom zoom with juiced beyond sextant but have problems on bosses and metamorphs if you have no buffs.
I would try to avoid doing maps where bosses have phases, since you HH buffs will wear out. Selecting metamorph pieces, you also have to be quick about it. Self cursing is not required but it helps alot for zoom zoom.
awesome, thanks
mickeymicky escribió:
Self curse (if playing solo) is either insane or dogshit, there's a lot of flaws going self curse with such a squishy build.
1. You can't use a curse flask, so doing ele weakness or vulnerability map is oof
2. You are wearing kaom's roots so you lose all your evasion and sacrifice 50%+ chance to evade attack, 35%ms and tailwind, also gem sockets.
3. You need to use shackles for gloves, basically sacrifice more dps and life and 3 gem sockets.
4. You are using solstice, so loses more dps/defense compared to pandemonius
5. You need to reroll hexproof/monster avoid elemental ailment map or buy awakened curse on hit or self cast temp chains on to mobs once every 15 seconds ish to maintain temp chain curse on yourself.
6. since you are using all of those you are not going to have enough resist to use fractal thought, so you need to find a rare helmet with 30% temp chain curse effect and craft a helmet with needed resist ( which is another huge dps loss)
7. Doing beyond can't sustain currency, also dangerous on top of how squishy you already are. IF you do stack up some buff you can clear the whole map really quick, but like Ryce said, you would want to avoid bosses with multiple phases.
I've played a self curse setup for 2 weeks now and I'm not a big fan of it. Switching to regular setup is much more stable for me where HH and IL buffs are just there to help you instead of being the main focus of the build. I'm even considering dropping HH and ILs for a rare stygian with 120%+ elemental damage, multiple crit multi jewels and use pandemonius with elusive boots instead for more defense and boss dmg.
Also I should mention someone suggested ensnaring arrow with balista totem, it's really good especially linked with multiple totem support. A lot of the time these totems aggro metamorphs/map bosses that you are able to dps them down quickly without getting hit for a few seconds, you can even try having decoy totem linked with them and drop all of them down.
Great insights, I think I've been convinced to at least keep my current gear instead of selling it so I always have the og non-HH setup to fall back on. Luckily I do have enough currency to have the two sets of gear. I have indeed heard sustaining sometimes is not a reality with super juiced maps and I do have to question if it's worth all the hassle with preparatory work (beyond+nemesis maps, sextants, scarabs, 5way etc). The setup with the totems seem pretty damn legit, i'll look at using that combo.
Thanks man much appreciated for the in-depth response
Editado por útlima vez por gawddawg#6863 en 23 ene. 2020 17:29:26
gawddawg escribió:
Great insights, I think I've been convinced to at least keep my current gear instead of selling it so I always have the og non-HH setup to fall back on. Luckily I do have enough currency to have the two sets of gear. I have indeed heard sustaining sometimes is not a reality with super juiced maps and I do have to question if it's worth all the hassle with preparatory work (beyond+nemesis maps, sextants, scarabs, 5way etc). The setup with the totems seem pretty damn legit, i'll look at using that combo.
Thanks man much appreciated for the in-depth response
I think you can sustain currency with legion tho, maraketh splinters are 2c and other splinters and incubators adds up, they also work well with HH and ILs. I only run beyond + nemesis+ 3 gilded scarabs when I hit nemesis drops 3 additional currency sextant mod though.
Is this build goaled at being a pure mapper? It seems like our defenses here are pretty much non existent other than evasion, with 4.1k life on your endgame PoB. Taking an endgame boss hit is pretty much without a doubt death.
Not saying that's bad, I'm just curious. Have never played a bow build before.
Editado por útlima vez por kevr91#4672 en 24 ene. 2020 1:32:19
Thanks for all the advice, I also checked your profile and ended up switching over some gear. My bossing is definitely improved but not perfect. My friend made me aware that apparently I'm supposed to be able to freeze the bosses, but I almost never freeze them. Am I missing something? I've got the crit watcher's eye, still running the increased critical strikes jewel, picked up a level 3 precision, etc. But I'm still not seeing bosses ever freeze.
Yeah no problem, you should freeze the bosses indeed. It does take quite an amount of damage to freeze the boss though.
I do see something you can switch, as I think it doesn't add much. You use Ensnaring Arrow, Ballista Totem and then to that link Multiple Totems and Onslaught. When you use Ballista + Ensnarring, it already gives you 3 totems which should be plenty. The Projectile Weakness doesn't stack as far as I know.
Therefore, you are better off to get a Vaal Haste and Vaal Grace in my opinion. Vaal Haste is such a huge dps increase for bosses/metamorphs.