[3.9] Physical Conversion Bowyer | Wander [TS/LA/IS + Barrage] [KB + Power Siphon] [All Content]
" Not OP but if you can you should at least get a 35% conversion Hatred, and then additional mods priority is (OP's): Flat cold (Hatred) > global crit multi (Precision) > %base crit (Hatred) = %cold pen (Hatred) > % attack damage (Precision) = %cold damage (Hatred) > % attack speed (Precision) So crit multi Precision would be very nice. Read the guide carefully, word by word. It's fun in your free time and inform you everything you need to know too. EDIT: Misread your comment. Import the new eye into PoB and see if the damage upgrade is substantial enough to delay other upgrades. Editado por útlima vez por oMySunshine#7356 en 11 jul. 2019 6:35:13
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" I think a lot of what I'm going to say, you already know by now. Damage and life are interchangeable via the tree so I view them as equivalents. If you want to get more life you need to use damage as a sort of currency to trade for it. Right now you can't afford to trade any unfortunately. There are a few telling signs about your build just by looking at the resists. Assuming you eventually trade Master of Force for Snowforged, which you should, you will be almost 180% resist overcapped. Keep in mind this is without a 3rd resist on your helm, which you should have. If you did complete your helm you would be 220+% resistance overcapped. That's a ton of lost damage I have yet to see this much overcapping on a build so far and it's the main issue you'll need to address. How much did you pay for your amulet in the POB? The talisman one? It's an improvement from your last one, I would rate it at ~130 points. It's far from the one we discussed yesterday which would have been around 210 points (50 life is ~20 points). That's an 80 point differential which is a substantial amount. Did you ever contact the seller I suggested? I think I need to revise the guide some more later on and make it more clear how to fully utilize the point system. That's the greatest "hack" in the game b/c once you fully understand it, POE becomes massively simplified. I don't even see mods on gear anymore I just see everything in terms of points and it let's me judge anything on the spot without POB. I wish eventually everyone would be able to think like this. Yeah basically the issue is the same as before, you've chosen rare boots but have not compensated for using them. Thinking about trading your damage for life will be out of the question unless you decide to run low-medium level content. That should still be fine at your lvl; you can still gain several % xp per map, if you just skip boss and legion temporarily. You only need 3 more levels before you can choose to stop leveling forever. Lvl 92 is usually the point where people have around 4.5mil shaper dps. Using your POB I've quantified the loss in damage from your decision to pick T2 flat phys on your wand over T1. It adds up to 5% more damage = 30 points = 30% increased damage. That's quite substantial, I thought it would've been lower. I hope you've been aiming to get Hillock in transportation for the extra phys%. Keep in mind this deficit too adds another layer of difficulty to your gearing. Ideally you would compensate via gear. I just noticed why your life is so low; the helm has like no life on it yet. Hopefully you've collected some more essence? Carrion hope is a good jewel; I hope you can find one more like that. What mods does your viridian have? I think double damage rolls up to 6%, you might have a T2 mastercraft, you should prob unveil more shields see if you can get T1. It's not much but an extra 12 points, anything helps at this point. Your belt will need to go for 70+% WED soon. I think if you feel overwhelmed or demoralized by this, I can help you with gearing if you want. Just pm me what time you're online, and what your budget is. I can look around and see if something is worth it during that time and pm you seller details. Don't think it's a good idea for you to continue taking risks. This isn't much but I just wanted to see what would happen if you had the guide's wand + flat cold boot enchant + lvl 92ish + a second carrion hope jewel (your best rare one). Seems like you reach around ~3.1mil shaper dps. Still lower than expected, but it's pretty obvious that the rest of your damage is basically locked up in 180+% excess resists. PS: reworded your Veteran Bowyer mod so it actually applies; you can tell if a mod is calculated if the text is blue rather than red. POB Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/cJhPFnHt Editado por útlima vez por Enahkra#7073 en 11 jul. 2019 8:58:50
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" Yes thanks! I read I read the guide, but I thought it was not that profitable to take a watcher eyes with a bonus and more .. I can not imagine haha Here for example for a jewel with 35% conversion and 50% of critical multiplier with precision, I take 600k of dps on my PoB. On the other hand with flat cold damage, I take less dps. But again for 35 ex, I do not think it's exceptional ... maybe I'm wrong? Thanks, ps : I edited my pob, it is up to date: https://pastebin.com/b94T63Nr and i take new watcher's eyes with effect with precision :D see ya my ex Editado por útlima vez por Hurshhh#1204 en 11 jul. 2019 9:14:32
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Thanks for the reply, the ammy I'm using is 95c, the Paua Amulet you were talking about got sold. I thought about contacting the seller but I'm too scared of telling him to save it for me, I'm not sure if I would be able to quickly gather up enough currency (this aspect of the game I'm still very bad at, I just run a bunch of maps, low and high, hoping for a big drop) so I didn't want him to wait for me, the item is sold.
I know about my excess resists, the twink gear is a bigger difference than I thought. I'm still trying to wrap my head around your point system, I think it's similar to "weighted values", a guide on Reddit talked about it and I see it's the next big thing for me to learn which will be very useful. I'm gonna buy or craft a new wand some day, but that will have to come after boots, helm, gloves, belt and ammy, in that order. I'm thinking fossil crafting because I have a decent amount but I never got around to sell them so I might as well use them. Fossil crafting could be big, I'm gonna play around with them and report back to you. Carrion Hope is definetly great lol, I think I got that for under 100c, what a steal. Double damage veiled mod on shield only goes up to 4-5%, tier 1 (lowest) is 3%, I checked POEdb. Also reworded my Veteran Bowyer, not much of an increase but anything helps I guess. I appreciate your offer but your patience with me from when I started out has been a huge help and I can't thank you enough lol, I wanted to craft/buy my own gear anyways, better for me to learn. I did endgame content but I still look at the game with the eyes of a noob, your build takes me to a whole other side of PoE: weighted values, one big investment for the long run, how small things can snowball into a disaster,.. Gonna go to the hospital to treat my anemia for the next few days. It has been stoping me from processing information and thinking straight lol, I feel like I can faint at any time and I'm always stressed as hell. When I be back I will fo sho put up a screenshot of me killing uElder >:D Editado por útlima vez por oMySunshine#7356 en 11 jul. 2019 9:15:21
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" Your lethal pride should be good; I notice you didn't take Herbalism yet. Can you tell me what mod Lethal Pride added to Herbalism? There's still one more thing you can optimize for your tree; drop the dex node below Coordination and take the 10% phys node to the right of it instead. It's another free 10% phys damage. Not much, but still something free. 50% crit multi from Precision is a very strong mod. I'm not looking at your specific POB but based on my estimate it will give you another 400-600k shaper dps. That's a lot of damage, but the cost is enormous? How much will the watcher's cost you? You are forced to take 1 extra strength node right now; this can be fixed by several options. One is to redivine your Loreweave to get +2 more attribute. This is very expensive and your roll is good already so I don't recommend this. You can also fix the strength problem by changing your rare gear too but this will be harder. How much did you pay for your diamond ring and amulet? How much more do you want to spend on the build? If you provide this info I can give you better advice. Once you reach endgame you will find that damage is fine for all content, but sometimes tankiness is a problem; you will want to switch to the life tree on guide (if you want an easier time against bosses like uber elder, guardians etc.). When you do switch, it's good to have extra dps from stuff like 2x watcher's eye etc. Based on your gear I think you can surpass 5mil shaper dps no problem with a few more levels. With the 2x Watcher's probably 6mil+. One last advice for you; I am looking at your jewels. The two Searchings eyes in your tree are very good: Morbid Globe and Enthralling Portent. I recommend you eventually put these in your boots. Hopefully you follow my jewel section carefully and get non-abyss jewels like cobalt. I think the jewels in your boots + belt can be replaced eventually: Hollow Leer x2 + Ancient Iridescence. A blind on hit + onslaught on kill + life jewel will be best for your belt it will make your clearspeed + tankiness much better. Put the two searchings from your tree into your boots eventually, and get cobalt/crimson jewels for the tree and you're set. I can do a POB analysis for you soon; just let me know when you are done with upgrades and I can tell you where to go next if you want to further improve your build. |
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" That's unfortunate. And yeah gathering money requires some money unfortunately; once you reach the level of gearing to farm T16 guardians you can sell shaper sets and earn the rest of your gear quicker; that's how I make a good chunk of profit each league; it's far better than chaining maps imo less monotonous more fun and skill-oriented, but idk things may have changed lol. Fossil crafting is pretty costly to experiment with lol; I usually sell them; I did look into fossil-based gear at one point but there was nothing that caught my attention. I honestly don't think it's worth upgrading your wand ever again; you lost 30% increased damage sure, but you have to spend like 6-7 ex crafting a new one. With 6-7 ex you can buy some ridiculous jewelry and more than make up for that lost 30%. I also want to show you real quick how useful thinking in terms of points is. Notice Hurshhh asked me about the precision crit multi mod, and I estimated the damage to be 400-600k without checking POB? Then he replied (altho he responded before me I didn't see it) that it gave him 600k on POB? I just wana give you an example for how I got that accurate estimate just so you can see the thinking process. Precision multi is 50%. I convert it into points based on my scale. 50*1.5 = 75 points. Here's a rule of thumb to memorize: 1% more damage = 6 points. Therefore 75 points/6 points = 12.5% more damage. I estimated his damage to be around 4-5mil shaper dps (what you expect from the build). Let's assume it's 4.5mil. Then 4.5 mil x 1.125 =~5.05mil. So with that mod dps went from 4.5mil to 5.05mil. So that mod would give ~550k shaper dps if you had 4.5mil dps. So then I just guesstimated a range of 400-600k b/c I wasn't sure his actual dps. It's not 100% accurate but these quick estimates are very very useful. And np, I figured you'd want to learn on your own haha. Good keep it up; just don't burn out from this build lol. If you ever have questions about if something is worth it before purchasing u can pm me tho. And damn gl in the hospital :/ hope things get better soon; I'll see you around. |
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" 500-600k damage is a lot once you reach 5mil+ b/c it gets harder to find upgrades. The reason that 500-600k damage is valuable is b/c you trade the damage for more life nodes and improve survivability which is lacking for this build. |
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" Thanks again for your answer, I just took the watcher's eyes with 50% of crit on Precision. I would say that I still have 30 ex to invest in the build. On Herbalism I take + 15% Melee critical strike multiplier. I do not remember the price of the amulet, but the ring I had to take it for 15 ex, but there was none for sale, I had it thanks to a friend. I am already more than 5.5M dps on the shaper. :D I put the jewels in my boots, and I'll potentially change the others like what you said. Thanks again, I really like your build! And so that after a month of league I'm still on the game is that it's the truth, really very very good this build! Editado por útlima vez por Hurshhh#1204 en 11 jul. 2019 9:43:55
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" 15 ex for the multimodded diamond ring?? The soul knot one??? melee critical strike multiplier is pretty useless. You will want to consider rerolling your lethal pride some more eventually. Remember there are 2 locations for Lethal Pride; so each time you use divine, check both sockets. I suggest you have either intimidate, or 2x double damage. But if you waste too many divines even 1x double damage + 2 other mods is good. Right now your lethal pride only gives 2 good mods, b/c melee crit multi doesn't work for build. Thanks man, glad you're enjoying phys wanding; perhaps you can try ele wander sometime in the future and compare ;) I think save most of your 30 ex for now; maybe farm some more with build. If you want to make future upgrades you should pm me on forums and I will help you find items. Right now it's too easy to spend all your ex and get bad items. I can do some calculations and figure out better rare upgrades for you in the future. One tip for playstyle that you may already know: don't use barrage if too many trash mobs are around you or else you will stop attacking boss and target some random mob. KB everything around boss first and then barrage boss. Editado por útlima vez por Enahkra#7073 en 11 jul. 2019 10:00:34
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" No I was talking about the other ring, the one with the multiple craft, I do not remember anymore sorry: / I have divine lethal pride, I changed location and I had double damage and% increased Effect of Fortify on you. I think to keep it like this. I'll probably come back and bother you later to improve the build even more: D thanks again! |
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