[3.8] DoomHerald | All Content | Millions+ DPS MirageArcher | 7k+ Life | 600+ Delves | 5-Link only
" This is the only reason I was throwing up any of a stink. The build works, and it works well once you get the key items and to about level 86 or so from my experience this league. However note, it takes a solid investment of a minimum of all of the unique gear pieces (as in not a Tabula, tabula will do white maps for you with some squishyness) to feel good and the might of the meeks. I'd say this league that means a minimum of about 4-6 ex (because of blown up prices on shroud and and 80 levels. Once you get there the build works. Unnatural Instinct really pulls the rest of the build together after level 85. Might be somewhat cheaper since doomfletch's prism and the shroud have been in freefall for the last few days. Shroud is 90c instead of 3ex like I had to buy it at. Enlighten 3 will work, and that's also only 40c and you can run 3 hearalds before that. The 2 socket Tombfist also really matters for the hinder and intimidate it gives. I'd say the only thing that's kind of a pain once you get the uniques is simply gearing for res on the quiver, belt, rings and amulet if you try to squish the specific amulet or rings in he recommends in before you can afford really high resistance gear and then working on abyss jewels. I'm sure with 15-20 ex the build will feel REALLY good as it started feeling much better when I hit about level 90 with it.
If you were wanting that felt super zoomy from the get go, and not exactly squishy though I highly recommend a ngamahu raider, some kind of deadeye, or checking out the other builds people are playing. Edit:Realized it'll probably be taken as rude to point to a different build guide on his build. Spoilering this.
I wouldn't have called this a league starter, as I've always defined a league starter as the character you make 5-7 exalted on before rerolling your second character that handles the part of the endgame you want to grind. This build can grind ALL content in the game AFTER you reach a certain point. Which is exceptionally awesome for a bow build. Editado por útlima vez por Xenithos#3163 en 26 sept. 2019 16:09:09
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" ... I've read your build guide so many times, and I just don't see WHERE you've given those answers. When IS it better to go Assassin, pathfinder, inquisitor? Am I just not clicking a spoiler or something, or you referring to the one sentence response JUST today that says if strictly playing Scourge Arrow and don't value the leech to take inquisitor or assassin or pathfinder? Just... ugh. Yeah, all I've wanted was the WHY, and WHY it's the BEST. Not asking to be spoon-fed. Anyway, Sorry for insulting you, doesn't matter if I wasn't trying to, I somehow keep doing it and I genuinely am not trying to. Removing posts because they offend you so much, if others really care to see what was written they can read your quotes. People can just think your build is great as is, and that progression is super easy and you can keep "dealing" with idiots like me instead of improving the BASE guide so that it's more accessible during leveling. I still don't believe it should be sold as a league starter, (Which by the way you DO say and you DO say it can be done cheaply by directly quoting YT_HB under the Tree/Leveling section - but hey, I guess since he said it that's not you talking.) but that's entirely my opinion. And yeah, your build is nice in the end, it just takes some serious work to get to. League starters are supposed to be builds that mostly work from day one, maybe I'm wrong. So tired of being talked down to. Editado por útlima vez por Xenithos#3163 en 26 sept. 2019 16:07:00
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Levelled this build to 94 in less than 2 days, no deaths. I don't have the most expensive jewels, the most expensive gear, and the damage is outdoing (by far) my L97 VD Necromancer which is 2x more expensive and the current Blight gold standard for clearing.
As for Slayer leech, this is the only build I can speed around rippy maps without even touching a flask. You won't die. Overleech is A FUCKING FLASK! Taking another ascendancy does not synergize with this build at all. Even with my crap abyss jewels I can clear rippy T16's using Greater Multiple Projectiles cause I like how it feels and switching back for bossing. Learn to read build guides properly. You don't need 5 ex legacy jewels to make this build feel good. 5-30 chaos jewels will give you millions of deeps. Yes this build is starter friendly and if you want to take it to stupid levels later you can definitely do that as well. OP is showcasing how far a build like this can go. Is it necessary to wreck all content? NO. This build is a monster. Even with cheap abyss jewels. Editado por útlima vez por diablomix#4350 en 26 sept. 2019 17:19:31
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" And I answered in the same post? Take the other options if you value DPS more then the Slayer defenses/phys reflect immunity (...) etc. All of them are good options who do slightly different things. I am going to spoonfeed you now: Pathfinder is good because it gives flask utility but requires you to use flasks often - not many people like the flask-piano playstyle. Assassin gives the most DPS and elusive - which is nice if you want to make that work. Inquisitor gives damage and some ele ailment immmunity via consecrated ground (one flaskslot for complete ele ailment immunity.) Inquisitor requires a bit more work with the pathing, but can use the pure talent effectivly. What you ultimately want to use, is up to you. I like playing flask piano and would probs go for the pathfinder but alas. " Funny how you say sorry and then become passive aggressive. I was nothing but curteous to you, answered your questions but called you out when you stepped over the line - nothing more. About the leaguestart-ability: Yeah, I kinda do trust YT_HB more on that then you. If your definition on a league starter is to be able to compare with the efficiency of a miner/trapper etc then no; this build is no leaguestarter. Other players - plural - say the opposite. When new players ask this I try to answer them and provide them with knowledge to make an informed decision. I also help them out how to figure things out and lend a hand as can be seen in the chat above. Have a good one. |
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Even though the nerf to the abyss jewels came after the build was made, this is still a viable league starter. Now, you have to be smart about it though. You're not going to go straight into the final version of build right away obviously as it takes time to build up the currency to get all the required gear. Along the same lines, you're not going to go straight for Vaal Pact before your life pool is high enough in order to get your maximum leech up to a good number. You don't want to remove your life regen before you have an adequate amount of life leech.
The leveling gear that I posted near the beginning of the thread will still take you into yellow maps pretty easily using a tabula and Rain of Arrows. In fact, I use that leveling strategy for almost every build I level up no matter what tree I'm pathing whether it's a marauder, templar, witch, etc. You should be able to stay with that gear setup and farm enough currency to gear this build. It seems that the people commenting that leech sucks, taking slayer is a waste, etc. just don't fully understand the leech mechanics. If you take Vaal Pact and the Slayer ascendancy before you have an adequate amount of life and expect miracles then you're just asking for trouble and ignorant on how leech mechanics work -- which is fine, we all start somewhere. Better to ask a question and work on learning the mechanics rather than open your mouth (post on the forum) and confess your ignorance. |
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" It turns out spoonfed was exactly what I wanted, a simple sentence for each possibility and what they brought to the table. Nothing but courteous? Excuse me, I critique parts of the build, and then you take every phrase and word I use, twist them, and use disgusting language over it? And then retort after retort? How on earth is that courteous? I quickly realized that this build is like your baby, or something, and i was apologizing for that. This build is special to you, and I was sorry my opinions upset you this much. Not for the fact that i dont see this as a day 1 leaguestarter than a week 3 league starter where most people are rolling their second characters. This entire build would have been far better to purchase and play now than it was the first week of the league. To you YT_HB, Thanks, you were a lot more calm and I appreciate your answer... I felt I had asked questuons several days ago and the answers I got were basically to play PoB for myself. As for this whole crapfest this turned into, cryix, you have been the insulter, and I am done. Your build is nice, you know that, but you arent. Good riddance. |
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" You didnt critique anything; there was nothing worthwhile in your posts. That you saw the need to remove them yourself says a lot. This build isn't my baby - I have not played it for almost a year. This build is my current baby: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRvZVsq-7v4&feature=youtu.be and I am working on another one, but whatever. Anyone who cares can read your posts and what came from then in the quotes still. Whatever. |
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#Updated Gear
I never played such a strong bow build like that, i love it almost one shot everythink. |
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So what is the key item/items to actually get damage with this build?
Atm im only missing the neck, ring combo and the unnatural instinct(which is expensive as balls so 1+months for it since the league is complete BS, im getting my C from vendor recipe, thats how bad it is) Im still doing complete shit dmg and can hardly clear a T7 map without getting my ass whopped lol. Any help ?.. first time i have ever had this problem with a build. |
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Just a heads up, your updated POB still isn't working for me, would love to see an updated version if you have the chance. I'm enjoying the build so far, still need to grab some of the more expensive items to really flesh it out.
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