[3.9] Physical Conversion Bowyer | Wander [TS/LA/IS + Barrage] [KB + Power Siphon] [All Content]
The Skill Tree that is linked is broken because there is a change in the version.
Could you update the tree? Thank you. |
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" Are you sure? I checked again and it worked for me; which tree were you referring to specifically? Is anyone encountering the same problem here? |
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" Yeah, working on it right now, managed to get a 4 mod cobalt since i dropped lethal pride atm since i can't seem to get any good rolls, think i might've divined it 20 times already '--. Recrafted some of my gear to give myself some more life but sometimes i seem to struggle with some content. Getting stunlocked etc... Using a more %lifebased build atm and got around 5.2k life but can't seem to wonder what would help my survivability out more, any ideas. Or do I just need to kinda suck it up and try to get lvl 95-96 ? |
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" Well you didn't take Vaal Pact, so you're missing a lot of your life recovery; you can also divine up your LGOH rings to closer to +20. It will be a combination of more levels and more jewel sockets, and your belt spot can give another life roll too (stygian). These things will add up to give more survivability. You don't need lvl 95-96 to feel a lot tankier, maybe 92-93ish is fine too. In the mid 80s it can still feel rather rippy. Also keep in mind that within a few days the fortify bug will be fixed, which is a huge buff to survivability. Shield charge sparingly into mobs whenever you sense danger and you will be a lot tankier. You could also take a look around see if there's any mastercrafting services that offer the flask mod with stun avoidance + movespeed. It will slow you down a little compared to adrenaline, but you will never get stunned. Getting stun locked is definitely a huge reason why you'd rip, but you shouldn't see this problem that much once fortify and lvl 92+ come around. Editado por útlima vez por Enahkra#7073 en 18 jun. 2019 14:17:31
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" Aight, thanks for the response, I guess i'll just level a bit, yea i know about the vaal pact, should spec into it but wanted to get the general build done before i spec into it. |
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Hi there. My current gear:
First of all, I want to thank you for extremely detailed build. Really appreciate the time it took to describe everything! I have a single issue with your build tho. Played ED as a started so maybe I haven't felt it enough, but still... legion encounters are just destroying me hard. I can't tank it for a millisecond to one-shot rares with Barrage, instead I got oneshotted by them pretty often. It's so retarted that at 80 lvl I could enter T15 map and just breeze through it like nothing, finishing the map in less than 2 minutes and oneshoting boss. But the moment I touch Timeless Monolith, even in yellow tiers, I'm dead. Seriously, I don't get it. Your build has tons of defence layers (still missing Fortify, but that's going to be patched soon), but I can't stand legion encounters at all, even in low tier maps. I don't know, maybe I'm just missing something. I know that my gear is far from being optimised (jewellery is best possible I could find in a reasonable price), but if I'm able to crush high tier content and be afraid because of legion in T7 map... that's really weird. Please, help me find mistakes I make, thanks in advance! |
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Hey, Enahkra, I've been busy so I couldn't touch the build for a while, but now with legion i'm thinking about finishing my build in std and buying some upgrades possibly in league for when it merges to std.
I've been tinkering about some possibilities for a mixed character, one half-way league and half-way min-maxed std. I got to two possibilities, one being a dual-wield with around 14.3mil shaper dps with animate guardian (AG) on and 11.5mil without; the other being a wand+shield setup with 11.6mil shaper dps with AG and 9.4mil without. The thing is, the shield setup doesn't have that much more life compared to the dual-wield setup I got to, the difference between these two being 102 life total. So in the end I'm feeling more inclined towards the dual-wield because the dps difference feels more than worth the loss of 102 life. But I could and probably am missing something about shields that I would like you to enlighten me if possible. Another question I have is related to good investment: in the pob down bellow, I added a couple of those two opal rings, amulet and the wand called "MM Wand". I have the base for one of those rings (a rare with only t1 life and wed, ready for multi modding), a base for the amulet and the base for the "MM wand". Knowing that to buy another similar base of a ring is about 8ex currently in std and the cost to MM all those items, do you think it's a worthy investment? I would like to know your opinion on going hale negator even in std style gear (a.k.a. using double legacy vinktar). My thought process was that since they made leech works with instances you can't heal to full in one hit of barrage, apparently I don't need the res from helmet and, from experience, I've died once or twice to boss moving/teleporting out of my barrage projectiles, not hitting because of that and at the same time getting hit, so I thought hale negator would be a good response to that. That was before synthesis league end, so I didn't have the wand I currenly have and my dps was way lower than the planned pob. So in your opinion is that a good choice or with that level of dps and the new defensive options available it isn't that great? POB links: -dual-wield setup: https://pastebin.com/ikx6tmd4 -shield setup: https://pastebin.com/D4RqASEf Thanks again in advance and sorry about the long text, this is the first time I'm actually trying semi "min-max" in std so I have a lot of questions. Edit: fixed pob links Editado por útlima vez por z4ktan#2875 en 18 jun. 2019 17:51:32
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Hi there!
The curse on hit isn't working with frost bomb and projectile weakness. The funny thing is if I unequip curse on hit, it works fine. It actually auto casts itself when I use kinetic blast, even without curse on hit. |
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" I think your poet's pen is triggering it |
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" Some of the passives are lit but icon not glowing as it should be, so I'm confused whether to go for those and also did you put a point in the Projectile Damage at the start? And also some skills are not activated per se even though the skill lines go past them. Not very clear on how to proceed because I just came back to PoE after 2 years*, sorry if I'm inconveniencing you. (Not sure how many years it has been since the start of PoE, played for quite a bit then and stopped) And which perk should I go for, for the Bandits quest for Act 2? Editado por útlima vez por demilios#1721 en 19 jun. 2019 5:14:17
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