[3.5] Piercing Maelstrom of Steel - Lancing Steel Deadeye - 12 Million Shaper Dps - (Updated)
" Without the Maim Support gem all maim does is slow enemies it doesn't provide extra damage. So to answer your question yes you still need the Maim Support. |
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Im doing a very similar Build to yours but still different. The Concept is the same. But i go higher Chance to Poisen with Herald of Agony and 3 Extra Points on Skilltree. End up at 60%. Also Higher Bleed with Haemophilia Gloves, which help a lot for Clear. 75% Bleed in the End. Tree is different, i dont go big Life Wheel. Also i realy think the Points after Acrobatics are well spent.
My Tree Current Gear with Gemlinks
I think the new Daresso´s is great. Endurance Charges give u both strong Onslought and interact with immortal Call. Ahn´s Should be replaced with better Sword but realy gets expensive there. Belt should be Stygian Vise. Also one Ring not optimal. But for the next time i will save for 6L Daresso for big DPS increase. For now im quite happy. Charcter plays fine, even is surprisingly Tanky with only 5200 HP due Evade/Dodge/Block. Tooltip DPS in Hideout is 31k. I feel its a lot more for real, Havent loades my Char in PoB to check. |
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" I don't think spell dodge is very good. You don't care about the map mob spells for the most part. The spells you care about are the ones that one shot you from map bosses and such. You have to physically dodge them all anyways because you can't take the risk of them hitting you even with a 30% chance to dodge because you will still get one-shot if your dodge chance fails. Not worth the 4 points in my opinion. Daresso's downfall is that the endurance charge gain is on kill. You won't have them in the situations you need them most when facing map bosses alot of the time. Nothing wrong with wanting to go with a defensive option tho. I suggest Belly of the Beast if you want to go that route. ![]() There is your characters dps from path of building with everything going. Need to multiply everything except bleed by 7 to get true dps. Total Dps: 1,043,738 Bleed Dps: 13,849 (1.3% of total) Poison Dps: 9,521 (0.9% of total) Total Dps inc. Poison: 1,095,212 As you can see investing in the actual poison/bleed dps isn't going to get you very far. We just need them on the target to enable other thing tho we don't use them for their actual dps. Also bleed only stacks once so getting extra chance to bleed doesn't really do anything. I think Tombfists (even with one socket) + Herald of Ash is better than Haemophilia + Herald of Agony. Tombfists give 200+ life and a 10-15% dps increase because of intimidate over Haemophilia. Herald of Agony does about 40k dps with 40 stacks. Herald of Ash does 70k dps all the time. Lastly here is the difference in our trees. ![]() Sorry got a little carried away there. Anyways have fun with whatever you want to play and good luck out there. =) Editado por útlima vez por Savari94#4834 en 22 dic. 2018 17:49:55
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Thanks for the detailed Answer. Looks like your Version is better. Still sticky to my Version because it realy feels good to play :P. Good luck on the Atlas :)
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" Thanks for your answer. Still working on my character. Another question about ancestral protector, since you estimate the dps gain with combustion between 1-3%, link it with culling strike souldn't be more efficient ? Juste asking :) |
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I've just multimodded a 430 pdps foil and I'm looking around for builds to use it with. How would you rank this build against itself in the following categories?
Guardians/Shaper Uber Elder Deep Delves I've already got a cold snap/vortex trickster for farming up to 15 maps, and a dual nebuloch juggernaut with loreweave/xoph's blood for hard boss content. Wondering where this Deadeye would fit in. |
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" That's one thing path of build doesn't calculate dps for. Anyways your right, that's probably better. I'll update the guide. |
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" I have't done much endgame content with this build but from my experiences so far I'd say this build should do above average in all those situations. You have really high dps so most things should melt (ever guardians and shaper) and you can dps thing off screen if you want. This is a build that has a very rare combination if being able to use whirling blades/leap slam while being ranged with very high attack speed. So you can zip around all over the place to dodge stuff without having to be in melee to dps. Lancing steel does very well in hallways and open rooms for delves. Just doesn't like door ways, those are annoying. The only downside I'd say this build has is it's survivability. It has the tools to survive and good evade chance but you will get one shot time to time if your not careful. If you want a more tanky character you definitely have to room in the gear to make some more defensive choices while having very good dps. Overall I'd say: Single target: 9.5/10 Clear: 8/10 Speed: 8/10 Durability: 6.5/10 I'm sure someone else could answer some more specific questions about end game content if you ask. Anyways have fun =). Editado por útlima vez por Savari94#4834 en 24 dic. 2018 19:12:10
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Would a yoke of suffering add to this build? Thanks for the guide.
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" It's workable. The problem is it has no life. As far as dps goes, its equivalent to a 20-40c amulet if you just have the ignite, poison and bleed. More if you can somehow reliably shock and freeze things. Overall I think a rare amulet will serve you better in the long run but yoke of suffering should work as a place holder in the mean time. However if you want to run a no life amulet for mapping and you don't have farrul's fur I think Victario's Acuity will have bigger dps increase with charges up if you can fit it into your resistance balancing game. Editado por útlima vez por Savari94#4834 en 26 dic. 2018 0:00:36
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