[3.9] Ice 9 Kills \m/ -Not Budget :( 9+ attacks/second-Chill/Freeze)
![]() Ice 9 Kills Raider - 3.6 Updates, Explanation, Pros & Cons (Updated 3/7/2019)
3.6 Update: Skill trees are updated. The only gear choice I'd make is to possibly use the new Maloney's Mechanism quiver. It has up to 3 sockets and triggers a socketed bow skill with a 1s cooldown (according to what I've researched) I'd stick a 3rd Ele Hit in here and get another 100k DPS. So, with all 3 of our Ele Hit's going, we would be close to 500k DPS against bosses. Or could be used solely for utility. Stuff like Frenzy, Culling Strike, Blind, Mana/life Leech. •9+ Cold Elemental Hit attacks per second, keep everything chilled/Frozen! •Ele hit on a RAT for more dps •Asenath's Chant procs Frostbite curse and Arctic Breath to apply Bonechill •Bonechill buffs your Ele Hit dmg •Super fast attacks synergize well with life/mana on hit from Thief's Torment •Budget build! League starter! Easily under 2ex. (according to day 1 prices from Delve league) •Only needs a 6l rare chest, Quill Rain doesn't need to be 6 linked Pros: •Kill stuff from far away + super fast movement speed •Good defenses from evasion and dodge. 50% or more Melee evade, 89% or more projectile evade, 74% attack dodge, 64% spell dodge. •Cheap items! Cons: •Not a ton of room to min/max without just making it a typical bow build. •Cannot do Ele Reflect maps •Low life pool on budget gear, so like most bow builds, you will have to dodge dangerous attacks and have good management of Vaal Grace uptime for tough encounters or bosses. •Bow builds are a little harder to level without leveling uniques, so might be rough for new players. Pro to some, Con to others: •Some people like active playstyles, some people just want to fly through a map only pressing 1 button. Soo.... •Should clear packs with just 1 button: Elemental Hit. •Boss figthts will require dropping RAT Totem, Blink Arrow and then kiting around. +Popping Vaal Grace when something really nasty might hit you. Come by and chat if you have anything to discuss about this build! 🐖TheNotoriousPIG's Twitch Live Stream Channel🐖 Videos
I don't have a ton of time to farm, which is why I make budget builds. Therefor, tier 10/11 is the highest I've done so far. But you can get an idea of the build's playstyle and hopefully soon I can gear up better and have some better content to show off!
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/348298813 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/348298651 3.6 Skill Trees
Refer to the "Skill Gems Setup" part of the guide below to see what gems you should always be on the lookout for and add them as you can! Starting Tree + Tips
Kill all Bandits. start with Split Arrow and a bow.
Get Elemental Hit at level 12 and you're good to go! (don't forget to see the "Skill Gems Setup" for gems to add to your Ele Hit) We will respec out of the proj dmg nodes later, but these are better than life/EV for early levels. ***Important*** If you can get the Combat Focus Viridian and Cobalt jewel or any decent jewels with dmg/life/resist then rush to them. Otherwise, skip them because nodes on the tree will benefit you more. I grab the +30 Int node so I can easily level my blue gems. https://poeplanner.com/ABAAAIEADhIAAD3-urvjxKLuDoGsM5JDE6fU_siv6wHRokD0-KEiVvp31xR1yMzvj99vW69OKkz_QzF9ddN-73qQCqTC2sEuU9NvfyswfFFHN9TtP41-zZjqYnXLvqdlTb02_W6xfMPmjbl07QUtjX0j9k2Sa5AS8S9yLU0XJnqE0K1B0AAAAAAA Tree/Gear at 71 pts
Try to get these early. Fill all other slots with rares with as much resist as possible, getting to 75% of each will make leveling super easy!
I like to grab Piercing Shots early, it helps Ele Hit clear packs much faster. Grab a Thief's Torment at lvl 30 if you can afford it, it'll solve all your life/mana sustain issues! https://poeplanner.com/ABAAAKUAEBIAAE_-urvjxKLuDoGsM5JDE6fU_siv6wHRokD0-KEiVvp31xR1yMzvj99vW69OKkz_QzF9ddN-73qQCqTC2sEuU9NvfyswfFFHN9TtP41-zZjqYnXLvqdlTb02_W6xfMPmjbl07QUtjX0j9k2Sjb_UIzBx3ahLeDpCBbXC7LTFYqxsjJ2qNj0byLkCpAUfTB9Ba5AS8S9yLU0XJnqE0K1B0AAAAAAA 102 pts : Tree and Gear
Once I was comfortable with my dmg/survivability,I put points into the life/evasion start and once it was connected I respecced out of the proj dmg.
After I completed Merc Lab around level 70, I began taking the Frenzy Charges on the tree. https://poeplanner.com/ABAAAOMAEBIAAG7-urvjxKLuDoGsM5JDE6fU_shW-nfXFHXIzO-P329br04qTP9DMX11037vepAKpMLawS5T029_KzB8UUeNfs2Y6mJ1y76nZU29Nv1usXzD5o25dO0FLY19I_ZNko2_1CMwcd2oS3g6QgW1wuy0xWKsbIydqjY9XfKexKa-VEeMNlVLYeImlSpbefZS7Id2Sn1noOOfwzNaGj7PveYAXhmO7YMILpuN6NbPepsmpcsM8t1GY6cRgdvnbAjxiphTH0EfTHpTYesbyKQFuQJrkBLxL3ItTRcmeoTQrUHQAAAAAAA= Planned tree for lvl 90: 3.6 Path of Building - Budget Gear - lvl 20/0% Gems
Required Gear
1. Quill Rain - need this for super fast attacks 2. Asenath's Chant - to cast lots of Arctic Breath's 3. Thief's Torment - to sustain mana and also lots of life gain on hit Not Required but really good: 4. Drillneck Quiver - CHEAP and extra pierce is great! 5. Hyrri's Ire - Gives us a massive DPS boost + more dodge. 6. The Pandemonious - Cold Pen for dmg, Blind for defense. Expensive :( Flask: 1. Atziri's Promise 2. Wise Oak 3. Any Sulphur Flask 4. Quicksilver Flask 5. Bubbling or Seething life Flask 6. Soul Catcher -Expensive flask options 7. Dying Sun (Easier to hit targets + good against fire dmg) Skill Gems Setup
•Body Armour: Elemental Hit - Ele Dmg with Attacks - Hypothermia - Slower Projectiles - Faster Attacks -GMP (for mapping) - Cold Penetration (for bosses) •CWDT(lvl 2) - Frost Bomb(lvl 11) - Immortal Call (lvl 4) - Lightning Golem •Helm: Arctic Breath - GMP - Bonechill - Frostbite •Herald of Ice - Vaal Grace - Blood Rage - Blink Arrow Quill Rain: Ranged Attack Totem - Elemental Hit - Hypothermia - Added Cold - Cold Penetration - Elemental Damage with Attacks Class and Ascendencies
•Class: Ranger
•Ascendency: Raider 1st: Rapid Assault 2nd: Avatar of the Chase 3rd: Way of the Poacher 4th: Avatar of the Slaughter •We go Rapid Assault and Avatar of Chase first because the free Onslaught and then double Onslaught and evasion will be much more useful than Frenzy charges early on. Especially since we don't really want to take Frenzy nodes early. Life, increased damage and jewel slots are much more efficient. Pantheons
Major: Soul of Lunaris - •Capture Capture Thraxia in Spider Lair Map •Capture Sebbert, Crescent's Point in Moon Temple Map •Capture Lycius, Midnight's Howl in Lair Map -We have practically none, so phys reduction will be useful. -Projectile and spell dodge on top of what we already have is great. Minor: Garukan or Ralakesh would both be good Garukhan •Capture Stalker of the Endless Dunes in Dig Map -Even more evasion -6% movement speed Ralakesh •Capture Drek, Apex Hunter in Fields Map -Bleed avoidance is nice, but maim slowing us and blind hurting our attacks would really suck. Being immune to those is great! Taking this build to the next level
•A 6 link Hyrri's Ire will give you about 100k more dps. •Pandemonious amulet is another 100k or so dps. •A Lioneye's Glare Bow gives us about 60k DPS •A lvl 21 Ele hit will add about 30k dps. •Dying Sun flask - does't technically increase dps, but more projectiles will make it easier to consistently hit bosses when you don't have in GMP. This should be a dps increase cause you should be hitting more often when kiting around. •Path of Building with all of these changes: 496k boss DPS from our main attack 240k boss DPS from RAT 316 boss DPs from triggered Ele hit in Maloney's Mechanism https://pastebin.com/dAa22iRC F.A.Q. about Upgrading from Quill Rain/Thief's Torment
I've been asked this a lot, so I'll add a section.
Bow instead of Quill Rain: Lioneye's Glare is a DPS boost but will be very expensive early league. You can use it around lvl 66 if you can afford it. Frostbite and Arctic Breath should still proc reliably. Expensive Rare Bow? Short answer: 1ex rare bow gives you nothing. Multiple exalts to see a notable increase in DPS. Long answer:
The best stats a rare bow could give us would be high attack speed, accuracy and + gem levels. I imported the stats for a few bows listed on Poetrade listed between 100c and 1ex each; and all were damn near the same DPS as Quill. If you invested the fusings and 6 linked the bow so that you could take advantage of the +2 gems,then you gain about 60k DPS... The same as if you just kept it in your body armour and went with a Lioneye's bow.
The best rare upgrade I found was a 20ex bow that was 6 linked and gave us 140k dps, these are the stats for it:
4% increased Attack Speed
Adds 3 to 5 Cold Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 10 Dexterity Socketed Skills deal 20% more Attack Damage Adds 62 to 118 Chaos Damage 14% increased Attack Speed 14% increased Critical Strike Chance 112% increased Elemental Damage +223 to Accuracy Rating Other rings instead of Thief's Torment:Sadly, we're pretty much stuck with this. It's just too good for our build. Even with a slower attacking bow like Lioneye's Glare, we still have nearly 5 attacks per second, which is around 250 mana per second needed to sustain. I allocated the 2 easiest mana leech nodes from the tree and still only had a little over 200 mana leeched per second. Not to mention the fact that we'd have to pull those 6 points from somewhere else that would mean losing damage or life. Editado por útlima vez por TheNotoriousPIG#6281 en 11 dic. 2019 17:57:43 Reflotado por última vez en 21 nov. 2019 22:32:23
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Very interesting, I'll probably do something very similar so I'll be sure to keep an eye on this thread once the league starts.
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Looks awesome!
Wouldn't you be able to save one passive by pathing down at the start of Ranger instead of up from Ballistic Mastery? |
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You think that build can be a good league starter?
Editado por útlima vez por megastriker123#4811 en 4 dic. 2018 12:13:12
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So you would be casting ice shot & arctic breath separately?
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Arctic Breath would cast auto from Asenath's Chant, you'd be dropping the ele hit totem and using iceshot.
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Rip build
Quill Rain now causes you to deal 40% less Damage (as opposed to Weapon Damage). This affects all versions of the item. |
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" Yea, all the uniques are easy to get and cheap early league. Only Quill Rain and Asenath's are build enabling. " I think it can still be good, the Ice shot and RAT Totem were already getting the 40% less damage, so those numbers should be exactly the same as the PoB. While I was hoping for a big increase in the Arctic Breath numbers that PoB was showing, if the dps for that is absolute crap my backup plan is to put utility spells in there: -Cold Snap for chill and frenzies -Frost Bomb for -20 Cold res -Frostbite or Projectile Weakness for dmg/freeze/knockback -Blood Rage for attack speed/frenzies |
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Double post - opps
Editado por útlima vez por TheNotoriousPIG#6281 en 5 dic. 2018 10:52:06
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" What do you exactly mean by " ice shot and rat totem were already getting 40% less damage" ? |
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