[3.8] Cold Voidfletcher Pathfinder or Deadeye
If I replace Increased Crit Strikes on my IceShot with ColdPen my DPS increases by 70k on POB, from 584K to 654K. Should i replace it crit with coldpen? Or are those lucky crits still better in some sense?
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" Once you get enough damage a single attack will one shot packs, so consistently critting and freezing ends up being better clear speed wise even if the damage is lower, but if you want to kill legion mobs faster it is a good option. |
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Very nice and fun build. Probably my favorite mapping build yet. Thank you OP.
I'm not sure why my dps is so low though. I have 5 links for both so I get that part, but I'm only at 42k dps iceshot with no flasks at my h/o. Is this really low or is that normal? |
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" Without the 6th link (I use inc. crit strikes) I have 55k dps on hideout without flask, I think you are fine ;). If you want a bit more damage you can swap gmp for added cold/ cold penetration |
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" Ok thanks! Yea it blows most packs up but I need to barrage some rares. Speaking of barrage, mine only shows 21k dps lol. I have the barrage helmet enchant and it seems to blow bosses up. Seems weird seeing millions of dps on it. |
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I have been playing this build as a pathfinder for league starter for only 1 reason: I found an Exalted at lvl 38 and instantly bought a 6-L Deaths Harp on day 2 for dirt cheap which i upgraded later on to the Opus. I got in higher tier maps, got a little taste of MF and am now trying different things.
For example i got myself a 6-L Windripper for mapping and always running both Bisco's Leash and Collar, Resistances are still capped. Inbetween i tried this with Shroud of the Lightless and Lightpoacher aswell but the lack of damage for the gain of HP was disturbing so i went back to Hyrri's Ire. Since i sold my 6-L Opus to get a 6-L Hyrri's I noticed my drop in burst DPS because of the missing arrows. So what doooo?! Arborix is my answer, the increase of Phys dmg is insane plus the movement speed buff is crazy good with the Leash. BUT WE NEED MORE so i went down the dark path of Deadeye and reskilled. Damage even better but you notice the lack of flask charges but once you have your flask management under control you should be Gucci. Phys reflect can actually kill me now, but with Atziri's up, never too much of a struggle. Really fun build and the Voidfletcher burst is amazing, love it so far! PS: Just 6-Linked the Arborix within 200fuses and went full damage survival. Rare Hydra with rippy-ish mods without dying at 4.3k life. 50k hideout dps with auras but no flask. And i got myself a Devoto's with +1 Barrage for killing Bosses even faster than it already does and went back to Stygian and Rare Amu of course. Windripper and Bisco's's's'ssss on low tier stuff to farm :) Editado por útlima vez por Phonophobe#4105 en 19 jun. 2019 20:18:36
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Can you take a look at my build when you get a chance? Running decently smoothly but want to really push for those Eternal Conflicts so trying to squeeze as much damage and survivability I can out of the build.
What do you think about Arborix? I'm tempted by it because I'm using TShot to clear, not Ice Shot, (got a +2 projectiles enchant on helm) and I feel the extra phys of Arborix is worth it. Also, the crit chance on Death's Opus is not as good lategame. Curious to hear your reasoning between Death's Opus and Arborix. Editado por útlima vez por Overmasterr#0561 en 20 jun. 2019 0:52:05
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" Arborix is 6% more dps on my build, that if you have iron reflexes, IMO losing that much evasion is not worth it. It can be improved if you have crit multi on other pieces of gear, but the 100% multiplier from opus is huge. Looking at your gear if you got the TS enchant you are not using it? Anyways, to improve your damage you might want a +1 arrow voidfletcher, maybe a curse on hit ring, enchant boots, swap a few points and get either master fletcher or from the shadows, get a better belt (you can get triple elemental damage on one), better rolled abyss jewels, a double or triple mod hatred. All of those are quite expensive upgrades, so your best bet would be find a support and abuse him lol. Editado por útlima vez por BorrachaBranca#2693 en 20 jun. 2019 8:05:32
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" Sorry, today I was playing around with Ice Shot again to try it out. They're so similar in DPS it's hard to tell. I definitely feel like Ice Shot does much less damage to Legion rares, but it certainly blows up packs and it makes it difficult to decide which one offers higher overall DPS. I think I might like Tornado Shot more, but I feel bad stacking so much cold damage only to get 60% of it converted. Ice Shot certainly tooltips several tens of thousands of damage higher. I know you recommend Ice Shot over Tornado Shot, but care to divulge more of your reasoning? Just trying to really understand and master this build. And yeah, I felt like I was approaching that gearing wall very soon which is why I was thinking Arborix might be a good step-up as I am starting to accrue a lot of crit. Right now, I have 51% crit chance and 459% crit multi (with the Opus equipped ofc) Do you think that's going to make Arborix a reasonable DPS boost for me? Otherwise, I could start hoarding ex for a +1 arrow quiver or a double-modded Hatred. That may very well be what I do. :P And here's a little tip anyone might want to try from my own experience: Steelskin is really strong if you have enough STR to rank it up. I even ended up taking a STR notable just to get a few more levels on it. Even at just level 14, it gives over 1k life for 3-4 seconds (Quality + Increased Duration supp) and has only a 2-3s CD. Pressing it the same time you press your Health Flask is like giving yourself an extra 1k Energy Shield for minimal investment. Anyways, very interesting gem choice. Really wish I still had STR as I did when I had so many rares as right now it only provides me 300 HP without the STR notable. Still, I'm keeping the STR notable in my build over a health node (Badly as I want one) because 30 STR lets me level up the gem to 300 more health, which is way more than the small health nodes give. Sorry for rambling, but very interesting. |
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Well I ran Ice Shot and it did well, but I wanted to try out Tornado Shot, so I bought a helm with +2 Tornado and a +1 voidfletcher. Only thing I changed besides those enchants/corruption (same helms btw Starkonja +1 Barrage and other one is Starkonja +2 TS) is swapping out Ice Shot with Tornado Shot. I feel it does more damage and clears legions adds alot faster than ice shot did.
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