IZARO GET BUFFED SO NO MORE BUDGET VERSION ON GC TRAP IZARO GET BUFFED SO NO MORE BUDGET VERSION ON GC TRAP IZARO GET BUFFED SO NO MORE BUDGET VERSION ON GC TRAP IZARO GET BUFFED SO NO MORE BUDGET VERSION ON GC TRAP IZARO GET BUFFED SO NO MORE BUDGET VERSION ON GC TRAP NEED TO USE WAVE OF CONVACTION YOU CAN FIND SETUP ON MY CHRACTER ENCHANT_SERVICE_M_KEAD Welcome everybody. In delve and Betrayal league lots of person asked my build and i think time to do guide. Its my first guide so if somethink wrong or miss pls message me and i will fix it. Introduction I designed this build for end game uberlab farming with %500+ movement speed.Its not fot the lab ladder race build but enough for speedy uberlab farming with safety. Twitch.tv/KeeaaD. Can watch video from here sometimes im streaming. ![]() Pros & Cons:
Pros: %72 evade attacks %30 dodge %500+ movement speed Traps are not problem only 1-2 time they will hit you and trap damage are hitting your %life so low life doesnt matter when running traps (but totems are dangerous this reason need to use flask for good hp recovery and recovery rate ) Can do full key run but need to carefull on argus :) Cons: Havent got large life pool If izaro have essence in his second phase it will be hard cause after one shot izaro essences still trying to attack you and with low life its sooo dangerous A bit expensive ^^ With this skill tree, leveling is cancer. Need to use orb of regret when reach 90 level Video:
Passive tree:
85 level Lab Farmer
I taked "high explosives + devastating device + clever construction" cause in early league statsticks are expensive and when take these nodes can one shot izaro easly If you wondering what kind of weapon we need to one shot izaro in early league with cheap gear you can craft for few chaos here is the crafting Item level 75+ Shaped Void Sceptre In result we need ANY Gain %15-20 phy as extra (any) elemental damage (T2) AND Free affix to craft spell damage or if its have already %50+ its awesome can craft FLAT ## TO ## COLD DAMAGE TO SPELL on statstick or DAMAGE PENETRE ELEMENTAL RESISTANCE 95 Level Lab Farmer
For this tree you need good 2 statstick cause we removed trap ring on tree ( assasin side.Here 2 good statstick not hard to craft can cost like 6-7 ex total but its nothing when you started lab farming for 3-4 day XD Bandit:
Kill all of them
Running: Because with you will have perma phasing and each weapon will give you %15 movement speed Killing: Helmet:
Because it will give you %20 movement speed + high% evasion rating ( we need to reach 45000 evasion rating for gain %75 movement speed from Boot:
%50 movement speed ^^ Rings:
We need to cap our resistance with 2 ring and they will be expensive i bought 160 total res + 50 life and its the best choise i think and if you have currency try to take a bit mana cause when we open grace+haste we almost use our all mana and need 30 mana for using phase run Amulet:
%10 movement speed and with corrupt %19-20 its very good amulet for runnnig Belt:
With new masters and alva we can take easly ^^ %36 movement speed Gloves:
I focused to take maximum life and fixed my all attributes to can use all gem 20 level Flask:
Dont need explanation i think ^^ Enchant:
Helmet: i suggest Smoke Mine grants additional 30% increased Movement Speed Beacuse with this enchant smoke mine will give %60 movement speed when we will use when entering new room and smoke mine buffs time is 15 second. Boot: 10% increased Movement Speed if you haven't been Hit Recently Dont need explanation i think ^^ Gloves: Doenst matter actually Jewels:
Cause of clacial cascade damage. Traps trigger area we need Curse and Flask effect increase Movement speed For %7 movement speed Body Armour:
For high evasion rating and movement speed We need to switch tabula on izaro fight. +2 AOE corrution is awesome for clasial cascade trap/mine build Leveling
Im leveling with toxic rain and here is the my leveling tree https://pastebin.com/TKPVVy5P With this skill tree leveling is soo hard my suggestion first reach 90 level with any other ranger/pathfinder build and then use for changing skill tree Izaro Fight
Body armor:
We need to change body armour in izaro cause when running we will be use And with qotf we cant skip izaro phase even its 6link so we need tabula +2 aoe corrption +2 level will boost our damage too much. Weapon:
When we running use But in izaro fight they are useless so we need to change weapon with "x" key (default). In early league or with low budget Item level 75+ Shaped Void Sceptre I wrote what we need in upper side Aura:
When running we will use ++ For maximum speed and on izaro fight we need to switch our aura to + With blood magic we will have 50-100 hp so we need to carefull on izaro fight and after glacial cascade traps are trigger we need to change weapon back and use to full our hp in short time Also we need to use ++ For damage boost and we need to use herald of ash, 2-3 sec before traps trigger cause its linked with arcane surge for damage boost Video:
Coming soon Gem setup
With increase duration support smoke mine have 15 second buff effect. Efficacy also gives %16 skill effect duration Tabula:
With +2 aoe corrption this setup is the best for damage Boot:
Best setup for phase run Weapon:
Weapon 1 : We need to use Enlighten cause when open haste+grace havent got any mana to use phase run but with Enlighten %8 mana left and its enough to active phase run Weapon 2: Im using charged dash cause dont like to open door. Charged dash can through the doors Izaro Fight:
Weapon 1: Hatred For damage boost and linked with bloodmagic cause we will use our mana with herald of ash Weapon 2: Herald of ash linked with arcane surge because when we active herald of ash , arcane surge will boost damage This guide is for league start-middle lab farmer if you have more currency you can look here:
https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/KEADTR/characters ENCHANT_SERVICE_KEAD ENCHANT_SERVICEC_B_KEAD Pantheon:
SOUL OF LUNARIS because more movement speed Soul of RALAKESH reduce damage over time trap damage PoB
This is the final version of trapper without reverse chill if you have 95 levle pf and have currency to min-max just do this pastebin XD BUILD STILL WORKING KEADTR IGN ENCHANT_SERVICE_B_KEAD : CHRACTER you cna take PoB my profile is public i cant take pob cause its forbidden in my country i dont know why i quit poe until 2020 summer if you have question about lab farming / zoom zoom build can ask me on discord KEAD#2130 Good luck everybody Editado por útlima vez por KEADTR#3332 en 10 ene. 2020 5:26:47 Reflotado por última vez en 25 ago. 2020 22:28:01
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any tips on leveling this?
thanks for the build! |
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Nice Standard Lab Farmer, only question I have is the Overflowing Chalice really necessary? I've never really found it to be, I would sub it for a Stibnite for more evasion for survivability and to lessen gear requirements to easily hit the QOTF cap or an Atziri's Promise for dmg and leech. Editado por útlima vez por Kiitsune_#3904 en 6 ene. 2019 0:10:26
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" Its not blade vortex build. Its glacial cascade trap. Overflowing chalice is impotant cause every 4-6 second you will chance room and you other flasks are cant re-fill in this sort time. and QOTF cap is 45000 now and you can see can hit 48k easly with this gears. Leveling: i did this guide today and i didnt know any ranger build for leveling this reason im searching similar skill tree today and tomorrow will add 1-2 build. |
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My bad, I'm an idiot... I think I got this confused with another guide I had stickied that I was coming back to comment on.... As for flasks though, usually with PF you have pretty good uptime same.. disregard the leveling thing though :P
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Thank you so much for this topic!
This was missing! ;) bugor420>BAA
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You forgot to add Pure Talent Viridian Jewel
bugor420>BAA Editado por útlima vez por baaui64#4212 en 6 ene. 2019 18:33:32
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" Added. Thanks |
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Which pantheon?
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