[3.9] Physical Conversion Bowyer | Wander [TS/LA/IS + Barrage] [KB + Power Siphon] [All Content]
" Thanks for the compliments :) best of luck! |
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I think I'm done with the league, did 11 uElder and got a lot better than I had hoped for, overall successful league for both of my wander and bowyer. If the patches go well then I think I will league start with the bow build as an Assassin, then maybe transition into Wander to be more challenging. Slivertounge looks like a decent league starting competitor to Arborix. I'll have less APS and situational damage but a lot more crit with Fork (helps with crit capping as an Assassin), also a bit cheaper right now (1ex to 3), still unsure.
My gear is a bit subpar (just further proves that this build is great) but I finally reached lvl 93 and can do map comfortably since Incursion lol. Lost my 6L to a Vaal Orb but doesn't matter because Voidfletcher OPOP. Skill tree is a bit more life orientated because I can't reach 5k life with your tree Enahkra lol. It's a bit late but I still recommend Raider as the middle ground ascendancy, defensive (albeit a bit RNG) and offensive (better at bossing than Deadeye imho). This might change when the Raider changes hit but hey :shrug: Also my Lethal Pride gives ~70 STR, 40% phys, 4% life, 5% STR and 10% reduced dmg from crit.
I also thhought a lot about dual weilding wand and then stack resists on jewel/jewelries. Are the benefits from another wand + dual wield bonus worth it? I'm sure you've thought about this but I just want to hear it. |
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" I don't think it's worth it since wands aren't truly phys conversion. If the day comes when we can achieve higher levels of flat phys on wands then yeah dual wielding would be worth considering. I'm also thinking about a dual wield setup with 1x Poet's Pen and 1x rare wand. This would allow you to constantly proc curse + WoC, but overall the dps ceiling is lower, as well as a loss of resists. An easy way around the resist problem is to use 1x Taming. |
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Am i missing something so the 2 cold passives = 40% and then 25% cold conversion from gloves where does the rest of the conversion come
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" Hey hey! So I started running this build after playing LA-Scourage arrow with hyrri ire chest and hyrri demise . and man.....this build does insane dps compared to that! Having a lot of fun pretty much insta phasing tower map bosses :) I’m trying to get away with as many mf pieces as I can. I figured I could use cheap gloves for resists for now because my watchers eye gives 40% conversion plus 60% from ice shot skill itself. Still shopping for nice enchant helm. Dps still really good but sometimes I get one shot. How do I deal with poison and curse maps as deadeye? I can’t unless I swap in flasks or go pathfinder ? |
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" Well, you have 40% conversion from the tree and 40% from Watcher's so you have 80% in total atm. You can drop the gloves if you don't care about your Barrage being fully converted. The only time this would be a problem is if you run a phys reflect map and attempt to barrage a boss. Void Shot itself is 50% converted so in theory you could drop the conversion watcher's and use a Hatred Pen, Hatred Crit, or Precision Multi Watcher's Eye, all of which would boost Void Shot + Ice Shot's dps. It would drastically weaken the barrage itself, but it seems like you're relying mainly on Void Shot to do single target anyway. Yeah that part is up to you. None of the Ice Shot enchants are really that good, so I guess the main thing to prioritize would be a Barrage +1 enchant for some added single target, but it's really up to you. I don't think it'll make that big of a difference for your setup. Unfortunately, the drawback to Deadeye is that it's squishier than Pathfinder, so there will be occasional one shots, especially if you wear a lot of MF gear :/ For poison it's very easy, you just take the Shakari pantheon (upgraded) that gives poison immunity. Yeah it's essential to run a warding flask. Another reason why you get one-shotted is b/c you aren't shock immune either. An easy solution is to use Cyclopean Coil, which would give you shock + freeze immunity (requires taking a +30 int node). This would free up a flask slot for Warding. Idk if you find that worth the tradeoff, but you do get a lot more survivability, since it gives a decent life roll too. The other option is to replace TOH with a Basalt of Warding or something, you do lose some damage + survivability against cold hits so idk. Honestly, if you don't want to switch, you'd probably run with warding over heat flask just b/c getting frozen doesn't occur as often as being cursed, and TOH does provide 30% chance to avoid, or switch to Pathfinder lol. But if you're used to the superior clearing ability of Deadeye you probably don't want to make that switch. Looking over your setup you should consider getting some non-abyss jewels from the trade link in the guide, since having two jewels w/ onslaught on kill is redundant. Also non-abyss jewels provide more life than abyss jewels, as well as more dps scaling for void shot (crit multi especially). Your Precision is only lvl 1? That's going to affect your hit chance + crit by a lot. it should be as high lvl as possible. I notice you run without staunching or a corrupted blood immunity jewel. That seems pretty rippy I'd suggest getting a corrupted blood immunity jewel (even a 1-2 mod is fine), with life + a damage mod. your amulet still has a lot of room for more dps/life etc. your bow is missing a lot of dps. If you hit 28 or 30 qual (beastcraft) you can gain another 5+% more dps. notice a lot of your gems are lvl 20 w/o quality. That'll affect your damage by quite a bit, probably should prioritize those to 20/20 asap too. any idea what you're thinking of for amulet anointment? Editado por útlima vez por Enahkra#7073 en 15 oct. 2019 19:47:59
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" Hey mate :) Yeah I realised im an idiot and forgot that no gloves means im not fully converting barrage. But yeah even when I made that mistake, the ST damage seemed pretty darn good! Thanks for all the really helpful tips about improving my toon. It all sounds good. My gear atm is very much starter gear and I hope to improve it bit by bit. The precision gem is only lvl1 from a previous build as I was trying to conserve mana reservation. But I have another lvl 18 gem that I am levelling :) I am starting to wonder if deadeye is really worth it after all. Yes it gives more move speed and dps, but trying to juggle status immunity without the pathfinder ascendency sounds tricky. Anoitments im considering are Eagle Eye or Depth Perception (more accuracy and crit), Cloth and Chain (makes balancing res easier with all the MF gear on). Maybe even Freedom of Movement for free phase run on kill and move speed. And lol I didnt realise I geared two onslaught jewels! I geaared at 2am last night so thats why :P |
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" No problem; I think Pathfinder is better but regardless which you choose, you still probably would want to use the belt slot for something other than Bisco's Leash. The reason is b/c as Pathfinder you are missing +1 projectile, and the only way to get that is via the belt + amulet anointment or Conqueror's Potency. If you choose to stay Deadeye, the best anointments to take would be Holy Dominion (good amount of resists + damage), or Forces of Nature. They give far better damage than the ones you were considering. |
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I decided to switch to full ele version of the build. Still have to get a new watcher's eye, Cinderswallow flask and a multimodded amulet. Oh, and divining, a lot of divining will have to be done.
Should I use rank 2 or rank 3 Jorgin bench on an amulet? What do you think about crafting +1 pierce on gloves instead of %dmg while flask is up? I already have +1 pierce mod on a helmet so would another one be overkill? I don't farm bosses, my only goal is to speed clear maps and do pure breachstones to level up. |
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