{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀

Can a experienced players take a quick look at my character? I'm doing quite good, and the builds just melts all contenct so far. Just wanted an idea on what to focus from now. Im currently saving for a higher ES chest, and a ES on Hit Watcher's Eye.
Thanks in advance.
Is there any other way to leech ES? The cheapest watchers eye is 12ex. I dont feel like putting that much into ES leech.
First, i want to thank you for this awesome Guide :)

Second, I want to know how u guys are already getting that sick Equipment (Boots, Claw and Helmet). They are kinda impossible to find or very expensive. I would be glad if I can enlight me :)

You can also write me a Message if u don't want ur secrets to be spoiled :D
ShadowRoA escribió:
First, i want to thank you for this awesome Guide :)

Second, I want to know how u guys are already getting that sick Equipment (Boots, Claw and Helmet). They are kinda impossible to find or very expensive. I would be glad if I can enlight me :)

You can also write me a Message if u don't want ur secrets to be spoiled :D

For the last two leagues:

* Got lucky with an Exalted or two before completing acts allowing me to get OK stuff earlier than normal (for me)
* Once in maps pick up every unidentified rare and sell via the chaos recipe
* Get lucky with drops to sell - especially via the temple or the syndicate hideouts.
* Keep an eye on trade and flip popular items - this league it would most likely be something with Bows, last league it was items for us.

I must say, anecdotally, that I seem to get the most currency from Delving.

There is a reason the company is called Grinding gear games....we are meant to grind for our goodies :)

ShadowRoA escribió:
First, i want to thank you for this awesome Guide :)

Second, I want to know how u guys are already getting that sick Equipment (Boots, Claw and Helmet). They are kinda impossible to find or very expensive. I would be glad if I can enlight me :)

You can also write me a Message if u don't want ur secrets to be spoiled :D

Grp of 15 mates we all play different specs and share loot that is good for each other rather, than sell them that is how i have my some of my gear, and a 12 ex jewel that makes this build super tanky, Also rng and luck i had 4 ex drop and sold 2 x wands for 5 ex. Also depends on how much you play and if you sell and trade makes a huge difference.
sasja escribió:
ona_velzy escribió:

looking at your gear, in the glove, you have your CWDT gem after the desecrate gem, IIR from the 3.8 pages, the CWDT has to come before the desecrate or it won't proc. if i have it wrong, lmk, because i don't have a glove yet with the right sequence

It doesn't matter where in the sequence cwdt comes, but the linked skills get triggered in order from left upper one and clockwise.

I went back to the guide on page 123 and saw where I had gotten it wrong. He had advised making sure the desecrate comes before spirit offering. Sorry i got it wrong. it's been a while for me.

sasja escribió:
My seasonal wish for this guide is for a short rework for 3.9. It has become too confusing to refer back to what was originally written when 3.8 was on the way (where the first build option is agony crawler, which is not recommended anymore). I played the build last league and I still enjoy it a lot this league, though I would love to see some more tweaks, so it doesn't feel like the same only weaker. Happy holidays everyone.

First off, big thanks for the guide! Really helped make starting and navigating POE much easier when I joined the game about a mth ago (3.8).

Though I have to agree with Sasja. As a new player in POE, this guide was already slightly confusing to follow when I first started at tail end of November. Took me a good 2 weeks to realise some parts were outdated and no longer relevant. With the 3.9 changes, I can only imagine if someone new came in, how hard it would be for them to follow the guide.

For example, I see that we should look at page 234 for updates for 3.9 But 234 is empty. Information is kinda all over the place and even though this build is my first build I used to learn the game, with 3.9, I had problems following and finding information.

A rework to remove all the irrelevant things would be massively helpful for newer people following the guide.
Editado por útlima vez por hlghwlnd#0310 en 25 dic. 2019 19:35:57
How good are Banner skills affect our DPS?
Do we need Unending Hunger?
What about using Sporeguard and then anointing a good notable passive?

Man, this league is hard for a scrub like me. Most enemies on tier 15 - 16 can one shoot you unexpectedly if the map mods is a little bit rippy. I can't imagine the SSFHC
SirNicolasIV escribió:
Can a experienced players take a quick look at my character? I'm doing quite good, and the builds just melts all contenct so far. Just wanted an idea on what to focus from now. Im currently saving for a higher ES chest, and a ES on Hit Watcher's Eye.
Thanks in advance.

Getting a helmet with minion damage as well as the gem levels in it would be a pretty nice single target damage boost, but until then swap out maim for minion damage support for around 20% more damage.
You don't need bleed removal on your flask thanks to the Bone Barrier ascendancy point. Bone Armour has really good uptime so I spam mine to keep it up as much as possible. You can swap out a flask for a Silver Flask that will give you Onslaught (20% movement speed) and I'm also using an Amethyst flask since I've been seeing a decent amount of Chaos damage this league and also a Quartz Flask for phasing and some dodge chance. I know Rumi's Concoction is popular with summoner as well for more defenses.
When looking for a new chest consider trying to find one with an open prefix so you can get the craft "10% of maximum life gained as extra maximum energy shield" That craft alone is giving me an extra 900 energy shield.
ShadowRoA escribió:
First, i want to thank you for this awesome Guide :)

Second, I want to know how u guys are already getting that sick Equipment (Boots, Claw and Helmet). They are kinda impossible to find or very expensive. I would be glad if I can enlight me :)

You can also write me a Message if u don't want ur secrets to be spoiled :D

There are a few secrets, but the people who find them or know them don't share them with anyone. The best advice I can give is to play as much as you can on the first few days of the league & also play efficiently. Getting to high tier maps in the first week of the league can make you a huge amount of money from selling the extra ones that drop. Roll as many maps as you can and then put them into a separate stash tab. Take one out, clear it as fast as possible and then put all the loot you got from that map into that tab or another one and take the next map out and run that. Time spent sitting in your hideout looking up items on trade to see if they're worth anything is time you're not mapping and making money. Give yourself a bit of spare time at the end of each session to go through everything you picked up and price it/vendor it. Don't pick up garbage. If you want to make currency fast then you shouldn't be stopping to pick up everything that drops. Don't sell things for 1 chaos or whatever, it shouldn't be worth your time leaving your map to sell it.
Make a specialized build. There's a bunch of currency to be made from things like Uber Lab, Delve, Uber Atziri, Hall of Grandmasters etc because a lot of players either can't do the content or don't enjoy doing it. I made 3-4 ex from running 2 shapers last week because not many people were able to do the content at that point, but also because it is rarer this league and costs more to access.

acezero789 escribió:
How good are Banner skills affect our DPS?
Do we need Unending Hunger?
What about using Sporeguard and then anointing a good notable passive?

Man, this league is hard for a scrub like me. Most enemies on tier 15 - 16 can one shoot you unexpectedly if the map mods is a little bit rippy. I can't imagine the SSFHC

Banner skills aren't great. They only gain stages when we get kills, not our minions so we would get them at their base effect. They also require us to be in the middle of the fight which isn't the best place to be as that's where most of the enemy AoE will be going and there's a lot of area damage this league. Keep in mind they also reserve another 10% mana and with Hatred (50%) and Skitterbots Or Discipline (35%) we would only have 5% mana left unreserved if we add in a banner and we still need to be able to summon skeletons for boss fights (multiple times against tough bosses like Sirus) so 5% mana is to low in my opinion to be able to keep up the maximum number of skeletons comfortably.
The less accuracy from Dread Banner is alright for a bit of defense, but it doesn't do anything against spells which is what a lot of the end game bosses use. Using enfeeble as well or taking Acrobatics on the tree would make it a lot more appealing.
The Impale doesn't do much for us. It's less than 30% chance to impale while linked to generosity. Hatred + Grip of the Council give us over 50% of our physical damage as extra cold damage as well as the more cold damage from Hatred. Because of this, the actual amount of damage gained from Impale is very low. I'm sure @Hercanic will do the math if he sees your question but It would probably work out to 10% more damage at most.
War Banner will work out to be a similar amount of extra damage but the extra accuracy does nothing for our minions since they will already be at 100% chance to hit.

Unending Hunger isn't necessary but it is a nice boost to clearing. I upgraded almost all of my other gear before buying one.

Sporeguard isn't worth it. 2 of the 3 effects are when YOU kill an enemy which almost never happens and the 3rd requires us to be standing still which is pretty much a death sentence. Even at top ES + life rolls, it gives me 148 less life and 1208 less energy shield. Crafting "10% of Maximum Life gained as extra maximum Energy Shield" is just too good to give up. It's worth 900 es to me right now but was worth even more last league.
If you really want another anoint, you could use "The Stampede" since they let you cyclone at the full movement speed (although I go faster with my flasks up) and you're not losing out on too much else. Dodge chance, Life, ES and some resistances is what you lose while gaining a flask slot or 2 and the notable passive. I don't think it's worth it but I know a fair few other summoners like using them so it comes down to preference.

If you're struggling with certain mods, reroll them. I've been rerolling 200% extra elemental damage this league since it gets a bit crazier than it used to. You can use a cast while channeling setup for cyclone with Desecrate & Spirit offering to give yourself a reliable amount of extra energy shield as well as the recovery. This works well with The Stampede because you can cyclone as fast as you can run. I've died a few times in doorways to extra projectiles/chain maps. Dropping a set a skeletons into the doorway before you go in means you'll get hit a lot less. As for metamorph fights, I just stay around the outer edge of the fight moving in a circle while my skeletons kill. The only metamorph I've died to in a long time was a twinned tier 15 Courthouse where I think I put in 4 rare organs & got 1 shot because I didn't give the boss enough space and he hit me with the edge of his aoe.

Yes, I was using Avatar of Fire with my shaper weapon but I dropped it when I stopped using whirling blades and switched to the sceptre.
@ everyone:
I've finally completed all the Reserved Posts! Feels good to be caught up! =o)

If your name is among those listed, be sure to check out the responses! If not, it can still be worthwhile to take a look, as I try to include as much useful knowledge as I can!

EDIT: Also finished the Top 5 ladder from Blight League! The artwork was used in the last ranking; it's a stand-in until I get back home.

@ sasja & hlghwlnd:
Full Posts & Proceeding Conversation
sasja escribió:
My seasonal wish for this guide is for a short rework for 3.9. It has become too confusing to refer back to what was originally written when 3.8 was on the way (where the first build option is agony crawler, which is not recommended anymore). I played the build last league and I still enjoy it a lot this league, though I would love to see some more tweaks, so it doesn't feel like the same only weaker. Happy holidays everyone.
hlghwlnd escribió:
First off, big thanks for the guide! Really helped make starting and navigating POE much easier when I joined the game about a mth ago (3.8).

Though I have to agree with Sasja. As a new player in POE, this guide was already slightly confusing to follow when I first started at tail end of November. Took me a good 2 weeks to realise some parts were outdated and no longer relevant. With the 3.9 changes, I can only imagine if someone new came in, how hard it would be for them to follow the guide.

For example, I see that we should look at page 234 for updates for 3.9 But 234 is empty. Information is kinda all over the place and even though this build is my first build I used to learn the game, with 3.9, I had problems following and finding information.

A rework to remove all the irrelevant things would be massively helpful for newer people following the guide.
rework for 3.9

Oh I perfectly understand that the presentation of the current build incarnation is scattered and hard to follow. I will definitely be working on the rewrite when I get back from the holidays (Jan 4th).

Because of the rarity of Uber Elder now, Watcher's Eyes have become very expensive. This causes the recovery option of the 3.8 build to be hard to attain, and thus it's hard to recommend now. There's still the CwC Spirit Offering option, but if we're dropping Ball Lightning anyway, then I'm feeling the Triad Grip variant would be the best route. Now that I know the gloves are part of the base game and a fairly common and cheap drop, I can confidently recommend them.

As such, the Triad Grip build will become the official version of Speaker going forward.

@ xaeror35:
xaeror35 escribió:
Is there any other way to leech ES? The cheapest watchers eye is 12ex. I dont feel like putting that much into ES leech.

ES Leech caps at 10% regen, so it's not really worth it for us compared to ES on Hit or triggering Spirit Offering constantly. But your options would be:

1. Soulrend w/ Added Lightning to Spells jewel/craft (replacing Ball Lightning)
2. Energy Leech Support (replacing GMP)
3. Passive tree notables

ES on Hit, by the way, like any Gain on Hit, is not Leech, and has no cap or delay, which is what made it so good.

@ acezero789:
Full Post & Proceeding Conversation
acezero789 escribió:
How good are Banner skills affect our DPS?
Do we need Unending Hunger?
What about using Sporeguard and then anointing a good notable passive?

Man, this league is hard for a scrub like me. Most enemies on tier 15 - 16 can one shoot you unexpectedly if the map mods is a little bit rippy. I can't imagine the SSFHC
Dashbb escribió:
SirNicolasIV escribió:
Can a experienced players take a quick look at my character? I'm doing quite good, and the builds just melts all contenct so far. Just wanted an idea on what to focus from now. Im currently saving for a higher ES chest, and a ES on Hit Watcher's Eye.
Thanks in advance.

Getting a helmet with minion damage as well as the gem levels in it would be a pretty nice single target damage boost, but until then swap out maim for minion damage support for around 20% more damage.
You don't need bleed removal on your flask thanks to the Bone Barrier ascendancy point. Bone Armour has really good uptime so I spam mine to keep it up as much as possible. You can swap out a flask for a Silver Flask that will give you Onslaught (20% movement speed) and I'm also using an Amethyst flask since I've been seeing a decent amount of Chaos damage this league and also a Quartz Flask for phasing and some dodge chance. I know Rumi's Concoction is popular with summoner as well for more defenses.
When looking for a new chest consider trying to find one with an open prefix so you can get the craft "10% of maximum life gained as extra maximum energy shield" That craft alone is giving me an extra 900 energy shield.
ShadowRoA escribió:
First, i want to thank you for this awesome Guide :)

Second, I want to know how u guys are already getting that sick Equipment (Boots, Claw and Helmet). They are kinda impossible to find or very expensive. I would be glad if I can enlight me :)

You can also write me a Message if u don't want ur secrets to be spoiled :D

There are a few secrets, but the people who find them or know them don't share them with anyone. The best advice I can give is to play as much as you can on the first few days of the league & also play efficiently. Getting to high tier maps in the first week of the league can make you a huge amount of money from selling the extra ones that drop. Roll as many maps as you can and then put them into a separate stash tab. Take one out, clear it as fast as possible and then put all the loot you got from that map into that tab or another one and take the next map out and run that. Time spent sitting in your hideout looking up items on trade to see if they're worth anything is time you're not mapping and making money. Give yourself a bit of spare time at the end of each session to go through everything you picked up and price it/vendor it. Don't pick up garbage. If you want to make currency fast then you shouldn't be stopping to pick up everything that drops. Don't sell things for 1 chaos or whatever, it shouldn't be worth your time leaving your map to sell it.
Make a specialized build. There's a bunch of currency to be made from things like Uber Lab, Delve, Uber Atziri, Hall of Grandmasters etc because a lot of players either can't do the content or don't enjoy doing it. I made 3-4 ex from running 2 shapers last week because not many people were able to do the content at that point, but also because it is rarer this league and costs more to access.

acezero789 escribió:
How good are Banner skills affect our DPS?
Do we need Unending Hunger?
What about using Sporeguard and then anointing a good notable passive?

Man, this league is hard for a scrub like me. Most enemies on tier 15 - 16 can one shoot you unexpectedly if the map mods is a little bit rippy. I can't imagine the SSFHC

Banner skills aren't great. They only gain stages when we get kills, not our minions so we would get them at their base effect. They also require us to be in the middle of the fight which isn't the best place to be as that's where most of the enemy AoE will be going and there's a lot of area damage this league. Keep in mind they also reserve another 10% mana and with Hatred (50%) and Skitterbots Or Discipline (35%) we would only have 5% mana left unreserved if we add in a banner and we still need to be able to summon skeletons for boss fights (multiple times against tough bosses like Sirus) so 5% mana is to low in my opinion to be able to keep up the maximum number of skeletons comfortably.
The less accuracy from Dread Banner is alright for a bit of defense, but it doesn't do anything against spells which is what a lot of the end game bosses use. Using enfeeble as well or taking Acrobatics on the tree would make it a lot more appealing.
The Impale doesn't do much for us. It's less than 30% chance to impale while linked to generosity. Hatred + Grip of the Council give us over 50% of our physical damage as extra cold damage as well as the more cold damage from Hatred. Because of this, the actual amount of damage gained from Impale is very low. I'm sure @Hercanic will do the math if he sees your question but It would probably work out to 10% more damage at most.
War Banner will work out to be a similar amount of extra damage but the extra accuracy does nothing for our minions since they will already be at 100% chance to hit.

Unending Hunger isn't necessary but it is a nice boost to clearing. I upgraded almost all of my other gear before buying one.

Sporeguard isn't worth it. 2 of the 3 effects are when YOU kill an enemy which almost never happens and the 3rd requires us to be standing still which is pretty much a death sentence. Even at top ES + life rolls, it gives me 148 less life and 1208 less energy shield. Crafting "10% of Maximum Life gained as extra maximum Energy Shield" is just too good to give up. It's worth 900 es to me right now but was worth even more last league.
If you really want another anoint, you could use "The Stampede" since they let you cyclone at the full movement speed (although I go faster with my flasks up) and you're not losing out on too much else. Dodge chance, Life, ES and some resistances is what you lose while gaining a flask slot or 2 and the notable passive. I don't think it's worth it but I know a fair few other summoners like using them so it comes down to preference.

If you're struggling with certain mods, reroll them. I've been rerolling 200% extra elemental damage this league since it gets a bit crazier than it used to. You can use a cast while channeling setup for cyclone with Desecrate & Spirit offering to give yourself a reliable amount of extra energy shield as well as the recovery. This works well with The Stampede because you can cyclone as fast as you can run. I've died a few times in doorways to extra projectiles/chain maps. Dropping a set a skeletons into the doorway before you go in means you'll get hit a lot less. As for metamorph fights, I just stay around the outer edge of the fight moving in a circle while my skeletons kill. The only metamorph I've died to in a long time was a twinned tier 15 Courthouse where I think I put in 4 rare organs & got 1 shot because I didn't give the boss enough space and he hit me with the edge of his aoe.

Yes, I was using Avatar of Fire with my shaper weapon but I dropped it when I stopped using whirling blades and switched to the sceptre.
How good are Banner skills affect our DPS?

Only ~half our damage is Physical in the 3.8 build, with the rest being Cold and Chaos. This means the two banner skills, which only affect Physical damage, will be half as effective.

War Banner
11% phys taken * 1.49 aura effect (quality + Generosity) * 0.5 phys portion of DPS = ~8% more damage
The accuracy mod is meaningless for us, as our minions have well over 3k already.

Dread Banner
Impale is (10*5=) 50% more phys damage, but only applies to Attacks.
(No benefit to Phantasms, who cast a phys spell.)
Impale Effect = 19% * 1.49 aura effect (quality + Generosity) = 28%
Impale Chance = 20% * 1.49 aura effect (quality + Generosity) = 30%
50% impale dmg * 1.28 effect * 0.3 chance * 0.5 phys portion of DPS = ~10% more attack damage.
21% less enemy accuracy results in a 5% chance to evade.

Do we need Unending Hunger?

No, but it gives Spectres damage reduction and infinite cast speed. It's a great addition for map clearing and defending against waves of enemies like Delve nodes.

What about using Sporeguard and then anointing a good notable passive?

The "you Kill" Sporeguard mods exclude minion kills. The only way for us to get Fungal Ground is to stand still next to the target, which is very risky.

Our ES chest with the "10% Life as Extra ES" craft provides way more protection than any notable.

Sporeguard would, however, make an interesting option for an Animated Guardian:

You have Fungal Ground around you while stationary

Allies on your Fungal Ground gain 10% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage

Enemies on your Fungal Ground deal 10% less Damage

The Chaos Damage mod would double-dip on our minions' base phys and converted cold damage with Triad Grip.
Editado por útlima vez por Hercanic#3982 en 29 dic. 2019 23:31:04

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