[3.8] FreezeFinder - (Retro) [Blade Vortex + Vaal Cold snap] - [All Content]
" I think the breath of Rhyme adds a lot to the build personally. The Chance to freeze really adds up with the other sources we take, especially with the hit rate of blade vortex. The increased effect of chill not only means we reach the 30% animation slow (similar effect to Temporal chains) on high HP targets quickly and consistantly, which is a large survivability increase, it also scales the multiplier from our Bonechill gem, especially when it is kept in the 4 gem socket setup with Hypothermia and Cold snap. The inc duration of freeze and chill again are nice quality of life, and some additional cold damage on top. Vaal cold snap fits really well, because it stacks its damage ontop of BV, and in the 4 link setup and possible pseudo 6 link with a lucky helm craft can deal substantial damage whilst at the same time supplimenting BV damage through Bonechill. I think you can switch out Herald for purity on Uber if your are stuggling to tank ball hits yet, howver herald is 25% reservation (+some more for the links and Elemental prolif in Doryani's), Purity of Ice is 35% reservation (but wont be affected by gem links if swapped) so you MAY run into mana issues with the reduced mana pool, you also might not. Iv'e actually moved away from the mind barrier cluster as we werent utilising it to its full potnentil and the spell block was honestly exessive at this point, I personally wouldn't trade out breath of Rhyme, Mind Barrier however I think is good to reallocate, and in the official form of the build have redistributed the points back into the increased duration nodes. The guide has probably been edited some since you last read it. Editado por útlima vez por mfeeney87#3258 en 31 dic. 2018 12:52:40
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Hey there once again :>
So RNG finally blessed me with a chance to face uber elder..and well it went pretty smooth..killed it on last portal but that;s mostly cause of my own mistakes :) DPS wasn't to big but defensively felt very solid. And not like other above me i haven;t changed stuff ant went with OP build :) Synergies are to good to pass up :) Here's my stuff for the curious
On the list of upgrades -> dbl corrupt ammy and to get dbl hatred watchers :D ( i know, small stuff :D )..also as you can see there's still quiet lot's of room to improve and yet better player could easyle go deathless with the gear i posses. So HUGE thanks to the author for this piece of art :) i'd get you a beer without a doubt if i had a chance :) EDIT : i don;t use phase run gem as i don;t like pressing too much buttons and i barely ever used it and phase on kill jewel solves all the stuff ;) also onslaught on kill tremendously boosts clearspeed :) EDIT v2 : also ignore shit stats on jewels..pretty much all of them are "FU rng " ex slams :D Wicked_Clown Editado por útlima vez por DjPapaz#5561 en 31 dic. 2018 14:53:27
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" Thanks man really glad you enjoyed it! And yup Onslaught on kill for a Jewel suffix for sure. I will get oen for my char in standard at some point for people referenceing, enjoying Betreyal ATM. In regards to the double corrupt amulet, It means in min max setup you will have to find a dex roll on accessories or Jewel slot even with a 10% Dex perfect form OR re-sepc a point back into Agility, which at higher levels would probably be my preffered option. |
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" Yeah im aware of dex stuff..but im feel like tri-stat regular jewels are nuf dps/utility so 4th staff can be sacrifised for dex..might be expencive to get tho..but oh well..game is ment to have fun ;) and corrupting stuff is hell of the fun :D EDIT: also im pretty much 100% of time using Arakaali/shakari pantheons..and never had any trouble no matter waht..but for uber i switched to Lunaris/Yogul and that seems to do the trick :) Wicked_Clown Editado por útlima vez por DjPapaz#5561 en 31 dic. 2018 16:08:47
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This build is unfair. I just killed Uber Elder on my first attempt (3 deaths). I don't think that's how it's supposed to go for me....
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Build was great. Probably easiest league I've had thanks to it. Was especially nice for the RIPy betrayal encounters.
Editado por útlima vez por GoddessEtna#1620 en 1 ene. 2019 2:13:11
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" Nice job man, TBF my first ever kill was Molten strike 4 portals. NO IDEA what was going on. |
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Tyvm for the amazing build and comprehensive guide, i was able to reach Shaper and kill him for the first time ever, got it with 3 portals left, i died during the slam phase i think? and the bullet phase 2,3 times (first tried to dodge without being in the bubble and the second entering the realm, zana`s bubble was smaller? wtf? new to mechanics on final game lol... From the gear the amulet was the most "difficult" to get 6.5ex from the required gear from budget perspective (i dont have double hatred watcher's eye lol)
Tyvm again! |
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Had a blast with this build (and the guide is well written) !
Taking a break from the league (had my 24/40, I'm done :>) With core items w/ average rolls (no enchants + rings pretty bad) and 2 expensive items (Pandemonium (got lucky on Tul's drop, did not cost me much) and 2*Hatred WE (15ex)), this build rolls on the content (Maybe I will find the strength to do Uber elder, only boss I did not kill). The speedclear is pretty nice, and uber lab is a piece of cake (not as fast as QotF but higher than most builds I played). Looking forward for your other guides for probably next league ! |
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" Thanks a lot for the great feedback guys, really glad you enjoted it. Editado por útlima vez por mfeeney87#3258 en 2 ene. 2019 11:22:54
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