[3.9] Physical Conversion Bowyer | Wander [TS/LA/IS + Barrage] [KB + Power Siphon] [All Content]
I was quite curious on how we're gonna apply Exposure with WoC and have cold as our highest damage but then I realized Hrimsorrow, 50% phys to cold, duh :P
Will rushing maps better than saving my ex? That's what I'm so concerned about. I'm still in BA farming Tabby so.. Maybe I'll rush maps. EDIT: Made my full transition into Wander. Still missing Merciless lab, maybe that's why my KB damage is poop and I can't do Blight at all pepeHands. Rocking Barrage in a 5L, still very functional. Single target is a bit meh, I figure saving up chaos for a Tabby would be better than a 5L but.. I guess. Can't even do Merc lab :sobs: I miss my PP. Killed Kitava and did Merc. lab with HOAg. Linked WoC with CoH + Proj Weakness, really nice. I suspect I need more to function smoothly as a Wander but it's a pretty good for my first time. I leveled as a Wander in my first try so I was struggling all the time, now I just struggle for a bit!
Editado por útlima vez por oMySunshine#7356 en 9 sept. 2019 1:29:53
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" A big reason is that Raider ascendancy is pretty bad for dps in comparison with Deadeye, especially since damage is so crucial at the start. That, and you also took ailment immunity first rather than damage. You should definitely put a diamond flask in there. Raider asc gives like no crit at all, which is what your build desperately needs atm. Hopefully you can get an uber lab carry to finish your ascendancy soon as that'll help a lot. Proj weakness enables knock-back on enemies. I find this a pain in the ass when Im trying to facetank barrage so I swapped it for Ass mark in the meantime. A bit less dps but when bosses get pushed back, you lose point blank effect + proj start missing which makes things much worse. I think early on you should ditch the massive life investment and go for more damage nodes. So far, I've reached T12-13 maps without that much issue. Bosses take around 5-10 seconds to die, and regular mobs are no problem. I'm also having issues with Blight, I think their life pool is massively overtuned hopefully GGG nerfs it a bit in the near future. If the spawns are coming from one direction it's pretty easy to complete it, but if they're coming from multiple directions I just skip bc it's a waste of time at that point. Might have to consider crafting 5L or 6L kb gloves. At a certain point, probably T9ish you'll want to get a Hyrri's Truth. For Raider you may need it earlier to prevent damage dropoff. And yeah gotta get that Tabula asap, or else single target will be complete shit. Also you gotta replace Faster Attacks with better damage links. Ele focus is the 2nd best support gem + cold pen > FA Editado por útlima vez por Enahkra#7073 en 9 sept. 2019 9:12:16
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I made a few gearing and tree adjustments with the new patch, staying Pathfinder but foregoing the hassle of trying to acquire enough flask effect for that extra Barrage projectile. I didn't feel I needed more single target DPS for any available content and the investment was too uncomfortable to make.
Uber Elder ended up being straightforward and I was able to beat it deathless with both Elder and Shaper being phased in about a second. Tankiness was surprisingly good with Loreweave, ToH, Fortify, and the other defenses. Flask sustain wasn't an issue, which felt really nice. The setup I eventually settled on was aimed at a mixture of higher-tier maps and bossing. Using a double Hatred Watcher's Eye (conversion and flat cold) as well as a Lethal Pride (5% DD, 4% life, 20% fire resistance, 10% less damage from critical strikes). https://pastebin.com/Xf724gj3 From my point of view, this wander is finished because I'm starting to perceive diminishing returns without exorbitant currency investment. Will probably play a TS Impale Champion (behind a league I guess) next for a tankier ranged option and return to wander pending new changes. Thanks again to the author and other contributors for a great build and responsive feedback. This was one of the most in-depth and well-reasoned guides I've seen! |
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I've heavily revised the glove section including a trade link. The cost is now much lower to craft a pair of endgame gloves, and the new min-max version is slightly better than before.
" Very nice man. It makes me happy to see the guide followed faithfully and a job well done on finishing the build. I agree that you've reached the point of massive diminishing returns :) Good luck with your impale TS build and enjoy league! |
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I wanted to make remarkable progress before posting again but I just can't help myself lol. Gear is still the same, nothing new except for my strange, strange 30% Moonsorrow. Got a Diamond Flask and damage went up exponentially, woah.
One thing I do notice with Raider is my defense is kinda crazy. Even without Fortify, the LGoH from Thief's Torment I can still facetank heavy hitting bosses. I know it's only T2 and I might be hallucinating from sleep deprivision but I can definitely feel it. Shouldn't have gone for so much life nodes so early but can't really do anything about it for now, damage is still fine. So unless they nerf PP again, it won't be viable for league starting lol. But self-casting WoC with CoH Ass. Mark feels very decent, very smooth. A considerable change from Frost Bomb :D If anyone is struggling with resistances, try to anoint Cloth and Chain for 12% all res, super cheap and easy. You can upgrade to Holy Dominion for that same all res but with a lot more damage later on. I can definitely feel that missing +1 proj hitting right now, so hurted lol. My transition to Wander in Legion was heavily funded so I didn't feel much struggle, now I do. But I guess the trade-off is good defense. Gonna progress some more but for now, things are looking kinda bright :D Editado por útlima vez por oMySunshine#7356 en 10 sept. 2019 2:58:21
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Revised the wand-crafting section to allow a 1 ex cheaper version of the wand for those on a more limited budget. Also added a new amulet crafting section, also for those on more of a budget.
" Yeah a combination of dodge + LGOH is definitely a very solid defense against bosses. If their hit misses, you're guaranteed to leech back to full before their next hit. Perhaps it's possible to pick up a trash wand that's better than PP. I mean, Moonsorrow is only a 200ish pdps wand. This means if you go on poe.trade and find any garbage rare wand above 200 pdps, with some extra damage mod such as crit multi or crit chance etc, it's guaranteed to be much better than moonsorrow and possibly PP (of course not factoring in PP proccing). You do lose the blind on hit though... :S Great idea on cloth and chain. I'll definitely add something like that to the guide soon. If you check out poe ninja builds you'll find out you're not the only raider phys wander lol. Editado por útlima vez por Enahkra#7073 en 10 sept. 2019 7:38:44
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So I've been looking at notables with big, huge, MASSIVE benefits to us (mostly on the PoE Mate app on mobile, god bless) and here are what I've seen:
Disciple of the Unyielding: End. charges generation and +1 Minimum.
Aggressive Bastion: more DPS, serves the same purpose as above. Lust for Carnage/Hematophagy: big leech node with Damage while Leeching/Att. speed respectively, could save us 2 points to get Vitality Void. Holy Dominion: Damage and all res, also very budget in terms of oil. Prism Weave: biggest DPS, also the most expensive (my guess). Disciple of the Forbidden: Power charges generation and +1 Minimum. Heart of Ice: budget Prism Weave. True Strike: crit and crit. Retaliation/Command of Steel: generic damage. Rampart: Fortify shenanigans. Overcharged: more charges generation. Honorable mentions: big life nodes, that's it, that's all they can do, more life. Anoint is a very interesting and easy mechanic which buffs our DPS even more, definitely look into it guys. Here's the link to the Anoint-o-bot!
I looked into rare wands and got this on the cheap, and it's even the same price as a Moonsorrow lmao. Not sure if Blight mobs' HP will be looked into the the future but for now let's us all struggle :pepeHands: I also definitely recommend Raider as a defensive ascendancy option and you can go big dick all out on damage. We have free Exposure debuff so no need for WoC even (sometimes)! just need some way to apply curse lul. EDIT: With some decent evasion, blind and 15% less monster's accuracy from Raider (or even more Evasion from Deadeye), the RNG defense of evade/dodge could be worth looking into as "Monster accuracy rating has been reduced game-wide. Players who invest in Evasion will, as a result, be evading monsters at approximately pre-3.7.0 rates." I have been facetanking heavy hitting bosses, even for white maps, and I rarely get hit, even if I do, there's still other mitigations and LGoH to top me up. Editado por útlima vez por oMySunshine#7356 en 11 sept. 2019 11:02:21
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Hello! Could you make some corrections to the build min-maxing in standart for patch 3.8?
Editado por útlima vez por Alex23621#3027 en 11 sept. 2019 14:23:35
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" Yes I think Raider has the potential to be a good bossing ascendancy since LGOH and dodge/eva work really well together. I'll look into it later in the league to compare with Deadeye + PF. I also made an anointment section a few days ago which includes some of the notables you mentioned. I'll look into the others soon. I think at the end of the day I'd prefer a big life node just b/c tankiness is an issue with these type of builds. " Hi, yes I can do that within the next few days. If you see any sections that need an update can you please let me know? May save me some time later and I might miss something that needs to be updated. Thanks! |
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Sorry for the double post guys. Just wanted to let you all know I've updated the main POB for 3.8 (Pathfinder) and changed some of the gear. So if you've already downloaded the POB, you should probably redownload again.
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