Phys - crit Harbinger bow build recomendation ?
Hello there . ive got an 99 ranger with a mirroed harbinger bow ( mirroed quiver too ) legacy amulet and aquities .
Is there any recomendation to revive it ? used to played him with ts barrage but ive tried on this latest patch and i wasnt impressed from the dps . is the phys crit bow dead or im missin something . heres the gear to get an idea . IGN = Tominsideeeee Reflotado por última vez en 8 abr. 2019 3:37:37
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Its using outdated gear from years ago. Youll need to update some of your gear. This is a phys wander guide but phys bow and wanders are pretty much the same build using different skins. Glance over the second post on the thread and 90% of the gear/mechanics info is relevant to your build. The first post contains more detail on what type of gear to buy or craft. The only major differences between wanders and bowyers are the weapons, jewels, and tree, but even the jewels are near identical if u get searching eyes. Although your quiver and amulet are mirrored; you can easily craft something better given the power creep. Your rings also need an overhaul as diamond bases are pretty much useless now This pastebin is for a bow tree from Mai Cedere’s shop. I would only make minor revisions to this tree otherwise its what u should follow if u want max dps. As for the weapons, you already got the 5th best mirrored bow so just stick to that. The colors arent optimal so socket your t shot setup in there and use barrage in ur chest. Editado por útlima vez por Enahkra#7073 en 14 mar. 2019 20:25:27
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Thanks for reply sir im gona check it . ( I alrdy updated the setup a bit with scourge arrow on multi target and added mirage archer on both multi and single barrage )
IGN = Tominsideeeee |
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Why do you say that Diamond bases are useless?
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" It's not entirely useless, excuse the hyperbole. It's just not that good anymore b/c there's too many accessible sources of crit nowadays that you can easily reach the optimal amount of crit. Examples: Hatred watchers eye base crit, base crit to attacks corruption on gloves, 80% crit chance suffix on flasks, perma power charge uptime with Farruls, Aspect of the Cat gives 100% crit chance half the time, base crit on elder chest, crit chance mastercraft on gloves, etc etc. Once synthesis bases come over to standard, there'll be even more crit implicits. Contrary to popular belief, getting as high crit as possible in a crit build does not always lead to the most dps. Once you get to around 75-80% crit, other modifiers can usually yield higher dps if your goal is to deal the most dps possible. " Scourge Arrow is actually not bad for single target according to a lot of my bow friends and easy to use; you can definitely replace barrage with that if you can stack enough dps. Although I think with the new changes to how leech works, I'm not sure if it's still that safe. Barrage facetanking up close will ensure you are virtually unkillable due to it's 40 hits/second. Don't think Scourge Arrow can let u recover as fast (don't quote me, I haven't min-maxed bows for several months now) As for clearing it's best to use Lightning Arrow or T shot. Mirage Archer and Chain are definitely a must. Editado por útlima vez por Enahkra#7073 en 15 mar. 2019 3:07:12
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Im at 100% crit chance atm from the first hit no need to powercharging (89% effective said path of building ) 8 frenzies ( raider class ) 47% chance to evade (13k eva ~ ) 40% dodge - 44% spells ( acros and phase acros )
A bit hard to replace the diamonds since i need the most crit to gain the insta leech from aquities . also replaced barrage with toxic rain it seems better . IGN = Tominsideeeee |
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" What are your goals for the build and how much are you willing to spend to update it? If you want to make your build into one of those 30mil dps 1 shot shaper/uber elder builds, you will need to switch to pathfinder because it's much tankier and has higher dps than raider at higher levels of optimization. Raider may be better with your current setup. 60% crit chance on two rings can be easily compensated elsewhere, especially with diminishing returns with that type of modifier. Right now they are hard to replace because your tree/jewels/gear setup etc. isn't up to date. If possible, a legacy vinktar would be the greatest upgrade for your build because glove slot provides the most dps of any gear slot, and having to use Acuities there will be a huge loss of damage. Also what is your current flask setup? And lastly, toxic rain won't be that good if you plan on going the optimal ele conversion route. It's only decent because your current setup doesn't have the right combination of multipliers is my guess. I'm not too sure what your tree + other items are so I can't confirm. Editado por útlima vez por Enahkra#7073 en 15 mar. 2019 4:58:23
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" Heres the tree Flasks ( missin one perfect legacy taste of hate got it somewhere on another char ) Crit stats are 100% 454multi for both single - multitargetin ( scourge arrow - toxic rain ) A legacy vinctar could be done if i start sellin some stuffs Also alrdy got chars that doin elder - uber atziri - hall of grand masters . Last uber elder fight got it to 25% ( last stage i think i just dont know the fight ) So uber elder is not a priority i might calibrate the build as it i think or if i change my mind i might askin ur help - support - opinion . Heres the current gems setup ( i might recolor the chest to 3 blue to swap added fire for conc maybe ) IGN = Tominsideeeee |
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" If you find that your damage is sufficient for all your current needs, then by all means you should stay with the configuration you have. As for your tree, I think it can be revised a bit, but the biggest deficiency is your lack of jewels. A lot of people get insane gear but have shitty jewels, not realizing that a full set of good jewels gives more damage than 2 mirrored items. A set of good jewels make up ~1/3 of your overall dps. You need to get a stygian vise belt also, and some abyss jewels. You also need to use Bubonic Trails, and get a lab enchant on your helm. And either use 1 life flask or no life flasks at all and get taste of hate/wise oak etc. If you play any ranger build, legacy vinktar is way better than legacy acuities because 1. the flask gives u a lot of damage and also defense. 2. you can use tombfist instead of acuities so u get more damage, and 3. you can use wise oak whcih is even more dps, and 4. you can drop all life flasks and get more damage flasks. Legacy Acuities work also but the damage difference will be significant should you choose to optimize. If you go the toxic rain route you won't have crazy high dps but if it's serviceable for your needs then you should stick with it. If you feel like dps is lacking then I think it's an issue with a lot of the gear you're currently using because they all mostly lack damage multipliers, and have only resists. Having a mirrored weapon is nice, but without good jewels/jewelry etc. to scale it you won't have that much damage. It's like a lot of little things in your build right now that need to be improved for your damage to be much better, I can't point to one main problem. Editado por útlima vez por Enahkra#7073 en 16 mar. 2019 15:11:01
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For the record i made some minor changes .
First i bought a watchers eye hatred - crit so i could replace the inc crit strike gem from 6links ( single and multi target . ) i switched from tornado shot and barrage to scourge arrow . also switched from raider to deadeye The guy who sold me the watchers eye asked me what build im playing i told him and i linked my gear . He gave me for free !! some items the ring is used with a mark of the elder atm im at 90k dps and 150k dps ( multitarget - single target ) tooltip unbuffed and without potions The single target scourge arrow 1-2 shots the bosses with the channeling . Also switched the body armor with a and the potions IGN = Tominsideeeee Editado por útlima vez por Tom1nside#7544 en 31 mar. 2019 16:15:58
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