[3.15] Crimson Bow Gladiator, RoA + Puncture | Pure Bleed Build | All Content | In-depth
Wow! Awesome craft! Can't wait for your guide, thank you ;)
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Editado por útlima vez por NyRalph0#7864 en 5 may. 2021 19:31:58
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Day was a bit busier than usual but i did finish the crafting method. I heavily doubt there's any mistake there. That's the good news. The bad news, i heavily underestimated the average cost. I assumed rolling hybrid physical mod is going to be easier than it is in reality.
Budget version which is on pair with Slivertongue unique bow should be relatively similar in cost (considering you can buy 6-link bow base for cheap) with higher attack speed, so it's still worth it i'd say. Expensive version to get something similar to my bow (and i got stupidly lucky rolling T2 hybrid phys) costs considerable amount, 6-10ex or something. Doesn't help that i don't have any clue what people charge for some harvest crafts... Budget elder bleed bow from last league was significantly easier, stronger and cheaper to craft, that's for sure. Anyway, here's the method:
Required: Non-influenced bow ilvl 83+
PART 1 - CRAFTING PREFIXES Step 1: Use Deafeaning Essences of Contempt until you get hybrid physical mod: * (25–34)% increased Physical Damage / +(47–72) to Accuracy Rating (~1/20 chance) * ...or better than that. Tiers above that are much harder to get (~1/50 chance). Step 2: If bow has a free prefix, go to the next step. If it doesn't, check if: * 3rd prefix is "(110–134)% increased Physical Damage" or better, go to the step 5. * Hybrid physical mod is T4 (35-44)% increased Physical Damage or better, consider removing unwanted prefix with corresponding harvest craft. You shouldn't use "Remove Physical" or "Remove Attack". * You have 3 suffixes - use Orb of Annulment. If you removed a suffix, repeat step 2. * You have 2 suffixes or less - use "Remove prefix, add suffix" beastcrafting recipe. Step 3: If you removed 3rd unwanted prefix, go to the next step. If you removed essence mod OR hybrid phys, go back to step 1. Step 4: You have two choices: * Budget version - Craft "(100–129)% increased Physical Damage" which finishes your craft (CRAFTING END). * Expensive version - Use T4 Aisling's bench in research to add veiled mod. You'll have very high chance of unveiling mod with "(120–139)% increased Physical Damage", choose it. WARNING: If you still have a free suffix, there is a fair chance that you'll only add veiled suffix. PART 2 - CRAFTING SUFFIXES At this point your prefixes are locked and you can freely experiment with suffixes - as much as your budget allows. This part is optional, and if you're happy with you suffixes you can ignore it. I didn't cover all suffix crafting options to avoid clutter. Step 5: Check your suffixes. * If you have "+#% to Damage over Time Multiplier" and 2 suffixes, go to step 7. * If you have "+#% to Damage over Time Multiplier" and 3 suffixes, consider removing unwanted suffix with corresponding harvest craft. You CANNOT use "Remove Physical" or "Remove Attack". If you can't remove other suffixes, go to step 8. * If you have free suffix, go to the next step. * If you don't have a free suffix, use "Reroll a Rare item, keeping all Prefixes" harvest craft. If you still have 3 suffixes, repeat step 5. Step 6: Use "Remove non-Physical modifier, add Physical modifier" harvest craft to guarantee "#% increased Damage with Bleeding" suffix. Step 7: Craft "(8–10)% increased Attack Speed / +(7–12)% to Quality" hybrid mod on crafting bench. If you already have attack speed, craft another suffix of your choice. Step 8: Use Divine Orb OR "Reroll the values of ### modifiers" harvest craft until you're satisfied. (CRAFTING END). It's also in crafting section right now which i'll add commentary. changelog details and some extra info tomorrow since it's almost morning here and i have yet to sleep. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
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Changelog - May 6th, 2021
Gem Setups:
* Divergent Rain of Arrows (4 extra arrows) moved to superior alternate gems. * Very minor commentary adjustments to optional gems. Equipment: * Added new bows for showcase. * Fixed few typos and bring some of the sections up to date (minor adjustments). Classic Build: * Added explaination why you should use normal Farrul's Fur over replica version. Videos: * Added 6 new videos from 3.14 league. Two low/medium budget Puncture build and four medium budget Classic build. Crafting Section: * Added Bleed Bow crafting method and commentary. FAQ: * Added "Q: What is T4 Aisling research bench? Isn't T3 the highest?" Doesn't seem much i know. Making sure that crafting method is optimal, easy enough to follow (i hope it is) and there's no dead ends that'll screw players up takes some time. It's harder job than it looks considering you cannot possibly include ALL options, otherwise it's too cluttered. I should probably format it better. I might also add extra step to crafting method to ensure Aisling hits prefix and not suffix (there's only a warning atm). Other news, i bought quite a lot of alternate quality gems confirmed some something i was wondering about. Divergent Chance to Bleed is indeed stronger than the default one in all cases. It gives 20% More Added Damage, which includes any sources of added damage except your weapon. Puncture benefits from quite a lot. Another alternate quality gem, Divergent Rain of Arrows which i don't currently have in my possession (since i'd need Vaal version anyway). It adds 4 extra arrows to RoA salvo, and half of the arrows aim directly on top of enemies. This league Vaal RoA received a buff which increased amount of arrows fired in similar fashion to Divergent quality. If you checked newest videos then you've seen it in action - it DESTROYS packs of monsters and due to so many arrows (therefore reach) it will kill mobs outside of the screen. I'd say it's a straight upgrade from default quality after all. As i'm approaching end game i definitely feel elder bleed bow nerf. It's not too bad, but still visible. There's still a good chance that investing more money, and i have many more upgrades in front of me, will fill that void eventually. That's all i have right now on my mind. Hopefully i'll play a bit more soon to test build against special Maven invitations. EDIT: Only small edit since change is not extremely important: May 7th, 2021 Crafting Section: * Added another failure check - if you didn't have an option for "#% Physical Damage" veiled mod, choose any chaos/minion prefix and go back to step 2. * Added small comment about expensive version being well... expensive, especially if luck is not on your side. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides Editado por útlima vez por DankawSL#2030 en 7 may. 2021 18:59:42
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hey i only got 9 exalt do i buy the belt or the farrul's fur?
btw i have 6L lioneyes bow and 6L rare body armor which items do i prioritize? and i saw on ur gear u were using less duration support and less wift affication or something does that help u a lot in terms of damage? or is it just optional? i currently use a support gem for my extra socket slot so othat i can have 2 charges of blink arrow and less cooldown is that fine? 1 last thing is i want to swap herald of purity to some other reservational skill which one would be best option to use with quality blood and sand + Malevolence ? Editado por útlima vez por blackpussyy#1512 en 9 may. 2021 12:40:33
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Hi there, I was wondering if it would be viable to run Ensnaring Arrow with a siege ballista instead of barrage? Or would that ruin things?
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" I do explain everything in my guide. Levelling section exists to help you progress. It's quite obvious you didn't take a look at it. Ryslatha's Coil takes priority over Farrul's Fur. It's invaluable. Less Duration linked with Aspect of the Cat is required in Classic build to cycle through Aspect phases quicker. Swift Affliction serves same purpose, altho this time it's coincidental. I simply wanted to keep levelling it 20/20. Yes, if you have a free socket then Second Wind linked with Blink Arrow (and in your case Steelskin) is a great addition. There's nothing that can really replace Herald of Purity. I suggest you to stick with it. Sentinels created by it are very helpful. If you really want to remove it, then you can use War Banner instead, but if you do then you should also use Pride since both require closer proximity to enemies in order to make use of them. " You can use Ensnaring Arrow with Ballista Totem support, but then you won't be able to curse enemies with that setup. You'll need a source of "Curse enemies with Vulnerability on Hit" or curse enemies in some other way. Overall i don't recommend. Barrage applies maximum slow very fast and on demand. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
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What's the boss rotation? Do you spam rain of arrows in the time puncture ticks or do you spam puncture with ensnaring arrow
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can i use this build with SA setup, or isnt worth it?
Editado por útlima vez por Waazzy#6971 en 16 may. 2021 18:28:02
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Not talking much since i'm slowly pushing for 100 and some end game gear. Overall at this point ultimatums are trivial as well as almost any content in the game. Some boss encounters can be scary survivability wise but usually i still survive with sliver of health. I could still use few more upgrades before i record another set of videos (high budget).
" There's no exact procedure. Most of the time you have Vaal RoA when you get to the boss, so you start with it to constantly apply Maim on a boss (linked with Maim Support for more damage) over long period of time. Then you just use Puncture as much as possible while making sure enemy is pinned with Ensnaring arrow. What exactly you do depends on an enemy. As for me... well... i don't use Puncture anymore. Classic build still works just fine. " FAQ: I don't like Rain of Arrows, can i use Split Arrow instead? A: While not advised, yes you can do it. However you must link it with Pierce or Chain support. Without these supports, it won't clear well. Rain of Arrows is simply much more versatile without giving up too much damage. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
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