[3.9] Physical Conversion Bowyer | Wander [TS/LA/IS + Barrage] [KB + Power Siphon] [All Content]
whats the most important awekener gem to go for? and thansk for answering my last question
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Great build and great guide. Kudos Enahkra, your stuff is always superb.
Picked it up yesterday after deciding I'd had enough of Cobra Lash, some small tips for anyone reading this far into the comments. Don't level as this, at least until 38+. I was stubborn as shit and decided to try for a laugh. Early game power siphon without barrage support just feels awful. Clear is fine on a 6 link but your single target is dire. Starting gear - I sank about 12ex into this quite comfortably and that's without a Hatred watchers eye (which are around 4-5ex at time of writing.) 10ex is doable if you follow the budget options (7ex of which is a 6l loreweave currently). Labs - everything up to Uber is fine. If you do Uber as per normal 2nd+ league char hitting maps on this build (i.e. pre-80) take two life flasks. Izaro can easily one-shot you even with Loreweave and most the other gear at about 3.5-4k life. If you're not confident, get a carry. Current market for gear / gems - pick up 21 power siphon, 20/0 KB (quality it and level with it) at a minimum. Currently that will cost you <20c for both. Massive QOL improvement. Int - with all the int nodes from tree pathing and notables, wihtout int neck bonus you will need minimum +15 on loreweave. That puts you at 159 which is needed for 21 KB / PS. Catalysts - (Enahkra dunno if its worth adding to the guide about this somewhere?) For the Mark of the Elder, use the attack catalyst. Increases implicit, attack damage and cold damage roll. For any jewellery with flat ele / ele % use elemental. Resist one can be useful turning a belt with T1/T2 res into 50% of each res. Not tested the others yet but definitely will add to this build. Gear for reference so far: (Mark of the Elder going on once I hit 80) Crafting Consortium - The Igloo Mirror Shop https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3283615 Editado por útlima vez por GrandpaPenguin#4755 en 22 dic. 2019 4:43:17
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Hello, i've got one question:
How is TS for single target (bow users)? I mean, nothing really changed for TS except secondary projectiles travel distace, which can be modified by proj. speed nodes. No wander question for now (im just blind, found the answer just by opened up some spoilers in gear section) Thank. Editado por útlima vez por streej#5374 en 22 dic. 2019 6:33:48
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" No problem! Depends on if you're playing bow or wand. The best one for wand is Added Cold > the rest. For bow, Ele Focus or WED, followed by Vicious Proj. " You can craft aspect of the cat on any ring, just get a ring with an open suffix and use the beastcraft. The two mods don't have to go together. I don't think Farruls is that good of a choice for this league mainly b/c with Power Siphon, pretty much you'll have power charges up for all boss fights for any chest, so the only main advantage from Farrul's is the frenzy charges, which can be crafted as +1 min on rings, and the Aspect which gives 100% crit. The aspect is good, but 2 of the mods on Loreweave can easily cancel that out, which means overall the DPS u get from Farrul's will be barely better than Loreweave except you're way less tanky due to less max res/no immunity from -max res maps. You're also forced to take an extra +1 power/frenzy on the tree in order to maintain permanent charges, which might actually make ur DPS lower than a well-rolled Loreweave. I still suggest the shaper/mark of the elder ring combo mainly b/c it gives a lot of life which this build desperately needs. Circles of Fear will overall give more DPS I think, but not having life rolls on two ring slots just sucks. And in theory 2x rare rings can be a better combo, but I doubt most rings <10 ex can compete with Mark of the Elder for DPS. " Yes, either that, or you should get prism weave on your amulet, which gives a bit more DPS than a T1 WED roll on belt, and plus more jewels + damage on them. I guess if the anointment is too expensive, it's prob not worth it if you plan on switching from Hyrri's soon tho. I think after that, consider buying another shaper ring base and try your luck alt regaling. I think you can squeeze a lot more damage on the ring. If you use an Enlighten 3+ you should be able to use max lvl Precision + herald + Hatred (also taking Primal Spirit recommended). If that's too expensive atm it's prob better to stay with Hyrri's in the meantime. The only way to tell if an amulet is better than Hyrri's is via POB, but you can get a good estimate. Here's how you do it. use the trade link on my guide for amulets, open the filter up and look at the value I gave for crit multi. Take that value, and multiply by 38. Then take that value and multiply by a number between 1.5-2 (probably closer to 2). After you get this final number, set that as your "Min" value. This is just a rough estimate but it should work in filtering amulets that are at least around the same DPS as Hyrri's if not better. The reason this works is that I'm estimating all the damage mods on Hyrri's to be worth about ~1.5-2x T1 crit multi rolls. If for some odd reason, even after you get an Enlighten 3 and Primal Spirit and still can't use Precision, then yeah lower it a few levels, but I don't think this should happen. " Very nice! Looks like this will be very good for bossing this league. One of my dissapointments with int stacking was not being able to shatter everything if the mods are too tanky, but I think swapping for a Brotherhood ring for maps should do the trick. Me or my playtester will probably start an int stacking build in league soon. Perhaps for now those really struggling with Sirus should switch over to your setup :P " Thanks! and also thanks for the feedback! I do plan on adding catalyst related stuff soon. I totally agree with your catalyst choices as well. That mark of the elder ring adds a ton of damage. Sadly, I wasn't expecting Loreweave to be so damn expensive this league; last league it was like 3-4 ex so I went off that expectation. I rlly hope it drops soon, I guess it's only like a week-ish into league so there's still hope. I think my friend who ran the build this league swapped his quicksilver for basalt of iron skin for the Uber Izaro fight and relied on shield charge for kiting. That being said I agree it's prob still safer just to get a carry. Editado por útlima vez por Enahkra#7073 en 22 dic. 2019 6:38:13
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For mirrored wanding setup do you think new crusader chest with phys explosions would be any good or is KB clear too good already?
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" Hey man sorry I haven't gotten back to you. I haven't had time the past day to look into the POB yet, but I'll probably start working on it tomorrow or the day after. I think it's not worth it for the explosions, KB clear is very good already especially. I think you might want to consider using shield charge to move around instead of dual-wands. Also, what content were you consider farming for the build? " Actually, I don't know too much about this one. This build has always relied on barrage for single target so I always saw it as a clear skill. My playtester tried it out and it was still decent for clear, but I think LA/Ice Shot just feels better overall. If you or someone else finds out, lmk (or maybe my playtester will try it later) |
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" No problem man I appreciate what ur doing, my main focus would be awakening 8 t16 mapping while keeping as much single target as possible for things like sirus/guardians etc etc. I've also decided I think 2 rings with iiq + iiq gem should be enough mf here, but not quite sure what optimal iiq rings there are for a build like this. |
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Well guys I think whatever GGG did with the Awakener fight (or maybe it's just that we have more info on the fight now), the build is capable of doing it but it will not be an easy fight especially at first, and will require some practice + understanding of the mechanics. Most people will definitely brick a few attempts before getting the hang of it.
Most of the attacks are actually well-telegraphed and can easily be dodged. Someone also mentioned on reddit that using a Decoy Totem really helps for a good part of the fight, which my playtester tried and it did help a good amount by enabling you to deal damage for longer periods of time. My playtester managed to do it in 5 ports with the wander build (he used same gear as in the Shaper vid but with a +2 PS enchant, so overall gear was pretty bad: no Watcher's Eye, Dying Sun etc), but he died 3 times to the vortexes. The rest of his deaths were avoidable. I don't have a recording b/c he didn't want to risk lagging but maybe next run he will record one for me to share. Other than the decoy totem, one thing that really helped was dropping quicksilver of adrenaline for a DPS flask. Shield charge provides more than enough mobility to avoid all the mechanics so you get more DPS + survivability. A lot of damage comes from chaos, so bringing Atziri's Promise is a big help. His flask setup was: catalyzed eternal life flask - atziri's Promise - TOH - Wise Oak - Diamond of Order. Here's the description for how it went. Portal 1: He brings boss to 75% life pool no issue, didn't even get hit. Vortex spawns and moves aggressively towards him, he gets trapped in corner and rips. Portal 2: Goes back to boss, brings him down to 50% life pool no issue, got hit once or twice for maybe 2k damage each time? Boss spawns vortex again, gets trapped in another corner, rips. Portal 3: Goes back to boss, brings him down to 25% life pool no problem again, this time got hit a few more times but nothing that can one-shot. Boss spawns another vortex, and you can guess. He gets stuck and rips again. Portal 4: Goes in, boss has 50% life again and now has two new attacks. One consists of 4x bosses that fire into the center and create this spinning laser. This is very easy to avoid b/c you just continue to flame dash through the laser if it comes too close. He rips to a beam from the boss. Portal 5: Goes back in, much the same. His other attack consists of spawning many copies of the boss arranged in a circle and after a few seconds they fire a laser at you. This is super easy to dodge you just move in a circle and won't get hit. He ends up killing boss w/ this port. My overall assessment is that all regular attacks are tankable and the ones that do one-shot are easily avoidable, in fact probably easier than Uber Elder/Shaper mechanics. Most of the fight is against those stupid black vortexes, which GGG says they'll nerf? I think. Aside from that the only other really threatening attack is his charged up laser beam that he uses in the last quarter of the fight. To dodge it you basically have to stay near him, and as soon as you hear him say the word "Die!", move around him in a close circle. This is basically like the Malformation boss mechanics except less room for error. Keep in mind he can use his charged beam while the spinning lasers from earlier are still up. This is the most dangerous combo b/c you try to avoid the spinning lasers and get clipped by his beam resulting in a "one-shot". This is why I suggest Flame Dashing through the spinning lasers, don't move along with it. The biggest mistake is trying to move with the lasers, and therefore being way too far away from the boss. If that happens and the boss says "Die!" you might be screwed. Therefore, stay close to the boss, move in a tight circle when he says "Die!", and if the spinning laser is about to reach you, flame dash through it. Oh one other thing, don't be too anxious to deal damage. Take your time; prioritize avoiding mechanics over actually attacking the boss. I think a lot of people will go in, and worry that they need to deal as much DPS to the boss right away, but you'll be better off focusing on dodging first and foremost. As for whether or not the bow build can do the fight. I think it's definitely doable but as with wander you'll also need to be acquainted with the mechanics except less so, because your damage should be 2-3x higher. One other thing, I suggest taking the minor pantheon that gives additional life flask charges for the fight; it really helped. My playtester had around 5.5kish life when he did this; I think for most setups if you have a decent life roll on each gear piece, and take all the available life clusters on the tree, and use life catalysts (if necessary), this should be achievable in the low 90s. If you have a craftable suffix on rings, +1 min endurance will help. If you don't want to deal with the frustration of nailing down the fight mechanics, someone from earlier posted an int-stacking setup you could consider looking at (I'm probably going to play a similar setup this league). |
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Thx for the guide op.. thoughts on pandemonious?
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" I'll probably just give you an overview for what you should get here with explanations, as well as order of importance. For MF rings, the best is probably Blood Hold and this will work as a good MF ring for both conversion bows and wands (if you ever want to go the Tempest Thunder route). It's res-balanced which allows you to use Wise Oak for bossing, and has a ton of resists + good amount of DPS. the T1 accuracy from two of those rings will enable you to reach 100% hit chance without Precision. Otherwise you can replace one of the rings with a good DPS ring (Grim Nail should be cheap now since it's outdated; Behemoth Grasp if you want the best stuff). I don't think spending ~600 ex for two ring slots is really worth it if you're going MF tbh. You can definitely find solid quant rings for 30-50 ex a piece due to the beastsplitting mechanic. Other items are more worth the investment. I'm browsing through standard market and I see so many rings with T1 quant, T1 life, and T1 accuracy, with some multimods applied. These rings will prob only be 20-30% worse than mirrored ones, and you'd save 500 ex+. I think atm given the fact that catalysts will be in standard (so all these jewelry damage mods will get stronger), you might want to wait til after league to get the most re-sale value/DPS from mirrored jewelry. Or perhaps most of the jewelry already has quality applied (some crafters get people to rip league items over from HC; you'll have to ask). Mai Cedere released a new semi-MF amulet which is insane. It's called Corpse Locket with the best 5x combination of DPS mods as well as 10% quant. I think if I were going semi-MF I'd want to mirror this. Most mirrored amulets with 6x DPS mods won't even be able to compete with this item. For the chest, your best bet is using one of those synthesized mirrored chests with Maim, frenzy/power on hit implicit, etc. The BIS is Tempest Mantle (Mai Cedere also; he has 90% of the BIS crafts), but I think Apocalypse Pelt works too, except it's a bit worse. I wouldn't mirror any items unless they are the BIS; anything that isn't BIS (such as Apocalypse Pelt) you can prob find on poe.trade occasionally for 100-200 ex cheaper. If none are up, you'll just have to be patient. That combination of high DPS amulet (Corpse Locket) with synthesised mirrored chest (Tempest Mantle/Apocalypse Pelt) is HIGHLY recommended over Farrul's/mirrored Aspect amulet b/c it's much better for both DPS + most importantly: survivability. Wands, you'll need 2x: Cheapest are Foe Bites; ~150 ex per; and BIS are Blood Thirsts (~250 ex). The difference between the two is probably 10% of your total DPS, so I'm guessing around ~3-4m DPS difference give or take. Whether or not that extra 200 ex cost is worth it is up2u. Belt: HH of course Helm: Since there are no +2 Power Siphon enchant helms that are mirror-worthy, you might want to stick with Barrage; there is one called Blood Visor that's wise oak balanced; you can prob get a secondhand copy for under 200 ex; i wouldn't bother mirroring it though. The more budget option is to get a PS enchant helm, and toss a bunch of Wrath/Anger/Hatred essences, and use that along with mastercrafted resists on your rings to achieve triple balance. Keep in mind, you aren't trying to be res-capped without flasks up; just res-balanced. Having Wise Oak on top of Vinktar/Dying Sun/TOH will be fine for everything. Boots: Just go with Bubonics, or res boots w/ life if you want to be res-capped; and make sure to res balance with helm + ring. Gloves: Assuming you're using Conversion Vinktar? Go with 2 socket legacy Tombfists w/ maybe +1 frenzy corruption. Actually, a cheaper route is to get the new glove base that can roll Intimidate on Hit. You can self-craft this prob with some multimods to achieve pretty decent damage with probably a much lower cost. Jewels: These are really important for a wander; the best jewels are now regular ones, not abyss. The BIS combo is: life + crit multi dual wield + attack speed + crit multi. Finding these can be very hard in standard, but if one does pop up on livesearch, a fair price is between 20-40 ex. If this is too expensive, look for jewels with at least life + dual wield multi. The 3rd and 4th mods can be attack speed/multi or even %increased til you can afford BIS jewels. You want a double Hatred Watcher's, conversion mod is a must followed by either crit or pen. The rest are meh. Oh yeah forgot to mention, a good roll Lethal Pride will compete with a BIS rare jewel, and you can probably roll a good one in much less than <30+ ex so I suggest doing this. Abyss jewels, I suggest one with Onslaught on kill/blind on hit for the QOL. Aside from that life, attack speed (if crit), and multi are your best choices, followed by flat phys and lastly flat cold. Take Twin Terrors on tree too btw instead of shield related nodes. Here's what I would prioritize min-maxing assuming you don't have a ~2000 ex budget upfront. I'm also assuming here you'll have a full set of legacy flasks (vinktar is mandatory), along with 2x Hatred Eye, HH and the other non-mirrored stuff. 1) 2x Foe Bites/Blood Thirsts Wands 2) Apocalypse Pelt/Tempest Mantle chest 3) Mai_Cedere's mirrored amulet (Prism Weave is BIS anointment but idk if you'd want to use that one since it would hurt the resale value; I suggest just going with Tenacity instead so you can recycle it for any mirrored build in the future) 4) good 4-mod jewels; gradually upgrade from 3 mod ones, this is just to emphasize how important jewels are to DPS. 5) Mirrored rings (you should live-search for Blood Holds; I think you can find them for under a mirror per if you're patient). 6) everything else Oh yeah one of your jewels need to have corrupted blood immunity; this is important, extremely important. Considering how much you'd sink into the build; one of the biggest investments in damage/survivability is reaching Lvl 100. The amount of money you spend doing beachhead/stone rotas still makes it better than mirrored gear from the perspective of DPS/currency ratio. For regular mapping + map bosses/guardians, I'd suggest using a utility flask of warding + the res flask trio (TOH/Vink/Dying Sun) + quicksilver. For bosses like Uber Elder/Shaper/Awakener, replace utility flask w/ Wise Oak for the res balance. This will up not only your DPS but tankiness as well. One last thing to add; conversion bows and wands share many things, so if you ever find that wands are just not for you, all you'd need to do is replace the wands with mirrored bow/quiver + replace jewels with bow jewels and you have almost a fully optimized bow setup. Editado por útlima vez por Enahkra#7073 en 22 dic. 2019 8:28:21
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