[3.8] FreezeFinder - (Retro) [Blade Vortex + Vaal Cold snap] - [All Content]
Are there better alternatives to atziri's steps? There's a suffix(matatl's) that gives you 11-12% spell dodge chance + 30% movement speed. Is the extra 4% from atziri's worth it compared to rare boots with matatl's + fire and lightning resist.
Also would crafting "non-vaal skills deal(30-40%) increased damage during soul gain prevention" be good if you're using blade vortex and vaal cold snap? Thanks again for the build. |
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Somebody has asked the same thing before but I'll try my luck again:
Can anyone hint me in the direction of a decent replacement for Perfect Form ? I'm play hardcore betrayal and there isn't even a single Perfect Form on the market. Do i just go with a 5L w/ life n resist? |
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" The cybils Paw is great! I had overlooked that, really nice idea. The agility ahs been covered, the tree has been made so that you need no stat rolls from items whatsoever, you resepec out of the agility node at level 93 with the Perfect form equipped, taking the 2 dex nodes on the way to the jewel socket abover herbalism. Also doryani's is actually pretty competative since the Phys ---> elemental nerfs, and has a lot of additional QoL on it like Leech, cast speed and local Attack speed. Editado por útlima vez por mfeeney87#3258 en 15 dic. 2018 10:44:34
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" The build is literally built around it, it's not too hard to farm Tul breaches, especially this league. I would porbbaly use a rare in the meantime. Editado por útlima vez por mfeeney87#3258 en 15 dic. 2018 10:19:28
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" My builds are set up in such a way that they are accessabel and scaleable every league. There comes a time with ANY build that nich high end items and rares enable you to enter a "Pimp my Build" mode, such as the conversion craft on gloves, at that point you should be knowing what you are doing. I'd rather provide a rock solid framework. Editado por útlima vez por mfeeney87#3258 en 15 dic. 2018 10:23:54
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" But like anything, it preference, if you have covered resists and life, what else do you need from the rare boots? In that circumstance I would take the atziri boots as 4% dodge is a none negligable number. And your welcome, sorry think im fucking up the replys with the quotes by rpessing the wrong button just got in from work.# AS with those things, its preference, I dont think its a bad thing at all. but I will probably update the guids with these things after I have seen all of betreyal and grown accustomed to all the options. Editado por útlima vez por mfeeney87#3258 en 15 dic. 2018 10:46:10
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Hello! Thanks for a great build and probably greatest guide around. Feels extremely tanky, but still have enough damage. Did HOGM in 5l, not fully geared, t15 are a breeze. Thanks again!
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" My pleasure mate, glad you are enjoying it! And thank you, I put a lot of effort into making the guid accessable and as bullet proof as possible for newer players. |
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Thanks for this guide, I used it as my league started for Hardcore Betrayal and so far lvl 91 and doing great.
" I'm using a kaom's heart with BV linked on my helmet, very easy to farm with Frigid Fossil and the damage feels p decent for now, 7k hp and also testing dual curse to feel even more safe, here's my gear:
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A final update on the build overall :
Actually lvl 91, the build literally destroys everything in its path (except ele reflect). Imo the build can compete in clearspeed with an Inpulsa BV Ele with the ele prolif from the sceptre and the synergy of Pathfinder with flasks, and the PF is actually more tankier than the elementalist. Did Yellow Elder and it went pretty smooth (his guardians were in red maps tho but were pretty easy). Syndicates are pretty easy except some nasty combos (I had It That Fled and Janus all max rank in a t12 map with EE and Extra ligthning dmg). Only died 12 times which 3/4 were during the leveling but only died once on a reflect map (unid map lol) and me being a bit greedy on a rippy map with a dangerous boss. I use ToH for hard maps/bosses My next upgrades will probably be changing the ring to opal ring but that's kinda expensive so ... Im trying to craft a belt with % elemental damage from fossils but so far no luck with the rolls. Really happy that i found this build ! I will unlock the Mastermind boss soon and I will report how it goes with the build. Editado por útlima vez por TsunaH#3575 en 15 dic. 2018 20:24:26
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