[3.6] The Blizz Sorc - Icestorm/Winter Orb CI Occultist - Viable For Everything
" I think even 0.5 from Merciness lab will do the trick. It is insignificant difference. |
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" Sorry, I meant mapping space to the shift key :P space is really easy to hold with your thumb without moving your other fingers. shift seems like it would be a pain but I've not actually tried it :P |
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While I am tapping the flask a bit I'm not finding it too bad running with a 6l staff, I used it all day yesterday. I'm just wondering what the most efficient use of the staff is. I put hypo in for spell cascade for now. I still need to enchant my boots, I had the mana enchant on my old boots but was only using a 5l at the time. My boss staff is just a 4l and it doesn't run out of mana.
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I sometimes have a problem with incursions, not much time left to kill all monsters or even cannot kill them all if the layout is not good. And ONCE it happened for transportation syndicate that i did not kill the bosses IN time. What shall I improve?
Editado por útlima vez por Mighty_fist#7145 en 29 ene. 2019 9:22:48
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" I looked at you character profile and you should get another staff to have both a clearing staff and a single target staff. The clearing staff would really help you in incursion. I was often struggling with incursion and transportation as well. Now I use the following strategy : I precharge winter orb with the clearing staff to 10 stacks before clicking on the portal. That way it is killing the mobs that are around the portal as soon as I am entering the incursion. Using the damage boosting flasks as well may help (sulphur, atziri, wise oak). Then I try to go straight to the boss to kill him fast with the boss killing staff (switching when I get next to him while activating VS). A quicksilver flask helps as well to get there asap. It is often possible to leave the boss under the icestorm and switch to the clearing staff if he is nearly dead, to get faster to the next pack, the boss should die anyway. I try to not backtrack too much but to do a loop in the level to clear the most mobs in the shorter amount of time (not always possible in some rooms). Some rares may survive the winter orb, I may leave them behind if I am too short on time, but the stone should drop at some point. It does not always work but roughly 90% of the time I would say. For transportation, I flamedash in front of the caravan with winter orb stacks fully charged (you should be able to see the syndicate before activating it most of the time, giving time to charge the stacks). WO helps clearing the regular mobs on the way. I then switch to the boss staff, activate VS and the defensive flasks to kill the syndicate dudes. They should get to you really fast and stay nearby as long as the caravan has not gone too much further. If they leave, just rinse and repeat as long as it is necessary to kill them and stop the caravan. It can be a risky tactic, and I died once when trying to get ahead, but it was a long time ago and it hasn't happened lately. For research, I just rush to the syndicate dude, as soon as he is dead, you are good. Editado por útlima vez por Abrusio#0039 en 29 ene. 2019 10:05:28
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" Thanks! I think I died 2 times at 97, just because I keep farming Uber Elder and digging deep into the delves. I've saved a whole bunch of pure breachstones from the Syndicate too, but haven't used them yet. Mana is not an issue at all, even with lv 21 WO. Enchant your boots, they will give you all the mana you need. A more advanced thing (as seen in my boots): Discipline - AA - Bonechill - Enlighten (I dropped Ancestral Call to make space for Enlighten). This way, when I need to use a Purity aura, I don't have to take out Bonechill. With Enlighten I no longer reserve 100% mana in that situation. Being able to keep Bonechill against the endgame bosses is very nice. An even more advanced thing: 4 jewels with 1% mana res corruption are the same as 1 small mana res node (such as near CI). Only works with 4 because of the rounding. |
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" 2 staves is a must for high tier incursions. As mentioned above, pre-charge WO before clicking in. Use Frostbite instead of Enfeeble. Flasks for damage. Quicksilver to run fast. When inside, it depends on what you need. If connecting the room is not a priority, go straight for the boss. However, if you need both the boss and connections, then I'd go methodically in one direction (e.g. clockwise) killing everything in your way, so that you never have to backtrack. Switch to the single target staff for the architect, then back to the AoE one when he's about to die. Don't wait for everything to die. If it's a pack of trash then they will die even after you cast on them for 1 sec. Bloodlines or rares take a little longer but give you extra time for killing them, and they are usually the ones dropping the Stone of Passage. Editado por útlima vez por Kelvynn#6607 en 29 ene. 2019 11:12:23
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" Thank you everyone for the support!!! But sorry I did not understand everything. In the guide it was mentioned only the gems and links about one staff. Maybe I didnt read carefully. Could you then please tell me which gems I need to have in another staff then? Do I also need to get them all for 20/20quality again? Is my current staff good or I need to change some links/gems etc? What are the links in the second staff? And regarding the Frostbite. Do I need to permanently replace it instead of Enfeable? Because I was LITERALLY following the guide and it was not mentioned that so I jsut did EXACTLY how it is in the guide sorry... |
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the second staff was discussed later in the thread. It's basically like this but a 5l without hypothermia and then spell cascade in the free socket:
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" Thank you. So to be clear the first one I keep like MINE? And the second one I buy with winter ord-cast when chanelling-miltiple projectiles-cold penetration-controlled destruction and spell cascade right? And which one is for mapping and which one is for bosses? This build is getting more and more costly:( If I have to buy all gems again... Does the cast speed matter or I can literally buy ANY staff? |
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