[3.6] The Blizz Sorc - Icestorm/Winter Orb CI Occultist - Viable For Everything
" Ahh yes that'd do it " Sure but I wouldn't trade it for ES on hit, and % max mana as ES AND ES on hit is...retarded expensive. |
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" If memory bosses gets elemental damage + elemental pen, then they hit really hard. with ele pen, they hit really hard, and if you cannot avoid the attacks they one shot you. :/ clean kills, congrats :) |
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" Laughs in 18K Energy Shield + 52% maximum ES leech rate :) P.S. Did few days ago(was level 99 lol...going to 100) a 6-man lv83 Rewritten Boss with double elemental mod + crit chance + crit multi + elemental penetration for end game grinds. Guess what happened, all the "meta" folks where lying dead around about half of the fight and i managed to save the day and kill the boss alone :). Moments like this one are when i get really proud of how much this build with proper gear can handle. Editado por útlima vez por lilianmarius#0775 en 17 abr. 2019 4:46:13
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" Yes I tried and had very bad RNG. It was at the beginning of the league so I didn't have a lot of chromatics and I got Vorici in research faster than 200 chromatics. " I failed my 6th attempt... will try again tonight Editado por útlima vez por AsbelFar#6192 en 17 abr. 2019 4:31:24
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Hey lilian any advice for using a talisman instead of an astramentis? I picked up one with decent mods (31 to all attr and 15% inc) but getting my Dex and Str up is going to be extremely difficult. I looked at your tree and see where you took out the Breath of Rime cluster to pick up more strength and dex but when I did that I lost a huge amount of DPS. My INT went up by nearly 100 but it seemed like I barely broke even on the damage...although my ES was up by almost 500 so perhaps it is worth it.
I'm still going to tinker a bit more to see what can be done. I'm about to hit Lv 96 but I don't know if that's high enough to make good use of a talisman as you really have to spread the points around to get those stats up. |
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" Only the Rewritten one. The rest are trivial with the matching purity even at lv 83 with any mods. For the Rewritten with bad mods, you just dodge the laser ('Light of salvation!'). And they even fixed the bug in the latest patch where something kept damaging you near the middle after it died. |
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Talisman update:
Ok so I did some testing. In order to keep my stats up after swapping out Astramentis I had to remove the Breath of Rime and Divine Judgement clusters. This gave me the 8 points I needed to add Trickery, Expertise and Ancestral Knowledge. Also added Alacrity and swapped out two Brute Force Solutions for two Fertile Minds. Also had to swap out one jewel to add a little strength. Here is what happened: Original stats at Lv 95 with Astramentis: Clear Staff: 4537 DPS Boss Staff: 11506 DPS Mana: 1931 Int: 2159 Str: 122 Dex: 120 ES: 11777 New Tree at Lv 95 with Talisman: Clear Staff: 4553 DPS Boss Staff: 11554 DPS Mana: 2018 Int: 2367 Str: 120 Dex: 113 ES: 12719 So the only real bonus here is almost 1000 ES with a bit more recharge and mana regen. I had to give up 6% elem pen and a lot of chill and freeze effects. Tried out a Tier 11 map and noticed the lack of chill and freeze making mobs a bit faster but wasn't too bad. I'm 85% to Lv 96 so getting another level would allow me to pick up Cold Damage, Freeze and Chill Duration which would give me some of that enemy slowdown back. I'm going to run a few more maps to see how this feels. I don't like giving up the freeze, chill and elem pen but having another 1000 ES is pretty nice. I doubt I'm going to make it past Lv 96 so if I keep these changes then I'll have to live with it. Thoughts? Does this seem like too much to give up for 1,000 ES? Here is the talisman I'm using for reference: |
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" I got -6, is that good enough or -7 is the magic number? " I just upgraded the Arakaali to level 2, will test BR again when I am 80ish. I did my merc lab and upgraded a few items, now standing at 5895 ES and I can clear up to tier 10 maps w/o dying. Corrected the Bonechill-AA link, thanks for pointing out. Also re-set up CWDT-IC as well (due to change of gear, I did not have enough dex to support my level 17 IC, have to re-start at level 1) Editado por útlima vez por romi510#2354 en 17 abr. 2019 12:31:19
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Out of curiosity, how do you craft 6% implicit? The price of readily 6% int (non corrupted seems a bit too high (7.8 Ex)
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What would you combine in the synthesizer to make fractured mod +54 intelligence gloves?
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