[3.12] Necromantic Scribe - [Fun Playstyle] [6.5k Life] [5mil boss dps]
3rd time going this build. Wish me luck and thank you for creating such a fun and interesting build in general and to league start <3
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Ya starting with this build, wonder how far you can push it with these new buffs, AW8 Sirrus? UE?
Will see. |
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" Well I did UE with it back with the original version of the guide with around 2m PoB dps. It can definitely do UE, and Sirus 8 is easy in terms of requirements to complete (it's really a mechanics check more than any dps requirements) and possibly having enough life and/or chaos res. Thankfully this build happens to get a lot of incidental chaos resistance from items which will help that a lot. The most annoying part about UE with this build is getting the crawler to target the right "boss", but you can use convocation for that. For anyone starting with this build, keep in mind the least smooth part of the playstyle is really right as you transition from levelling build -> poet's pen. It feels quite clunky until everything fits together, don't be discouraged if it doesn't feel smooth. It's one of the smoothest builds I've experienced once you get everything working together :) It's not a league starter for racing to maps in 4 hours, but it does fine as a league starter and actually has very low budget requirements to get into, which makes it great for starting with no currency. I personally use it as a league starter when I play it because I feel it works best that way, though in the recent patches, there are now avenues to throw currency into the build (eg. double influenced +2 amulet). |
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is POB updated ?? little confused about the gems required for poets pen and the chest
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Undoubtedly missing something here, but why does my barrage look like magic spaghetti! Huge drain on the ol' FPS - is there a way to change this?
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I just picked up Lone Messenger, can recommend going for it early as the jewel is pretty cheap, makes leveling feel buttery smooth (delirium included but to a point).
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This looks super fun, and will likely be my 2nd build this league.
This may be a dumb question, but how do you keep virulence stacks up on the boss killing setup? |
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" Yes PoB is updated, the link works (I just checked it now). What are you confused about? We run two poet's pen, one for mapping, one in weapon swap for bossing. Chest holds our barrage curse-on-hit setup. " Hahaha, that was GGG's graphical redesign of Barrage (last patch I think?). I haven't played this build with the new graphics so my videos have the old barrage graphics. For what it's worth, I did use barrage last league and I didn't notice any performance downgrade from the old version, and I'm using a crappy PC. Unfortunately there's not much you can do, no option to use the old barrage graphics even if you wanted to. " Barrage should keep your virulence up on bosses. Editado por útlima vez por Bobblybook#7889 en 15 mar. 2020 19:09:31
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" KK sorry about that was being super noobish XD!! But do you think there is a way to tweak this to do some crit or do you think its not worth it....see reason is I found a Farruls fur and I want to make it work with this build and aspect of the cat, however this build doesnt use crit.....so I was wondering if you think it would be worth to tweak it to crit to use it......btw I love this building its awesome and ty for posting it, its the most fun I ve had playing in a while |
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" Nope definitely not. Farrul's does nothing for this build, and crit is useless as well as we're not doing any damage with the attacks. If you want to build around Farrul's and/or crit, you should play maybe a bow or wander... but definitely don't try and use it with this build haha. |
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